Sci Reviewer

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Science Reviewer (Electricity, Temperature, Heat, and Thermal Energy only)

Electric Generator – device that uses magnetic field to transform mechanical energy to electric energy.
Current – the flow of electrons.
Direct Current – flows in one direction, and produced by battery
Alternating Current – changes the direction in aa regular pattern
E.g. Buildings, houses

Generators – produces out of mechanical energy.

Mechanical Energy to Electric Energy
- Rotating coils transform mechanical energy to electric energy.
- The electric energy is the kinetic energy of the current of electrons in the coil.

Supplying Mechanical Energy

Turbine - is a shaff with a set of blades that spins when a stream of pressurized fluid strikes the blades.

Transformers – changes the voltage of an alternating current. (a device)

Step-up Transformer (primary coil & secondary coil) : the electricity can travel further or any direction,
and the power is constant.
Step-down Transformer: to safely distribute the electricity.

Non-renewable: can’t use in a particular time (1 time use)

Example: gas or oil
Renewable: can use in a short of time and can use again.
Example: solar, wind, water
P=IV (unit of power is the watt)
P = Power
I = Current
V = Voltage
Transporting Electricity:
- Powerplant, Step-up Transformer, Tower, Transmission Line, Step-down Transformer, Towns
Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat

Temperature – measure of the average kinetic energy of all particles in an object, coldness or hotness.
Unit: Kelvin, K
Thermal Energy – sum of potential and kinetic energy of all the constituent particles. It is within the
Heat – energy which is transferred from one body to another due to temperature difference.

3 ways it travels:
Conduction – always in collision between particles of matter.
Convection – transfer of thermal energy from warmer to the cooler part of matter. (within the matter)
Radiation - transfer of energy from one material to another by electromagnetic waves.
SI unit of heat: Joules (J) or thermal energy. Others: calories, kilocalories
1cal = 4.19J
1kcal = 1 000 calories = 1 calorie

Specific Heat – the ability of a substance to absorb/release heat energy depends on its specific heat
capacity or specific heat. The amount if energy that must be added to a material to raise the temperature
of a unit mass by one temperature units, measured in J/kg • k.
Heat Insulators – conducts poor heat

Heat equation

Q = mc▵t

Q = he (J)
M = mass (g)
C = specific heat J/g°C
▵t = change in temperature (°C)

 Or final temperature – initial temperature

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