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SIDE-Labs for Alfresco

A BlueXML Open Source Project

Getting Started - Tutorial (Version 0.1)

Copyright, Trademark, and Version Notices

Copyright Notice Copyright 2005-2011 BlueXML
All rights reserved. Information relating to the architecture and software described in this guide is proprietary to BlueXML and, as applicable, its licensors. Rights to use the software and the accompanying documentation are governed by a separate license agreement from BlueXML presented prior to software installation. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this guide may be reproduced or published in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use.

Trademark Notice
BlueXML, SIDE, KerBlue are trademarks or service marks of BlueXML. Other company and product names may be the trademarks or service marks of third parties. Third party software is installed as distinct, unmodified software programs during the SIDE platform installation process. Licensing information pertaining to those third party programs is available on the SIDE Installation package.

Document and Software Versions

Document Version 1.3 Software Version 1.0 & 2.0


SIDE Getting Started Guide

STEP 1 : PROJECT INITIALIZATION.............................................................................................................. 4 PROJECT CREATION.................................................................................................................................................... 4 DATA MODEL CREATION.............................................................................................................................................5 INITIALIZATION, GENERATION AND DEPLOYMENT............................................................................................................ 6 TEST AND ENJOY........................................................................................................................................................8 Create a new site...............................................................................................................................................8 Add a document.................................................................................................................................................8 Search for documents......................................................................................................................................10 Data List..........................................................................................................................................................12

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Project Creation
We want to create an application to manage invoices. At the end of this tutorial, we'll have two applications: Alfresco Share application Domain Specific Application, based on ExtJS Launch SIDE Go to File/New.../Project.../SIDE

Follow these steps to create a new project inside SIDE:

Choose SIDE

Click Finish. SIDE will create a project with a complete directory structure

The build directory will contain generated files and log report about the generation and deployment process.


SIDE Getting Started Guide

The src/configs will will contain configuration files that need to be directly deployed in Alfresco, such as The src/models directory will contain models: application model, to configure generation and deployment options data model, to design data structure and storage form model, to design form portal model, to design the application view model, to design queries and views workflow model, to design processes with actors, tasks, transitions,

The src/modules directory will contain maven projects, which may be managed through SIDE (packaged as amp files, deployed automatically, patched to alfresco.war and share.war), ...

Data Model Creation

Let's create a Data Model for our invoice management application: Open your InvoiceManagement project Open your 'src/models' folder Right click on 'data' folder and select File / New / Other... Open 'SIDE' folder Select 'Side Data Diagram'

Illustration 1: SIDE Model Creation

We want to make a complete example, not too complicated. We'll just add 2 classes or content types:
BlueXML - Copyright 2011 Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide

Invoice, which is a true content type, with a content. This class inherits Alfresco cmcontent. Company, which is a content less type, what could be called a data list. Company is only made of meta-data, no content at all. This class inherits Alfresco dataListItem.

Initialization, Generation and Deployment

We're going to initialize the form, view and application model directly from data model: Select your .dt data model Right-click and choose Initialize Models

Be careful to select your TOMCAT_HOME and not Alfresco home. Otherwise, you will have a deployment error. By clicking on Finish, various models will be created. You will finish on this screen:
BlueXML - Copyright 2011 Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide

You have now the following directory layout:

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide

Once clicked, the generation process will be launched automatically if you chose the Launch 8Generation option. Otherwise, you still can launch the generation process by hand: Select your application model Right-click on it and choose SIDE/Launch Generation/InvoiceManagement

Test and enjoy

Create a new site
Go and connect on your Alfresco Share server: Open your browser Go to http://localhost:8080/share Create a new site, based on the InvoiceManagement template we just created:

Add a document
You are now in your Invoice Management site. Go to the Document library Create a new folder called Suppliers Go into it Click on Add a document Choose your document Select your document content type. Choose Invoice.

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide

Click on Add a file

You can see all the Invoice meta data on the screen. We'll see in step 2 how to customize view models and select only the ones you want. Click on Edit metadata All the aspects are available as tabs. The complete layout may be changed to use panels, bordered panels, You can express all the share-form configuration. Associations are available as browse buttons. The associations may be changed to use drop plain down lists, checkbox list If cardinality is > 1, radio list otherwise. We'll see in Step 2 how to customize forms.

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide


Click on the document you just updated

The create form is also used in view mode.

Search for documents

Besides create forms, search forms have also been generated. Click on Advanced Search near the search engine icon

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide


Choose the search form you are interested in

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide


Data List
Go to Invoice Management site home page Click on Data List Click on New List, choose the one you want and name it Suppliers

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide


An empty datagrid appears Click on New Item and fill in the details

An element now appears in the datagrid

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Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide


All the available elements are displayed by default. You will see in step 2 how to customize the fields you want to display. If you come back in your document library and update your invoice, you can now select the company you just created in a drop down list. It's time now to update your form and views to exactly suit your needs.

BlueXML - Copyright 2011

Step 1 : Project Initialization


SIDE Getting Started Guide


BlueXML - Copyright 2011

Step 1 : Project Initialization

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