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The action potential and fibres: they show a variety of morphologies, especially in the
terminal phase. The figure also contains useful terminology. In

nervous conduction these tissues several consistent features of the action potential
were observed, these include:
 A rapid upstroke (or depolarizing) phase with an ‘overshoot’,
Chris H Fry
where the membrane potential actually exceeds the zero
Rita I Jabr value for a transient period.
 In a given cell the amplitude of the action potential is always
the same e the all-or-none law.
 When the action potential propagated along the cell, its
Abstract amplitude always remained the same.
An action potential is a transient depolarization of the membrane potential
 Naþ were crucial in the generation of an action potential.
of excitable cells. They serve two main functions: to transmit and encode
information, and to initiate cellular events such as muscular contraction.
In this article action potentials generated in nerves will be the focus of atten- Functions of action potentials
tion. An action potential results from a transient change to the properties of
Action potentials support two important functions in different
the cell membrane, from a state where it is much more permeable to Kþ than
Naþ, to a reversal of these permeability properties. Thus during the action
 They convey (propagate) information between and along
potential an influx of Naþ is responsible for the rapid depolarization and an
excitable cells e a process known as conduction.
efflux of Kþ causes repolarization. This ionic basis of the action potential
 They initiate cellular events.
can be predicted from the Nernst equation and is illustrated in the text.
Conduction is important to coordinate the activity of different cells,
Changes to membrane ionic permeability are due to the opening and closing
or to convey information between the different ends of the same
of voltage-gated ion channels, and the properties of such channels explain
cell. An example is conduction of an action potential along an
additional phenomena such as refractoriness, threshold and cellular excit-
afferent nerve from its origin by a sensory cell to the central nervous
ability. Action potentials conduct with a finite velocity along nerve axons,
system where the information is processed. Information is coded by
and the actual velocity depends on a number of factors that include: fibre
altering the frequency of action potentials, a greater frequency
radius, temperature, functional ion channel number and the presence of
generally indicates a more intense stimulus in this example.
a myelin sheath. The physical basis of conduction is explained by the
Another example is the rapid transmission of action potentials
local circuit hypothesis. Synaptic transmission of an action potential is
between different myocardial cells during the excitatory phase of
explained in terms of excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) generation
the cardiac cycle, the coordinated excitation of all cells in the
at the post-synaptic membrane. The facility by which post-synaptic action
ventricle, say, ensures that it contracts as a single entity.
potential may be developed is explained in terms of temporal and spatial
Numerous examples exist of how an action potential initiates
summation as well as the influence of inhibitory transmitters.
cellular events. At the neuromuscular junction (see article in this
issue) the generation of an action potential in the skeletal muscle
Keywords Action potential; conduction; excitability; ion channel;
fibre initiates muscle contraction through a process known as
excitationecontraction coupling.

The ionic basis of membrane and action potentials

The nature of an action potential The use of the Nernst equation
An excitable cell is one that is able to generate an action poten- Biological membranes exhibit a property of semi-permeability
tial, a transient depolarization of the membrane potential from towards ions; that is some ions readily cross the membrane
the resting state, where the inside of the cell is negative with whereas others less so. For the purpose of this discussion, and
respect to the outside, to one when it is transiently positive. The without too great a loss of generality, we need only consider the
duration of this change of state may be about a millisecond in important monovalent cations, Naþ and Kþ. In the resting state,
nerves or skeletal muscle cells to several hundred milliseconds, excitable cells such as nerves are permeable to Kþ but much less
as occurs in myocardium for example. From the beginning of the so to Naþ. One consequence of this property is that there is an
20th century action potentials were investigated in a wide variety asymmetric distribution of ions between the inside and outside of
of animal, and even plant, cells. Figure 1 shows examples the cell, with the intracellular compartment having a much
recorded from different mammalian nerve and skeletal muscle greater [Kþ] than the extracellular space, with the opposite
distribution for Naþ (see Figure 2a). The reasons for this asym-
metric distribution of Kþ and Naþ are due to physical chemistry
Chris H Fry PhD DSc is a Professor of Physiology at the Postgraduate principles (the Donnan equilibrium) and the presence of an ATP-
Medical School, Division of Clinical Medicine, University of Surrey, consuming NaþeKþ ATPase (Na pump) in the membrane. The
Guildford, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. details need not concern us at present, but the interested reader is
referred to reliable textbooks of physiology.
Rita I Jabr PhD is a Lecturer in Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Biological membrane potentials result from the asymmetric
Postgraduate Medical School, Division of Clinical Medicine, University distribution of permeable ions; in the resting state of a nerve
of Surrey, Guildford, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. membrane the relevant ion is Kþ. The value of Em depends only

