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Introduced to the North American Market in 1808, Florida Water is one of the oldest
patented colognes sold today.

Florida Water is a commercially prepared toilette water that blends an array of floral
essential oils in a water-alcohol base. It has become popular worldwide, not only
because of its delightful fragrance but also because of the more than twenty uses
attributed to it. It is believed to have cleansing and protective properties and to attract
healing spirits. Florida Water is used by shamans in rituals such as the Ayahuasca

The name refers to the fabled “Fountain of Youth”, said to have been located in Florida.
This commercial water has assumed a central role in the shamanism of the Peruvian
Amazon, and for magical purposes among people of African-diaspora descent in the
United States and the Caribbean: bottles of Agua de Florida can be found equally on
the mesas of Amazonian healers and on the altars of Voodoo priestesses in Brooklyn.

It is remarkable that this commercial cologne should have assumed such a central role.
Shamans often place perfumes and colognes on the bodies of patients, as crosses on
their forehead, chest, and back, whistling a special song of protection, to seal, close,
and protect the body. There is a type of shaman in the Amazon called a "Perfumero",
who specializes in the use of such scents to attack, to heal, and to attract.
Because of its delightful fragrance, this popular well-known scent was well accepted
from the start and over twenty uses are suggested for it.


 add it to the bath or wash basin

 after a Shower – it provides an exhilarating rubdown, stimulates the skin, giving a

delightful glow, tones muscles and nerves

 as an astringent and skin lotion – this product contracts the pores, tones up the skin, leaving
a feeling of freshness and radiance

 as a spritzer, Florida Water can be used as a personal deodorant

 as a sickroom deodorant – the essential oils of peppermint cleans the air and creates a fresh

 as a rubdown, when you are “under the weather”, Florida Water has a beneficial stimulating
effect, and much more pleasant than an alcohol rub.

 before shaving – softens the toughest beard and prepares the skin for a smooth
luxurious shave.

 after shaving – it contracts the pores and its mildly astringent action soothes and
heals skin abrasions caused by shaving.

 headaches can be relieved by applying cooling and refreshing Florida Water to the
temples and forehead

 insect bites – apply over the area of an insect bite to soothe the skin.

 hot weather relief – applying Florida Water to the brow, sponge bath, or after shave

 as a perfume – unobtrusive, use it as an atomizer, or on the skin

 after exercise – stimulate the skin, delightful and invigorating, zestful to the muscles
and restful to the nerves.

 nervous tension – applied to the forehead and used as a rubdown, relaxes the

 hair – soothe an itching scalp or, to provide an enchanting personal fragrance for a
party or dance

 lingerie drawers – sprinkle a few drops in your lingerie drawer, and clothes closets
 freshen rooms after cleaning, overcome smoke odors, kitchen odors, new paint
smells, etc.

 head colds – a few drops on a Kleenex provides a feeling of well-being

 add it to your foot soak to soothe tired burning feet.

 use as an astringent after makeup removal before bed.

 add it to a spray bottle when you iron for fresh, wonderful smelling clothes or spray
your curtains to freshen up a room.

 keep some in a spray bottle in the fridge to keep fresh and cool in the summer.


There are also several "unofficial uses" for Florida water.

Shaman use Florida Water for many purposes:

Florida Water is offered as a gift to call the spirits, for cleansing of negative or
malevolent influences in people or spaces.

Applied during healing rituals and is part of a recipe for healing baths.

The fragrance of the water is inhaled deeply to induce grounding, connection and

It is often used for ritual offering and purification.

It is used in spells to remove unwanted thought forms and heavy vibrations, to

encourage the display of emotions, to suppress those who talk too much, and to calm
places where an excess of energy is present.

Many use it like holy water for cleansings, good luck and protection.

Florida Water is a staple for many of the religious ceremonies of Afro/Latino religious
expressions or sects.

Basically, it is cologne, used for spiritual services, purification, cleansing, healing, jinx-
breaking, protection from enemies, tranquility, peaceful home, dealing with the dead,
safe travel, and psychism.

Components of the scent include citrus and herbal notes along with spice and floral
undertones. These delightful elements are provided by Bergamot, Neroli, Lemon,
Cloves, Cinnamon, Lavender, Rose and Orange flower. When the fragrance is first
applied the delicious citrus notes are most dominant, then the Cloves move to the front
and the scent settles into an incredibly appealing dry spice.

Skin refreshing, muscle and nerve toning, personal deodorant, (sick)room deodorant,
spiritual cleaning, home protection, for clearing and balancing energy and also as an
offering to the spirits when opening sacred space or praying for assistance.


This product is not sold for the purpose of human consumption or cosmetic use. Any
information in this brochure is purely intended for historical, scientific and educational
purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use of the

The use and application of this product, based on the historical and scientific context
provided in the product descriptions and articles, is at the customer's own risk.

This product is a botanical specimen of ethnographic value. No implied guarantee of


Spirit Quest Books

Maggy Davidson, Owner

170 Lakeshore Drive NE PO Box 1226

Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P3

Phone 250 804-0392

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