Harkins Susten 2003 Hair Analysis Exploring The State of The Science

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Research Meeting Report

Hair Analysis: Exploring the State of the Science

Deanna K. Harkins1 and Allan S. Susten2
1U.S.Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, USA; 2Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

obtained from commercial laboratories. Many

On 12–13 June 2001, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) convened a of these laboratories advertise their ability to
seven-member panel in Atlanta, Georgia, to review and discuss the current state of the science related identify in hair samples harmful levels of toxic
to hair analysis, specifically its use in assessing environmental exposures in support of the agency’s substances and deficiencies of essential nutri-
public health assessment activities. ATSDR invited scientific experts in the fields of hair analysis, tox- ents. The recently published case reports
icology, and medicine to participate in a discussion of such topics as analytical methods, factors about the pitfalls of hair analysis (Frisch and
affecting the interpretation of analytical results, toxicologic considerations, and data gaps and Schwartz 2002) are similar to the experiences
research needs. The goal of the panel was to determine the overall utility of hair analysis as a tool to ATSDR has encountered, one of which served
evaluate exposure at hazardous waste sites. The principal lesson learned from the meeting was that, as an impetus for convening the expert panel
for most substances, data are insufficient to predict health effects from the concentration of the sub- (ATSDR 2001). In accordance with its mis-
stance in hair. The presence of a substance in hair may indicate exposure (both internal and external) sion, the agency wants to use the best science
but does not necessarily indicate the source of exposure. Thus, before hair analysis can be considered to provide trusted health information to con-
a valid tool for assessing exposure and health impact of a particular substance, research is needed to cerned communities and individuals.
establish standardized reference ranges, gain a better understanding of biologic variations of hair
growth with age, gender, race and ethnicity, and pharmacokinetics, and further explore possible The Panel Meeting
dose–response relationships. ATSDR intends to use the findings of this panel to develop educational The panel consisted of seven experts represent-
materials to support its site work and to encourage researchers to continue to develop methods that ing a broad range of experience, interest, and
may facilitate reliable exposure assessments. Key words: analytical methods, arsenic, data gaps, envi- affiliations. Panel members were Robert
ronmental contamination, exposure assessment, limitations, methyl mercury, reference ranges. Baratz, Thomas Clarkson, Michael Greenberg,
Environ Health Perspect 111:576–578 (2003). doi:10.1289/ehp.5842 available via http://dx.doi.org/ Michael Kosnett, Dan Paschal, and Sharon
[Online 3 December 2002] Seidel. LuAnn White chaired the meeting. For
more complete biographical information on
each of the panelists, refer to the panel sum-
Recently, the Agency for Toxic Substances rather than relying on default exposure mary report (ATSDR 2001).
and Disease Registry (ATSDR) explored assumptions to strengthen and support its The panel’s goal was to determine the
human hair analysis as a potential additional public health assessments and recommended overall utility of hair analysis as a tool to eval-
tool to assess exposure. Hair analysis may have public health actions. Among the measures uate exposure at hazardous waste sites. The
useful applications in forensic investigations being used are biologic measures of exposure panel was charged to address the following
for trace elements (Fletcher 1982), in screen- (typically target substances or metabolites in series of questions:
ing for the use of illicit drugs (Valente et al. blood and urine), point-of-contact environ- • For what substances do reliable hair analysis
1981), and in exposure assessment for some mental measures (e.g., personal air samplers), methods exist?
occupational settings (Foo et al. 1993; Taylor geographic information systems (GIS) inte- • When is it appropriate to consider hair
1986). However, the general utility of hair grated with fate and transport models, and analysis in assessing human exposures to
analysis to assess environmental exposures direct observations made by the health assess- environmental contamination?
(Bencko 1995; Frisch and Schwartz 2002; ment team during site visits. Integrating these • What data gaps exist that limit the interpre-
Hammer et al. 1971; Hindmarsh 2002; techniques has increased our capacity to assess tation and use of hair analysis in the assess-
Manson and Zlotkin 1985), especially those exposure, both qualitatively and quantitatively. ment of environmental contaminants?
that might occur because of exposure to cont- To date, ATSDR has conducted hair Before the meeting, panelists prepared
aminants from hazardous waste sites, remains analyses or worked with its state partners to written responses to a series of questions that
largely unproven (Esteban et al. 1999). obtain and analyze hair samples at only a would form the basis of the discussions
In this report, we summarize the delibera- limited number of sites. At several of these (ATSDR 2001). The questions covered a
tions of an ATSDR-sponsored expert panel sites, hair analysis was considered an adjunct wide variety of topic areas: analytical meth-
that met in June 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia, to to other biological tests (urine or blood) to ods; factors influencing the interpretations of
discuss the state of the science related to hair assess current exposures or provide informa- analytical results; toxicologic consideration;
analysis for environmental substances found tion not obtainable from blood or urine test- data gaps and research needs; and scenarios
at hazardous waste sites (ATSDR 2001). The ing, particularly where past exposures may for which hair analysis may be appropriate.
panel consisted of individuals representing have been a concern. At certain times, the Each panelist was provided with copies of
state and federal government agencies, acade- agency has performed hair analysis to assure several publications (Barrett 1985; Hopps
mia, and the private sector and whose exper- communities that all possible tools are being 1977; Miekeley et al. 1998; Seidel et al. 2001;
tise, interests, and experience covered a wide used to assess exposure. However, before Sky-Peck 1990; Steindel and Howanitz 2001;
range of technical disciplines critical to the embarking on more routine hair sampling at
issues being discussed. This report highlights sites, ATSDR needs to know whether the sci- Address correspondence to A.S. Susten, Mail Stop
the lessons ATSDR learned from the panel ence supports this effort and determine when E-32, ATSDR, 1600 Clifton Rd., NE, Atlanta, GA
deliberations about the utility of hair analysis it is appropriate. 30333 USA. Telephone: (404) 498-0007. Fax: (404)
498-0073. E-mail: asusten@cdc.gov
to assess exposure to contaminants. Second, the agency is increasingly being We thank A. Olin, O. Harris, R. Wagner, and R.
ATSDR’s recent interest in hair analysis is requested by communities to perform hair Spengler for helpful comments and suggestions on
2-fold. First, the agency is seeking and using analysis and also to interpret the public health the report.
more direct and specific measures of exposure implications of individual residents’ reports Received 17 June 2002; accepted 11 October 2002.