SURGERY 28:2 49 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


the value of Em approaches ENa. Because the Nernst equation is

Examples of action potentials: top, cat motoneurone; relevant only to permeable ions we can again deduce that at the
middle, squid giant axon; bottom, frog sartorius overshoot the membrane transiently becomes permeable to Naþ.
muscle fibre This deductive approach allows us to understand the nature of
an action potential. During the resting phase the membrane is more
permeable to Kþ than Naþ, the value of Em is negative, near to the
depoln repoln value of EK. The depolarizing phase of the action potential is due to
50 mV 1 ms the fact that the membrane now becomes more permeable to Naþ
and Em approaches the value of ENa. This however, is only transient

hyperpol n repoln

Ionic movements and action potentials

50 mV 2 ms a extracellular intracellular
[Na] 145 mM 10 mM
[K] 4.5 mM 140 mM

50 mV 10 ms

Nernst equation for a permeable ion (e.g. K +)

[K + ]
Em (mV) = 61 log10 + o
Figure 1 The solid horizontal lines mark the 0 mV level and the dotted [K ]i
lines show the resting membrane potential, Em. Against the uppermost
trace are shown useful definitions: a depolarization is a change of Em Assume K + Assume Na +
from the resting value to a more positive inside value; a hyperpolarization is permeable is permeable
is a change of Em to a more negative value compared to the resting level; 4.5 145
EK = 61 log10 ENa = 61 log10
repolarization refers to restoration of the resting value of Em from any 140 10
previous change to its value. EK = –92 mV ENa = +71 mV

on the Kþ concentration gradient across the cell membrane and is

embodied in the Nernst equation (Figure 2a). b E Na
The important point is that the equation predicts a negative Na+ K+
influx efflux
value for Em because the extracellular [Kþ] is smaller than the +20
intracellular [Kþ]. This predicted value is called the equilibrium 40
potential for Kþ, EK, and the calculation is shown in the box at 0
the lower left of Figure 2a. 30

g (mS/cm2)
action potential
In fact we can turn the argument on its head: by experiment
Em gNa 20
we can measure the value of Em and find that it has a negative
value. Therefore we can deduce that the membrane is permeable mV
more to Kþ than Naþ. 10
Appreciation of the Nernst equation is also useful to under-
stand how changing the extracellular Kþ affects excitable cells. If –70 0
the [Kþ] is raised (hyperkalaemia) the value of Em becomes less 0.5 ms
negative (depolarizes) with consequences as we shall see later EK
for cellular excitability.

Figure 2 a The cell membrane separates an intracellular and extracellular

The ionic basis of the action potential space of different ionic composition, the values of [Naþ] and [Kþ] are
The observation that the action potential ‘overshoots’ the zero level is shown. The Nernst equation describes the relationship between
now of interest, coupled with a second property that the value of the membrane potential, Em, and the transmembrane ion gradient for a per-
overshoot potential is fairly constant e the all-or-none law. If we meant ion at 37  C. The bottom panels calculate theoretical equilibrium
potentials for Kþ, EK, and Naþ, ENa, assuming they are respectively solely
return to the Nernst equation and insert the values of the intracellular
permeable. b Diagram of the action potential and the associated changes
and extracellular [Naþ] to calculate the value for ENa, we find it has
to Naþ conductance, gNa, and Kþ conductance, gK. The units of conduc-
a positive value (Figure 2a). Thus, the calculated value of ENa and the tance are on the right of the plot as mS/cm2 e S (Siemen) is the SI unit of
measured value of the overshoot potential are both positive. In conductance; the inverse of resistance. The values of EK and ENa are also
biophysical terms we can say that at the peak of the action potential shown.

