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Chapter 8 expected future cash flows to the amount invested

The Valuation and Characteristics of Stock
 The return on any stock investment is the rate
Common Stock that makes the present value of future cash
flows equal to the price paid for the investment
• Corporations are owned by holders today. This principle also holds for investments
of their common stock. held for more than one year.
• Stockholders choose directors, who Dividend and Capital Gain Yields – The return on
appoint managers to run the company. a stock investment can be broken into two parts
related to the two sources of income of stocks. The
• This means that stockholders have a return on a stock investment comes from dividends
voice in running the company through BoD and capital gains.
Most large companies are widely held, stock The Nature of Cash Flows from Common
ownership is held by a large number of people and Stock Ownership
no individuals or groups control more than a few
percent. Comparison of Cash Flows from Stocks and
Bonds – Cash flow pattern for stocks appears
Stockholders have little power to influence similar to the one associated with bonds. A series of
corporate decisions, and stock ownership is simply regular payments is followed by a single larger
an investment. payment that can be thought of as the return of the
When buying stock, our role is not as owner. Most original investment.
equity investors are not interested in a role of
owners. We’re just interested in the future cash  Dividends – analogous to interest payments
flows that come from owning shares.  Final sale of stock – appears to be like the
return of a bond’s principal.
Equity (stock) investments are like debt (bond)
investments; we’re only interested in money. The reality is that the similarity is superficial
because of the differing natures of the cash flows in
the two cases.
The Return on an Investment in Common Stock a) Bond – interest payments are guaranteed by
the borrower, are certain to be received.
The income in stock investment comes in two
Companies have to be VERY close to
failures before they declare default on bond
interest. Interest payments in bonds are in
(1) Receiving dividends constant or fixed amount, making it easy to
(2) Realize a gain or loss on the difference develop a formula to value bonds, because
between the price they pay for stock and interest can be represented as annuity.
the price which they eventually sell it Payments are contractually promised loan
(capital gain or loss) principal equal to bond’s face value

The future cash flow associated with stock b) Dividends – carry NO guarantee. There’s
ownership consists of dividends and the eventual NO agreement associated in common stock
selling price of the shares. that makes any representation about the
payment of dividends. Investors depend on
The return on stock investment is the interest rate them for value but nothings is committed,
that equates the present value of the investment’s promised, or guaranteed by the company.
Even with a long history of payments, The Intrinsic (Calculated) Value and
companies could stop paying anytime. Market Price – The present value cash flows is
Interest on dividends are rarely constant, fundamentally what the stock is worth (the stock’s
people can expect dividends to increase intrinsic value).
over time as company grows. Stockholders
has to sell their shares at the prevailing  If other investors does not agree with the
market price to realize a final payment stated dividend and price estimates, their
which can be higher or lower than the price ideas of the intrinsic value of that dividend
originally paid. will differ from the statement of the other
The firm’s market price is the consensus of the
There’s NO provision in a common stock intrinsic values calculated by everyone watching
investment for the repurchase of shares or for any the stock. The process of developing intrinsic
return of the investor’s capital by the company, values and comparing them with market prices is
which means that the money for the final payment known as fundamental analysis.
comes from another investor rather than from the
A stocks intrinsic value is based on the assumptions
issuing company as it does with a bond.
about future cash flows made from fundamental
Both the cash flows with stock ownership are
analysis of the firm and its industry.
dividends and the proceeds of the eventual sales of
the share are imprecise and difficult to forecast. Growth Models of Common Stock
The Basis of Value The basis for stock value is
the present value of expected cash inflows even Generally, we can’t forecast the future in detail.
though dividends and stock prices are difficult to We’re likely to look at a company and simply
forecast. forecast a growth rate of earnings and dividends
into the future starting from wherever they are now.
A stock’s value is the sum of the present value of The future is uncertain, it’s difficult to make the
dividend payments and the present value of the detailed forecast of dividend and future prices
selling price in a period. Successive dividends have needed to use. Stock valuation models are based on
different values. predicted growth rates because forecasting exact
future prices and dividends are very difficult.
Valuing a stock involves making some assumptions
about what its future dividends and its eventual Developing Growth-Based Models
selling price will be. Once this has been done, we Stock dividends and eventual selling price are
take the value assumed (projected) cash flows at an separate amounts in the present valuing process,
appropriate interest rate to estimate the share’s each multiplied to the present value factor for the
current price. appropriate interest rate and time.
 Contrast to bond valuation, bonds have no
A stock’s value today is the sum of the present
need to make assumptions about the future
values of the dividends received while the investor
cash flows because they were spelled out by
holds it and the price for which it is eventually sold.
the bond contract.
An Infinite Stream of Dividends – The concept of
A generalized stock valuation formula from these stock ownership is :
ideas by treating the dividends and the selling price
as a series of independent amounts to be received at 1. Buy
various time in the future. 2. Hold for a while
3. Sell
The present value of any amount that is infinitely The Gordon Model is a simple expression for
far away in time is clearly zero. forecasting the price of a stock that’s expected to
grow at a constant, normal rate.
Conceptually, it’s possible to replace the final
selling price with an infinite series of dividends. The Zero Growth Rate – A Constant
Dividend – A perpetuity is an unchanging
Market-Based Argument – Individual investors are
payment made regularly for the indefinite period
a whole community; Individual investors will
of time. Common stock will not pay the same
subsequently trade the stock back and forth among
dividend forever. A security called preferred stock
themselves, and act as one unified body setting a
pays the same dividend year after year with no
price for the stock when it is issued. The price must
expectation of increase or decrease.
be based on the present value of future cash flows
moving from the company to the investing
community, with only one kind of payment moving
from company to investors (dividends). The Expected Return

