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Student result Management System | 2023-24

Project Report
Submitted by
Janvi Dedakiya- 2305103120006
Divya Pande - 2305103120010
Dhruvi Dhirawat- 2305103120009
Partial fulfilment of Semester II
of Bachelors of Computer Applications
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
for A.Y. 2023-2024
Under the Guidance of
Internal Guide name:
Submitted To
Parul Institute of Computer Application,
Faculty of IT & Computer Science
Parul University

Student result Management System | 2023-24


This is to certify that __________________________________________the

student(s) of Parul Institute of Computer Application, has/have satisfactorily
completed the project entitled “______________________________________”
as a part of course curriculum in BCA / BSCIT/ IMCA semester-2 for the
academic year 2023-2024 under guidance of_____________________________.
Enrolment Number: 2305103120010
Enrolment Number:2305103120006
Enrolment Number:2305103120009

Quality of work Grade Sign of Internal guide

A+ / A /B+ /B
Excellent / Good /
Average /Poor

Date of submission:

HOD, Principal,
Dr. Hina Chokshi Dr. Priya Swaminarayan

Student result Management System | 2023-24


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility
to complete this project. A special gratitude I give to our final year project coordinator, [Project
Coordinator’s Name], whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement,
helped me to coordinate my project especially in writing this report.
Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the
staff of [Department Name], who gave the permission to use all required equipment and the
necessary materials to complete the task of the Student Result Management System. A special
thanks goes to my team members, whose have invested their full effort in guiding the team in
achieving the goal.
I am also grateful to [Institution Name] for providing the lab facilities and resources that were
crucial for the project development. I am also immensely thankful to [Lecturer’s Name] for
their technical advice and support throughout the development of the project.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my peers and family for their understanding and support
in my study venture. Without their encouragement and guidance this project would not have
The product of this project would not have been possible without all of them.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

 The Student Result Management System (SRMS) is a pivotal tool in the educational
technology landscape, designed to streamline the storage, retrieval, and management of
student academic records. This system provides a comprehensive solution for educators
and administrative staff to manage student grades, attendance, and performance across
various courses and examinations.

 At its core, the SRMS is built on a robust database that allows for secure and efficient
handling of large volumes of data. The system offers a user-friendly interface for
teachers to input grades and feedback, while students can access their results in real-
time, fostering transparency and engagement in the educational process.

 Moreover, the SRMS includes analytical tools that help identify trends and patterns in
student performance, enabling targeted interventions and support. It also simplifies
report generation, reducing administrative workload and allowing for more focus on
pedagogical activities.

 In conclusion, the Student Result Management System is an essential asset for

educational institutions seeking to enhance academic administration and improve
student outcomes through the use of technology.

Student result Management System | 2023-24


No. Description Page No.

1. About Department 1
2. Project Profile
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Problem Statements
2.3 Need for New System
2.4 Tools & Technology used
2.5 Project Plan

3. Requirement Analysis
3.1 Feasibility Study
3.2 Users of the System
3.3 Modules
3.4 Users and their role description
3.5 Use Case Diagram

4. Design
4.1 Data Flow Diagram
4.2 Entity-relationship Diagram
4.3 Data Dictionary

5. Implementation
5.1 Form Layouts
5.2 Report Layouts
5.3 Coding Convention (Business Logic)
6. Testing
6.1 Test Strategy
6.2 Test Cases
7. Future Enhancement
8. Bibliography

Student result Management System | 2023-24

 PHP and MySQL project on Result Management System is a web based project and it
has been developed in PHP and MySQL and we can manage
Student, Subject, Teacher, Semester, Result and Class from this project. The main
objective to develop Result Management System PHP and
MySQL Project is to overcome the manual errors and make a computerized system.
In this project, there are various type of modules available to manage Result, Subject,
Student. We can also generate reports for Subject, Student,
Semester, Class. Here the Student module manage all the operations of
Student, Subject module can manage Subject, Teacher module is normally
developed for managing Teacher, Semester module manages Semester
operations, Result module has been implemented to manage Result.
 This is also a Major Result Management System Project, which you . Also, if you are
looking for DBMS Project on Result Management System then you can develop it in
MySQL and PHP. You can run this project in XAMP, WAMP, MAMP or LAMP
server. We have implemented advance search feature for searching records on various
criteria for Subject, Student, result also admin can perform Create, read, update and
delete (CRUD) operations on Teacher, Semester, Class. In this
project all the modules like Student, Semester, Subject are tightly coupled and we can
track the information’s easily. If you are looking for Free Result
Management System Project in PHP and MySQL, then you can visit our free projects

2.2 Problem Statements

The existing systems of Student Result Management often face several challenges that can hinder their
efficiency and effectiveness. Some of the common problems include:

• Data Security Concerns: There is a risk of unauthorized access or hacks, which can compromise
the privacy and integrity of student data.
• Inflexibility in Data Management: Once scores are entered and deadlines pass, administrators
may not be able to edit or modify the results, leading to difficulties in correcting errors.
• Complexity of Use: Extensive modules and features can sometimes make the system difficult for
users to navigate and utilize effectively.
• Technical Glitches: Minor technical issues can disrupt the smooth functioning of the system,
affecting the user experience1.
• Inadequate Infrastructure: Some institutions may lack the necessary systems or experience slow
server speeds, which can impede the system’s performance.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