SURGERY 28:2 50 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


as membrane repolarization refers to the return of the membrane Modest hyperkalaemia (<8e10 mM) will depolarize the cell
to a predominantly Kþ-permeable state. and so tend to make it more excitable, as smaller external stimuli
This explanation of the ionic basis of the action potential was are required to further depolarize the cell to the threshold value.
demonstrated by Hodgkin, Huxley and Katz with experiments Hypokalaemia will have the opposite effect.
using the giant nerve axon from a squid and published in the Hypercalcaemia tends to move the threshold for Naþ channel
early 1950s. They showed that depolarization is indeed accom- opening to a more depolarized level, thus decreasing excitability,
panied by a rapid but transient influx of Naþ, as would be whilst hypocalcaemia renders cells more excitable. The latter is
expected if the membrane became suddenly permeable to the manifest as tetany, due to an increased excitability of the
ion. Repolarization was accompanied by an efflux of Kþ, as the neuromuscular system. Similar directional changes to the extra-
increase of Naþ permeability was transient and the cell then cellular [Mg] exert equivalent effects on membrane excitability. It
reverted to the Kþ-permeable state. Note that they, and subse- is believed that these divalent cations hinder the opening of Naþ
quent researchers, refer more precisely to changes of membrane channels and a larger depolarization is required when their
conductance, g, to different ions rather than changes to concentrations are raised.
membrane permeability, thus we speak about an increase of Naþ
conductance, gNa, and Kþ conductance, gK, during the depola- Refractoriness
rizing and repolarizing phases of the action potential. If an ion While the cell membrane is undergoing an action potential, it is
has a greater membrane conductance, it means it can flow more impossible to generate a second no matter the strength of the
readily across the membrane. The ionic basis of the action stimulus e the absolute refractory period. This is because it is
potential is summarized in Figure 2b. Note that very small necessary to return the membrane to the resting state before
amounts of Naþ and Kþ cross the membrane during an action Naþ channel opening is again possible. Immediately after
potential. At its termination the Naþ that flowed into the cell is repolarization a second action may be elicited, but a larger-
ejected by the Na pump, expelling Naþ against an energy than-normal stimulus is required e the relative refractory
gradient and thus consuming ATP, the Kþ can passively diffuse period. The absolute refractory period puts an upper limit to
back into the cell. the frequency of action potential generation. The relative
refractory period is however a very important feature of
Ion channels information transfer. In this way stimulus strength has been
decoded to a frequency-dependent signal. This has several
We understand a great deal more now about the membrane implications: in synaptic transmission this is the principle of
properties that allow ion movements across the lipid membrane. summation (see below), in the sensory system the magnitude
Ions traverse the membrane through ion channels. In principle of a sensory cell response is decoded into a frequency-depen-
most ion channels can be opened by two mechanisms: dent signal in the afferent nerve. These periods are illustrated
 A change of membrane potential (voltage-gated ion in Figure 3.
 Binding of a ligand to the ion channel or associated protein.

In nerves and skeletal muscle most ion channels are voltage-gated

Definition of refractory periods
(but see Synaptic transmission below). When the membrane is
depolarized from the normal resting potential by a stimulus,
towards a threshold value Naþ channels open, and the consequent
Naþ influx continues the depolarization. At the peak of depolar-
ization the Naþ current inactivates (the ion channels tend to close 0 mV
more readily) and certain Kþ channels open so terminating the 1 ms
50 mV
action potential. The process is therefore self-limiting and so the
change of membrane potential is transient.
Although voltage-gated ion channels form a super-family of
related structures, their differences may be exploited. In particular
specific modulators of different ion channels are known, including
the ability of local anaesthetics, such as procaine and lignocaine, as Absolute
well as neurotoxins, such as tetrodotoxin, to block Naþ channel refractory period Relative
function, and hence initiation of the action potential. refractory period