The only basis for valuation by the community as a The Gordon Model can be recast to focus on the
whole is the entire future stream of dividends; return on the stock investment implied by the
nothing else. constant growth rate assumption. The capital gain
yields in the Gordon Model is nothing but the
Working with Growth Rates – Growth rates usually growth rate.
used to predict future values of variables whose
The expected return reflects the investors’
values are known today.
knowledge of the company. It is input to the
The Constant Growth Model Gordon model through the growth rate assumption.

Subsequent dividends can have any values, Two – Stage Growth

randomly chosen or a regular progression of
numbers. When the last dividend is paid, we We know something about the near – term future
assume that dividends will grow at some constant that can be expected to have a temporary effect on
rate in the future. the firm’s prospects.

Any fraction whose denominator is much larger The usual two-stage forecast involves a rapid, super
than its numerator is a very small number. normal growth rate for one, two, or even three years
and a normal rate thereafter. Super normal means a
The entire expression in brackets is a finite number rate in excess of return of stock (k).
when K (return) is greater than g (growth rate). In
this case, we’re forecasting normal growth. When g The model gives us a value for a share of stock at
os greater than k, we have super normal growth the beginning of an infinite periods of constant,
which lasts for limited periods. normal growth.

Constant Normal Growth – The Gordon A normal growth that starts at the end of the second
Model – Constant growth model assumes that the year, when the Gordon model will be applied, the
stock’s dividends are going to grow at a constant result is a price for the stock at the end of the
rate into the indefinite future. It is also called the second year, or equivalently at the beginning of the
Gordon Model after Myron J. Gordon, a scholar third. It includes the value of all dividends to be
behind its development and popularization. It only paid subsequent to the second year but not the
works if growth is normal, K>g. Otherwise the dividend of the second year itself.
denominator is negative (or zero) leading to a
negative (or undefined) price which isn’t The two – stage growth model allows us to value a
meaningful. stock that’s expected to grow at an unusual rate for
a limited time.
The value of a security today is the present value of slow down, even the most vocal non-dividend pays
future cash that comes from owning it. are eventually begin paying. Stock that don’t pay
dividends today are expected to pay large dividends
at some time in the future; those distant dividends
impart value.
If a company truly never paid a dividend, there
would be no way for the investing community as a
whole to ever get a return on its investment.
Practical Limitations of Pricing Models
Valuing New Stocks – Investment
The inputs in the model are only projected growth
rates and interest rates. They are not accurate. Banking and the Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Emerging stocks that are being sold to the public
Comparison with Bond Valuation – The
for the time are called Initial Public Offerings
inaccuracy only refers to stock valuation; bonds
(IPO). They are valued differently than stocks that
have bond pricing model that gives a precise
have been around for a while, which shouldn’t be
valuation for the security, because the future cash
the case, but as a practical matter, things are less
flows are contractually guaranteed in amount and
rational in IPO segment of the equity market.
time, unless a borrowing company defaults its
obligations (rare in higher grade issues), we can
predict the exact pattern of future interest and IPOs for Different Securities
principal payments. Yields in turn are established
accurately by market forces influenced by the IPOs that generate the most excitement sell the
stability of the issuing company and the term of stocks of new companies, but there are IPOs for
debt. other new securities, notably bonds. There are
actually more
Stock Valuation models give approximate results
because the inputs are approximation of reality. IPOs for bonds than stocks because new bonds can
Bond valuation is precise because the inputs are be issued to replace older, maturing bonds as well
exact. as to raise new money.
The sale of new shares of an existing stock is
Stocks That Don’t Pay Dividends – Some
handled like an IPO but is actually a seasoned
companies don’t pay dividends even when their
equity offering (SEO) or a secondary equity
profits are high; many openly states that they never
offering. These aren’t especially interesting from a
pay dividends. However, the stocks of these firms
pricing perspective, but the market value of old
have substantial values.
shares determines the price of the new. (The new
The previous growth models have been working shares may be offered slightly below market to
with base stock values solely on the present value ensure their sale).
of a dividend stream.
The IPOs here are the first public sales of a new
Firms that don’t pay dividends even when their company stocks, that is, the first time people other
earning are good are usually in an early period of than founders and private investors have an
their development and are growing rapidly. Growth opportunity to buy in, which happens when the
