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OVERVIEW Beyond his captivating storytelling, Malot often addresses social

1. Author issues, particularly the plight of the poor and the marginalized. He is
1.1. Personal life also known for his vivid descriptions of nature and his ability to
Hector-Henri Malot (Hector Malot) (20 May 1830 – 18 July 1907)
create engaging characters.
was a French writer born in La Bouille, Seine-Maritime. He studied
law in Rouen and Paris, but eventually, literature became his passion.
Despite his talent, Malot's fame outside of France does not match
He worked as a dramatic critic for Lloyd Francais and as a literary
that of some of his contemporaries like Victor Hugo. One possible
critic for L'Opinion Nationale.[1]
reason for this is that Malot's novels are not as fantastical or
adventurous as those of his contemporaries, but rather focus on
He announced his retirement as an author of fiction in 1895, but in
realistic portrayals of everyday life in 19th-century France.
1896 he returned with the novel L'amour Dominateur and the
2. About “Nobody’s Boy”
account of his literary life Le Roman de mes Romans (The Novel of 2.1. Context
my Novels). - "Nobody's Boy" is the English title of the French novel "Sans
Famille". The novel was written by Hector Malot and published
He died in Fontenay-sous-Bois in 1907. in 1878. During the 1870s, France was rebuilding and renewing
from the shadows of the Franco-Prussian War (chiến tranh pháp
1.2. Writing career phổ) and the Paris Commune Upheaval (Sự kiện công xã Paris).
His first book, published in 1859, was Les Amants. In total Malot Innovations (eg: electricity) and artistic movements (eg:
wrote over 70 books. By far his most famous book is Sans Famille Impressionism: trường phái ấn tượng) were clear hints of a
(Nobody's Boy, 1878), which deals with the travels of the young vibrant future that awaited France.
orphan Remi, who is sold to the street musician Vitalis at age 8. Sans - Malot lấy cảm hứng từ những câu chuyện về những đứa trẻ mồ
Famille gained fame as a children's book, though it was not côi, lang thang trên đường phố Paris mà ông gặp gỡ trong thời
originally intended as such. gian làm báo. Ông muốn thể hiện sự đồng cảm với những mảnh
đời bất hạnh này và kêu gọi sự quan tâm của xã hội đối với họ.
Hector Malot's work is a melodrama, a romantic tragedy with a - Malot cũng muốn phản ánh thực trạng xã hội Pháp thời bấy giờ,
gentle style, poetic language, and sincerity. He intertwines emotions với sự bất công, áp bức và sự phân biệt đối xử giữa các tầng lớp
with his pen and uses his feelings to captivate readers. Malot's world quan tâm của xã hội đối với họ.
is a bygone world, the serene realm of his storytelling stretches into a - It is categorized (phân loại) as children's literature, specifically
romantic past; his prose is luminous, his observational mind is acute, adventure fiction (phiêu lưu viễn tưởng)
and his understanding of children is thorough.
2.2. Achievements
- The novel has remained popular for over a century since its 2.4. Short Summary
publication in 1878. Its enduring appeal lies in its universal Rémi is an orphan and he is the main character of the novel. He
themes of friendship and the search for belonging, which was brought up by his foster mother Barberin. Unfortunately,
when he turned 8, his adoptive father sold him to Vitalis, a
continue to resonate with readers of all ages.
roaming street artist, and he joined their street tour with a
- The influence (ảnh hưởng) of the novel extends beyond monkey and three dogs. Their small troupe roamed on the roads
literature, with numerous adaptations in various media forms, of France. Later, Vitas got sick and died in the cold winter. Rémi
including television series, radio dramas, stage plays, and films. continued his journey and finally, he found his real mother in a
noble family in England.
2.3. Characters
- Main Characters: Throughout his travels, Remi learns important life lessons about
● Remi: The protagonist, a kind and resilient young friendship, loyalty, and perseverance.(kiên trì) He forms close bonds
orphan who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and
with his animal companions and encounters both kind-hearted
individuals who offer him help and support, as well as those who
● Vitalis: An elderly artist who takes Remi under his wing
and teaches him the tricks of the trade. He's gruff but seek to exploit him (lợi dụng). Encountering different characters and
ultimately cares for Remi. experiences ultimately dawns on Remi the true meaning of family.
● Mattia: A fellow orphan who becomes Remi’s friend and
companion during their travel II. STORY ANALYSIS
-Other Notable Characters: 1. Structure (Plot Orders)
● Mrs. Barberin: Remi's adoptive mother in the beginning, - “Nobody’s Boy” follows a traditional linear plot structure,
a kind and loving woman who raised him as her own. chronological order
● Mrs. Milligan: A wealthy woman who takes an interest ● Exposition:
in Remi and supports his musical talents. Settings: The late 1800s in France in "Nobody's Boy" are
● Garofoli: A cruel showman who exploits Remi for his full of social and economic upheaval after the French
Revolution. Orphans like Rémi face a lack of love and
● The Acquin family: A struggling family Remi befriends
decent shelter, and face poverty and injustice due to class
during his travels, becoming a source of support and
connection. division. Xã hội Pháp là xã hội đồng tiền những người có
● The Driscoll family: The family that kidnapped Remi quyền, có tiền luôn đứng trên đầu mọi người, bóp méo cả
from his real family pháp luật như lúc viên cảnh sát bắt cụ Vitalis. Ở đó là một xã
● Joli - Coeur: a monkey in Vitalis’ troupe hội, con người bị cái khổ sở làm lu mờ đi sự quyết tâm vươn
● Capi: a dog in Vitalis’ troupe, Remi’s loyal companion lên, họ chỉ biết làm lụng để kiếm cái miếng ăn qua ngày như
● Zerbino & Dulcie chú bé Remi nói: “Má có biết lịch sử là cái gì! Má sinh ra ở
Chavanon thì má lại chết ở đấy thôi. Trí óc của má không hề Rêmi những năm 8, 9 tuổi. This narrative perspective allows the
vượt ra quá tầm con mắt của má. Và đối với con mắt của má reader to gain insights into the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of
thì vũ trụ nằm lọt trong cái vành chân trời trông từ trên the protagonist, Remi. The omniscient narrator has access to the
chóp núi Audouze.” (I had not heard this story before. Who inner workings of the character's mind, providing a thorough
would have told me? Not Mother Barberin, surely! She did understanding of the events and interactions unfolding in the
not know anything about it. She was born at Chavanon, and narrative.
