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Question: As the newly hired Director of Corporate Learning, refer to your Learning

Performance Indicator (LPI) and by leaders to boost organizational and

employee learning and development and outcomes, and identify one or two

strategies, policies, programs or leadership practices for each of the five dimensions

on the LPI, that could be implemented by your organization

The organization that I have analysed through the learning performance indicator is VPS

promotions which is an agency that is hired by Costco wholesale to handle the bakery and

bread department. The workers in this company have to stock and merchandise bread,

cakes, truffles, donuts, and Naan in the Costco stores. I have worked for this company for

almost two years now due to which I know the ins and outs of this company. The whole

organization is run by 5 senior managers in Montreal in an office. They have appointed

regional managers all over Canada in main Costco. The rest of the workers are lower level

employees working at minimum wages for basic stocking and merchandising work.

1. Vision: The score VPS promotions achieves in terms of vision is 15, which belongs to

level 2 performance in score of 14-17. The managers do not communicate the

strategic visions of the organization as some of the employees are not literate enough

to understand these concepts and work on minimum wages. In the two years I have

worked here, the regional manager has not come once to the Waterloo store to

explain the importance of learning and he definitely does not support the workers

serving as role models. In fact, the only contact we have is with the regional manager

through text and we do not have any contact with senior managers of the company

and do not even know who they are. Thus, the managers do not pass the vision down

to lower level employees at all. I think the two strategies for this company are basic.

The regional managers should come to stores at-least once a month and tell

employees about the organization and the work we are trying to accomplish and do
monthly check ups in the store if the vision of the company is followed or not. The

second strategy is making a guidebook about the concepts and the vision of the

organization and present that guidebook to workers when they join the company.

2. Infrastructure: The score for this index is in the last level of 21 or less. There are no

resources, funding, policies, and technology to support the learning. The work to be

performed by the workers in this company is very similar to workers of Costco and

Walmart. However, Costco and Walmart provide computer based interactive learning

and tour on sites with new strategies, work assignments, and databases. However,

there are no resources, systems or procedures to support learning. The only training

that we get is the co-workers we are working with direct us with whatever way they

think of working is right and we start learning that way. The organization is in serious

need to develop learning infrastructure for employees by providing them with an

interactive learning-based module which includes videos on how to perform the tasks.

The second could be computer-based quiz by making a training online book which all

workers can access. The new strategies, concepts, and assignments can be added to

the online book and changes can be made in the quiz online to support learning.

3. Culture: The score for culture in VPS promotions is between 22-26 at level 2. The

culture is mostly based on working together as people learn more and do better who

co-ordinate and help each other out. However, the problems and failures in the

organization are not sincerely met with and proper solutions are not provided due to

which a lot of employees quit in the first 3-6 months of joining the company. The first

solution for this can be made by making an online discussion board where employees

can post their argument about a failure and the senior managers can consult the

employee on how to bring a solution to such problems or failures. This way the senior

managers who never contacted the lower level employees re now in reach of
employees to support important decisions and changes. Secondly, there should be

get-togethers between all the workers in the store and monthly meetings where

workers can play some co-ordination games, know each other well, discuss their

problems, and try to bring solutions unanimously with the regional supervisor present

in the meeting to support the meeting.

4. Learning Dynamics: The learning dynamics falls in level one score of 21 or less. The

first technique to be used is provide benchmarks of stores which are working well.

Send the photos of the racks, shelves, and surroundings of how they look and the

workers should maintain it. Performance benchmarks are necessary to support the

learning of the stores. Second strategy is to include regional managers in the training

process instead of letting the workers learn by their co-workers. If the regional

managers teach the lower level workers right, the work will be done properly. The

strategy is the senior managers support the failures of employees instead of punishing

them and let them learn from it and do it correctly. Also, they can keep a look on store

and acknowledge or award stores which are excellent.

5. Training investment: The company stands at level 1 in the score of 16 or less. The

first step in deciding a formal training policy, training hours, and period of days in

which training is done. There is no formal training method as workers are directly

included in the work process and they just need to do it instead of getting trained,

observed, and directed. Secondly, the regional manager should be present as a

mentor explaining all concepts and how to work. Thirdly, the company can hold

workshops in which all the workers are present so that they can show new methods or

techniques of working.

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