requires cash, and management feels it’s futile to founding group wants to raise a lot of money, to
pay dividends only to borrow or issue more stocks support growth.
to support the growth of the company. Stockholders
The shares sold in an IPO are new, but the offering
agree because they hope to own a piece of a much
usually includes some existing shares that were
larger company if growth continues.
previously issued to founders and early investors.
Most people understand that rapid growth is not Although these shares are sold within the IPO
forever. When the growth in the industry and firm
process, they actually constitute a secondary the statement by declaring it effective. During this
offering. period, executives and representatives show
potential investors the prospectus stamped with red
IPOs may include shares owned by founders and ink “preliminary“ but may not share any other
early investors. information about the company or finalize any
Investment Banking orders for stock. Preliminary prospectus are known
as red herring. The prospectus contains price range
The first step toward an IPO is establishing a for the IPO stock but not the exact offering.
relationship with an investment bank, an
organization that specializes in marketing new The second quiet period begins days after trading
securities. This banks specializes in different areas. begins. None associated with the company or IPO
can issue any forecast or analysis of the company’s
An investment bank sells new securities to projected performance. This ensures all investors
investors. have equal access to information.
1. Syndication – Most IPOs are too big and carry During the quiet period, the preliminary prospectus
too much risk for a single investment bank, so a (red herring) is distributed, but no stock may be
lead bank recruits others, forming a syndicate sold.
which shares the process. The lead bank
Book Building and the Road Show
(Principal or Managing investment bank) is in
charge. IPOs are promoted during road shows, in the
2. Registration – Filing a registration statement, process of book building.
Form S-1 with the SEC. A summary of the
information, known as Prospectus, is part of the The road show is fast and intense trip of companies
S-1 document, intended for distribution to around the country, with the purpose of
potential investors. The lead investment bank promotional presentations on the new company and
advises the company during this stage. IPO to potential institutional clients held by
3. Underwriting – Investment banks solve the investment bank.
problem of lowering the price of shares by The purpose of the trip is to make promotional
underwriting IPOs. Underwriting IPOs makes a presentations on the new company and the IPO to
firm commitment to buy the stock from the potential investors, which most are the investment
new company at a fixed price and is then banks institutional client. After each shows, the
responsible for reselling the shares to investors. banks asks the investors how much shares they’re
The bank sells the shares at a higher price than willing to buy, recorded in the book that builds into
it paid. The difference is the underwriting an order list.
spread. This way, investment banks earn profits;
companies understands that the spread act as the The road show generally ends at about the same
fee paid for banking services. The investment time the SEC approves the registration statement
bank syndicate is also called an underwriting which is shortly before the IPO date.
syndicate and the investment bank is called
The bank then allocates the IPO shares among the
investor who expressed interest during the road
Best Efforts – Smaller deals does not use show. In most cases, the investment bank places the
underwriting but accept a placement on a best effort majority of the IPO stock with these large, special
basis. It means that issuing company gets whatever relationship investors rather than with the general
the bank is able to sell the new shares for, less public who are called retail investors. IPO buyers
expenses and commission. tend to be large, powerful organizations that are
“insiders“ in the financial system.
Promoting and Pricing the IPO
The sale of the IPO shares is an off market
Quiet Period - is the period that begins when the transaction, meaning it isn’t the result of an
registration statement is filed until the SEC accepts
auction- like process as are ordinary stock trades. Interested in the company but unable to participate
The price is set by the investment bank and the in the IPO, they buy at pop – inflated prices only to
issuing company, based on information from the lose out when the stocks go down and stay down.
book building process, and all shares sold at that
price. Some Institutional Characteristics of
Common Stock
Prices After the IPO
Common stock represents an investment in equity
The Investment Bank in the Middle – The (ownership) that theoretically implies control of the
investment bank is in the center of the IPO company. Ownership interest means a stockholder
process. It stands between the issuing company has influence on the way the company is run,
and the investors who buy the shares. Both of depending on how much stock they own. Most
these are the bank’s clients and have put their trust management issues are decided by a majority of
in the banker, but their interests conflict. The vote, stockholders owning minority interest have
