10 Things I Hate About You Essay

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10 things I hate about you

The 1999 film ‘10 Things I hate About You’ directed by Gil Junger, tells the story of the Stafford sisters as
deal with controlling father and dating boys. The film is based on William Shakespeare’s play the taming
of shrew. The film is an excellent one that teenagers should watch; despite those facts it was made 22
years ago. The film investigates the ideas of dating, individualism, and trust with the use of setting,
camera angles and costumes.

Relationship basics are frequent topic throughout shakes peas works, as well as their appropriations.
The significant of loyalty is explored in the timing of shrew, while trust in relationships is explored in ’10
things I hate about you’. both trustworthy and untrustworthy relationships depicted in the film. One of
the key topics in the film is trust, which express the benefit of preserving it in relationships. Mr
Stratford’s lack of trust for his daughters is upsetting since it limits Kat and Bianca’s possibilities for life
lessons and opportunities to have fun. When Kat and Bianca want to attend a party, he tells them there
will be “no drinking, no drugs, no kissing, no tattoos, no piercings, no ritual, animal slaughters of any
kinds”. Mr Strafford’s believes his girls will participate in conventional teenage behaviour and has little
trust in their judgments. All the film’s long lasting relationship Kat and Patrick, Bianca and Cameron, Mr
Strafford, and his daughters are built on trust.

Another major subject or theme is covered throughout the film ’10 things I hate about you’ is the
importance of individualism, which is examined in many forms and analyses. Kat is the person through
whom the journey is narrated. Kat is a strong indented, and self-assured young lady on the outside. “You
forget I don’t care what other people thinks,” she says, suggesting that she is cynical about many things
and does not believe that she need to adhere to the shallow adolescent society that surrounding her.
“You don’t always have to be who other people wants you to be” she says, Bianca referring to her
sister’s willingness to fit in. the film’s characterisation is indivisible tied to Kat strong individuality and
how it grows throughout the course of her relationship with Patrick. Kat is the text character, with
practically every other character serving as an enemy or contrast to her best “I don’t give a crap” world.
Kat does not fit in, and it is clear from the movie opening scene, which features a low angle view of Kat
beat up automobile with loud low pitch, non-volume music attaching from it, that she does not care. Gil
Jungers film features to a fairly trail endings with difficulties on the road, which is not unheard of in
teenagers romance genera. The tone is mostly positive, put as kat growth closer to Patrick, she began
question herself and independence.

The film ’10 things I hate about you’ dating is type of connection everyone obsesses about, especial in
high school. Bianca frequently claims, “I am the only girl at school who doesn’t date” suggesting that
dating is product of peer pressure. She is under pressure from her friends and the lad who keeps on
asking her out on date to fit in with teenage years society. The narrative of ’10 things I hate about you’
is built on the settings which represent the films backdrop, and the topic dating. “It a commonly dating
truth that the Stafford sisters does not get alone” Michael reveals of the film’s plots. When Kat finds that
Patrick is getting paid to go out with her, the plot of the film becomes mor complicated. After the
apologies to each other’s, the situation is resolved, and the films end in a well cheerful manner. The
narrative of the film is largely influenced by the timing of shrew, with a similar structure and time. In ’10
things I hate about you’ dating is an inexpiable adultescence experience.
The film ’10 things I hate about you’ is an iconic film by the director Gil Junger which brings, Williams
Shakespeare, timing of shrew to life for a new audience. The film is an excellent film to watch that
teaches year nine mostly in 21st century as it really depicts a wariety of interesting teenagers, especially
ones that can relate too. The theme presented by Junger, are commonly used in films about teenagers.

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