576 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 4 | April 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Meeting Report | Hair Analysis

Wennig 2000; Yoshinaga et al. 1990) that methyl mercury (and perhaps arsenic), data • Unselective analytical approach of multi-
focused the discussions, as well as a bibliogra- are insufficient to reliably indicate the source element analysis, which sacrifices accuracy
phy of additional literature pertaining to hair of exposure and the internal dose or predict a and/or sensitivity for each specific element
analysis (ATSDR 2001). Panelists were also resultant health effect from the measurement • Intralaboratory variability in results and
asked to identify additional relevant references of a particular substance in hair. interpretations
to accompany their premeeting comments. Conclusions. a) Measurement of a sub- • Interlaboratory variability in reference
Panel discussions were held in an open stance in a hair sample could indicate expo- ranges, results, and interpretation.
public forum that was attended by approxi- sure; however, it may not indicate internal The panelists agreed that laboratory
mately 50 observers. Panel discussions focused exposure or the source of the exposure. b) For methodologies and procedures should be stan-
on gaining a better understanding of the science most substances, data are insufficient to pre- dardized to help ensure more accurate and
related to the analysis of contaminants in hair dict a health effect from the measurement of reliable results (this includes establishing con-
and, most important, the interpretation of the substance in hair. sistent sampling protocols, washing protocols,
results with respect to environmental exposure When is it appropriate/inappropriate to QA/QC procedures, etc.).
from hazardous waste releases. consider hair analysis in assessing human Conclusions. Laboratory procedures for
Several time periods were designated exposures to environmental contamination? hair analysis should be standardized to help
specifically for observers to ask questions and While scalp hair growth rates are generally ensure more accurate and reliable results.
provide comments. These comments are sum- cited as being approximately 12 cm/year or The panelists identified several other fac-
marized in the final meeting report along with about 1 cm/month, actual rates may vary tors and data gaps that limit the interpreta-
the panelist’s responses as appropriate (ATSDR between 0.6 and 3.6 cm/month (Harkey tion of even the most accurate, reliable, and
2001). In all cases, the observers were encour- 1993). Because of this variability, the panel reproducible laboratory results, including:
aged to also submit their comments in writing concluded that hair analysis is not generally a) The lack of reference (or background)
and to provide references to support their useful for evaluating recent exposures or those ranges in which to frame the interpretation of
statements. occurring more than 1 year ago. Segmental results. To help assessors interpret whether
ATSDR intends to use the information analysis of hair (i.e., looking at concentration detected levels are elevated as a result of envi-
and data presented during the panel meeting trends along the length of the hair) could ronmental releases, they need a better under-
to develop interim guidance for its health have a role in documenting exposures over standing of geographical or regional differences
assessors on the use and interpretation of hair time (e.g., identification of a high-dose, acute in background levels in the absence of environ-
analysis data for evaluating exposure and to exposure). However, this type of hair analysis mental exposures.
determine how best to discuss the merits and would need to be considered on an individ- b) Difficulties in distinguishing endoge-
limitations of hair analysis with an increas- ual-, substance-, and situationspecific basis. nous (internal) from exogenous (external)
ingly interested and, perhaps, misinformed Conclusions. Because of the growth rate contamination in hair. This distinction is
public. The final summary report of the panel of human hair, hair analysis is not generally important in evaluating internal doses of the