company wants to get as much as it can for its little power when someone else has a clear majority
stock, while the investors want a very high return or when no one owns a substantial percentage of
on their money, only when securities are acquired the firm.
for less than full value. The issuing company ang
Corporate Organization and Control
investors are both clients of the investment bank.
Corporations are controlled by boards of directors
IPOs have a strong tendency to be underpriced to
whose members are elected by stockholders. The
reward investors to make the stock’s price go up
board appoints the senior management that appoints
right after the IPO. A rapid increase in price when
the middle and lower management and runs the
trading begins is an IPO pop.
company on a day-to-day basis. Strategic decisions
Underpricing may happen because investment are made by the board, but big issues such as
bankers know they’re likely to be marketing shares mergers must be voted by stockholders. Corporate
in another IPO to the same investors. boards are generally made of the company’s top
managers and a number of outside directors. Board
The idea of IPO pop is to purchase shares, hold members may be a major stockholder.
them while the price increases quickly and then sell
after only a few days before the price falls again. Companies are widely held when stock ownership
Investors that use this strategy is called a stag and is distributed among a large number of people and
the gain is a stage profit. A pop – based strategy no single party or group has a significantly large
available to less privileged investors is simply to share.
buy as soon as possible after the trading starts,
This makes it difficult to make a change in the
watch the rising price very carefully, and sell the
board because it’s hard to organize voting
moment it starts down.
stockholders against incumbent members. In
Market Stabilization Investment banks support situations like this, members of top management on
the new stock’s price to keep it above the IPO price. the board have effective control of the company
The lead investment bank is actually committed to with little accountability to stockholders. Top
supporting a small pop by keeping the price of the managers effectively control widely held
stock above the IPO price during the first few days companies, because no stockholder group has
of trading. It does that by purchasing shares if the enough power to remove them.
market for the issue is weak. If demand is very
Kasi all shareholders nagvote para ielect sila, so
weak, stabilization may be impossible.
others might not want to remove them from the
Price in the Longer Run and the Retail Investor board, lets say 100 shareholders elected them, e
Most IPO pops don’t last, and the stocks usually hindi full 100 wants them out, so unless lahat
underperform for years. The result of underpricing nagkaisa para alisin sila, they can’t be ousted. This
and the pop phenomenon is bad for retail investors. gives them control over the company.
Outside directors are supposed to be a restraint on Cumulative Voting gives minority interests a
this autonomy of management, but generally don’t chance at some representation on the board. Each
do much along those lines. share of stock gets one vote for every seat being
elected, the minority stockholders can cast all their
The Role of the Equity Investor Most of the votes for one seat or split them up among several
investors who buy equity stock are not interested in elections. Minority interest can concentrate its votes
running the company, they’re only interested in on one or two seats and be likely to win, getting
cash flows. some board representation.
Preemptive Rights It allows stockholders to Shares with Different Voting Rights It’s possible
maintain their proportionate ownership. When new to issue more than one class of stock with different
shares are issued, common stock – holders have the rights associated with each class. A practice that
right to purchase a portion of the new shares issued affects control involves issuing a class of stock with
equal to the percentage of the outstanding shares limited voting rights or with no votes at all, and if
they already own. Preemptive rights allow current such an issue receives the same dividends as
stockholders be offered this option before the new traditional voting stock, it may attract typical
shares are sold to others. investor without interest in control.
Preemptive rights are common, but no laws require
them. If stockholders have preemptive rights it’s
because they were in the company’s charter.
Stockholders’ Claims on Income and
Voting Rights and Issues Assets
Most common stock comes with voting rights, Common stockholders are last in line to receive
each share gets an equal vote in the election of income or assets and bear more risk than other
directors and major issues. Voting issues are investors, but their residual interest is large when
usually limited to changes in the company’s the firm does well. Stockholders have a residual
charter (broadly defines what it does, and claim on both income and assets.
questions about mergers).
For Income, stockholders own what’s left after all
Stockholders vote on directors and other items at operating costs and expenses are paid, after
an annual meeting that corporations are required bondholders receive their interest and any principal