would probably die there. Her mind had never traveled
farther than her eyes.) 3. Tone of voice
Characters & Conflict: The story begins with the The tone of "Nobody's Boy" can be described as empathetic,
introduction of Remi, an orphan living with the Barberins. poignant, and reflective. Throughout the novel, Hector Malot
Remi discovered that the Barberins he had lived with for the employs compassion and empathy towards Remi's plight as an
past 8 years were not his biological parents and he was about orphan seeking love, acceptance, and belonging in a world that often
to leave his beloved mother. proves harsh and unforgiving. Additionally, the tone has a sense of
● Rising Action: Remi's separation from the Barberins and his poignancy, particularly as Remi encounters various hardships and
journey with Signor Vitalis constitute the rising action. faces moments of uncertainty and adversity.
These events propel Remi into a series of adventures and
challenges as he travels across France. III. CHARACTERS ANALYSIS (Means of revealing,
● Climax: The climax occurs when Remi learns the truth Character’s role, Type of character, Type of conflict)
1. Remi
about his origins and biological family. This pivotal moment
- Words and actions:
represents the peak of tension and revelation in the story.
● From the beginning of the novel, Rémi demonstrates
● Falling Action: Following the climax, there may be a brief
resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. Despite
period of falling action where Remi grapples with the
being abandoned multiple times and facing numerous
emotional aftermath of his discoveries and resolves any
hardships, he remains determined to survive and find his
remaining conflicts or tensions.
place in the world.
● Resolution: The resolution of "Nobody's Boy" involves
● Rémi also exhibits compassion and empathy towards others,
Remi finding a sense of closure and acceptance, whether
particularly those who are marginalized or in need. Whether
through reuniting with his biological family or finding a new
it's caring for animals, helping fellow travelers, or forming
sense of belonging elsewhere.
friendships with people from different backgrounds, Rémi's
actions reflect his innate kindness and empathy.
2. Point of view (Narrator)
● Despite his young age, Rémi displays remarkable bravery in
Không gia đình được kể theo ngôi thứ nhất, trên cương vị là một
confronting danger and standing up for himself and others.
người trưởng thành, từng trải nhưng cũng đan xen sự hồn nhiên của
His willingness to take risks and venture into the unknown ● Another notable trait of Remi, which can be inferred from
underscores his determination to forge his path in life. his inner thoughts, is remarkable resilience and
● As Rémi travels and encounters various people and determination. They reflect his unwavering resolve to
experiences, he undergoes significant growth and self- persevere and overcome obstacles in pursuit of his goals.
discovery. He learns valuable lessons about love, friendship,
loyalty, and the importance of family. His words and actions - Type of character:
reflect his evolving understanding of the world and his place ● In terms of development, Remi is a dynamic character. At
in it. the beginning of the story, Rémi is depicted as a vulnerable
orphan, longing for familial connection and struggling to
- Physical descriptions: find his place in the world. However, as the narrative
● Rémi is described as a young boy, suggesting his age to be unfolds, Rémi experiences personal growth and maturity
around eight years old at the beginning of the story. through his various experiences and challenges. He learns
● He has blond hair, blue eyes with slim build valuable lessons about resilience, compassion, and the
importance of human connection, which shape his character
- Thoughts/inner feelings: development. Throughout the novel, Rémi's relationships
● From the beginning of the story, Rémi grapples with feelings with other characters evolve and change, further highlighting
of loneliness and a deep longing for familial connection. As his dynamic nature. From his initial bond with Mrs. Barberin
an orphan without a known family, he yearns for a sense of to his friendships with various companions he meets along
belonging and seeks to uncover his true identity. his journey, Rémi's interactions with others shape his growth
● Rémi's inner thoughts are preoccupied with questions of and development as a character.
identity and self-discovery. He grapples with existential ● In terms of personality, Remi is a round character
questions about who he is and where he comes from, seeking 2. Vitalis
to reconcile his past with his present circumstances. - Means of revealing: Người hát dạo, đã mua lại Rémi từ bố nuôi
● Despite the hardships he endures, Rémi's inner thoughts Jérôme Barberin của cậu. Ông đã dạy học cũng như kinh nghiệm
often express gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and sống cho Rémi khi cả hai đi lưu diễn khắp nước Pháp. Ông là
support he receives from others along his journey. He người Ý và đã từng có thời huy hoàng lúc còn trẻ. Ông xem
recognizes the value of friendship, love, and human Rémi như con trai mình cũng như Rémi xem ông là người cha vĩ
connection in sustaining him through difficult times. Rémi đại mà cậu hằng mong muốn. Sau cùng, ông đã qua đời trong
also maintains a sense of hope and optimism, believing that cảnh lang thang giữa mùa đông lạnh giá.
