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MV Network Management

Fault current passage indicator

Flair 2xD in FBX

Retrofit document on the replacement of

DAX-I with Flair 2xD in MV cubicle FBX


Replacement of DAX-I with Flair 2xD in FBX Page 1

Physical integration of Flair 2xD in FBX

Figure 1: Connection of Flair DIN in FBX

Important points:
● Flair indicator is located in LV panel of FBX incoming function
● Current sensors are set on cables only as CT diameter does not fit with
FBX bushing.
● The main & exact replacement of DAX-I is with Flair 22D (most suited for all
DAX-I variants). However it can vary (out of Flair 21D, 22D, 23D & 23DM)
depending on the choice of customer requirements.

Replacement of DAX-I with Flair 2xD in FBX Page 2

Process of DAX-I replacement with Flair DIN:
 DAX-I & Flair DIN is having same mechanical dimensions and so
replacement of DAX-I with Flair DIN is almost transparent.
 Follow the safety procedure of electric consignment. (De-energize the RMU
and make the FBX earth connection…………).
 Remove all LV components of DAX-I i.e. wirings, CT’s etc.
 Remove the DAX-I from the panel
 Replace Flair DIN in same place of DAX-I in the FBX panel.
 Make the wiring as mentioned in above diagram for Flair DIN. (for more
details on extended connection wire having Macon reference as
AMT151013-01, kindly refer the drawing mentioned in “Wiring Package
 Check the Flair functionality by injecting the test current on the CT’s before
installing on the MV cables.
 Make the configuration of settings in Flair as per the customer
 Install the CT’s on the MV cable as mentioned in the Figure 1 above.
 Check & verify the physical connection of wires whether it is properly
connected as per the above diagram with MV cable & Flair. (Do not forget
the earth wiring including the wiring of loom for CT’s, it has to be exactly in
same fashion as that we have used with DAX-I).
 Remove Earth connection with FBX.
 Energize the RMU.

Note: The procedure of replacement of DAX-I in Fluokit is same as that of

FBX because the physical dimension of DAX-I is same as that of Flair DIN.
Kindly go through the same wiring procedure for the replacement of DAX-I
with Flair DIN in Fluokit.

Replacement of DAX-I with Flair 2xD in FBX Page 3

Guidelines of CT connection with Flair DIN:

Figure 2: CT wiring connection with Flair DIN

Types of CT connection:

A type mounting B type mounting C type mounting

Flair 21D, Flair 22D, Flair23D, Flair23DM Flair22D, Flair 23D, Flair 23DM Flair 23D, Flair 23DM

Replacement of DAX-I with Flair 2xD in FBX Page 4

General Safety Rules:
 P.P.E. Personal Protective Equipment required during MV interventions for ex: security shoes,
protection gloves, jacket & helmet with safety visor etc.

 All the operations suggested must be performed in compliance with applicable safety standards,
under the responsibility of a competent authority.
 Only undertake the work after having read and understood all the explanations recommended
performing such an operation.
 If you have any difficulty complying with these rules, please contact Schneider Electric.
 The contractor must be certified and authorized to manipulate and perform work on the MV

Replacement of DAX-I with Flair 2xD in FBX Page 5

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