formed the foundation for the following useful for evaluating recent exposures or those substance of interest. The panelists expressed
lessons learned. occurring more than 1 year ago. Segmental different viewpoints on the effectiveness of
analyses of hair could have a role in docu- washing hair before analysis to eliminate
Lessons Learned menting exposure over time under very spe- external contamination. Identifying metabo-
During the discussions, panelists reviewed the cific circumstances. lites (or other unique markers of internal
state of the science of human hair analysis in What data gaps exist that limit the inter- exposure) for substances of interest would be
relation to exposure assessment, including the pretation and use of hair analysis in the assess- most helpful in distinguishing internal from
advantages, limitations, and research gaps. ment of environmental contaminants? No external contamination. Because exposure to
Insights gained from the panel discussion will specific section on hair analysis is included in methyl mercury is only through diet—eating
guide ATSDR staff in evaluating human hair the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act contaminated fish—and not by external
analysis as a tool in assessing exposure risk. (CLIA), which was passed in 1988 to regu- sources, this contaminant was identified by
For what substances do reliable hair late clinical testing (Seidel et al. 2001). In the panel as a unique substance that could be
analysis methods exist? Except for drugs and addition, a federally approved proficiency reliably interpreted through hair analysis as
substances of abuse, panelists concurred that testing reference laboratory or program for to source and internal dose, assuming the
accurate analytical methods for measuring hair element/mineral analysis does not exist samples are properly handled and analyzed.
organic contaminants in human hair are gen- (Seidel et al. 2001). For all elements ana- c) Incomplete understanding of how and
erally lacking. As a result, panel discussions lyzed, no hair standards are certified for labo- to what extent environmental contaminants
focused primarily on the measurement of met- ratories to validate their analytical technique are incorporated into the hair. Establishing
als and trace elements in scalp hair and on the (Seidel et al. 2001). As a result, verification the biologic plausibility of uptake of the sub-
analytical methods. Panelists considered the methods and criteria for accuracy are left up stance of concern is critical when determining
distinct differences in using hair analysis for to each laboratory (Seidel et al. 2001). Using the utility of hair analysis.
identifying exposures (is the substance reach- this information, the panelists discussed a d) The lack of correlation between levels in
ing people? does a completed pathway exist?) number of significant problems encountered hair and blood and other target tissues, as well
versus using it for predicting, diagnosing, or in the laboratory methodology of hair analysis, as the lack of epidemiologic data linking sub-
treating disease (i.e., what is the threshold for including: stance-specific hair levels with adverse health
adverse health effects?). Although analytical • Variations in hair sample scalp location and effects. Understanding these correlations is
methods can detect trace or low amounts of homogenization processes needed before hair analysis results can be used
metals in the hair, panelists identified the diffi- • Variations in laboratory sample preparation as a diagnostic tool or to predict health end
culties in determining whether the measure- and washing methods points. The panel noted that hair analysis is
ment of a substance in the hair accurately • Variations in laboratory calibration stan- not likely to serve a role in evaluating the more
reflects external exposure or internal body dards, proficiency testing, and quality assur- common health concerns associated with haz-
dose. Panelists generally agreed that except for ance/quality control (QA/QC) programs ardous waste sites (e.g., cancer, birth defects).