Factors affecting action potential initiation

Relative stimulus strength
The generation of an action potential requires that the resting
membrane is depolarized towards a threshold value. Then
voltage-gated Naþ channels open and initiate the self-regenera-
Figure 3 The darker and lighter shaded boxes superimposed on the action
tive phase of the upstroke through influx of Naþ and further potentials show the absolute and relative refractory periods. The bottom
depolarization. Factors that facilitate this process will render the trace represents the relative stimulus strength required to elicit a second
system more excitable and vice versa. action potential during the relative refractory period.

SURGERY 28:2 51 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


From the resting state to threshold What stops the action potential from then activating the region
There are in principle a number of ways in which the membrane just behind the conducting wavefront and so propagating back-
potential may be depolarized from the resting state to the wards? Refractoriness saves the situation, as this region will be at
threshold potential. least relatively refractory and so forward conduction is easier.
 Pacemaker cells spontaneously depolarize the membrane to
the threshold value, for example in the sino-atrial node of the
 Depolarization can occur from excitatory transmitters binding
to the post-synaptic membrane (see below and the following Action potential conduction in nerves
article on neuromuscular transmission). a
 An artificial stimulus may be applied, as may occur in the – – – – – – – – – –– – – – – – – 50 mV
laboratory or the emergency room. i) Cytoplasm 1 ms
 A depolarizing stimulus can arise from another part of the – – – – – – – – – –– – – – – – –
same cell (a local circuit current).
– – –+ –+ –+ – – – – – – – – – – – –
The final situation leads to a consideration of how action Action
ii) potential
potentials can propagate along an axon or skeletal muscle fibre – – –+ –+ –+ – – – – – – – – – – – –
without decrement; at its basis is the local circuit hypothesis.
Conduction of the action potential – – –+ –+ –+ – – – – – – – – – – – –
iii) potential Cytoplasm
Figure 4a shows a schematic diagram of a nerve axon, repre- – – –+ –+ –+ – – – – – – – – – – – –
sented as a tube filled with an aqueous ionic solution, the cyto-
plasm. The cytoplasm is separated from a second ionic solution, – – – – – –– +– +– + – – – – – – – –
the extracellular space, by an electrically insulating cell iv) potential
– – – – – – +– +– + – – – – – – – –
membrane. The process of conduction can be considered in
a series of steps associated with the accompanying diagrams.
i) The inside of the unstimulated cell is at a negative – – – – – –– +– +– + – – – – – – – –
v) Action
potential with respect to the extracellular space, the potential
– – – – – – +– +– + – – – – – – – –
resting potential.
ii) An action potential is generated in a section of this axon
(at left depicted here) e through stimulating processes b
described above. The action potential may be represented
by a change of membrane polarity, from the normal
inside-negative to an inside-positive condition. The small axon
circle in the diagram represents the membrane potential
immediately in front of the action potential, and is still at myelin
the resting level (see action potential trace on the right axon
also). Node of
Because the cytoplasm is an ionic solution, and so
conducts electricity, a small electrical current will flow
between the regions of different polarity e we can think
of it as positive current passing from the active (action Action Potential
potential) to the resting region e this is called local circuit
direction of cyto-
iii) This current will depolarize the resting region of the cell
propagation plasm
membrane, especially the region immediately adjacent to
the action potential where the current density is greatest. myelin
Note that the electrical circuit has to be completed by
a corresponding current in the extracellular fluid.
iv) If this local circuit current is great enough it will depolarize
the resting region of the membrane to threshold and initiate Figure 4 a The local circuit hypothesis underlying action potential
an action potential in this region e the action potential has conduction in an unmyelinated axon. The state at the initial resting
propagated along the axon. potential and four successive intervals in an action potential propagating
v) The action potential in the new region then acts as a new from left to right e i) to v). The action potential is represented as
source of local current and thus it propagates along the a change in the polarity of the membrane potential in the light box. The
fibre. red circles represent the membrane potential at different points on the
axon and superimposed on the action potentials shown right. b Repre-
Apart from the small local circuits nothing actually flows along
sentation of a myelinated axon showing the axon, surrounded by a myelin
the axon e it is an example of a standing wave propagating along sheath, broken at intervals at nodes of Ranvier. The lower panel shows
the axon, much as a wave will propagate along a piece of string if the equivalent local circuit pathway where intracellular currents generate
oscillated at one end. membrane depolarization only at the node of Ranvier.