by law to hold. Each share of common stock has due, and after any preferred stockholders get their
one vote in the election of directors, usually cast dividends.
by proxies. Proxies give the authority to vote
shares to a designated party, they are the person When business is bad, stockholders may not be paid
appointed to stand in for a shareholder at a general because the company might run out of money
meeting of members. A proxy fight is when parties before they’re paid.
with conflicting interest solicit proxies at the same
time, usually happens when a stockholder group is This makes common stock the riskiest investment.
unhappy with management and tries to take over The residual income belonging to stockholders is
the board. Proxy solicitations are efforts made by a essentially the net income line on the income
corporation or interested parties to persuade statement, which may be paid out in dividends or
shareholders to vote in a particular way on certain retained and reinvested in the business.
issues during a shareholders’ meeting.
 Dividends – immediate money in their
Majority and Cumulative Voting Traditional pockets
voting (majority)gives the larger group control of  Retained Earnings – contribute to growth
the company to the virtual exclusion of the minority that makes the stock more valuable.
group because each director is chosen in a separate
election, so the majority vote can win every seat. For Assets, the residual position means that if the
corporation fails and is liquidated, stockholders
don’t get anything until everyone else is paid which Cumulative Feature Enhances the safety for
often means they don’t get anything at all. investors, states that if preferred dividends are
passed (not paid), no common dividends can be
Preferred Stock paid until the preferred dividends in arrears are
It is a security that is between the bonds and caught up. Common dividends can’t be paid unless
common stock, and has the characteristics of both; the dividends on cumulative preferred are current.
a hybrid of the two. Preferred stock pays constant The features of preferred stock allow it to be
dividend forever. When a share is initially issues, characterized as a cross between common stock and
two things are specified: the initial selling price in bonds.
the primary market call the stock’s par value, and
the dividend. The ratio between the two reflects the Comparing Preferred Stock with Common Stock
current return on investments of similar risk, the
market interest rate. Payment to Investors - Preferred dividends are
constant and don’t grow even when the company
The rate of preferred stock is similar to the coupon grows similar to bonds. Common stocks however,
rate of a bond, and the preferred’s initial selling grow with the firm.
price (issue price) is similar to the bond’s face
value. Preferred stock is issued at prices (par Maturity and Return of Principal - Preferred stock
values). Like common stock, preferred stock carries has no maturity and never returns principal unlike
no provision for the return of capital to the investor. bonds and common stocks.
The issuing company never has to pay the initial Assurance of Payment - Preferred dividends can be
selling price back. passed, subject to cumulative feature, which is
Valuation of Preferred Stock somewhere between bonds and stocks. A bond has a
maturity date and can force bankruptcy while
Purchasing a share of preferred stock receives a common stock can be passed indefinitely.
constant dividend forever. All securities are worth
the present value of their future cash flows; a Priority in Bankruptcy- Bondholders have a claim
preferred share is worth the present value of that on company assets to the extent of unpaid principal
infinitely long stream of dividend payments. of the bonds. Common stockholders are entitled to
Preferred stock pays a constant dividend and is only what’s left, and Preferred stock are in between
valued as a perpetuity. because they have a claim in the amount of the
original selling price of the stock, but subordinate
PMT = Dp to the claims of bondholders. It comes before the
interests of common stock and after the
Present value of the perpetuity PVp = Pp or the
security’s price.
Voting Rights - Common stockholders have voting
Pp = Dp
rights,. While preferred stockholders do not (like
Tax Deductibility of Payments to
Valuation of a preferred share is identical to zero Investors - Interest is tax deductible to the paying
growth common share. Similar to bonds, preferred company, while dividends, common or preferred,
shares issued yields the current rate of interest, are not. Preferred stock is equity.
which when interest changes, they have to offer
Legally, preferred stock is equity, but it acts like
competitive yields to new secondary market buyers.
debt which is why it is treated separately in
This is accomplished through price change. Prices
financial analysis.
of preferred stocks also moves inversely with
interest rates. The Order of Risk
Characteristics of Preferred Stock
Bonds are safest, common stock is risky and security is based on that of another underlying
preferred is in the middle. “Preferred stock comes security.
from the idea that of the two types of equity, you’d
rather have preferred stock if the firm does poorly • Earnest – Deposit or downpayment
or fails. to demonstrate seriousness about buying
something (part of purchase price)