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 4 | April 2003 577

Meeting Report | Harkins and Susten

e) Limited data on studying organic On the basis of these issues and concerns REFERENCES
compounds in hair. The panel recommended raised by the expert panel, ATSDR is proceed-
exploring lessons learned about hair analysis ing in a careful manner to ensure that the best AMA. 1994. Hair Analysis: A Potential for Abuse. Policy No. H-
175.995. Chicago:American Medical Association.
from testing drugs of abuse. science will be used to provide trusted health ATSDR. 2001. Hair Analysis Panel Discussion: Exploring the
Conclusions. a) In most environmental information to concerned communities. State of the Science. Summary Report. Atlanta, GA:Agency
settings, with the exception of methyl mercury, ATSDR conducts public health activities at for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Available:
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HAC/hair_analysis/ [accessed 12
hair analysis is not a reliable indicator of envi- hundreds of sites a year and is frequently asked February 2003].
ronmental exposure or internal body burden or about the use of hair analysis to assess expo- Barrett S. 1985. Commercial hair analysis: science or scam?
a predictor of toxicity or disease. b) Hair sures or help interpret the results of tests indi- JAMA 254:1041–1045.
Bencko V. 1995. Use of human hair as a biomarker in the
analysis, if conducted, should be viewed only as viduals may have already had done. In these assessment of exposure to pollutants in occupational and
a supportive tool and the results put into per- instances, there is a great opportunity and environmental settings. Toxicology 101:29–39.
spective with other more reliable data (e.g., challenge to educate the community about the Esteban E, Rubin CH, Jones RL, Noonan G. 1999. Hair and blood
as substrates for screening children for lead poisoning.
blood and urine concentrations). utility and limitations of hair analysis. ATSDR Arch Environ Health 54(6): 436–440.
will proceed in the areas of education and Fletcher DJ. 1982. Hair analysis – Proven and problematic
Recommendations applied research. applications. Postgrad Med 72:79–88.
Foo SC, Khoo NY, Heng A, Chua LH, Chia SE, Ong CN, et al.
In moving forward, the group encouraged Education services. ATSDR plans to 1993. Metals in hair as biological indices for exposure. Int
standardization of sampling protocols and develop health education materials about what Arch Occup Environ Health 65:S83–S86.
identified possible research areas. Before hair hair analysis can and cannot reveal about expo- Frisch M, Schwartz BS. 2002. The pitfalls of hair analysis for
analysis can be considered a valid tool for a sure to hazardous substances in the environ- toxicants in clinical practice: three case reports. Environ
Health Perspect 110:433–436.
particular substance, research is needed to ment. These materials will be useful in Hammer DI, Finklea JF, Hendricks, RH, Shy, CM, Horton, RJM.
establish standardized reference ranges, gain a communicating to the public the serious limi- 1971. Hair trace metal levels and environmental exposure.
better understanding of hair biology (variations tations of hair analysis at this time. In addition Am J Epidemiol 93:84–92.
Harkey MR. 1993. Anatomy and physiology of hair. Forensic Sci
of hair growth with age, gender, race, and eth- to the expert panel report posted on ATSDR’s Int 63:9–18.
nicity) and pharmacokinetics, further explore website, these educational materials could eas- Hindmarsh JT. 2002. Caveats in hair analysis in chronic arsenic
possible dose–response relationships, establish ily be added to the site. The consistent message poisoning. Clin Biochem 35:1–11.