2.3 Need for New System

The need for a new Student Result Management System (SRMS) -

• Greater Flexibility: Allowing for easy updates and modifications to accommodate changes in
educational policies or curricula.
• Improved User Experience: Designing a more intuitive interface that simplifies navigation and usage
for all stakeholders.
• Advanced Analytics: Integrating sophisticated data analysis tools to provide deeper insights into
student performance and help in decision-making.
• Increased Efficiency: Streamlining processes to reduce administrative workload and errors in result
• Better Integration: Ensuring compatibility with other educational software and systems for a
seamless experience.
• Compliance with Regulations: Meeting the latest educational standards and regulations regarding
student information management.

By addressing these needs, a new SRMS can significantly contribute to the digital transformation
of educational institutions, leading to improved efficiency, transparency, and educational

2.4 Tools and Technology Used

Technology and HW, SW Requirement Specification

 Brief overview of the technology:

 Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
 HTML: HTML is used to create and save web document. E.g. Notepad/Notepad++
 CSS: (Cascading Style Sheets) Create attractive Layout
 Bootstrap: responsive design mobile friendly site
 JavaScript: it is a programming language, commonly use with web browsers.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

 Back end: PHP, MySQL

 PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a technology that allows software developers to
create dynamically generated web pages, in HTML, XML, or other document types, as
per client request. PHP is open-source software.
 MySQL: MySQL is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating, and
managing data in databases.
 Software Requirement (any one)
 WAMP Server
 XAMPP Server
 MAMP Server
 LAMP Server

3. Requirement Study
3.1 Feasibility study
A feasibility study for a Student Result Management System (SRMS) typically involves an analysis
to determine the viability of the project and its potential to meet the institution’s needs-
Technical Feasibility:

• Assess whether the current technological infrastructure can support the new SRMS.
• Evaluate the software and hardware requirements for the system.
• Determine the technical skills required for the implementation and maintenance of the

Economic Feasibility:

• Analyze the cost-benefit ratio of developing and implementing the SRMS.

• Estimate the potential return on investment (ROI).
• Consider the financial resources available for the project.

Operational Feasibility:

• Examine how the SRMS will integrate with existing processes and systems.
• Assess the willingness and ability of staff and students to adapt to the new system.

Schedule Feasibility:

• Develop a timeline for the project’s milestones and final delivery.

• Consider the availability of the project team and other resources.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

3.3 Modules and its short description

 Student Result Management System modules–

 Student: Student Result Management System Project in PHP
 Admin: Student Result Management System Project in PHP
 Admin Features
 Admin Dashboard
 Admin can add/update/ Class
 Admin can add/update/ Subjects
 Admin can add/update/ Active/Inactive Subject combination with class
 Admin can register new student and also edit info of the student
 admin can declare/ edit result of a student.
 Admin can change own password
 Students-
 Student can search their result using valid rolled.
 Student can download the result in the PDF format.
 Here, Student can check their results by entering Roll id. Admin can create & manage
Classes, subjects. Add & Manage students and Declare Results. This project is done in
PHP. It’s easy to operate and understand by users. The design is pretty simple and user
won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

3.4 Users and their role description

1. Administrator:
• Primary Role: Oversee the entire SRMS, manage user accounts, and ensure data integrity.
• Responsibilities:
o Create and manage user accounts for teachers, students, and staff.
o Assign roles and permissions to users.
o Maintain the system’s security and backup data regularly.
o Update system configurations and manage software updates.



• Primary Role: Input and manage academic records within the system.
• Responsibilities:
o Enter student grades and attendance.
o Analyse student performance and generate reports.
o Provide feedback and remarks on student progress.
o Access analytics for curriculum planning and improvement.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

3. Students:

• Primary Role: Access personal academic information.

• Responsibilities:
o View grades, attendance, and exam schedules.
o Download report cards and transcripts.
o Submit assignments and projects (if the system allows).
o Communicate with teachers regarding academic queries.

Student result Management System | 2023-24

4.1 Data flow Diagram (DFD)
-First level Admin Side Diagram

Student result Management System | 2023-24

.4.2 Entity-Relationship Diagram

4.3 Data Dictionary

Student result Management System | 2023-24

Student result Management System | 2023-24

Student result Management System | 2023-24



This is to certify that ____________________________________________the

student(s) of Parul Institute of Computer Application, has/have satisfactorily
submitted the project entitled “___________________________” as a part of
course curriculum in BCA / BSCIT/IMCA semester - II for the academic year
2023-24 under guidance of Asst. Prof. _____________________________.

Enrollment Number:
Student Name:

Enrollment Number:
Student Name:

Enrollment Number:
Student Name:

Date of submission:

Signature of Guide: Remarks:

Signature of HOD: Remarks

Signature of DEAN: Remarks:


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