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Corona is known as an iconic beer brand among the

American. Based on your knowledge, analyze below

information of Corona:

- Brand’s history, the “why” it became an iconic brand

in the US

- The microenvironment

- The macroenvironment

Base on the information you have researched of Corona,

- Analyze Its Marketing Strategy, Customer
Segmentation, Market Targeting and finally
Differentiation and Positioning.

. Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand

Name. Free Press.
. Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based
Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22.
. Keller, K. L. (2003). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and
Managing Brand Equity. Prentice Hall.

. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Pearson.

. Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. (2014). Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases. Cengage

IV. Macroenvironment:

1. **Economic Factors:**
Economic conditions wield a significant influence on consumer purchasing power, and for a
premium brand like Corona, this sensitivity is heightened. During economic downturns,
consumers may reduce discretionary spending, potentially impacting the demand for premium
beers. Monitoring economic indicators, such as GDP trends, employment rates, and inflation,
is crucial for Corona to adjust its marketing strategies and pricing to align with prevailing
economic conditions.

2. **Socio-Cultural Factors:**
Corona's success is intricately tied to its association with a relaxed, beach-centric lifestyle.
Socio-cultural trends emphasizing leisure, travel, and outdoor activities contribute
significantly to the brand's popularity. Understanding and adapting to evolving societal
preferences, especially those related to lifestyle and leisure choices, are imperative for Corona
to maintain its resonance with consumers and capitalize on emerging cultural trends.

3. **Technological Factors:**
Advancements in brewing technology and distribution systems have a direct impact on the
efficiency and quality of beer production. Embracing technological innovations in brewing
processes allows Corona to maintain competitiveness in the market by enhancing product
quality and operational efficiency. Additionally, utilizing advanced distribution systems
ensures timely and cost-effective delivery, contributing to overall customer satisfaction.
4. **Legal and Regulatory Factors:**
Compliance with alcohol regulations and marketing restrictions is paramount for Corona's
business operations. Any changes in laws related to alcohol sales, distribution, or advertising
can have profound implications. Staying abreast of legal developments, engaging in
responsible marketing practices, and ensuring adherence to industry standards are essential
for Corona to navigate regulatory challenges and maintain its market presence.

5. **Environmental Factors:**
Like many beverage companies, Corona faces challenges related to environmental
sustainability. Increasing awareness and demand for eco-friendly practices in packaging,
production, and distribution could influence consumer perceptions and the brand's reputation.
Embracing environmentally sustainable practices not only aligns with global trends but also
positions Corona as a socially responsible brand, potentially appealing to environmentally
conscious consumers.

1. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Pearson.
2. Hill, C. W. L., Hult, G. T. M. (2020). International Business: Competing in the Global
Marketplace. McGraw-Hill Education.

V. Marketing Strategy:

1. **Brand Positioning:**
1.1. *Lifestyle Branding:*
Corona strategically positions itself as more than just a beer, evolving into a lifestyle
brand associated with relaxation, vacation, and the enjoyment of life's simple pleasures. The
brand seeks to embed itself into consumers' lifestyles, becoming synonymous with a carefree
and leisurely mindset.
1.2. *Beach and Summer Image:*
The brand's deliberate alignment with beach culture fosters a strong association with
warm weather, outdoor activities, and the overall sense of leisure. By consistently projecting
an image linked to summer and beach scenes, Corona enhances its appeal to consumers
seeking a refreshing and enjoyable experience.

2. **Distinctive Brand Elements:**

2.1. *Clear Bottle:*
The use of a clear glass bottle is a distinctive visual feature that sets Corona apart within
the beer market. This choice reinforces the brand's image of purity and cleanliness,
contributing to the overall perception of the beer as a premium and refreshing choice.
2.2. *Lime Ritual:*
The inclusion of a lime wedge as a serving ritual has become a signature practice for
Corona, adding a unique and refreshing twist to the drinking experience. This distinctive
element enhances the brand's identity and creates a memorable association for consumers.

3. **Global Marketing Campaigns:**

3.1. *Tropical Imagery:*
Corona's advertising consistently features tropical and beach-themed imagery,
transporting consumers to idyllic settings. This approach creates a universal appeal, allowing
the brand to resonate with a diverse global audience.
3.2. *Iconic Commercials:*
Memorable commercials showcase people enjoying Corona in picturesque locations,
reinforcing the brand's association with relaxation and escape. These commercials contribute
to the brand's emotional connection with consumers, strengthening its iconic status.

4. **Social Media Presence:**

4.1. *Engagement with Consumers:*
Leveraging social media platforms, Corona actively engages with its audience, sharing
content that aligns with its lifestyle-focused brand image. This engagement fosters a sense of
community and connection with consumers.
4.2. *User-Generated Content:*
Encouraging users to share their experiences with the brand through user-generated
content enhances authenticity and reinforces the brand's lifestyle appeal.