Hopps H. 1977. The biologic bases for using hair and nail analy-
whether and when hair may serve as a better will be that there is a serious absence of good ses for trace elements. Sci Total Environ 7:71–89.
measure or predictor of disease than other bio- science to support hair analyses, except for Manson P, Zlotkin S. 1985. Hair analysis: a critical review. Can
logic samples (e.g., blood or urine), and learn methyl mercury. These tests have limited use Med Assoc J 133:186–188.
Miekeley N, Dias Carneiro MTW, Porta da Silveira CL. 1998.
more about organic compounds in hair. and cannot be used to validate exposure or pre- How reliable are human hair reference intervals for trace
dict health risks. Until there is a good science elements? Sci Total Environ 218:9–17.
Summary base and reliable laboratory tests, hair analysis Seidel S, Kreutzer R, Smith D, McNeel S, Gilliss D. 2001.
Assessment of commercial laboratories performing hair
Although ATSDR did not seek a consensus for identifying environmental exposures in mineral analysis. JAMA 285:67–72.
from the panel, the panel developed the fol- individuals should be discouraged, and the Sky-Peck HH. 1990. Distribution of trace elements in human
lowing summary statement: public needs to understand the test limitations. hair. Clin Physiol Biochem 8(2): 70–80.
Research activities. ATSDR encourages Steindel SJ, Howanitz PJ. 2001. The uncertainty of hair analysis
For most substances, insufficient data currently for trace metals [Editorial]. JAMA 285(1):83–85.
exist that would allow the prediction of a health researchers to continue development of valid Taylor A. 1986. Usefulness of measurements of trace elements
effect from the concentration of the substance in analytic techniques that can accurately measure in hair. Ann Clin Biochem 23:364–378.
hair. The presence of a substance in hair may indi- specific hazardous substances in human hair. Valente D, Cassini M, Pigliapochi M, Vansetti G. 1981. Hair as
cate exposure (both internal and external), but does the sample in assessing morphine and cocaine addiction
ATSDR is in a position to assist researchers in [Letter]. Clin Chem 27:1952–1953.
not necessarily indicate the source of exposure.
identifying exposed populations to study in Wennig R. 2000. Potential problems with the interpretation of
Universally, the panelists expressed concern real field settings. Applied research is needed hair analysis results. Forensic Sci Int 107(1–3):5–12.
Yoshinaga J, Imai H, Nakazawa M, Suzuki T, Morita M. 1990.
about the misuse of hair analysis to justify and to test new technology, establish reference Lack of significantly positive correlations between elemen-
support unnecessary and unethical medical ranges, understand pharmacokinetics, and tal concentrations in hair and organs. Sci Total Environ
therapy. This view is consistent with the 1984 explore time and dose relationships. ATSDR 99:125–135.
policy statement of the American Medical also encourages researchers to conduct studies
Association (AMA), which was reaffirmed in that collect environmental and biologic sam-
1994 (AMA 1994). The AMA stated: ples on exposed and unexposed individuals to
The AMA opposes chemical analysis of the hair better interpret hair analysis findings and pre-
as a determinant of the need for medical therapy dict or determine adverse health outcomes.
and supports informing the American public and The science and utility of hair analysis can
appropriate governmental agencies of this only advance through well-designed and
unproven practice and its potential for health conducted research.
care fraud.

578 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 4 | April 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

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