he will eventually find a place where he belongs and Cụ vốn là một người đức cao trọng vọng, từng đứng trên bậc cao
discover his true identity. His inner thoughts reveal his nhất của nấc thang xã hội đương thời; nhưng sau này bị rơi xuống
optimism for the future, even in the face of adversity. tận đáy xã hội, phải làm nghề xiếc chó rong sống qua ngày. Cụ đã
gắng hết sức, chịu không biết bao nhiêu khổ cực, chịu cái đói, cái
nghèo. Sức lực cậu bị bào mòn dần bởi cuộc sống đầy rẫy những bộn Vitalis can be seen as a round character due to his multifaceted
bề, khắc nghiệt. Để rồi đến một ngày, cụ đã chết, chết vì không tin nature and the development he undergoes throughout the story. He
vào lòng tốt của con người, chết bên đường, chết trong cái đói, cái exhibits depth, evolving emotions, and experiences that shape his
nghèo trong khi chỉ cần với tay ra gõ cửa thôi, người ta sẵn sàng cứu personality. His past, motivations, and interactions with other
cụ. characters contribute to his complexity.

- Character description: Long ringlets fell to his shoulders and However, there are also aspects of Vitalis that align with flat
he wore a tall gray hat ornamented with green and red character traits. He serves certain roles within the narrative that are
feathers. A sheepskin, the woolly side turned inside, was consistent and predictable, without significant growth or change in
fastened around his body. There were no sleeves to the skin, some aspects of his character. These traits might include his
but through two large holes, cut beneath the shoulders, his steadfastness in caring for Remi, his determination to survive, and
arms were thrust, covered with velvet sleeves that had once his mentorship role.
been blue. Woolen gaiters reached up to his knees, and to
hold them in place a ribbon was interlaced several times Ultimately, Vitalis is a dynamic character with both round and flat
round his legs. He sat with his elbow resting on his crossed qualities, making him an integral and interesting part of the story.
knees. I had never seen a living person with such a quiet
calm attitude. He looked to me like one of the saints in our - Type of conflict:
Church. Lying beside him were three dogs—a white spaniel, ● Internal conflict:
a black spaniel, and a pretty little gray dog with a sharp, cute
little look. The white spaniel wore a policeman's old helmet, Vitalis grapples with internal conflict stemming from his past. His
which was fastened under its chin with a leather strap. sense of guilt and remorse over his previous actions, particularly
those involving his former life as a criminal, haunts him throughout
- Character role:
the story. He struggles to reconcile his past deeds with his present
● Guardian/Mentor: Vitalis provides Remi with a home, desire to lead a more honorable life, especially as he assumes
protection, and education. He teaches Remi music, reading, responsibility for caring for Remi. This internal conflict drives
and life lessons Vitalis to seek redemption through his actions and the guidance of
● Companion: Vitalis travels and performs with Remi, forming Remi, demonstrating his internal struggle with morality and ethics.
a bond that goes beyond teacher and student
● Catalyst: Vitalis’ past and hidden identity become a driving
force of the story, including Remi’s search for his family ● External conflict: Vitalis faces external challenges like
- Type of character: Vitalis can be considered as a dynamic, poverty, the cruelty of others, and the need to find work and
round character. a place to stay
3. Mr. Barberin
External challenges: cái đói, thời tiết khắc nghiệt (2 lần bão tuyết) Mr. Barberin is a character in the novel "Nobody's Boy" (also known
Vì criminal record nên bị hắt hủi, k có việc làm, lang thang vô định k as "Sans Famille") by Hector Malot. Initially portrayed as Rémi's
có chỗ ở adoptive father, Mr. Barberin's true nature and motives become
increasingly complex as the story progresses, adding depth and
Vitalis faces external conflict due to societal rejection and prejudice. tension to the narrative.
As a former convict, he encounters mistrust and discrimination from - Means of Revealing: Khi Remi và má Barberin đang tận hưởng
others, making it difficult for him to integrate into society and find buổi chiều “hoàn hảo” cùng món bánh pancake mà cậu yêu thích
gainful employment. This conflict is exacerbated by the challenges
thì Mr Barberin bất ngờ xuất hiện. Là “cha” của Remi nhưng khi
of navigating a society that judges individuals based on their past
rather than their present actions and character. Vitalis must contend cậu chạy ra chào, ông chẳng những không chào đón mà còn lấy
with societal barriers while trying to provide for himself and Remi, cây gậy của mình ra chặn cậu lại. Buổi chiều hoàn hảo đó đã bị
highlighting the injustices and biases present in the world around phá vỡ → Giống như những tháng ngày hạnh phúc của Remi sẽ
him. (Đoạn mấy ông cảnh sát bỏ tù Vitalis) sớm bị lão Barberin lấy đi.
