Social Media Impacts On Buying Behaviors Literature Review

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Social Media impacts on Buying Behaviors

Literature Review

This literature review would highlight the impacts of social media on buying behavior. It would
further illustrate social media on brand representation and brand representation on consumer
behavior. The evolving social media and online businesses would be further elaborated.

Consumer Buying Behavior

It is worth mentioning that consumer purchasing behavior is evaluated as an element of
marketing, with the main target of learning how individuals, groups, or organizations select, buy,
utilize, and dispose of goods, as well as the factors such as previous records, taste, price, and
branding on which consumers inlay their purchasing decisions (Kotler and Keller, 2012).
Acebron et al. published one such analysis of consumer purchase decision (2000). The study's
objective was to examine the influence of past experience on fresh food consumer attitude,
specifically mussels. The authors employed a structural equation model in their investigations to
determine the link between habits and past experience on customer purchasing judgments. Their
findings indicate that, in the circumstance of buying fresh mussels, customers' personal habits
and previous experiences have a significant influence on their purchase decision. They also
encountered that the product's image has a substantial influence on the consumer's purchase
choice and advised that the product image be periodically bolstered in order to generate more
sales. Purchase intention can thus either be positive or negative, depending on the strength of its
antecedents. As interpreted to Al-qasa, Isa, and Othman (2013) positive purchase intention
results into bonding with the service provider, a willingness to purchase from the service
provider and evaluated market share.
The importance of consumer attitudes in the different disciplines of business literature also
evaluates the requirement for an up-to-date perspective at the literature in this field. Beyond
assisting consumer behavior scholars and researchers build a better understanding of the pathway
in which the field is progressing and label out the gaps, such investigations will contribute a
guideline for them in positioning their future research and marketing strategies. Researches
illustrate a descriptive snapshot of the status of consumer behavior research including the most
dominant topics based on Hegemon et al.’s (1984) framework and methodological and analytical
Social Media
Meslat (2018) defines social media (SM) as websites or apps that enable users to engage in social
networking by accumulating or sharing content. Similarly, Zhou and Zimmermann (2013) state
that social media is the use of internet-based media that allows participants to engage in the
marketing, selling, comparing, rating, purchasing, and sharing of items and services in both
physical and online markets and communities. Alnsour, Ghannam, AlNatour, and Alzeidat
(2018) demonstrate on the platforms adopted by different social media. Social media sites
include, among others, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. But doing, however,
adequately represent blogging platforms, emails, chat rooms, and discussion boards (Alnsour et
al., 2018).
Another intriguing feature of social media usage is how individuals of all gender groupings
connect to it. The literature on the subject is increasingly common with ambiguous outcomes.
Since according Maoyan et al. (2014), there is no statistically considerable evidence that gender
promotes social media usage. Schivinski and Dabrowski (2018) established that male and female
social media usage was the same. However, Eqwubo (2020) discovered that women were more
proactive on digital networking than men in his Ghanaian study. Nikita reached the exact same
conclusion in Africa (2017).
Brand Image
Brand image is the general perception and feeling of consumers for brands, and it influences
consumer behavior (Zhang, 2015). Huang (2017) illustrated that brand image is the systematic
procedure of mutual communication amongst brand stimulation and consumer perception. Lee,
Tseng and Chan (2019) argued that brand image comes from the evaluation of the brand
consumers, and the brand image in the consumer's memory will become an essential
consideration for consumers’ buying desires.
It is a very exclusive parameter when it comes to brand activity. If the brand image is positive,
the product would reach to a high level which would result in more transactions. Negative brand
image will lead to different aftermath. Every organization should try to be genuine while
identifying and labelling the brand identity of the product. This identity should be practical,
objective and smart. If it is too ambitious it may lead to customers not forming the same
perception in their mind.
According to the analysis and investigations, brand image substantiate customers’ buying
intention (Chen, Yeh and Huan, 2014). Furthermore, enterprises can evaluate brand standards
through brand image enhancement, and brand equity can be gathered to create intangible and
multifold advantages (Bailey and Ball, 2006). Successful brand image design can change
ordinary or boring concerns for customers into shocking or pleasant experiences. Thus, a good
brand image labels the goods for consumers (Ludden, Schifferstein and Hekkert, 2008).
Formulated on these facts, brand image establishes a significant image of objects and acquires
customers’ identification and choices through visual communication effects and the goods
personality details, as well as brand sensations, belief, and thoughts.
Impact of brand representation on consumer behaviour
Petrauskaite (2014) investigated the influence of brand image on consumer purchase attitudes in
buying footwears. It found that celebrity marketing and shoes style are more effective, it also
showed that advertising effected on brand image through a customer perspective. Fianto et al.
(2014) found, brand image had especial impact on the purchase behavior. The trust of brand had
mediating character. Brand image directly or even through the mediating impact of brand trust
have predominant element to impact buying behavior. Bian & Moutinho (2011) investigated the
impact of perceived brand image, direct and indirect effects of product engagement and product
knowledge on consumer attitude of counterfeits in the context of negative and false
counterfeiting. It resulted in that consumers may purchase counterfeit expensive products
willingly even in an extreme production event.
Social Media impacts on Buying Behaviors
Social media has given businesses and marketing initiatives a new array of ways to influence
consumers’ purchase intentions. According to Permatasari and Kuswadi (2018), social media has
shortened the consumer buying process. Many online shopping websites and brands are launched
on the online market. This has attracted many customers for buying and many companies to sell
their products in the e-commerce industry.
Social media permits for omnipresent data get to. There are no topographical boundaries
to promoting of merchandise and administrations on social media. Really, Kulimula
(2020) demonstrates that through social media an expansive bunch of group of onlookers from
a cluster of foundation can pick up get to the company’s showcasing communication.
This improves buyer buy purposeful through diminished exertion to induce item data (Never,
2019). In expansion to that, Never (2019), sets that when data is promptly accessible,
it decreases all shapes of look taken a toll on the consumers’ portion and this predicts tall levels
of buy purposeful conduct. Since the evolution of marketing businesses and e commerce brands
like Amazon and E bay, the buying behaviors of the customers drastically changed. The prices
and the revenue generated is more because of the e commerce sites available.
As per Weinberg (2009), he calls web-based entertainment promoting as a 'stage' through 'media'
to 'organizations' in organizations. Virtual Entertainment is contributing a course of enabling
individuals to implement on their administrations or items through different web-based
entertainment platforms to draw in additional individuals who may not in any case be accessible
through conventional publicizing. The advertisements utilized by the radio are as of now not
quite as powerful as they used to be. A long range interpersonal communication site is where
individuals with comparable interests meet up to share thoughts, data, contemplations, and that's
only the tip of the iceberg. Through the correspondence channel advertisers can pay attention to
and answer networks, take input and work on their items or administrations. Social media has
advertised the customers to straight away buy the product, the advertisement is in the form of a