5. **Seasonal Marketing:**
5.1. *Summer Focus:*
Corona strategically emphasizes its association with summer, positioning itself as the
beer of choice for warm-weather occasions, such as beach parties and barbecues. This
seasonal focus aligns with consumer preferences and enhances the brand's relevance during
specific times of the year.
5.2. *Limited Editions:*
The release of limited-edition packaging and promotions tailored to specific seasons or
events creates a sense of exclusivity and excitement among consumers.

6. **Partnerships and Sponsorships:**

6.1. *Sports and Events:*
Corona sponsors various sports events, music festivals, and beach-related activities to
enhance its brand visibility. Associating with these events reinforces the brand's connection
with a lifestyle centered around outdoor enjoyment.
6.2. *Collaborations:*
Partnerships with influencers, artists, and other brands help expand Corona's reach and
appeal to diverse audiences. These collaborations contribute to the brand's cultural relevance
and market expansion.

7. **Crisis Management:**
7.1. *COVID-19 Response:*
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Corona faced challenges due to a temporary
association with the virus. The brand responded with clarity, emphasizing the lack of
connection between the beer and the virus. This crisis management strategy aimed to mitigate
any negative impact on the brand's reputation.

8. **International Adaptation:**
8.1. *Localization:*
Corona adapts its marketing approach to resonate with different cultures while
maintaining a consistent global brand image. This approach allows the brand to connect with
diverse audiences worldwide.
8.2. *Language and Cultural Sensitivity:*
Ensuring that messaging is culturally sensitive and resonates with diverse audiences
worldwide helps Corona navigate international markets successfully.

9. **Sustainability Initiatives:**
9.1. *Environmental Responsibility:*
Grupo Modelo, the parent company, has shown an interest in sustainable practices,
exploring eco-friendly packaging and production processes to align with changing consumer
values. This commitment to environmental responsibility contributes to the brand's overall
image as a socially conscious choice.

10. **Consistent Messaging:**

10.1. *Relaxation and Enjoyment:*
Whether through its tagline "Find Your Beach" or imagery in advertisements, Corona
consistently communicates a message of relaxation, enjoyment, and escapism. This consistent
messaging reinforces the brand's core values and strengthens its emotional connection with

Corona's comprehensive marketing strategy, combining lifestyle branding, distinctive brand

elements, and a global approach, has been instrumental in establishing its iconic status within
the beer industry. The brand's unwavering emphasis on association with beach culture and a
carefree lifestyle has created a lasting and emotional connection with consumers.
11. References

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Pearson.

Keller, K. L. (2013). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing

Brand Equity. Pearson.

Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. (2014). Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases. Cengage Learning.

Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name.
Free Press.

Hill, C. W. L., & Hult, G. T. M. (2020). International Business: Competing in the Global
Marketplace. McGraw-Hill Education.

VI. Customer Segmentation:

Corona has implemented a strategic customer segmentation approach that centers around
individuals who share common interests in a laid-back lifestyle, outdoor activities, and beach
culture. The brand intentionally targets a diverse demographic with the overarching theme of
attracting those seeking relaxation and escape. This segmentation strategy reflects a nuanced
understanding of consumer preferences and allows Corona to tailor its marketing efforts

The primary characteristics of Corona's customer segmentation include:

1. **Laid-Back Lifestyle:**
Corona appeals to individuals who prioritize a laid-back lifestyle. This segment values ease,
simplicity, and a carefree attitude, and Corona positions itself as the beer brand that
complements this lifestyle seamlessly.

2. **Outdoor Activities Enthusiasts:**

The brand targets consumers who have a penchant for outdoor activities. Whether it's beach
outings, barbecues, or other social gatherings, Corona positions itself as the ideal beverage
choice for those who enjoy spending time outdoors.

3. **Beach Culture Aficionados:**

A key element of Corona's customer segmentation revolves around individuals who
appreciate and identify with beach culture. By aligning the brand with images of sandy
shores, palm trees, and ocean breezes, Corona resonates with consumers who share a love for
the coastal lifestyle.

4. **Demographic Diversity:**
While the common thread among Corona's target audience is the desire for relaxation and
escape, the brand does not limit itself to a specific age, gender, or socio-economic group.
Instead, it caters to a diverse demographic united by a shared appreciation for the brand's
lifestyle-oriented image.
5. **Psychographic Commonalities:**
Corona's segmentation strategy delves into psychographic factors, focusing on shared
values, attitudes, and aspirations. Consumers who prioritize moments of relaxation and seek
an escape from the demands of everyday life form a cohesive psychographic segment for the

By carefully segmenting its customer base, Corona is able to tailor its marketing messages,
product offerings, and promotional activities to resonate with the specific preferences and
lifestyles of its target audience. This customer-centric approach contributes to the brand's
success in creating a strong emotional connection with consumers and maintaining its iconic
status in the beverage industry.