- Physical Description: Tác giả miêu tả lão Barberin là một người
đàn ông khoảng 50 tuổi, nét mặt hơi cứng và thô. Đầu hơi
nghiêng về phía vai phải do chấn thương khi làm việc (cắt đá),
Backstory của Vitalis
“There is not much to tell. His name was not Vitalis. He was Carlo sự biến dạng này khiến cho lão thêm phần đáng sợ
Balzini, and if you had lived thirty-five or forty years ago in Italy, - Lão Barberin từ đầu tới cuối luôn là một nỗi ám ảnh của Remi.
that name alone would tell you all you want to know. Carlo Balzini Ngay từ lúc lão nhận nuôi Remi, lão đã nhận nuôi với một mục
was the greatest singer of the day. He sang in Naples, Rome, Milan, đích chẳng mấy tốt đẹp, lão chỉ muốn chuộc lợi từ thằng bé. Rồi
Venice, Florence, London and Paris. Then came the time when he những ngày Remi sống cùng lão, ngày nào cũng là một ngày tệ
lost his magnificent voice, and as he could not be the greatest of hại, lão đối xử với cậu như một kẻ ở chứ chẳng phải con mình.
singers, he would not dim his fame by singing on cheaper stages Lão bán cậu bé đi cho cụ Vitalis để lấy tiền, rồi cũng tìm lại bằng
unworthy of his great reputation. Instead, he preferred to hide được cậu bé để nhận tiền từ nhà Driscoll. Từ đầu tới cuối câu
himself from the world and from all who had known him in his chuyện, lão Barberin vẫn luôn vì ám ảnh với tiền mà đối xử với
triumph. Yet he had to live. He tried several professions, but could một Remi chẳng giống như đối xử với một con người.
not succeed, then finally he took to training dogs. But in his poverty, - Type of Character: Static, Flat. Throughout the story, Mr.
he was still very proud and he would have died of shame if the Barberin doesn’t undergo substantial development or growth in
public could have known that the brilliant Carlo Balzini had sunk to terms of his personality, beliefs, or actions, his role within the
the depths he had. It was just a matter of chance that I learned his story may remain constant. He appears as an antagonist: sells
secret." Remi and interferes with Remi’s journey for his good.
4. Mrs. Barberin - Character's Description: Mattia serves as a significant
- Means of Revealing: At the beginning of the novel, Mrs. companion and friend to Rémi throughout his journey. He
Barberin is portrayed as a caring and compassionate woman who offers companionship, support, and guidance, becoming an
takes in Rémi when he is abandoned by his adoptive father. Her integral part of Rémi's life. Mattia là một người bạn tuyệt vời của
initial actions of providing shelter and care for the orphaned Remi, cậu tin tưởng Remi hết mình, ngay cả khi cậu đang lang
Rémi demonstrate her kindness and generosity. Mrs. Barberin thang vô định sau khi thoát khỏi gã Garofoli, cậu chọn Remi là
forms a strong emotional bond with Rémi, treating him as her nơi để cậu một lần nữa gửi gắm niềm tin và hi vọng sống. Cậu
son. Her affectionate words and actions towards him reflect her ủng hộ Remi hết mình, cậu coi mục tiêu của Remi (cụ thể là mua
genuine love and concern for his well-being. This bond becomes bò tặng cho má Barberin) như là mục tiêu của cậu và phấn đấu
a central aspect of Rémi's life, providing him with a sense of hết mình vì nó, hạnh phúc khôn nguôi khi má Barberin nhận
belonging and security. As the story progresses, Mrs. Barberin's được con bò ấy. Cậu chẳng hề bỏ rơi Remi ngay cả khi cậu đã có
actions of keeping Remi’s childhood belongings lead to the cơ hội có được một cuộc sống tốt hơn, đủ đầy hơn cùng
eventual reunion and reconciliation between Rémi and his birth Monsieur Espinassous. Không chỉ vậy, Mattia còn là một cậu bé
family, contributing to the happy ending of the novel. thông minh, cậu chơi nhiều loại nhạc cụ và học nhạc rất giỏi.
- Character's Role: Mrs. Barberin serves as a guiding light for Trích sách bản tiếng Việt: “Nói cho đúng thì về sinh kế, Mattia
Rémi, shaping his identity and providing him with the emotional có những khả năng bẩm sinh mà tôi kém thua xa. Trước hết, nó
support he needs to navigate life's challenges. Through her hơn tôi ở chỗ có tài chơi đủ mọi thứ đàn địch, lại biết hát, biết
portrayal, Malot explores the profound impact of maternal nhảy múa, biết đóng đủ mọi vai trò. Đến cái việc kính thỉnh
figures on the lives of orphaned children and emphasizes the “chư vị khán giả” móc hầu bao chi tiền - cụ Vi-ta-li ngày xưa
importance of love and belonging in shaping one's destiny. gọi thế - thì nó lại thạo hơn tôi vô kể. Chỉ mỗi cái nụ cười, đôi
- Type of Character: In terms of development, Mrs. Barberin is a mắt hiền dịu, hai hàm răng trắng ngà ngọc, cái vẻ mặt cởi mở
static character who emotionally supports Remi. Regarding của nó đủ làm cảm kích những tay keo kiệt nhất. Nó không xin,
personality, Mrs. Barberin is a flat character with good nhưng trông thấy nó, người ta đã muốn cho rồi, và làm cho nó
characteristics. vui lòng cũng là một cái thú.” Ngoài ra, Mattia còn có con mắt
khôn ngoan và tinh tưởng, nó phát hiện ra cái khuất tất của gia
5. Mattia đình Driscoll và kéo Remi ra khỏi cái bẫy ấy, nó là người luôn
- Means of Revealing: Mattia lần đầu xuất hiện khi mà Remi đến tỉnh táo lo cho kế sinh nhai khi Remi còn đang chìm đắm trong
gặp gã Garofoli. Cậu bị gã Garofoli độc ác ấy hành hạ, bỏ đói, niềm hạnh phúc của mình mà lơ là việc kiếm tiền.
