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CLINICAL REPORT Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care

This Clinical Report was revised. See

The Role of the Pediatrician in Primary

Prevention of Obesity
Stephen R. Daniels, MD, PhD, FAAP, Sandra G. Hassink, MD, FAAP, COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION

The adoption of healthful lifestyles by individuals and families can result in abstract
a reduction in many chronic diseases and conditions of which obesity is the
most prevalent. Obesity prevention, in addition to treatment, is an important
public health priority. This clinical report describes the rationale for
pediatricians to be an integral part of the obesity-prevention effort. In addition,
The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition used
the 2012 Institute of Medicine report “Accelerating Progress in Obesity review of the literature, including reports from other groups, but did
Prevention” includes health care providers as a crucial component of not conduct a formal systematic review of the literature. Comments
also were solicited from committees, sections, and councils of the
successful weight control. Research on obesity prevention in the pediatric care American Academy of Pediatrics; 18 entities responded. Additional
comments were sought from the Centers for Disease Control and
setting as well as evidence-informed practical approaches and targets for Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the US Department of
prevention are reviewed. Pediatricians should use a longitudinal, Agriculture, and the US Food and Drug Administration, because these
governmental agencies have official liaisons to the Committee on
developmentally appropriate life-course approach to help identify children Nutrition who served the on the committee during the development of
the statement. Comments also were solicited from various
early on the path to obesity and base prevention efforts on family dynamics professional societies and other entities interested in childhood
and reduction in high-risk dietary and activity behaviors. They should promote obesity; 4 entities responded. For recommendations for which high
levels of evidence are absent, the expert opinions and suggestions of
a diet free of sugar-sweetened beverages, of fewer foods with high caloric the members of the Committee on Nutrition and other groups and
density, and of increased intake of fruits and vegetables. It is also important to authorities consulted were taken into consideration in developing this
clinical report.
promote a lifestyle with reduced sedentary behavior and with 60 minutes of
This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
daily moderate to vigorous physical activity. This report also identifies Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have filed
important gaps in evidence that need to be filled by future research. conflict of interest statements with the American Academy of
Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process
approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial
involvement in the development of the content of this publication.

INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE FOR OBESITY PREVENTION Clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics benefit from
expertise and resources of liaisons and internal (American Academy
This clinical report updates and replaces the 2003 American Academy of of Pediatrics) and external reviewers. However, clinical reports from
the American Academy of Pediatrics may not reflect the views of the
Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement “Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and liaisons or the organizations or government agencies that they
Obesity”1 and complements the AAP-endorsed 2007 expert committee represent.

“Recommendations for Prevention of Childhood Obesity”2 and the chapter The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of
“Promoting Healthy Weight” in the 2008 third edition of Bright Futures: treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking
into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
Prevention and Health Promotion for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and
All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Their Families.3 Since 2003, much has been written in the scientific automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,
literature and the lay press regarding childhood obesity. The prevalence of revised, or retired at or before that time.
pediatric obesity has increased significantly (two- to threefold, depending
on the age group) in the past few decades in the United States and in other
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-1558
countries.4–6 Because of the numerous medical and psychosocial
complications of childhood obesity and the burden of pediatric obesity on PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).

current and future health care costs, this condition is now recognized as Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

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a public health priority by many approaches to prevention. This pediatric clinical setting can be
groups and experts.7–13 Although clinical report reviews the role of the informed by findings about obesity
treatment of obesity in the pediatric pediatrician in practice and in the treatment, obesity prevention in
age group, as well as secondary and community as a behavior-change other settings, and obesity prevention
tertiary prevention, will remain a key agent and advocate for healthful among adults.
component of a comprehensive lifestyles for the prevention of
Several studies have examined the
strategy to address this public health childhood obesity. It is not
efficacy of obesity prevention in
problem, the results of treatment a systematic review of evidence but
pediatric primary care settings.
remain modest, and primary rather an assessment of the best-
Patrick et al26 used a randomized
prevention is recognized as a critical available evidence that weighs the
controlled design to compare
part of a sustainable solution.8,9,12 It potential benefits of possible
a control intervention unrelated to
is also increasingly recognized that interventions. This report also
obesity to a 12-month, theory-based
both clinical interventions and focuses on clinical practice. However,
intervention aimed at reducing
supportive institutional and the role that a pediatrician can play in
sedentary behavior, promoting
community environments are the community is also critical.
physical activity, and promoting
required to adopt more healthful Although the role of pediatricians as
healthier nutrition. The intervention
lifestyles for the prevention of obesity advocates for community and policy
was initiated in primary care but,
and other noncommunicable changes is not reviewed in detail
after the initial primary care visit,
diseases.9,14–19 For example, here, resources to assist pediatricians
was delivered by research staff by
a comprehensive review of strategies in this role can be found on the AAP
phone and mail. The intervention
for obesity prevention in the United Institute for Healthy Childhood
Kingdom concluded that “the Weight Web site (http://ihcw.aap. improved self-reported sedentary
deceptively simple issue of org).20 behavior, improved fruit and
encouraging physical activity and vegetable intake, and increased
modifying dietary habits, in reality, objectively measured physical activity
raises complex social and economic among boys only. In a pilot study that
questions about the need to reshape OBESITY PREVENTION used a natural experiment design,
public policy in food production, food Kubik et al27 showed that another
The prevention of childhood obesity practice-based intervention
manufacturing, healthcare, retail, has been the subject of many research
education, culture and trade.”14 successfully increased parental intent
studies, reviews, and guidelines, to give their children 5 or more
Pediatricians can and should play an primarily in the school or community servings of fruits and vegetables per
important role in obesity prevention setting, and these studies were taken day. In a 6-month nonrandomized
because they are in a unique position into consideration for this feasibility study, Schwartz et al28 used
to partner with families and patients report.2,9,21–25 However, little is primary care–based motivational
and to influence key components of known about the feasibility,
interviewing to improve eating and
the broader strategy of developing effectiveness, and cost of childhood
sedentary behaviors. The
community support. Prevention of obesity prevention in the primary
intervention was found to be feasible;
obesity is clearly not only the care setting. Because research on
parents reported that it helped them
responsibility of pediatricians but of pediatric obesity treatment began
change family eating habits, but no
all elements of society, including the earlier than the research on pediatric
significant effect on BMI was
public and the private sectors. Unlike obesity prevention, and because more
observed. Furthermore, the drop-out
most schools, community-based data are available on treatment, many
rate was much higher in the more
organizations, or governmental of the tools and behavior targets used
intensive intervention than in the
programs, pediatricians often follow for prevention derive from our
minimal intervention or the control
children over a long period of time, knowledge of treatment. Because the
group. Ford et al29 showed in
sometimes from fetal life through motivation for prevention differs
a randomized controlled pilot and
college, giving them a unique long- from that for treatment, and because
feasibility trial that a primary
term perspective in preventing an individual with obesity frequently
care–based behavioral intervention
chronic conditions such as obesity. differs metabolically from a person of
was successful not only at decreasing
Furthermore, pediatricians, in the healthy weight, this approach may
television watching but also at
context of the medical home, have have limitations that further increase
a family-centered perspective and are increasing organized physical activity.
the challenges of obesity prevention
seen by families as a reliable source in a clinical setting designed for A brief review of obesity treatment in
of health advice and as experts in treatment. Despite these limitations, the pediatric primary care literature
developmentally appropriate obesity-prevention strategies in the showed mixed but promising results.