Marketing Campaigns

Corona stated on November 30, 2021, that a private branded island experience will be unveiled
soon. Corona’s core advertising slogans are also incorporated into the concept: Beach relaxation
and environmental stewardship.
Corona intended to promote itself as a brand composed entirely of natural ingredients such as
water, barley, maize, rice, and hops with this on-the-ground marketing campaign.

Due to the emergence of the Covid-19 epidemic, India’s liquor business was expected to have a
35-40% drop in sales in 2020. The tourism business is another area that is seeing significant
declines, with the United Nations World Tourism Organization projecting a global decline of 58-
78 percent.
AB InBev’s Corona teamed up with Thrillophilia to launch ‘rediscover paradise’ in India in an
attempt to assist both sectors to revive. It’s part of Corona’s global effort, in which the company
vowed to help over 1,000 hotels worldwide, with over 14,000 hotel room bookings.

MediaCom and New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME), two of the world’s top media
companies with a wide range of digital audio content available on the iHeart platform, wanted to
offer their client Corona Extra a distinctive and original strategy to increase their audience and
boost their relevance ratings.
By utilizing Dynamic Creative Optimization, an AdsWizz solution for dynamic creative
versioning, NZME, and AdsWizz combined location-targeted notifications to support Corona’s
long-standing appeal to Kiwis to “be from where you’d rather be” (DCO). DCO dynamically
generates and delivers a variety of personalized creatives to a variety of listeners, at scale, using a
variety of data sources, including behavioural audience segments, device types, local weather, and
Delivering real-time “Corona Surf Reports” required AdsWizz to combine geolocation,
demographic targeting (age 25+), and current meteorological data. The campaign including the
surf report for the beach closest to them would be heard by listeners who lived within a 15 km
radius of one of several beaches in New Zealand.
Through this campaign, location-specific surfers received 751,000 live, real-time surf reports
made of 6,400 different data combinations.
A message of “where they’d rather be” was delivered to consumers while they were on the go in
95 percent of the ads that were served to mobile devices.
Most crucially, Corona’s relevance ratings increased by 2% as a result of this effective audio

Social Media Marketing

On social media, Corona is in fierce competition with other companies in its sector. Corona has an
overwhelming number of followers, engagement on posts and a great social media presence on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc in addition to its website.
Although Corona is not very active on social media as a whole, its parent company- AB InBev is
very active on social media with over 600k followers on Linkedin and over 12k on Instagram.
Most of their posts are promotional.
Hey, If you want your business to get success on social media platforms or have a curiosity about
how marketing works on these channels, then you must check out the short-term SEM course
offered by IIDE in which you will get everything you are looking for to know-how marketing
works on social media.

SEO Strategies

According to SEO rankings, the number of keywords- below 500 is bad, above 1000 is good, and
10000+ is amazing. As we can see, has 5,890 organic keywords, and
it is considered out of the league. Hence, the digital marketing of Corona is gaining an unexpected
number of insights.
Further, the organic traffic per month is 16,433 which is again very astonishing. As a result,
Corona is putting full effort into its SEO strategies for better promotion of the brand. While the
brand is working hard enough to strengthen its position in Google SERP results.
SEO helps in achieving your long-term goals for your brand. A good ranking and a favourable
placement help in raising the profile of your brand. In short, SEO strategies are crucial for the
development of the website and to provide more visibility to the relevant audience.

Ecommerce Strategies
Corona has a website where they sell their items with particular discounts when it comes to e-
commerce techniques. Besides that, it has gone with various other websites such as BigBasket,
gotliquorstore, etc.

Content Marketing Strategies

Corona is directly interacting with its customer base through positive cues such as vacations, the
beach, and hanging out with family and friends, all of which represent intimacy and relaxation.
The brand has designed a variety of basic, calm, and scenic advertising that represents beauty and
harmony with Corona beer, and these have succeeded in attracting a broader public.
Its slogan is highly appropriate and identifies the brand with terms such as Corona, and Miles
away from ordinary. For brand visibility and awareness, it runs commercials on television, in
newspapers, on billboards, and in magazines. Corona has signed several sponsorship agreements.
It is the title sponsor of Mexico’s professional soccer clubs, the NASCAR Corona Series, and the
LPGA Tour’s Corona Championship.

Extensive Marketing Strategy of Corona – Detailed Explanation

Detailed SWOT Analysis of Corona – One Of The Best-Known Beer Names In The World

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