đánh đập và bóc lột. Cậu gầy đến nỗi Remi tả cậu như thể cậu - Type of Character: Dynamic, Round. Dynamic vì at first,
chỉ có mỗi đầu và 4 tay chân. Khuôn mặt cậu luôn ánh lên sự Mattia appears to have his insecurities, fears, or past traumas.
buồn bã và dường như cậu chẳng còn hi vọng gì vào cuộc sống But after he escapes from Garofoli and embarks on his trip with
của mình nữa. Remi, Mattia shows that he also possesses qualities of loyalty,
resilience, and compassion, as evidenced by his unwavering development, Capi’s fundamental traits and characteristics
support for Rémi during their trials. Round vì as the story remain consistent throughout the story
unfolds, readers learn more about Mattia’s past, hopes, fears, and - Type of conflict:
aspirations, contributing to his status as a round character in the Capi is involved in various conflicts throughout the narrative,
novel primarily as a loyal companion to Rémi. One of the central conflicts
- Conflict: The conflicts involving Mattia may vary, encompassing surrounding Capi is the struggle for survival in a harsh and
both internal and external struggles. In terms of internal unforgiving world. As Rémi's faithful dog, Capi faces numerous
struggles, Mattia has to grapple with personal demons, such as dangers and challenges, including natural disasters, hostile animals,
doubts about his self-worth or struggles to overcome past and human adversaries, all of which threaten their safety and well-
traumas. Also, he experiences an internal struggle when Remi being.
finds his family, feeling both happy because he wants Remi to Another significant conflict for Capi is the internal conflict of loyalty
find happiness and sad because he fears Remi will abandon him. versus instinct. While Capi's loyalty to Rémi is unwavering, he must
also navigate his instincts as a dog, which sometimes lead him into
6. Capi dangerous situations or compel him to act impulsively. This conflict
- Means of revealing: Capi, the loyal dog companion of Rémi, is adds depth to Capi's character and underscores the challenges he
portrayed from Remi’s observation. Capi's loyalty, intelligence, faces as a faithful companion in a tumultuous world.
and bravery can be seen through his unwavering devotion to Capi's conflicts primarily revolve around his role as Rémi's loyal
Rémi and his willingness to protect him from danger. companion and the challenges they encounter together. His
Additionally, Capi's personality and character traits are revealed unwavering loyalty and bravery in the face of danger highlight the
through his behavior and the emotions he displays, such as joy, bond between humans and animals, as well as the themes of
fear, and sadness. While Capi doesn't speak, his reactions to friendship, loyalty, and perseverance that permeate the novel.
what others say can reveal his understanding and emotional state. Despite facing numerous obstacles and dangers, Capi remains
- Character role: steadfast in his commitment to Rémi, embodying the enduring
● Companion: Capi provides constant companionship and strength of their bond amidst the trials and tribulations of their
emotional support for both Remi and Vitalis. journey.
● Protector: Capi acts as a loyal guard, keeping Remi and
Vitalis safe from harm.
● Performer: Capi contributes to their income by performing 7. Other characters (Milligan, Acquin, Driscoll,
tricks with Remi, becoming an integral part of their busking Garofoli, …)
act. - Mrs. Milligan:
- Type of character: Capi can be classified as a static character. ● Means of revealing: When Remi and his companion animals
Unlike human characters who undergo significant change or became fatigued because of long-distance traveling and
finding Zerbino, Remi decided to play music to distract
himself and the animals from hunger. During his was spotless. She gave great care to Remi until his master
performance, Mrs Milligan appeared as a spectator to their was freed from the prison, and tried to persuade his master to
bravo performance and later showed great sympathy for their let him nurture the boy. The fact that Mrs. Milligan is
enduring journey. The introduction about Mrs Milligan searching for a lost son around the same time Remi is a
hinted at the many possible plot twists that might appear in wandering boy raises an intriguing possibility. The story
the story. might explore a connection between them later on.
“Arthur's mother was English. Her name was Mrs. Milligan. ● Type of character: Static, Flat character. Mrs. Milligan is a
She was a widow, and Arthur was her only son; at least, it grieving mother. She lost her elder son under mysterious
was supposed that he was her only son living, for she had circumstances when he was just six months old. This event
lost an elder child under mysterious conditions. When the likely dominates her life, leaving her with immense sadness
child was six months old it had been kidnaped, and they had and a lingering hope of finding him again. Despite the
never been able to find any trace of him. It is true that, at the passage of time, Mrs. Milligan hasn't given up on finding her
time he was taken, Mrs. Milligan had not been able to make lost child. This suggests a strong and determined personality.
the necessary searches. Her husband was dying, and she She actively searches for clues and inquiries about her son,
was dangerously ill and knew nothing of what was going on as seen in the episode
around her. When she regained consciousness her husband ● The story takes a turn when she recognizes Remi's clothes,
was dead and her baby had disappeared. Her brother-in- leading to the revelation that he is her lost son. This
law, Mr. James Milligan, had searched everywhere for the discovery offers her a chance for long-awaited happiness and
child. There being no heir, he expected to inherit his family reunification.
brother's property. Yet, after all, Mr. James Milligan Overall, Mrs. Milligan embodies the unwavering love and hope of a
inherited nothing from his brother, for seven months after parent who refuses to let go. Though we only see a fragment of her
the death of her husband, Mrs. Milligan's second son, story, it leaves a lasting impression and compels the reader to
Arthur, was born. continue the journey to see if her search is successful.