• Option – amount distinct from

Securities Analysis purchase price, to secure for the buyer the
It is the art and science of selecting investments. opportunity to make up their mind.
Valuation is part of a broad process aimed at
selecting investments (securities analysis). Leverage amplifies the return on investment (ROI).

Fundamental Analysis looks at a company and its The longer the option, the higher the cost because
business to forecast value. the seller could’ve sold it; the opportunity cost is
lost, so to compensate, they increase option price.
Technical Analysis bases value on the pattern of
past prices and volumes. Volume refers to the Call Options
number of shares traded in a period. A price change
at a low volume of trading isn’t generally as The longer time, the better cause you could
significant as the same change accompanied by a speculate.
higher volume.
Basic Call Option grants its owner the right to buy
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) says a share at a fixed price for a specified period, and at
information moves so rapidly in financial markets the end of that time, the option expires and can no
that price changes occur immediately, so it’s longer be exercised.
impossible to consistently beat the market to
bargains. An option to buy a stock at a strike price
(underlying stock) sells for the option price.
Options and Warrants Underlying stock with increase (buy because
increase will benefit firm).
Options and Warrants make it possible to invest in
stocks without holding shares. Options are An option on volatile stock is worth more than one
securities that make it possible to invest in stocks on a stable issue, because volatile stock price is
without holding shares. Option is a contract that likely to go above the strike price in the allotted
gives one party a temporary right to buy an asset time.
from the other at a fixed price. The option is a
purchase contract that’s suspended at the discretion People also pay more for options with more time
of the buyer for a limited time after which it until expiration, because that gives the stock’s price
expires. Option holders can speculate on asset price more time to move past the strike price.
changes without holding the asset.
Stock Options The Call Option Writer Two parties to an option
contract, a buyer and a seller. Don’t confuse buying
Stock Options convey the right to buy or sell
and selling the option contract with buying and
shares ON or BEFORE a specific date at a specific
selling the optioned stock. Option originators write
price. They are bought to speculate (gamble) on
the options. Once it’s written, the option contract
price movements. Stock options are themselves
becomes a security and a writer sells it to the first
securities and can be traded in financial market.
buyer who may sell it to others.
Call options are options to buy. Put options are
options to sell. Options are an example of
No matter how many times the option is sold, the
derivative security. The value of derivative
writer remains bound by the contract to sell the
underlying stock to the current option owner at a 1. Stock price has to rise higher to make a given
strike price if she exercises. profit, and
2. The buyer has to pay positive intrinsic value in
A call option writer hopes the underlying stock addition to the time premium for the option,
price will remain stable. If it does he will recognize which makes his investment larger and
a gain from the receipt of the option price. decreases the leverage effect. Options That
Expire Options are exercisable only for a
Intrinsic Value It is the difference between the limited period, and become worthless when
stock’s current price and the strike price. they expire. If an option is purchased out of the
Out the money money and the underlying stock’s value never
In the money
exceeds the strike price, the option expires and
the buyer loses the price paid for it.
If an option is purchased at a price that includes
If Vic is out of money, Vic is zero. It is when the positive intrinsic value and the underlying stock
stock price is less than strike price. goes down in value, the option buyer’s loss at
expiration is the time premium plus the decrease in
Vic = Ps – Pstrk
intrinsic value.
Vic = Intrinsic value of call option
Trading In Options
Ps = current price of the underlying stock
Options can be bought and sold between investors
Pstrk = the option’s strike price at any time until they expire. Options on selected
The price of the option is directly proportional to stocks are traded on a number of exchanges
the price of the underlying stock. throughout the country.
Price Volatility in the Options Market Option prices
Option’s Value has a market value. move up and down with the price of the underlying
securities (strike price) but the relative movement is
Time premium is the conversion premium or the
greater for options. Option prices move rapidly, and
convertible bonds.
are rarely exercised until immediately before
The difference between the intrinsic value and the expiration because exercising requires throwing
option price is called the option’s time premium. away whatever value is in the time premium. The
