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Chapter 16


Class 9 - Total Geography Morning Star

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

What is environmental pollution?


Environmental pollution refers to any unfavourable alteration of our surroundings, wholly

or largely as a byproduct of man's actions. These changes may affect man and other

Question 2

Give the definition of a pollutant.


Pollutants are the products which are released into the biosphere in large quantities and
which affect the normal functioning of ecosystems and have an adverse effect on plants,
animals and man.

Question 3

Give the difference between natural and man-made pollutants.


Natural pollutants Man-made pollutants

The natural pollutants are produced as a Man-made pollutants are produced as a

result of natural phenomena. result of human activities.

Industrial pollution and vehicular
Volcanic eruptions and wild fires.

Question 4

What is air pollution? Give a source of air pollution.


Air pollution is the excessive concentration of foreign matter in the air which adversely
affects the well being of human beings, animals, plants and their environment.

Fumes released by automobiles like cars, scooters etc are one of the causes of air pollution.

Question 5

Define water pollution.


Water pollution can be defined as alteration in physical, chemical or biological

characteristics of water, making it unsuitable for designated use in its natural state.

Question 6

What is soil pollution?


Soil pollution is defined as the change in physical, chemical and biological conditions of the
soil through man's intervention resulting in degradation in quality and productivity of the

Question 7

Why should we avoid soil pollution?


We should avoid soil pollution because of the following reasons-

1. The pollutants enter the food chain at the plant level and get magnified as we move
up the food chain.
2. The pollutants remain in the soil for relatively longer periods.

Question 8

What is radioactive pollution?


Radioactive pollution is defined as the increase in natural background radiation, emerging

from the activities of man using naturally occurring or artificially produced radioactive

Question 9

What is noise pollution?


Noise pollution is defined as an unwanted sound that is an irritant and a source of stress.

Structured Questions

Question 1(a)

With reference to pollution, explain the following:

(i) Air pollution

(ii) Water pollution


(i) Air pollution is the excessive concentration of foreign matter in the air which adversely
affects the well being of human beings, animals, plants and their environment.

(ii) Water pollution can be defined as alteration in physical, chemical or biological

characteristics of water, making it unsuitable for designated use in its natural state.

Question 1(b)

Explain what is radioactive pollution.


Radioactive pollution is defined as the increase in natural background radiation, emerging

from the activities of man using naturally occurring or artificially produced radioactive

Question 1(c)

What are man-made causes of radioactive pollution? Why is radioactive pollution more
harmful than other types of pollution?


There are mainly two man-made causes of radioactive pollution:

1. Nuclear fuels used in atomic reactor — There are two types of waste formed in a
Nuclear Reactor which cause pollution:
i. The fission products remaining in both the primary and secondary fuels.
ii. Waste products in the coolant
2. Nuclear Weapons — Development and testing of Nuclear weapons creates risk of
leakage of radioactive radiations in the environment. The atom bombs dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused huge destruction and had an enormous impact on
the environment till decades later.
Radioactive pollution is more harmful than other types of pollution because the high level
products of nuclear wastes remain in the environment for several hundred years. Leakage
in nuclear reactors causes environmental pollution and the leakage may result in the death
of a number of people.

Question 1(d)

How is noise a source of pollution? Why do we need to look at the problem of noise
pollution seriously?


Noise is a physical form of pollution which is not directly harmful to the life supporting
systems. It is not fatal to human life, yet its effects cannot be overlooked because repeated
exposure to noise reduces the sleeping hours, productivity or efficiency of a human being
and it affects the peace of mind and invades the privacy of a human being.

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