SURGERY 28:2 52 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


In certain cell types intracellular local circuit current can number reduces the magnitude of local circuits and so reduces
even cross from one cell to another through low resistance conduction velocity. Local anaesthetics, by blocking Naþ chan-
connections that link the cytoplasm of two adjacent cells e nels, achieve this before total block occurs, and in some tissues
gap junctions. This is best exemplified in myocardium where such as the atrio-ventricular node the number of ion channels is
the gap junctions are concentrated at intercalated disks. This less than in other regions of the heart, thus contributing to slow
tissue behaves as a functional synctium of cells, an action conduction of the cardiac impulse in this region of the heart.
potential generated in one region will spread throughout the
tissue mass. Synaptic transmission
Transmission of information between two nerve cells is generally
Factors affecting conduction velocity
achieved at a chemical synapse, whereby arrival of the action
Action potentials propagate along excitable cells with a wide potential at the presynaptic terminal releases a transmitter. The
variation of speeds. For example type IA afferent nerve fibres transmitter is stored in vesicles and is released in quantal
from muscle spindles propagate up to 120 m/s whilst in C-fibres packets. The transmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft, acti-
from somatosensory receptors the speed may be as low as 0.5 m/s. vates receptors on the post-synaptic membrane that in turn
In tissue such as the atrio-ventricular node the cardiac impulse mediate changes to membrane potential at this site. Release of
propagates even more slowly e about 0.05 cm/s. transmitter is preceded by an influx of Ca2þ across the presyn-
aptic membrane that initiates a series of events to facilitate
Fibre diameter movement of the vesicles to the surface membrane and release of
One factor that determines propagation velocity is fibre diameter, their contents into the synaptic cleft. Agents, such as botulinum
the larger the diameter the greater the velocity: IA afferents are toxin, inhibit this process and so block transmitter release.
up to 20 mm in diameter, whereas C-fibres are <1 mm. The reason Neurotransmitter receptors regulate or constitute ligand-gated
is that the internal electrical resistance of a large axon is less than ion channels, that generally lack the ionic specificity of voltage-
that of a smaller axon thus facilitating the spread of local circuits gated channels. Some neurotransmitters depolarize the post-
in the former. synaptic membrane, usually on a nerve dendrite, by increasing the

This is a key evolutionary development in vertebrates to increase Synaptic events at a neurone
conduction speed. A 10 mm myelinated fibre conducts an action
potential at about 50 m/s about twice as fast as in an invertebrate 50
unmyelinated axon of about 500 mm (0.5 mm) diameter. Figure 4b mV AP
illustrates the difference in local circuit spread in a myelinated Subthreshold
axon. The myelin sheath around the nerve axon forms an effective
electrical insulator, broken at 1e2 mm intervals at nodes of Axon
Ranvier. Local circuits do not depolarize the internodal region of mV Axon hillock/
the axon because of this insulation, and are therefore concentrated 10 ms initial segment
at the nodes where the membrane has direct access to the extra-
cellular space. In consequence an action potential is only generated b
at these nodes, and thus appears to propagate by jumping from APs
node to node: called saltatory conduction (Lat: saltere ¼ to jump).
Because only small regions of the axon are depolarized to Axon
threshold the process is very efficient and conduction velocity
greatly enhanced. Temporal summation