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Two randomized trials found increasing healthy nutrition and age and weight-for-length should be
promising results with group activity behavior, which is sufficient monitored by using the new World
differences in BMI.30,31 Two other justification for pediatricians to Health Organization normative
uncontrolled feasibility treatment develop the necessary skills to growth charts based on healthy
studies also had promising perform these activities as part of breastfed infants (http://www.cdc.
results.32,33 In contrast, 2 large their practice. gov/growthcharts/who_charts.
Australian primary care–based htm).41 For children aged 2 years and
obesity-treatment interventions older, BMI changes should be
proved ineffective at improving BMI PREVENTION: STRATEGIES TO monitored by calculating and plotting
and were costly to both the health IMPLEMENT PREVENTION BMI on the Centers for Disease
system and families.34–36 However, Control and Prevention growth charts
Most of the approaches and targets
a more recent randomized controlled ( at
described in this section are derived
trial in 41 pediatric practices every health care visit so that obesity-
from research on obesity prevention
participating in Pediatric Research in prevention interventions can be
in other settings and age groups, on
Office Settings revealed significant implemented when a child starts to
obesity treatment, or on the
reductions in BMI using motivational cross BMI percentiles upward, even
prevention of other conditions in
interviewing delivered by before they approach the 85th or the
pediatric and other primary care
pediatricians, with a larger reduction 95th percentile.1,2,42 A study found
settings. They represent the best-
when motivational interviewing was that only 46% of pediatricians
available evidence informing clinical
delivered to the patient by both the surveyed routinely calculated and
pediatrician and the dietitian.37 plotted BMI.43 However, more recent
Regardless of the strategy used for evidence shows substantial
These studies have suggested that
prevention, it cannot be improvement among pediatricians in
obesity-prevention or -treatment
interventions in primary care are
overemphasized that prevention primary care practice.44
should be tailored to the child’s
feasible and may result in behavioral Prenatal risk factors for obesity
developmental stage, as well as to
change, but their effect on excessive include parental obesity, maternal
family characteristics.39 Because
weight gain is uncertain. The lack of gestational diabetes, and maternal
pediatric primary care providers
feasible and effective obesity- smoking during pregnancy. Child risk
follow children longitudinally, they
prevention strategies in primary care factors include never being breastfed,
often know families for a long time
constitutes an important research rapid infant weight gain, short sleep
and are aware of the families’
gap.38 One reason for this gap is the duration, depression, and having
characteristics that are relevant to
lack of reimbursement for obesity- a disability.45–50 Additional
the tailoring of prevention
prevention efforts in the primary care behavioral risks can be identified
interventions. They are also well
setting. Additional gaps include through the nutrition, sedentary
positioned to deliver
studies to assess whether successful behaviors, and physical activities
developmentally appropriate
prevention strategies implemented in questions that are part of the Bright
preventive interventions.
other settings (including Futures templates.51–53
interventions aimed at changing the Pediatric practitioners should be
food and activity environment) can be familiar with the specifics of the The Role of Education
translated to the pediatric primary racial/ethnic, cultural, and Although most of the population
care setting. Areas of needed research socioeconomic groups to which their recognizes the benefit of healthy
include behavioral approaches for patients belong. Getting involved with nutrition, physical activity, and
prevention in the pediatric primary the community and studying the reduced sedentary behavior, few
care setting and the optimal format characteristics, strengths, and follow public health
for obesity prevention in this setting challenges different cultural groups recommendations, which suggests
(group versus individual, intervention face will help develop greater cultural that more education is unlikely to
by primary care staff versus outside competence and improve tailoring of result in significant improvement for
staff), the length and intensity of prevention interventions for patients most people. Most obesity-treatment
effective interventions, and the level and their families. studies use education as the control
of resources required for effective or placebo intervention, assuming
interventions. Although research is Identification of Children at Risk that education alone will have little or
still ongoing, it is important to To prevent obesity, pediatricians no effect on obesity-related
emphasize that there is enough should identify children at risk of behaviors. However, education and
evidence to show that prevention in developing obesity.40 From birth counseling may have important roles
primary care has been successful in through 23 months of age, weight-for- in primary prevention, especially if

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TABLE 1 Feeding Guide for Children
Food Age Comments

2 to 3 Years (1000–1400 kcal) 4 to 6 Years (1200–1800 kcal) 7 to 12 Years (1400–2000 kcal)

Portion Size Daily Amounts Portion Size Daily Amounts Portion Size Daily Amounts
Low-fat milk and dairy 1/2 cup (4 oz) 2-1/2 cups 1/2–3/4 cup (4–6 oz) 2-1/2–3 cups 1/2–1 cup (4–8 oz) 2-1/2–3 cups The following may be substituted for
1/2 cup fluid milk: 1/2 oz natural
cheese, 1 oz processed cheese, 1/2
cup low-fat yogurt, 2-1/2 T nonfat dry
Meat, fish, poultry, or equivalent 1–2 oz (2–3 T) 2–4 oz 1–2 oz (4–6 T) 3–5 oz 2 oz 4–5-1/2 oz The following may be substituted for 1
oz meat, fish, or poultry: 1 egg, 1 T
peanut butter, 1/4 cup cooked beans
or peas.
Vegetables and fruits
Cooked 2–3 T 1-1/2 cups 4–6 T 1-1/2–2-1/2 cups 1/4–1/2 cup 1-1/2–2-1/2 cups Include dark-green (1 cup/week) and
Rawa Few pieces Few pieces Several pieces orange vegetables (3 cups/week) for
vitamin A, such as carrots, spinach,

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broccoli, winter squash, or greens.
Limit starchy vegetables (potatoes)
to 3-1/2 cups weekly.
Raw 1/2–1 small fruit 1-1/2 cups 1/2–1 smal fruitl 1–1-1/2 cups 1 medium fruit 1-1/2–2 cups Include 1 vitamin C–rich fruit,
Canned 2–3 T 4–6 T 1/4–1/2 cup vegetable, or juice, such as citrus
Juice 3–4 oz 4 oz 4 oz juices, orange, grapefruit,
strawberries, melon, tomato, or
Grain products The following may be substituted for 1
Whole-grain or enriched bread 1/2–1 slice 3–5 oz 1 slice 4–6 oz 1 slice 5–6 oz slice of bread: 1/2 cup spaghetti,
Cooked cereal 1/4–1/2 cup 1-1/2–2-1/2 oz 1/2 cup 1/2–1 cup macaroni, noodles, or rice; 5
Dry cereal 1/2–1 cup Whole-grain 1 cup 1 cup saltines; 1/2 English muffin or bagel;
1 tortilla; corn grits; or posole. Make
one-half of grain intake whole
Oils 4 tsp 4–5 tsp 4–6 tsp Choose soft margarines. Avoid trans
fats. Use liquid vegetable oils rather
than solid fats.
Reproducedwith permission from American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition. Feeding the child and adolescent. In: Kleinman RE, Greer FR, eds. Pediatric Nutrition. 7th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2014:153.
Adapted from ChooseMyPlate at and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. T, tablespoons; tsp, teaspoons.
a Do not give to young children until they can chew well.


