punctuation 문제

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Directions: Read each sentence. Choose the punctuation mark that is needed
in the sentence. If no more punctuation is needed, choose “None.”

Example: Do you think the film is scary

D None

1. The clouds were dark, and the wind was getting stronger.
D None

2. Jody please don’t forget to feed the cat.

J None

3. “Your brother just called,” said Aziz.

D None

4. Alex Lucy, and Malia all went to the movies.


J None

5. “Please take out the trash” Mom said.

D None

6. How much money do we need

J None

Directions: Choose the line that has a punctuation error. If there is no error,
choose “No mistakes.”

A Purple finches often build their nests
B in hanging baskets. like ferns.
C They lay four or five eggs.
D No mistakes

F I found out how to plant a
G seed and make it grow. It
H grew into a beautiful plant.
J No mistakes

3. A Shandra shook her head.

B She had missed the bus again,

C and she knew shed be late for school.

D No mistakes

F 308 Market Street
G Farmland, MI 44567
H May 14, 2011
J No mistakes

A Dear Sir,
B I am returning this watch. It has not worked since I got it in the mail.
C Please refund my money?
D No mistakes

F I will expect a reply soon.
G Sincerely
H Albert Jones
J No mistakes

Directions: Choose the word or words that fit best in the blank and show
correct punctuation.

7. Please wash your _______car today.

A father’s
B Father’s
C fathers’
D fathers’s

8. _______don’t forget your backpack.


F Rita
G Rita:
H Rita,
J Rita;

9. We will be going to ________ this summer.

A Washington: D.C.
B Washington, dc
C washington dc
D Washington, D.C.,

Capitalization and Punctuation

Directions: Choose the sentence that shows correct punctuation and

A Lena whispered, “This is a great movie.”
B “Don’t forget your money said Mother.”
C Are there seats up front?” asked Dylan?
D “let’s get popcorn” suggested Wanda.

F Mrs. Shields writes about sports for our local newspaper.
G Did Dr. Robinson call yet.
H Please give this to miss Jung.
J This is Mr McCoy’s bicycle.

Directions: Choose the best way to write the underlined part of each
sentence. If the underlined part is correct, choose “Correct as it is.”

3. Somehow, the shoe landed on Felipe sanchez’s lawn.


A felipe sanchez’s lawn

B Felipe Sanchez’s lawn
C Felipe sanchez’s Lawn
D Correct as it is

4. Rachel bought a new necklace but she lost it.

F necklace but,
G necklace, but
H necklace. But
J Correct as it is

5. “Don’t change the channel!” yelled Ben’s little sister.

A channel” yelled
B channel.” yelled,
C channel.” yelled
D Correct as it is

Directions: Choose the best way to write the underlined part of each
sentence. If the underlined part is correct, choose “Correct as it is.”

Rico said, “Watch (1) what I can do.” He rode his bike to the middle of the
driveway. And (2) balanced himself on the back wheel. I’ll bet (3) there isn’t
another kid in mayfield who (4) can do that.

A said, Watch
B said, “watch
C said “Watch
D Correct as it is


F driveway and
G driveway and,
H driveway And
J Correct as it is

A Ill bet
B Ill’ bet
C i’ll bet
D Correct as it is

F Mayfield. Who
G Mayfield who
H Mayfield, who
J Correct as it is

January 5 2012, (5)

Dear Jaden (6)
My mom said you are coming to see us next month. If the weather is
right, we can go skiing, sledding, or (7) ice skating. You can borrow my
brother’s skis and skates.
See you soon.
Your Cousin, (8)

A January 5, 2012
B January 5 2012
C January 5, 2012,
D Correct as it is

F Dear Jaden
G dear jaden
H Dear Jaden,
J Correct as it is

A skiing sledding or
B skiing, sledding, or,
C skiing sledding or,
D Correct as it is

F Your Cousin
G Your cousin,
H your Cousin,
J Correct as it is

Directions: Choose the answer that best fits in the blank and shows correct
capitalization and

1. Do you think we should go swimming, ________

A Sam?
B sam.
C sam!
D Sam.

2. The new mall will open on __________ .

F may 1 2012
G May, 1 2012
H may 1, 2012

J May 1, 2012

Directions: Read the passage below. Choose the answer that shows the best
way to write the
underlined part.
(1) Can you imagine finding a bottle with a message inside––or perhaps one
containing money? (2) bottles may travel thousands of miles in the ocean. (3)
Not long ago, a child in new york found a bottle that had been washed up on
the beach. (4) Inside was 1,700 (5) After waiting a year, the youngster was
allowed to keep the money.
3. In sentence 1, money? is best written
A money!
B money.
C Money?
D Correct as it is

4. In sentence 2, bottles is best written

F Bottles;
G Bottles,
H Bottles
J Correct as it is

5. In sentence 3, new york is best written

A New York
B New York,
C New york
D Correct as it is

6. In sentence 4, 1,700 is best written

F 1700.
G $1,700!
H $1,700?

J Correct as it is

Directions: Rewrite the sentences below using the correct capitalization and
1. tyson began singing the star-spangled banner
2. vikram read an article about canadian geese in a magazine
3. we sold school supplies to help raise money for the red cross
4. i’m really glad you are here abby said
5. will you tell dr singh i called
6. riley will be the champion of west jefferson little league
7. i suggest you go to the library to do research said mom
8. has amina been reading james and the giant peach all afternoon

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