But the doctors said that this frail, delicate child could not
live. He might die at any moment. In the event of his death, - Garofoli
Mr. James Milligan would succeed to the fortune. He waited ● Means of revealing: Garofoli's presence is shrouded in
and hoped, but the doctors' predictions were not fulfilled. secrecy. We only encounter him directly when Remi and
Arthur lived. It was his mother's care that saved him.” Vitalis visit his "padrone" (master). “We crossed a big
● Character’s role: Mrs Milligan, besides Mother Barberin, courtyard to a dirty, dismal house where surely the sun had
are those who gave the main character a sense of family, a never penetrated. It was the worst-looking place I had seen
sense of belonging. I was given a tiny cabin on the boat. so far.”
What a wonderful little room it appeared to me! Everything
Despite this, his influence is significant. ● “Signor Garofoli has a lot of boys here, some of them are
chimney sweeps, others rag pickers, and those who are not
● Character’s role: Garofoli's imprisonment and Vitalis' fear strong enough to work, sing in the streets, or beg. Garofoli
of him create an opportunity for Remi to leave the troupe. gave me two little white mice to show to the public and I had
This sets Remi on a new path towards finding his real to bring him back thirty sous every night. As many sous as
family. Garofoli, despite his limited presence, is a key you are short a day, so many blows you get. It is hard to pick
antagonist in "Nobody's Boy." He represents the harsh up thirty sous, but the blows are hard, too, especially when
realities of the world Remi navigates and the dangers he it's Garofoli who gives them.”
escapes. His cruelty serves as a foil to the kindness Remi ● When one is very ill, they take care of you or they let you
encounters on his journey. die. If they let me die it will be all over, I shan't be hungry
anymore, and there'll be no more beatings. And they do say
● Static, flat character. The details surrounding Garofoli that when we die we go up and live with God. Then, if I'm up
paint a picture of a harsh and cruel individual. He runs a there, I can look down on Mamma and Christina, and I can
troupe of performing children, implied through Mattia's ask God not to let my little sister be unhappy. Also, if they
situation, to exploit them for profit. We also learn he is in send me to the Hospital, I shall be pleased.
prison for beating a boy to death, highlighting his brutality. ● "You know how much it hurts me to hear you cry," said
Garofoli holds power over Vitalis through a dark secret, Garofoli, gently, addressing the victim. "You know that if the
possibly Vitalis' past as the singer Carlo Balzani. This secret whip tears your skin, your cries pierce my heart. So then I
allows Garofoli to manipulate Vitalis, preventing him from warn you that for each cry you will receive another slash,
going to the authorities about the harsh conditions in the and it will be your fault. If you have any affection or
troupe. We never get into Garofoli's mind, but his actions gratitude you will keep silent. Go on, Ricardo."
and the way others react to him speak volumes. Mattia's
desperate state after leaving Garofoli further emphasizes the - The Acquin Family: “My new family consisted of the father,
cruelty of the man. whose name was Pierre Acquin, two boys, Alexix and Benjamin,
● “A boy about twelve years of age came forward. I was struck and two girls, Etiennette, the elder, and Lise, the youngest of the
by his strange looks. Even now, as I write, I can see him as I family”
saw him then. He had no body, so to speak, for he seemed all ● Means of revealing: Pierre Acquin, the father, is the
legs and head. His great head was out of all proportion. gardener working at the farm where Rémi finds himself after
Built so, he could not have been called handsome, yet there Vitalis, his master, passes away.
was something in his face that attracted one strangely, an ● Static, flat Character. Pierre is a kind and compassionate
expression of sadness and gentleness and, yes ... person. He is likely one of the first people Rémi encounters
hopelessness. His large eyes held your own with sympathy.” upon arriving at the farm, and the fact that he is present at
Rémi's bedside with others suggests he takes an interest in Scarcely had we got upstairs than they all crowded around me. Lise
Rémi's well-being. clung to me, crying. Then I knew, that despite their grief at parting
"Where are you going?" asked the gardener. "Wouldn't you like to from one another, it was of me that they thought; they pitied me
stay here and work? It won't be an easy life. You'll have to get up because I was alone. I felt, indeed, then that I was their brother.
very early in the morning and work hard all day. But you may be At seven o'clock Etiennette, in her turn, took me to the garden. "I
sure that you won't have to go through what you did last night. You want to give you a little keepsake, Remi," she said. "Take this little
will have a bed and food and you will have the satisfaction of case; my godfather gave it to me. You'll find thread, needles, and
knowing that you have earned it. And, if you're a good boy, which I scissors in it; when you are tramping along the roads you'll need
think you are, you will be one of the family." them, for I shan't be there to put a patch on your clothes, nor sew a
button on. When you use my scissors, think of us all."
"There's his reply," said the father, laughing. "I can see by your face Etiennette was speaking to me, and Alexix loitered near; when she
how pleased you are; no need for you to say anything. Hang your left me to return to the house, he came up. "Say, Remi," he began,
harp up there on the wall and when you get tired of us you may take "I've got two five-franc pieces. Take one; I'll be so pleased if you
it down and go on your way again, but you must do like the will."
swallows, choose your season to start on your flight. Don't go off in , neither, had forgotten me; he also wanted to give me a present. He
the depth of winter." gave me his knife, and in exchange, he exacted a sou because he said
● Lise is a nice and caring young girl, who is eventually "A knife cuts friendship."
