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Everyone has got shopping to do sometimes. Bazaar28 is a game for one or more people who wonder where their favourite models buy their
equipment and supplies from.

Set Up
How to play

Set up a small board with scenery and models, including at least The player may move their model up to three inches in any
four market Stalls and at least six models to represent the Crowd. direction. If their move finishes with the model touching a stall, they
The more, the better. can Shop. Players may not Shop unless they are in front of the
Stall. No backdoor deals!
Each player begins with twelve (12) Coins. The aim of the game is
to successfully get your shopping from three Stalls. Whoever
successfully gets their shopping and leaves first, if at all, is the

Players begin with their models on a table edge of their choice, at Shopping
least three inches away from any other players and from any Stall.
Roll a D6. The number is the amount of coins it costs to Shop at the
Players will roll off to see who goes first each round. The highest Stall. If the player is unhappy with the result, they may try to
roll wins. Haggle.
On a 4, the player loses their next move as they bump into a fellow
shopper and spill their groceries, losing one of their groceries and
having to try again.
Haggling On a 5, the player is dragged into a conversation by someone who
remembers them and loses their next move.
On a 6, the player loses a coin to a pickpocket.
To Haggle, roll a D6. If the player rolls under the price, the cost is
reduced by one. If the player rolls under half the price, it is reduced
Do not roll on this table if the Crowd finishes within an inch of a
by two. If the player rolls a 6, the Stallkeeper adds an extra coin to
Stall: they’re shopping too.
the cost out of spite.

The player may choose to accept this new price or go shopping

elsewhere. Regardless, the player may not shop at that Stall again. Winning
The Crowd The player wins by buying three Groceries and moving to a board
edge. If there is more than one player, the player who makes it to
the edge first with their three groceries is the winner. If no player
Once the players have moved and/or Shopped, the Crowd moves.
manages to buy three Groceries, then the player with the most
Every model that is not controlled by a player and is not manning a
remaining coins is the Winner. If there is still a tie, everyone is a
Stall is considered Crowd. Each Crowd moves D6 inches in a
failure. Try again tomorrow.
random direction, stopping for obstacles, the board edge, or other

If a Crowd stops within an inch of a player’s Model, roll a D6.

On a 1-3 nothing happens

Optional Rules
Before the game begins, players may agree to use any of the additional rules listed.

Half-Inched Hot Commodity

An unscrupulous or desperate player may try to Steal from a Stall Select a Stall. All players must buy one Grocery from that Stall to
instead of Shopping. To Steal, roll a D6. win.

On a 6, the theft is successful and the required grocery is pocketed. Mum’s List
On a 3, 4, or 5, there’s no opening to rob the Stall and the attempt Instead of approaching any Stall, the player must select 3 Stalls at
is wasted. random to get their groceries from. In games with more than one
On a 1 or 2 the player is caught and thrown out of the market! They player, the other player selects the Stalls.
lose the game.

Add one to the roll if the player is around the back of the Stall.

Beat the Rush

Instead of rolling for the prices during each Shop, all prices begin at
1 and increase by 1 every round. Players may not haggle.

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