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Group 8


1. Our product: Fruit vinegar / Initial products: Lychee, plum, peach,

longan, mango vinegar
a) Brief explanation: Vietnam is a tropical country with abundant
fruits in seasons, therefore we plan to make vinegar out of those fruits
to preserve fruits in longer time and avoid wasting farm produce. Fruit
vinegar is used to season dishes (like salad), or for lowering blood
sugar, cholesterol, and appetite levels to lose weight.

b) How we can use fruit vinegar:

• Raw. Drink 1/2–1 tablespoon of fruit vinegar with a carb -rich meal to help
improve blood sugar levels.
• Diluted. Mix 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of fruit vinegar with 2 –3 tablespoons (30-45
ml) of water. This may make it a little more palatable to drink.
• Salad dressing. Top your salad with 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 mL) of fruit
• Marinade. Use fruit vinegar to marinate meat or fish dishes.
• Switchel. Try this unique beverage - summer drink made from fruit vinegar,
ginger juice, water, and honey/ sugar.

2. Value added chain:

• Fruit from Deliver to

farm/market Pulp and Test & groceries
• Unchlorinated crush Fermented Fruit bottle and
water fruit Vinegar supermarket
• Vinegar infusion

3. Competitive advantage:
- Fruit vinegar is not so popular with Vietnamese; consumers don’t
have various choices for this type of product (only apple vinegar and
lychee vinegar) => we produce more flavors with various fruits: peach,
plum, mango or other fruits.
- Other imported fruit vinegar such as peach vinegar, plum vinegar are
from Korea or Japan with rather high prices for Vietnamese consumers
=> our products are more budget-friendly

- Fruit vinegar can be home-made but not all people can succeed (if
they are not good at or like cooking) and people are quite busy with
work these days => We provide ready-made fruit vinegar

4. Market size:
• Mostly Vietnamese market
• We also can export to foreign market (tropical fruits are quite
rare and expensive abroad while plentiful and cheap in Vietnam)

5. Target customer:

• Gender: mostly female (they care more about cooking in terms

of ingredients, spices)
Age range: 15-45 yrs old (this group of age tends to try & use a
new product like fruit vinegar more than others)
Salary: Average income (our product won’t cost much with
abundant sources of tropical fruits in Vietnam)
Psychographic: people who are concerned with their health
conditions (may work out or on diet – because fruit vinegars have
many health benefits)
• Other subjects: young generation may be interested in fruit
vinegar because it can be used to make a palatable drink
(beverages are common among the young nowadays)

6. Type of business: product offer – Limited Liability Partnership

7. Barrier to entry:
• VSATTP safety standards
• FDA standards (if we want to export to foreign markets)
• Advanced manufacturing machines to maximize producing
• Proper marketing strategy to customers
• Building customer loyalty through good-quality products

8. Partners:
• Suppliers: fruit farms in Vietnam
• Distributors: Winmart, Lotte Mart, Coopmart, Bách Hoá Xanh,
other grocery stores.

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