Social media leveled the impersonation amongst the buyers and brands. Consumers can be
educated about and mingle with brands much more rapidly and feasibly, and vice versa. Brands
can hear to what matters to their audience at the most singular level and help investigate
problems with a flick of a click. Thanks to social, customers expect a lot more from the
businesses they reinforce. With the appropriate tools, companies and brans of any level and
status can reach high for the challenge.
Uniqueness of Social Media marketing
Small and medium-sized organizations can take full benefit of social media marketing where
there is not sufficient money to use the conventional marketing technique. Even though social
media marketing is a developing concept, the basic concept of marketing retains as it is stressing
upon the category of people, connecting with prospects, building trust and more.
To strengthen brand visibility among patrons, most associations utilize electronic marketing
strategies such as blogger endorsements, advertising on social networking platforms, and
controlling user-generated material (Wang and Kim, 2017). Social media is a collection of
internet-connected programmers based on quality and ideological Web 2.0 ideas that allow users
to create and share content. Social media is regarded as the most important communication
channel for conveying brand information because of its interactive properties, which make
knowledge sharing, collaborative, and participatory activities accessible to a bigger population
than traditional media forms like as radio, television, and print. Blogs, online forums, consumer
review sites, social networking sites (Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn, and Facebook), and Wikis are
examples of social media (Argo, 2018).
According to Liu et al. (2021), luxury brand marketing campaigns include key elements such as
customization, repute, trendiness, interactivity, and entertainment, all of which have a major
influence on consumers' purchase intentions and brand equity. Community marketing activities
arise from interactions between events and people' mental states, while goods are external
influences for consumers (Parsons and Lepkowska-White, 2018). However, even if individuals
engage in comparable service activities, they are likely to have different views and emotions
about an event; as a result, the consequences for users and consumers vary. Future marketing
competition will concentrate more on brand marketing activities; hence, marketing activities
should provide sensory stimulation and themes that provide consumers with a memorable
experience. Now, organizations must deliver great features while also focusing on providing an
exceptional consumer experience (Beige and Khan, 2018).

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