Downside and Risk Speculating in options involves
Time premium = Pop – Vic
a good chance of total loss. It amplifies both losses
and gains.
Investors are willing to pay premiums over intrinsic
Writing Options
value for options because of the chance that they
will profit if the underlying stock’s price goes
People write options for the premium income
received when they’re sold, but option writers give
Time premium is generally largest when a stock’s up whatever profits their buyer makes.
price is near but a little below the option’s strike
Covered Option – the writer owns the underlying
price; it diminishes as the stock price rise.
stock at the time the option is written. You know
Options and leverage the shares you are holding, so when the call option
buyer exercises, the writer must sell at the strike
(financial) Leverage amplifies return on investment price (price of the written option).
(ROI). Options represent one of a number of
leveraging techniques. Options offer a great deal of May shares na hawak si writer, pero nagsulat sya ng
leverage. The option isn’t quite as good a deal when call option na ibebenta nya at a strike price (agreed
the stock is trading above the strike price: price). So if mataas ung current value nung stock na
hawak nya, and the holder of the call option A put buyer profits if the optioned stock’s price
decided to buy the shares na hawak ni writer, may falls.
opportunity loss si writer. Bakit? Kasi if hindi
nagsulat ng option si owner ng shares, kanya ung When the stock is trading above the strike price, the
gain from the share’s increase in market value. E intrinsic value is zero. As with call options, puts sell
kaso nga nagsulat sya tapos binenta nya, so for a time premium over their intrinsic value.
marereceive Nyang income is the strike price while
ang marereceive ni buyer is the current price nung Vip = Pstrk – Ps
Option Pricing Models
Options, like stocks and bonds, are traded securities
 Intrinsic value = Vic = Ps – Pstrk so it’s logical to ask if a similar pricing model
 Time premium = Pop – Vic exists for them. Models are more difficult for stocks
 Pop (Market price of option) than bonds because it’s hard to express an option’s
 Investment = Ps – Pop value as the present value of a stream of future cash
Call Owner Exercises:
Market price of stock at the time of exercise Option prices can be estimated using the
xx Black – Scholes Option Pricing model.
Less: Pstrk Variables are used such as:
(xx)  Underlying stock’s current price
(Loss)  Option’s strike price
 Time remaining until the option’s expiration
Naked:  Volatility of the market price of the
Market price of stock at the time of exercise underlying stock
xx  Risk – free interest rate
Less: Pstrk xx Warrants
xx Stock warrant is a contract between a company and
Gain Market price of stock at the time
Covered: an investor giving the investor the right to buy or
of exercise (xx) sell the company stock within a certain time frame
Less: Pstrk xx for a specific price.
Pop xx
Stock Options are second market phenomena,
Gain xx traded between investors and the companies that
issue the underlying stocks are not involved.
Naked Option – writer doesn’t own the underlying Options are secondary market activities and the
stock at the time she writes the option, which puts underlying companies are not involved. Those
her more on risk. Wala pang hawak na shares, companies don’t get any money when options re
mabibili mo palang the moment you exercised. written or exercised.
Risky kasi kung magkano lang bayad sayo (Pop
Warrants are similar to call options but are issued
– strk) yun lang yung kita mo. So if the contract
by the underlying companies themselves. When a
price is lower, and the buyer exercised, if market
warrant is exercised, the company issues a new
prices is high, you could lose.
stock in return for the exercise price. Warrants are
Put Options
primary market instruments.
Is an option to sell at a specified price, simply
called put. Investors buy puts if they think the price Warrants are like options but are issued by
of the underlying security is going to fall. companies which receive equity at exercise.
Warrants are sweeteners attached to other

Warrants are generally detachable and traded

Employee Stock Options
They are more like warrants than traded options
because they don’t expire for several years and
strike prices are always set well above current stock
prices. Employees who receive options generally
get less in salary. Stock options are used instead of
a portion of salary.

Employee stock options don’t cost the company

anything in cash when issued.

The Executive Stock Option Problem Senior

executives are the biggest recipients of employee
stock options. Stock options provide an incentive
for executives to misstate financial statements to
keep stock prices up. Misstatements of financial
results uncovered in the early 2000s undermined
confidence in the honesty of corporate
management. The executive stock options system
sets up a conflict of interest that can lead to
dishonest reporting.

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