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T: hello, You seem thoughtful. What are you thinking about?

H: Oh, I just read the newspaper about the education situation in Vietnam recently

T: Yes, I have heard a lot of information about education in our country. It seems there are
many notable negative changes

H: And ethical practices in open education in Vietnam are increasingly deteriorating. Do you
have the same opinion?

T: Yes, it was terrible. I think our education system is seriously deteriorating. The quality of
education is still low, focusing on developing quantity rather than quality. Students are
promoted to the next grade when they are not worthy enough. Teachers pursue too many
virtual targets and students focus too much on scores instead of knowledge.

H: Oh really, I find Vietnamese education difficult to understand. Even though there are new
policies and new textbooks, if teachers don't change their teaching style, it will be difficult to

T: I agree with you. Besides, students' morals also degrade. What do you think about this?

H:This is a worrying issue because it can affect students' comprehensive development and
cause negative consequences for both students and the surrounding community. Ethics
plays an important role in forming an individual's personality, values and behavior. A student
with good morals often demonstrates respect, honesty, responsibility and social awareness.

T: I understand your point. Ethics plays a significant role in forming personality. A teacher
not only imparts knowledge but also morality. Therefore, the deterioration of teachers' ethics
is worth mentioning. For example, the increasing prevalence of sexual abuse between
teachers and students, and physical and mental abuse. Thus, if teachers' morals are
degraded in school, they cannot convey and guide moral values.

H: In addition, one of the scary signs is the increase in unethical behavior among students
such as difficulty taking exams, school violence, and disrespectful behavior towards friends.

T: Yes, this is an alarming situation. In addition, the content of moral education in the
curriculum has also been cut. Many schools focus too much on academic knowledge and
pay little attention to developing students' ethics and character.

H: That's a big problem. I think family and society also play an important role in shaping
each individual's morality. It is necessary to increase support and education from family and
society. There needs to be consensus from relevant parties, including teachers, parents,
educational management agencies, and society to improve moral education and build a
strong moral education.

T: That's right. Ethics is not only the responsibility of teachers and schools but also the
responsibility of the entire society. We cannot ignore moral training in education. Ethics is an
important foundation for building a civilized and developed society. However, not only that,
but each individual must consciously practice their own morality. because, if the individual
does not want it, any help from anyone will be meaningless
H:ok, thanks. And we can continue to have conversations like this, where we share ideas,
perspectives, and together find solutions to the challenges facing education today.

T: Sure. Education is an important subject and we will all have to work together to ensure
that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. thank you so much.

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