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Edilyn: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty members, honored

guests, and beloved students.

Both: I am Edilyn B. Lobo, and I am Dan Marc C. Borja. Your Emcees for today!

DM: We are thrilled to welcome you to the heartwarming culmination of our journey
through the realms of Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health.

Edilyn: Today, we gather under the banner of unity and creativity as Purisima National
High School proudly presents the "MAPEH Culminating Activity."

DM: As we embark on this joyous occasion, let us be reminded of the words of Albert
Einstein, who said, "The only source of knowledge is experience." Indeed, today's event
is a testament to the experiential learning and growth that have flourished within our
MAPEH curriculum.

Edilyn: But before we dive into the heart of our program, may I request everyone to
please stand and let us first pay homage to the land we hold dear and seek guidance
from above though the Nationalistic Song followed by the opening prayer via multimedia

DM: Thank you for that moving tribute, you may now take your sit. Now, as we embark
on this journey of celebration and learning, we are honored to introduce our first
speaker of the day. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Jerrick P. Cabrera, our esteemed
T-III, to deliver the Welcome Message. A round of applause please.

Edilyn: Thank you, Mr. Cabrera, for your inspiring words. Now, as we immerse
ourselves deeper into the essence of this event, let us gain insight into its purpose. To
shed light on the rationale behind today's activities, let us warmly welcome Mr. Ariel C.
Lozada, our dedicated T-II. A big hand please.

DM: Our gratitude to Mr. Lozada for enlightening us. Now, let us move forward with a
glimpse into the exciting lineup of activities that await us today. Please welcome and
give a big hand to Ms. Kathleen Gwenn Q. Ariate, our talented T-II, as she presents the
activities for this momentous occasion.
Edilyn: Thank you, Ms. Ariate, for giving us a glimpse of what's in store. But first, let's
take a breather and enjoy a captivating intermission number brought to us by our very
own Practice Teachers from NEMSU. A round of applause please.

DM: Let's give another round of applause for that mesmerizing performance! Now, as
we continue our journey, it's time to recognize the hard work and dedication of our
participants. We call upon our MAPEH teachers and MAPEH Club Officers for the giving
of certificates.

Edilyn: As we draw near to the end of this remarkable event, let us hear the closing
remarks from someone who has been instrumental in making today possible. Please
welcome Ms. Jastine L. Pipeto, the President of our MAPEH Club, to deliver the Closing

DM: Thank you, Ms. Pipeto, for your inspiring words. And with that, we bring this
wonderful journey to a close. On behalf of Purisima National High School, we extend
our sincerest thanks to each and every one of you for gracing us with your presence

Edilyn: Indeed, may the spirit of creativity and camaraderie ignited today continue to
flourish within us all. Until we meet again, may you carry the memories of this day in
your hearts. Farewell and God bless!

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