Temperature, pressure, hypoxia +

An increase of temperature will quicken conduction velocity as Spatial summation
ion channel kinetics are faster, and conversely lower than normal
body temperatures slow conduction. This must be considered for
Figure 5 a The cell body and associated myelinated axon are shown. The
example in carrying out nerve conduction velocity tests to diag-
axon hillock/initial segment portion is shown. On the left one incoming
nose neuropathies, that themselves tend to slow nerve conduc- neurone makes a synapse with a dendrite. A single action potential (AP)
tion. However, at temperatures >40  C conduction block may in the incoming neurone (thick bar) generates an excitatory post-synaptic
also occur as Kþ opening is enhanced more than that for Naþ potential (EPSP), which conducts to the initial segment region. If the
channels and so action potentials may fail to be generated. depolarization is great enough here an action potential is generated, if
Physical pressure applied to nerves and hypoxia also slow not the transient depolarization remains subthreshold. b Diagram of
temporal and spatial summation. On the left a single incoming neuron
conduction speed and may be significant in a clinical setting
fires two action potentials in rapid succession. The second EPSP is
when these conditions occur. superimposed on the first to generate a larger net depolarization. At the
bottom two incoming neurones generate near-simultaneous EPSPs e the
Ion channel number summated depolarization is larger than a single EPSP. In each case the
The number of ion channels contributing to the depolarizing phase summated EPSP has a greater chance of generating an action potential at
of the action potential influences conduction velocity. A decreased the initial segment.

SURGERY 28:2 53 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


cation conductance of the membrane, generating an excitatory the effect of an EPSP so the net result depends on the number of
post-synaptic potential (EPSP). An EPSP is a transient change of excitatory and inhibitory nerves impinging on the post-synaptic
membrane potential only a few millivolts in amplitude. Such membrane.
neurotransmitters include glutamate and aspartate in the central
nervous system and acetylcholine in the autonomic nervous
system. The synaptic region itself is not particularly electrically
excitable, but the depolarization spreads to a region called the axon Action potentials are generated in excitable cells, and are the
hillock-initial segment. If large enough the depolarization initiates means whereby the body can rapidly transmit information in
an action potential here, which subsequently conducts along the a frequency-coded system, as well as initiate crucial cellular
axon. The arrangement is summarized in Figure 5a. Other neuro- functions. Voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels underlie such
transmitters (glycine, g-amino butyric acid e GABA) hyperpo- activity, and their particular types vary greatly in different
larize the post-synaptic membrane, usually by increasing the anion excitable cells. The variety of different channels in various
conductance of the membrane, generating an inhibitory post- tissues allows them to be differentially regulated, and also
synaptic potential (IPSP). permits some tissue-specificity of therapeutic agents. An under-
standing of the physiological processes that determine the ease
Integration of synaptic activity with which action potentials are generated (excitability) and the
velocity at which they are conducted is essential to appreciate
An important feature of the nervous system is that information
how tissues respond to external stimuli and how this information
carried by different nerves can be manipulated to form more
is conveyed within the sensory system, integrated and conveyed
complex outputs, and this is a function of synapses. A single
to the motor system. A
post-synaptic neuron may receive many inputs and the resultant
depolarization that reaches the initial segment will be a function
of their net effect. Figure 5b illustrates two phenomena related to
integrated activity at the synapse.
Temporal summation Several monographs have been written by the most important contribu-
A process when two action potentials in the same nerve generate tors to this field. They all give valuable first-hand and historical insights.
a large net EPSP, as the second is generated before the first has Several textbooks also give reasonable summaries of the subject matter
fully declined. in this article.
Bern RM, Levy MN. Physiology. 4th edn. Mosby Press, 1998.
Spatial summation Eccles JC. The physiology of nerve cells. The Johns Hopkins University
This occurs when EPSPs are generated by action potentials Press, 1968.
arriving at the same time from two separate nerves, each EPSP Katz B. Nerve, muscle and synapse. NY: McGraw Hill, 1966.
may be insufficient to initiate an action potential, but their sum Keynes RD, Aidley DJ. Nerve and muscle. 3rd edn. Cambridge University
may be. In addition, inhibitory nerves, generating IPSPs, offset Press, 2001.

SURGERY 28:2 54 Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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