Remi’s wife. She is depicted in the story as a dump girl, but
she has a big heart and shows great care and affection for - The Driscoll family:
Remi from the start. “Lise was dumb. She was not born ● Means of revealing: Setting: “Our guide looked about him in
dumb, but just before her fourth birthday, through an illness, disgust, then entered the swing doors of the gin palace. We
she had lost the power of speech. This affliction, fortunately, followed. Although we were in a miserable part of the city I
had not impaired her intelligence; quite the contrary, her had never seen anything more luxurious”. => Far from an
intelligence was developed to an extraordinary degree. She expectation of a luxurious, rich family mother Barberin
seemed to understand everything. And her sweet, pretty ways talked about => implications that this is not his true family
made her adored by the family.” ● The Driscoll family appears as the family that lost Remi
● Other characters of the Acquin family are to show a stark several years back in the story. They “reconnected” to the
contrast to the Driscoll family. As plain strangers, the care boy through Mr. Barberin, who sold Remi to his master
and affection they gave towards Remi was more than Vitalis.
anything he received when he got reunited with his supposed ● Character’s role: The Driscoll family served as a means to
family - The Driscolls. This is another sign to show that he is help Remi find his true family. When the protagonist, Remi,
not to be a member of the Driscoll family. finally finds the Driscolls, his supposed family, they are
distant and uncaring. This coldness is a stark contrast to I thought that we should spend the evening together around the fire,
Remi's longing for a family throughout the novel. The but my father said that he was expecting friends, and told us to go to
Driscolls are revealed to be thieves, using Remi's friend Capi bed.
for their schemes. This discovery shatters Remi's hope of From that day one in my family openly showed their dislike for me.
finding a loving family. The reunion with the Driscolls is a My grandfather continued to spit angrily when I approached him.
major turning point in the novel. It highlights the cruelty of The boys and my eldest sister played every trick they possibly could
fate and the complexities of family. Remi goes from hopeful upon me. My father and mother ignored me, only demanding of me
to disillusioned. my money every evening. Out of the whole family, for whom I had
● Red flags: felt so much affection when I had landed in England, there was only
My father then asked why Barberin had not come with me. I told him baby Kate who would let me fondle her, and she turned from me
that he was dead. He seemed pleased to hear this. He repeated it to coldly if I had not candy or an orange in my pocket for her.
my mother, who also seemed pleased. Why were they both pleased
that Barberin was dead? IV. OUR MORAL LESSON
I flung the bag from my shoulders and took the chair that he offered - Regardless of situation, do not lose yourself
me. As I stretched out my legs, wet, and covered with mud, to the fire Không được để cái xấu xa của xã hội bào mòn những khía cạnh tốt
my grandfather spat on one side, like an old cat that is annoyed. đẹp của mình. Những người tử tế chân thành sẽ luôn dành được sự
"Don't pay any attention to him," said my father; "the old chap yêu mến của mọi người. “Không gì có thể đánh đổi được nhân cách
doesn't like anyone to sit before his fire, but you needn't mind him if và tâm hồn; giữ gìn nhân phẩm, luôn làm người có ích cho xã hội
you're cold." mới giúp chúng ta không phải hối hận vì đã sống một cuộc đời vô
I was surprised to hear anyone speak like this of an old man. I kept nghĩa trước lúc nhắm mắt xuôi tay.” - Vitalis
my legs under my chair, for I thought that attention should be paid
to him. - Everything comes with a price
Although I had not been brought up exactly on the principle of good Bất cứ sự tự do nào cũng cần trả giá. Việc đi chu du khắp nơi, nhìn
breeding, I noticed that my brothers and sister's behaved very badly ngắm đó đây, được làm việc một cách tự do đổi lại là sự bấp bênh
at the table; they ate more often with their fingers, sticking them into nay đây mai đó, bữa đói bữa no, phải chịu rét chịu khổ. Nếu không
the gravy and licking them without my father and mother seeming to may mắn còn phải trả giá rất đắt như cái chết vì đói và lạnh của cụ
notice them. As to my grandfather, he gave his whole attention to Vitali.
what was before him, and the one hand that he was able to use went
continually from his plate to his mouth. When he let a piece fall from - Pursue your goals to the end, do not fear difficulty, do
his shaking fingers my brothers and sisters laughed. not fear hardship (overcoming adversity)
Kiên trì đến cùng, dù chỉ có một tia hi vọng mong manh cũng nên cố
gắng theo đuổi đến cùng. Vì nhờ kiên trì theo dấu thuyền Thiên Nga
mà Remi đã tìm lại được gia đình rồi sau đó là những điều tốt đẹp above all when one is old, one wants to lean on somebody. You may
liên tiếp đến với chúa và những người thân yêu. Tuổi trẻ đừng ngại be surprised that I have wanted to lean on you. And yet it is so. But
đương đầu với khó khăn bởi nếu không bị lạc đường ta sẽ khó biết only to see that your eyes are moist as you listen to me, comforts me,
mình vốn rất sợ hãi, nếu không bị dối gạt ta sẽ khó biết mình rất dễ little Remi. I am very unhappy.")