pediatricians provide information in programs, nutritional counseling, and change, also known as “stimulus
the context of the child’s growth and food packages affect a family’s ability control,” which eliminates food
health and the family’s health history. to implement prevention strategies triggers and has been effective in
Reiteration of core messages from discussed in the clinical setting. obesity prevention in the school
early in life may foster parenting that Particularly important may be setting.64–66 Changing the food that
promotes a healthy lifestyle and information about cost-effective is available at home may help
strengthens prevention. The shopping for healthy foods. children make healthier choices and
pediatrician’s advocacy within the Workshops can be found online on limit arguments about food. It may
community for environmental the US Department of Agriculture be useful to review with families
supports of healthful behaviors can Web site (http:// what is available in the house and
be an important adjunct to education. help them replace the less healthy
downloads/EatHealthyBeActive choices with more nutritious
A few simple screening questions
CommunityWorkshops.pdf). If local options. To assist such reviews, it
about breastfeeding knowledge,
restaurants or grocery stores offer may be helpful to ask families to
healthy food choices, appropriate
healthier take-out options, such bring grocery store receipts, prepare
portion sizes, food label reading,
information might be useful to a list of food items easily available to
nutrients of concern, energy balance,
families who consume a large amount the child in the house, or e-mail or
the benefit of physical activity, and
of fast food or unhealthy take-out text pictures of the refrigerator, the
the negative effect of sedentary
meals. When access to opportunities kitchen counter, and pantry that can
entertainment can identify
for physical activity is limited, be reviewed together on the office
appropriate targets for counseling
providers may want to help families computer. This can be a good arena
(see the Appendix for practical tools;
find local opportunities that are safe for partnership with a dietitian and/
also see the 15-minute obesity-
and sustainable, such as sports clubs, or a role for other office
prevention protocol in the Appendix
basketball courts, parks with walking professionals or group visits.
of the Expert Committee report2).
or bicycle trails, skate parks, or
Health education, including use of
playgrounds. Schools often have joint- Managing the Food and Activity
handouts, can address these gaps.
use agreements that allow Environment
Physician and family resource
community-member usage of school After an assessment of the current
materials may be found at http://
facilities for physical activity. food environment has been
performed, the family should be
Even when families have sufficient The Role of Theory-Based Behavior- encouraged to buy fewer of the foods
knowledge of healthy behaviors, they Modification Techniques that are associated with the
may need help from pediatricians to
Behavior-modification programs built development of obesity, such as
develop the motivation to change, to
on strong theoretical models have sweetened beverages (including fruit-
provide encouragement through
long been shown to be the best option flavored drinks), high-caloric-density
setbacks, and to identify and support
for obesity treatment, both in adults snacks, or sweets. If these items are
appropriate community resources
and children.54–58 Behavioral theories present in the house for special
that will help them successfully
that have been used effectively for occasions or other purposes, they
implement behavior changes. For
obesity treatment include the should be purchased immediately
example, in communities where
learning theory/operant conditioning, before the event and removed
access to fresh vegetables and fruits
social learning/social cognitive immediately afterward to decrease
is limited, informing families about
theory, the behavioral economics the temptation to snack on these
farmers’ markets or local grocery
theory, and the social-ecological items. In contrast, healthy
stores that have a good supply of
model. More in-depth information on alternatives, such as water pitchers,
frozen or canned vegetables and
these theories is available for fruits, vegetable snacks, and other
fruits or online grocery shopping may
clinicians who are interested.19,59–63 low-calorie snacks should be readily
improve availability.
Most of these behavioral models have available at all times and placed in
Pediatricians should also become been investigated for the treatment of plain sight; for example, in front of
familiar with federal food assistance obesity. They are often also used for the refrigerator or in large bowls on
programs, such as the Special prevention as an extension of their the kitchen counter or table.
Supplemental Nutrition Program for use in treatment. However, less Practically, the cookie jar should be
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) evidence exists to support their use in replaced by a fruit bowl. If high-
and the Supplemental Nutrition primary prevention. Most behavior- calorie foods remain in the home,
Assistance Program (SNAP) to modification programs include they should be packaged in foil to
understand how the educational a component of environmental make them less visible and more

PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 1, July 2015 e279

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forgettable. Healthier, low-calorie their local communities, working with pointing out and praising positive
items should be placed in front of the their local public health departments behaviors while ignoring or positively
refrigerator and pantry, and high- on policies to effect system change addressing behaviors that should be
calorie items should be placed in the and environmental change to prevent changed, is critical for success.
back.66 Such environmental obesity by increasing the availability Parents should be discouraged from
manipulations help children and of public parks for recreational using food as a reward (ie, celebrating
adolescents make healthier choices, activity and enhanced bicycle paths with ice cream, going out to eat) or
because visible and easily available as well as with schools to advocate a punishment (restricting food for
foods are more likely to be chosen for improved availability of fresh bad behavior).
than are foods that require an effort fruits and vegetables and improved
to find.66 Larger serving sizes environments for activity. Families Focus on Family-Based Interventions
increase intake, because they and adolescent patients should also The obesity-treatment literature
influence consumption norms and be encouraged to advocate for emphasizes that family-based
decrease the accuracy of consumption improvement in the food and physical interventions are more effective than
monitoring.67–69 Therefore, activity environment in their interventions focused on the child
pediatricians should recommend to communities, schools, child care only.55 It is reasonable to expect that
families that they decrease the size of facilites,71 and work sites. the same applies to primary
the main dish, serving dishes, serving prevention. A family-based
spoons, plates, bowls, and glasses for Encouraging Self-Monitoring intervention fits well within the
calorie-dense foods and increase Most behavior-modification paradigm of primary care practice,
these for lower-calorie foods.67 techniques also involve self- because usually at least 1 parent is
Parents should also be warned that monitoring, because it provides present for visits, at least for younger
many prepackaged food items and feedback on the frequency at which children. For adolescents, it may be
portion sizes at most restaurants a target behavior occurs, raises important to involve parents in
contain more than 1 serving size and awareness of the contextual cues that obesity-prevention interventions
that these are often not appropriate relate to the target behavior, and more closely than for other
for children.70 Eating directly from facilitates analysis of the target adolescent health problems, because
the package should be discouraged, behavior, goal setting, and feedback even at that age, parents are still the
and high-calorie snacks should be from the goals’ achievements.12 main role models for eating and
repackaged at home in smaller Several diaries, forms, logs, and other physical activity behaviors and have
containers.67 It may also be helpful to formats have been developed, some a direct effect on the adolescent’s
recommend healthy snacks that are of which can be found on the Web food and activity environment.
prepackaged in a size that is an age- sites listed in the Appendix. To Parents and other family members
appropriate portion size. In addition successfully implement self- should be strongly encouraged to
to convenience and decreasing caloric monitoring, families should be implement the same changes as the
intake, this approach may help instructed to partner with their child and model healthier behaviors
families learn the size of an age- children on maintaining a diary of as a family. Parents and families
appropriate serving (see Table 1). food, physical activity, and/or should be encouraged to be
Another way to change the child’s sedentary activities on a daily basis, supportive, and pediatricians are
environment is to decrease starting with only 1 or 2 target often in a good position to help
opportunities for sedentary behaviors and increasing to more families find ways to do this together.
entertainment by reducing the behaviors after the monitoring Another frequent problem for young
number of television sets and routine has been established. To children is that many adults other
especially removing the television maintain monitoring, parents need to than the parents are involved in the
and other media from the child’s encourage their children in care of the children. For example,
bedroom and where meals are a nonjudgmental way by reminding grandparents may be involved in
consumed. The availability of other them to write the target behavior on child care and can have a large
forms of sedentary entertainment, several occasions during the day and influence on child-rearing practices.
such as video games, computers, and by reviewing the diary with them at In these situations, communication
other screen electronic devices, the end of the day. Goals for behavior regarding eating and physical
should also be limited. More practical change should be made in a small- activities should be encouraged
tips for changing the home step manner. They should also be between parents and other
environment are provided on the unambiguous, attainable, and caregivers. It may sometimes be
Web sites listed in the Appendix. routinely reexamined. Positive helpful for the pediatrician to
Pediatricians should be involved in feedback from the parent, such as communicate directly with other


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caregivers to emphasize the health comparing an intervention with and behaviors or risk factors, or who are
message. without motivational interviewing in already diagnosed with obesity; (4)
primary care revealed that using ability to advocate on behalf of
Help Parents Develop Parenting and motivational interviewing was patients for proper payment; (5)
Communication Skills associated with significant reductions ability to work with pediatric councils
Although few empirical data exist, it in BMI when compared with in each state as obesity-prevention
often is the experience of clinicians a standard approach.37 An interactive, and -management services are
that improving parenting skills and responsive dialog between discussed with payers.
intrafamilial communications can pediatricians and families and The AAP advocates that benefit plan
facilitate the implementation of children is important to help families design include coverage and payment
behavior changes for obesity move toward lifestyle change. The for pediatric obesity assessment,
prevention.72 Clinicians can assist AAP Change Talk Web site (http:// evaluation, and treatment. As a result
families in finding better ways to, of focused advocacy by the AAP and
communicate, set limits, reward which includes training in child health partners, the Patient
rather than punish, provide positive motivational interviewing, may be Protection and Affordable Care Act
feedback, and role-model in the used for primary care providers. now includes a rule that essential
context of obesity prevention, as they
preventive care services (as
already do in the context of other risk
PRACTICE-BASED SKILLS AND recommended by Bright Futures) are
behaviors. Role modeling by parents WORKFLOW provided with no cost sharing for
cannot be overemphasized, and
families with new health insurance
pediatricians should encourage the Role of Nonphysician Providers plans. It is hoped that this rule will
entire family, not just patients, to Counseling on obesity prevention is increase opportunities for families to
engage in healthy changes. Families time consuming. Pediatric practices access preventive services, including
can find useful resources under with nonphysician staff may decide to those for obesity.
“Communication & Discipline” on the train and delegate these activities to
AAP Web site www.healthychildren. The Affordable Care Act also includes
practice-based or community-based,
org. provisions for an enhanced federal
culturally competent nonphysician
match for states that cover all US
Parents who are obese are more providers. As awareness of the
Preventive Services Task Force grade
likely to have children who are obesity epidemic increases, training
A– and B–recommended preventive
obese. In the United States, opportunities and reimbursement for
services. Obesity screening and
approximately 60% of adults are preventive care should become more
counseling for children, adolescents,
overweight or obese and, as parents, widely available, making this
and adults is a US Preventive Services
may have already established approach more realistic for primary
Task Force–recommended service, as
unhealthy lifestyles for themselves care practices. Although referral to
are breastfeeding counseling and
and their families. Parents who are dietitians or other local professionals
gestational diabetes mellitus
overweight or obese may also have is mostly indicated for obesity
screening, all of which enhance
tried and failed at their own attempts treatment, referral can be considered
obesity-related clinical services.
to change their lifestyle. Their in some situations for obesity
experiences can create nihilism or prevention.
a defense of lifestyle for which FOOD AND ACTIVITY TARGETS FOR
pediatricians must be prepared. Payment PREVENTION
Pediatricians must address the health Obesity prevention and treatment A number of potential food and
beliefs and contributors to adverse constitute “incremental work” for activity targets for prevention have
lifestyles across the family to have the pediatricians and pediatric health been described. Most of these have
best chance for success. care providers. Securing appropriate not been widely investigated. Targets
payment for obesity-related services that have been implemented in other
Motivational Interviewing includes the following: (1) reporting settings, age groups, or for treatment
Motivational interviewing is appropriate diagnostic and are highlighted in this section. Some
a technique that has shown promising procedural codes related to obesity; of these targets have combined
results in terms of self-reported (2) ability to manage workflow to benefits, such as the associations of
behavior changes for obesity include counseling for obesity decreased intake of sweetened
prevention and is recommended by prevention at well visits; (3) ability to beverages with dental health benefits,
the AAP for treatment but has not yet schedule more frequent visits for or the effect of increased sleep
shown an effect on weight status.28 A children who are overweight, duration with improved learning.
recent randomized controlled trial crossing percentiles, have high-risk Therefore, promoting a healthy

PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 1, July 2015 e281

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lifestyle and obesity prevention can low-income families who struggle to Therefore, even without strong direct
be integrated into other aspects of provide a healthy, balanced, and evidence for obesity-prevention
prevention. Furthermore, these inexpensive diet to children. For benefits, a healthy diet should be rich
benefits may be more relevant as higher-income families, savings from in foods with low caloric density
motivators to families who do not yet this change could be set aside for fun, (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-
perceive the risk of obesity as family-based activities. fat dairy products, lean meats, lean
important. fish, legumes) and limited in foods
Juice with high caloric density (fat-rich
Beverages Another alternative is to consider meats, fried foods, baked goods,
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages providing small amounts of sweets, cheeses, oil-based sauces).
There is indirect or preliminary “naturally” flavored drinks without Furthermore, these choices have been
evidence that intake of sugar- added sweeteners, such as 100% fruit shown to improve the cardiovascular
sweetened beverages may lead to juices, but these can also be high in risk profile, independent of obesity.82
excess weight gain in children.73–76 calories. The portion size of fruit juice Because such healthy diets are often
There is also evidence that these is important. The consumption of time-consuming to prepare and
beverages are associated with tooth 100% fruit juices should be limited to sometimes more expensive than
decay.76 Because there is no evidence 4 to 6 ounces/day for children 1 to 6 unhealthy food choices, families can
for health benefits of sugar- years of age and 8 to 12 ounces/day benefit from consultation with
sweetened beverages, health- for children 7 to 18 years.77 a dietitian on food shopping, meal
promotion efforts in pediatric planning, and food preparation as
practice should aim at removing all Artificially Sweetened Drinks well as advice on making healthy
sugar-sweetened beverages from The use of beverages sweetened with choices while eating outside the
children’s diets. Although many no- or low-calorie artificial home.
beverages are easily identified as sweeteners remains controversial,
sugar-sweetened beverages (soda, ice because they may perpetuate the Eating Habits, Context, and Schedule
teas), some families may need habit of drinking sweetened Because of evidence that family meals
education on other sugar-sweetened beverages and may lead to eaten while sitting at a table and
beverages that are less easily a disconnect between perception and without distraction, such as
identified (sports drinks, energy actual energy intake or to the television, are associated with
drinks, and juice drinks). displacement of nutrient-rich improved nutrition- and obesity-
beverages. However, they can provide related behaviors, such habits should
Water an alternative to full-calorie be encouraged.47,83 Skipping meals,
The ideal beverages for children at all sodas.78,79 Because there is no especially breakfast, has been
meals and during the day are low-fat evidence of benefits of these products associated with obesity. Therefore,
milk and plain tap water. In the over plain water, artificially pediatricians should encourage daily
unusual situation in which tap water sweetened beverages currently have breakfast consumption and assist
is unsafe, filtered or bottled water a limited place in a child’s diet. An families in identifying ways for
should be considered. Sparkling example would be advising their use children to consume breakfast
water and unsweetened flavored during a limited period of time to despite limited time or appetite.84,85
waters can be considered in transition between full-calorie sodas Because breakfast consumption has
transitioning from sodas to plain and plain water, or when water is not other benefits, particularly in
water. Low-fat or fat-free milk available. The role of no- or low- academic achievement, this effort is
(preferably unflavored milk) also has calorie artificial sweeteners in indicated despite a lack of strong
an important place in children’s diets, children’s beverages remains an area experimental evidence for obesity
because milk contains important of ongoing research and debate. prevention.85 Families should be
nutrients that are often deficient in There is emerging evidence that encouraged to review school menus
the diets of children. There is no nonnutritive sweeteners alter gut and provide alternatives if healthy
evidence of benefit from vitamin or microbiota and increase glucose choices are difficult for their children
protein waters, because the nutrients intolerance in humans.80 at school. Eating out, fast food, and
contained in these products are not take-out are becoming more frequent
typically deficient in children’s diets. Energy-Dense Foods in the habits of most American
Replacing sweetened beverages with Increased caloric density of food families, but these meals are often
tap water should also be presented to (calories/g) has been associated with higher in calories and associated with
families as a cost-saving change. Costs excessive caloric intake in laboratory a poor diet quality.86,87 The
may be particularly motivating to studies in adults and children.81 recognition that appropriate child


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portions are considerably smaller (homework and texting) and because because obese children are at
than those for adults is important in the limits between entertainment and increased risk of injuries of the
light of increases in standard education are often blurred, extremities.95
marketplace food portions that have especially when using a computer.
occurred in recent decades (see Therefore, pediatricians should Sleep Duration
Table 1). Federal legislation (as part remain informed about new forms of Health and education professionals
of the Affordable Care Act) to label sedentary entertainment to assist should be trained in how to counsel
the caloric content of food items on families with information on parents about their children’s age-
menus of chain restaurants should parenting skills to limit these to 2 appropriate sleep durations. There is
help families make lower calorie hours/day. It should also be clearly emerging evidence that obesity is
choices when eating out. understood that promoting associated with shorter sleep
Pediatricians should also assist a decrease in screen time is duration.46,96 A study in preschool-
families in understanding what is an a different message than promoting aged children found an increased rate
age-appropriate daily caloric intake physical activity; both should be of obesity in children who slept less
(see the MyPyramid Web site listed in targeted. Limiting television viewing than 11 hours/night, and the risk of
the Appendix) so that they can make may be more effective than obesity increased as sleep time
choices in restaurants within an promoting physical activity to control decreased. Children who received less
appropriate information context. weight.90 than 9 hours of sleep had 1.5 times
Pediatricians can also encourage the risk of being obese compared
parents to choose healthful kids’ meal Leisure and Lifestyle Physical Activity with those who received .11 hours
side items (eg, apple slices, oranges) Pediatricians should encourage of sleep/night. A longitudinal study in
and beverages (eg, water, low-fat families to meet the national physical more than 7000 children aged 3 years
unflavored milk) when eating out. activity guideline of at least 60 found that sleep duration of less than
minutes of moderate to vigorous 10.5 hours was associated with
Screen Time physical activity daily.91,92 They obesity at 7 years of age.97 A meta-
Some of the strongest scientific should help families identify analysis of studies on the relationship
evidence of behaviors related to the opportunities for physical activity of sleep and obesity found that for
development of obesity is related to available in the community, including each hour increase in sleep, the risk
the duration of television sport clubs, basketball courts, parks of overweight/obesity was reduced,
viewing.88,89 Because of rapid with walking or bicycle trails, skate on average, by 9% for children
changes in available forms of parks, or playgrounds. Pediatricians younger than 10 years.98
sedentary entertainment, there is still should also be strong advocates for Including a sleep history is important
limited evidence regarding these the availability of these resources in in any assessment of obesity risk.
other forms of screen entertainment. the community. Physical activity does Pediatricians should identify sleep
It is reasonable to assume that the not necessarily mean sports but can issues and should help parents to
association of other screens with also be obtained through family improve sleep patterns. This
obesity is similar to what has been activities and active play (family recommendation includes removing
shown for television. It is thought that walks and hikes, bicycle trips, media from the bedroom, focusing on
television viewing is associated with outdoor games and activities, bedtime, and emphasizing
obesity because it is sedentary and bowling, roller skating, and dog appropriate targets for sleep
involves exposure to food advertising walking) and through daily lifestyle duration.
that promotes foods of high energy choices (using the stairs rather than
density. Additional factors that may elevators, walking or biking to
promote weight gain are mindless a nearby destination, participating in A DEVELOPMENTAL APPROACH TO
eating or snacking while viewing chores). The AAP Let’s Move! physical OBESITY PREVENTION
television. Therefore, limiting activity prescription can serve as
commercial television viewing and a reminder to families and patients Rationale for Prevention Early in Life
promoting media literacy may also be about goals that have been developed There are 2 main reasons to address
important approaches to preventing during the visit (see Appendix). As for obesity prevention before 2 years of
obesity. The AAP recommends all children and adolescents, physical age, although only limited
limiting screen time to 2 hours or less activity should be performed in a safe information on intervention models
per day.3 It may be challenging for environment with appropriate safety exists in this age group. Observational
parents to implement such a limit, equipment to avoid injuries.93,94 This studies suggest that fetal life and the
because children increasingly do advice may be particularly important first 2 years of life may be critical
more than 1 thing at a time to remember for obesity treatment, periods for the programming of

PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 1, July 2015 e283

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obesity and related children should be trained in ways to Maternal smoking during pregnancy
behaviors.48,99–102 Furthermore, increase children’s physical activity is also a risk factor for early
experimental studies suggest that and decrease their sedentary childhood obesity. The promotion of
tastes experienced by infants through behavior as well as how to counsel smoking cessation for mothers of
maternal food choices during parents about their children’s pediatric patients who are or plan to
pregnancy and breastfeeding or physical activity. Pediatricians should become pregnant through education
through infant formula can affect counsel parents and children’s or referral in collaboration with the
long-term taste preferences.103,104 caregivers not to permit televisions, obstetrician would be of great public
Epidemiologic data suggest that computers, or other digital media health benefit.
infants are larger for their length now devices in children’s bedrooms or The prevention of obesity in women
than in the past, at least for female other sleeping areas. of childbearing age and pregnant
infants, even though these trends women is also important because of
appear to have stabilized in the past Help Adults Increase Children’s Healthy the well-known obstetric, fetal, and
few years. Eating neonatal complications related to
A recent report from the Institute of Pediatricians and other health and maternal obesity.107 Because
Medicine, “Early Childhood Obesity education professionals providing pediatricians often treat several
Prevention Policies,”105 made specific guidance to parents of young children children in a family and interact with
recommendations for health care and those working with young women who are or plan to become
providers as follows. children should be trained and pregnant, they are in a good position
educated and have the right tools to to assist in obesity-prevention and
General Principles increase children’s healthy eating and -treatment efforts. In this context,
Assess, Monitor, and Track Growth From counsel parents about their children’s pediatric practitioners can contribute
Birth to Age 5 diet. to maternal obesity prevention by
working together with their obstetric
Pediatricians and primary care
Encourage and Support Breastfeeding colleagues, in the context of the
physicians should measure weight
During Infancy medical home, to provide education
and length or height in a standardized
Pediatricians and other health and and referrals, shape beliefs and
way and should plot them on World
education professionals who work attitudes, or assist families in
Health Organization growth charts
with infants and their families should modifying their home environment
(ages 0–23 months) or on Centers for
promote and support exclusive and habits using some of the points
Disease Control and Prevention
breastfeeding for 6 months and identified previously or through other
growth charts (ages 24–59 months),
continuation of breastfeeding in expert recommendations. For
as part of every well-child visit. It is
conjunction with complementary example, breastfeeding promotion
recommended to use weight-for-
foods for 1 year or more. can contribute to maternal obesity
length for children younger than 24
prevention for the next pregnancy,
months. In this age range, overweight
because breastfeeding has been
is defined as weight-for-length .95th Specific Age Groups
associated with decreased
percentile. Prenatal Period postpartum weight retention.109,110
Pediatricians should consider the The genetic predisposition toward Because of the association of fetal and
following: (1) children’s rate of obesity may account for 40% to 70% infant taste exposure with later taste
weight gain, especially as their BMI of observed obesity.106 Maternal preferences, a healthy and balanced
reaches the 85th and 95th obesity is one of the strongest and diet should be encouraged in
percentiles, and (2) parental weight most consistent predictors of pregnant and lactating women.103,104
status as risk factors in assessing childhood obesity.107 Excessive Imprinting taste preferences during
which young children are at highest weight gain during pregnancy is fetal life and infancy could indirectly
risk of later obesity and its adverse associated with obesity in the affect the development of obesity
consequences. offspring.108 It is, therefore, through future food choices and diet
important for pediatricians to quality.
Help Adults Increase Physical Activity collaborate with their obstetrician
and Decrease Sedentary Behavior in colleagues to promote optimal
Young Children gestational weight gain, as defined by Early Infancy
Pediatricians and other health and the most recent Institute of Medicine Almost all observational studies
education professionals providing guidelines, in mothers of their suggest an increased risk of obesity in
guidance to parents of young children patients when they become pregnant children who have been formula fed
and those working with young again.109 compared with those who were


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breastfed.100,111–114 At least 3 studies density begin to be consumed in nutrient density with lower calories.
of siblings who were discordant for greater quantities and begin to Third, it channels parents into making
breastfeeding status have been displace foods of low calorie and high better decisions regarding the home
performed.115–117 Two of them nutrient density. Pediatricians are in food environment. This pattern also
concluded that formula feeding an excellent position to help families provides an excellent opportunity for
increased the risk of obesity, but the establish a healthful diet during the parents to rethink their food and
third failed to show an association first 2 years of the child’s life. Initially, beverage purchases and their own
after taking into consideration these the focus should be on maintaining diets. Pediatricians can use the
familial factors. The only randomized exclusive breastfeeding, preferably frequency of health maintenance
trial of breastfeeding promotion that for 6 months, then maintaining visits during the first 2 years of life as
assessed weight status during later partial breastfeeding until 1 year of well as their knowledge about diet to
childhood showed no difference in age or as long as mutually desired by have an important effect on obesity
weight status between groups, the mother and child. Formula can be prevention for the entire family. The
despite an increased rate of used as a substitute for human milk, if parent as a role model for eating
breastfeeding and demonstration of needed. Cow milk should not be behaviors and improved approaches
other benefits of breastfeeding.118 introduced until after the first to parenting with respect to diet
That said, breastfeeding has so many birthday. At that point, it is important should be emphasized. Parents
other health benefits for the mother for the pediatrician to have should also be educated that during
and children that its promotion is a discussion with the parents about the preschool years, a new food may
strongly encouraged and should be the fat content of milk. Low-fat milk is need to be offered as often as 15 to
part of any obesity-prevention acceptable in the context of an overall 20 times before it is accepted and that
program. healthful diet, especially when there they should not conclude too rapidly
Rapid weight gain during infancy has is concern about risk of obesity or the that the child does not like a food.122
also been associated with an development of cardiovascular Parents should be empowered to
increased risk of obesity later in life disease, on the basis of family history create a healthy home food
in several observational studies. and other risk factors.119 Earlier environment in the same way they
Because of the potential risks concerns, on the basis of case reports approach poison- and accident-
associated with restricting weight of extreme fat restriction, have been proofing the home for a toddler.
gain or protein intake during infancy, diminished by more recent data on Parents should also be encouraged to
more research on safety and efficacy the safety of lower-fat diets before the consider the food and physical
is necessary before translating these age of 2 years.120,121 The introduction activity standards and practices in
findings into recommendations. of other beverages should be selecting child care facilities that their
Therefore, close monitoring of infant considered carefully, because this is children attend.
weight gain and evaluation of dietary a time when sugar-sweetened
beverages (including flavored drink In the first 2 years of life, overly
intake, food literacy, and
mixes and fruit drinks) are often controlling feeding practices
misconceptions regarding infant
introduced and sometimes become (monitoring, concern, restriction, or
feeding among families of infants who
major components of the child’s diet. pressure to eat) should be
gain excessive weight are warranted.
One-hundred percent fruit juice is discouraged. Observational studies
In particular, the introduction of
acceptable in small portions, but fruit have shown that these practices are
foods other than human milk or
is almost always preferable to fruit associated with obesity and related
formula before approximately 6
juice. Water is also an acceptable eating disorders.123 It should be
months of age should be discouraged.
drink but is not necessary in large emphasized that parents should
Weaning Period and Preschool Age quantities for this age group. Other control the food environment but that
sugar-sweetened beverages should children should be encouraged to
The period of transition from
not be consumed by children in this make choices within that healthful
breastfeeding or formula feeding to
age range. environment.
a more adult-type diet is potentially
important in long-term obesity A healthy pattern of eating includes Very little is known regarding
development. This transition fruits, vegetables, whole-grain physical activity and exposure to
generally occurs between the ages of products, low-fat meats, low-fat dairy, sedentary behaviors before age 2, but
9 and 24 months. At the end of this and fish. This pattern should be the it is reasonable to assume that
period, young children have often target as an infant becomes a toddler parental modeling of physical activity
begun patterns of eating that will because of several major benefits. and sedentary behaviors as well as
continue for the rest of their lives. First, it does not require alteration the development of activity-related
Foods of high calorie and low nutrient later in life. Second, it provides higher habits during this early period of life

PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 1, July 2015 e285

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might have long-term consequences with timing of meals may influence emphasis should be on the promotion
on later activity choices and obesity the choice of food and may of a healthy lifestyle, not on dieting.
development. Because of the low ultimately influence food habits. It is, The transition to adulthood may also
likelihood of risk and the substantial therefore, important for parents to be a difficult period for obesity
potential benefits, the promotion of monitor and guide children in these prevention.127 Some young adults
family physical activity and choices by discussing on a regular who have been involved in athletic
prevention of sedentary behaviors is basis the eating and activity choices activities in high school often drop
warranted even in this early period. made by the child outside the home these activities when entering college
The AAP recommends no television and by praising healthful choices. or the workforce, without
watching before 2 years of age and The pediatrician, again, plays a corresponding decrease in caloric
discourages the presence of a major role in helping parents intake. Food availability and eating
a television set in children’s develop and maintain good habits on college campuses are
bedrooms at any age. parenting skills. notoriously bad, and alcohol intake
Adolescence and Young Adulthood contributes to an increase in
School Age discretionary calorie intake.128 For
Most of what was discussed in the During adolescence, individual/ other young adults leaving home to
previous section on individual/ clinical approaches to obesity enter the workforce or to start
clinical approaches to obesity discussed previously are still a family, lower income and poor
prevention will also benefit school- pertinent. A few topics, however, cooking skills are challenges.
aged children. However, some aspects require special attention for this age Pediatricians can assist teenagers
are particularly relevant in this age group. The characteristics of who are at risk of excessive weight
group. Although school lunches and adolescent behaviors, such as gain to prepare a plan to remain
breakfasts have improved and will affirmation of independence, risk active and maintain a healthy
continue to improve, their quality taking, and rebellion against nutrition while transitioning to adult
remains heterogeneous among school authority, all apply to behaviors life.
districts. Therefore, as suggested related to obesity prevention. During
previously, families should be adolescence, parents continue to be
encouraged to review school menus responsible for supplying a healthy SUMMARY
and provide alternatives if healthy food environment while adolescents
The currently available evidence
choices at school are lacking. Parents make specific choices at any given
supports the following points:
and health care professionals, such as time/day. Sports and activities that
were favorites during childhood may 1. The adoption and maintenance of
pediatricians, should be encouraged
no longer be of interest and are healthful lifestyles must be em-
to join school wellness committees
replaced by sedentary activities or phasized as the basis for the
and limit the use of unhealthy foods
electronic social networking. A prevention of obesity and other
at school parties and celebrations.
significant drop in physical activity chronic health conditions.
School age is also a period when
many eating, physical activity, and has been described among girls 2. Prevention of childhood obesity
sedentary habits are established or during this period.124 Although it is remains a public health priority,
reinforced and when the effect of difficult to prevent changes that may because obesity is the most
parental behavior on child behavior be part of normal adolescence, the prevalent chronic health condi-
remains large. Therefore, it is pediatrician may be able to provide tion in the pediatric population.
important for parents to continue to suggestions for healthier alternatives Although many social sectors
make efforts to be good role models or to minimize the consequences of need to be mobilized to com-
by having structured meals and these changes. pletely address this problem, pe-
family-based physical activities and Adolescence is also a period of diatric primary care has a unique
by limiting their own sedentary concern for the development of eating role to play, should be a resource
activities. School age is also a time disorders, and this concern can be for the community, and can be an
when children may interact more a barrier for pediatricians and integral part of the solution.
with peers and start to make their parents to promote healthy lifestyles. 3. To address obesity prevention
own decisions about eating and Dieting can lead both to eating effectively in clinical practice,
activities without direct parental disorders and to obesity. Although not pediatricians should become fa-
supervision. The timing of eating all adolescents who diet develop an miliar with the complex and
periods during the school day may eating disorder, eating disorders often interconnected factors that lead
not match the physiologic signals for begin with abnormal perception of to excessive weight gain. They
hunger and mealtimes. This problem body shape and dieting.125,126 The should understand how these