tổn thương, nếu không bị bỏ rơi ta sẽ khó thấy được bản chất yếu
đuối và dựa dẫm của mình. - The importance of family, friendship and belonging

Tiến lên! Thế giới mở rộng trước mắt tôi, tôi có thể dời chân xuống Chủ đề gia đình và tình bạn luôn hiện hữu xuyên suốt tác phẩm
nam hay lên bắc, sang đông hay qua đoài tùy lòng. Tôi chỉ là một không gia đình. Cậu bé Remi cho đến cuối câu chuyện đã tìm được
đứa trẻ con, thế mà tôi đã làm chủ cuộc đời của tôi. (The world was gia đình thật sự , nhưng những người đi cùng cậu trên chuyến hành
before me; I could go where I liked, north, south, east or west. I was trình đó cũng là gia đình của cậu. Là má Barberin nuôi dưỡng cậu từ
my own master. How many children there are who say to themselves, lúc cậu được nhặt về, coi cậu như con đẻ của mình. Là cụ Vitalis,
"If I could only do as I liked, ... if I were my own master!”), người thầy, người cha đã dạy cho cậu con chữ, dạy hát cũng như
những bài học về nhân sinh. Là Mattia, người đã đồng hành với cậu
- Seek support from others trong phần còn lại của chuyến đi. Là gia đình Milligan, gia đình thật
Ta luôn cần một cánh tay vững chãi cho ta tựa vào và truyền thêm sự của cậu. Tuy không phải máu mủ ruột rà nhưng họ vẫn yêu
sức mạnh giúp ta đủ can đảm vượt qua gian khó. Bàn tay ấy có thể thương, coi Remi như chính người thân trong gia đình của mình. Và
không đủ sức kéo ta khỏi vũng lầy bất hạnh nhưng nó đã làm nỗi khổ tình cảm của Remi dành cho họ cũng chân thành như vậy.
đau vơi đi ít nhiều. Chi tiết xúc động, sau khi tìm được gia đình, cậu vẫn luôn nhớ về cụ
“Khi mọi việc yên ổn, thì ta cứ cặm cụi đi con đường của ta, không Vitalis
thèm quan tâm đến những kẻ cùng đi với ta. Nhưng khi mọi việc đều Cụ chủ thân yêu của cháu ơi! Giá được phụng dưỡng tuổi già của cụ
chẳng ra gì, khi ta cảm thấy đương gặp bước gian truân, nhất là khi thì cháu sung sướng biết ngần nào! Nếu thế, hẳn cụ phải bỏ cái ống
ta đã già nua không tin tưởng ở ngày mai nữa, thì ta cần tựa vào tiêu, tấm da cừu và chiếc áo nhung của cụ ra, cụ đã không lặp đi lặp
những người chung quanh ta. Ta hết sức sung sướng được nhìn thấy lại cái câu: “Nào ta tiến lên, các con!”. Được trọng vọng trong tuổi
có họ bên cạnh mình. Nói rằng ông tựa vào cháu thì cháu lấy làm lạ già, hẳn cụ có thể hẳn cụ có thể ngẩng cao cáu đầu bạc rất đẹp và
lắm có phải không? Ấy mà đúng như thế đấy. Chỉ một việc nhìn cháu lấy lại tên tuổi của cụ ngày xưa. Ông già Vitalis vô gia cư sẽ trở lại
nghe lời ông nói mà mắt cháu nhòa lệ, ông cũng đã nhẹ bớt phiền làm nhà danh ca Carlo Balzani. Không làm được gì đối với cụ thì
não một phần.” (Vitalis - Đường về Paris gặp Garofoli) cái chết tàn nhẫn đã cướp cụ đi, thì cháu cũng cố vớt vát ít nhiều đối
("It is you who are good. You brave little heart. There comes a time với vong linh của cụ. Thể theo yêu cầu của cháu, mẹ cháu đã xây
in one's life when one feels these things. When all goes well, one cho cụ một ngôi mộ trong nghĩa địa Montparnasse ở Paris, và cháu
goes along through life without thinking much about who is with đã cho khắc tên Carlo Balzani lên bia mộ.
one, but when things go wrong when one is on the wrong track, and
(Alas! poor master! poor Vitalis! I could not do much for you in life,
but at my request, my mother has erected a marble tomb and placed
your bust, the bust of Carlo Balzini, upon the tomb. A copy of this
bust is before me now as I write, and often while penning my
"Memoirs," I have looked up and my eyes have caught yours. I have
not forgotten you; I shall never forget you, dear master, dear
+ Mua cho má Barberin con bò ngày trở về
+ Tình bạn chân thành giữa Remi và Mattia

- The power of knowledge

Người có hiểu biết, luôn tìm tòi học hỏi có cuộc sống tốt hơn. Như
trong vụ tai nạn trong hầm mỏ, nếu không nhờ sự hiểu biết của cụ
giáo thì trong 120 người bị lụt dưới hầm mỏ đã không thể có 6 người
còn sống sót.
Remi trong suốt hành trình không ngừng học hỏi những kỹ năng,
kiến thức mới (được dạy chữ, dạy thanh nhạc, dạy những bài học về
cuộc sống)

The downsides of society gradually emerged amid the luxury of

France, such as child labor being overused, the slave class being
badly trampled, and some people making money against all odds,.
There are lots of practical and significant lessons integrated
throughout the journey. Even so, "Nobody's Boy" is an adorable
story. There are always kind people along the way willing to help
Rémi, and the animals, our Capi and Joli are the most loyal friends of
the boy as they've never left him alone during the journey. The days
of roaming around have created a strong, resilient Remi but also an
extremely benevolent and optimistic boy as he has always thought of
and appreciated those who gave him their hands in the most difficult
times in his life.

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