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factors play out in a de- improved parenting skills. They 12. Prevention of childhood obesity
velopmental fashion and create should also become familiar with should start before 2 years of
important periods for preventive the resources available in the age by promoting healthy ma-
intervention. By better un- areas they serve so that they are ternal weight beginning in the
derstanding the environmental better suited to help each in- prenatal period, smoking cessa-
determinants of obesity, in- dividual family. tion before pregnancy, appro-
cluding those that they cannot 8. There is no evidence for health priate gestational weight gain
control, pediatric practitioners benefits and some evidence for and diet, breastfeeding and ap-
can improve their ability to pro- negative health effects of sweet- propriate weight gain in infancy,
vide recommendations that are ened beverages (sodas, iced teas, transition to healthier foods with
relevant to patients and their sports drinks, juice drinks). weaning, elimination of seden-
families. Therefore, health-promotion tary entertainment, active play
4. Most prevention strategies that efforts should aim at removing for physical activity, and paren-
can be used in pediatric practice all sweetened beverages from tal role modeling of healthy di-
have not been rigorously tested the diets of children. The ideal etary and physical activity
through scientific research. How- beverage for children at all behaviors.
ever, preliminary evidence, in- meals and during the day is
direct evidence, and inferences water. Low-fat or fat-free, pref- LEAD AUTHORS
from other settings provide clues erably unflavored, milk also has Stephen R. Daniels, MD, PhD, FAAP
to recommend evidence- an important place in the diet of Sandra G. Hassink, MD, FAAP
informed approaches, especially children beginning at 12 months
those with low risk of a negative of age. One hundred percent COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION, 2014–2015
health effect or with other known fruit juice should not be used Stephen R. Daniels, MD, PhD, FAAP, Chairperson
health benefits. before 1 year of age and should Steven A. Abrams, MD, FAAP
Mark R. Corkins, MD, FAAP
5. Although the prevention mes- be limited thereafter. Fruits
Sarah D. de Ferranti, MD, FAAP
sages are similar for all pediatric should be encouraged over fruit Neville H. Golden, MD, FAAP
patients, counseling should be juice. Sheela N. Magge, MD, FAAP
Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg, MD, FAAP
tailored to the child’s de- 9. Promotion of a diet rich in foods
velopmental stage and the socio- with low caloric density (vege-
economic, cultural, and tables, fruits, whole grains, low- ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS
psychological characteristics of fat dairy products, lean meats, Jatinder J.S. Bhatia, MD, FAAP, Past Chairperson
families. lean fishes, legumes) and poor in Frank R. Greer, MD, FAAP, Past Chairperson
Marcie Beth Schneider, MD, FAAP, Former
6. Pediatric practice has a critical foods with high caloric density Committee Member
role in identifying children who (fat-rich meats, fried foods, Janet Silverstein, MD, FAAP, Former Committee
are on the path to becoming baked goods, sweets, cheeses, Member
oil-based sauces) will likely Nicolas Stettler, MD, FAAP, Former Committee
obese by calculating BMI and
plotting it on percentile charts at contribute to the prevention of
Dan W. Thomas, MD, FAAP, Former Committee
every health care visit. At-risk obesity. Member
children can also be identified 10. All forms of sedentary entertain-
through the nutrition, sedentary ment, including television and LIAISONS
behavior, and physical activities newer forms of electronic enter- Jeff Critch, MD – Canadian Pediatric Society
questions that are part of the tainment or communication, Laurence Grummer-Strawn, PhD – Centers for
Bright Futures templates as well should be excluded for infants Disease Control and Prevention
as family history. and children up to 2 years of age Rear Admiral Van S. Hubbard, MD, PhD, FAAP
– National Institutes of Health
7. Education and advice alone are and limited to 2 hours per day for
Benson M. Silverman, MD† – Food and Drug
unlikely to be effective in most children 2 years and older. Administration
cases for obesity prevention. 11. Promotion of active play and Valery Soto, MS, RD, LD – US Department of
Pediatricians should, therefore, lifestyle and family- or sports-
become familiar with other forms based moderate to vigorous
of interventions as they apply to physical activity for a total of 60 STAFF
obesity prevention, such as minutes/day is likely to contrib- Debra L. Burrowes, MHA
behavior-modification techni- ute to the prevention of obesity
ques, environment control and has multiple additional

approaches, or the promotion of health benefits. Deceased.

PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 1, July 2015 e287

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APPENDIX: PRACTICAL RESOURCES 6. Wang Y, Lobstein T. Worldwide trends in
childhood overweight and obesity. Int J
• We Can! (contains dietary recommendations, physical activity recom-
Pediatr Obes. 2006;1(1):11–25
mendations, monitoring tools):
7. Daniels SR. The consequences of
• Dietary Guidelines for Americans (provides dietary recommendations for childhood overweight and obesity.
children older than 2 years and adults): Future Child. 2006;16(1):47–67
8. US Public Health Service; Office of the
• Choose My Plate (contains dietary recommendations to the public based on Surgeon General; Office of Disease
the Dietary Guidelines for Americans): Prevention and Health Promotion;
• BAM! (Contains dietary recommendations, physical activity recommendations, Centers for Disease Control and
monitoring tools): Prevention; National Institutes of
Health. The Surgeon General’s Call to
• Let’s Move! and AAP (contains dietary recommendations, physical activity Action to Prevent and Decrease
recommendations and prescription, tips to change home environment): Overweight and Obesity. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and
• AAP Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight (provides obesity prevention, Human Services, Public Health
management and treatment resources for health professionals, communities, Service; 2001
and parents): 9. Institute of Medicine, Committee on
• Exercise Is Medicine (contains recommendations for physicians to include Prevention of Obesity in Children and
physical activity prescription as part of their practice): http://www.exer- Youth. In: Koplan J, Liverman CT, Kraak
VI, eds. Preventing Childhood Obesity:
Health in the Balance. Washington, DC:
• (contains dietary recommendations, physical activity National Academies Press; 2005
recommendations, tips to change home environment, parenting skills advice):
10. US Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010.
• Bright Futures (guidelines for health supervision of infants, children, and Washington, DC: US Department of
adolescents): Health and Human Services; 2000
• WebMD (contains interactive content for children, teenagers, and parents): 11. Kumanyika SK, Obarzanek E, Stettler N, et al; American Heart Association
Council on Epidemiology and
• Mindless Eating (contains tips to change home environment): http://www.
Prevention, Interdisciplinary Committee
for Prevention. Population-based
• Calorie King (online and book to calculate calorie-content of foods): http:// prevention of obesity: the need for comprehensive promotion of healthful
• Which Helmet for Which Activity? eating, physical activity, and energy
balance: a scientific statement from
American Heart Association Council on
• Protect the Ones You Love: Child Injuries Are Preventable: http://www.cdc. Epidemiology and Prevention,
gov/safechild/Sports_Injuries/index.html Interdisciplinary Committee for
Prevention (formerly the Expert Panel
on Population and Prevention Science).
childhood obesity. Pediatrics. 2007;120 Circulation. 2008;118(4):428–464
ABBREVIATION (suppl 4):S229–S253
12. Barlow SE; Expert Committee. Expert
AAP: American Academy of 3. American Academy of Pediatrics. committee recommendations regarding
Pediatrics Promoting healthy weight. In: Hagan JF, the prevention, assessment, and
Shaw JS, Duncan PM, eds. Bright Futures: treatment of child and adolescent
Guidelines for Health Supervision of overweight and obesity: summary
Infants, Children, and Adolescents. 3rd report. Pediatrics. 2007;120(suppl 4):
REFERENCES ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American S164–S192
Academy of Pediatrics; 2008:109–119
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Obesities: Future Choices’ project. 25. Gahagan S, Silverstein J; American parameters among Mexican youth. J
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