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Chapter 7: Convertible Bonds

Convertible bonds are exchangeable for a fixed To get the return from common stock:
number of shares of the issuing company’s stock
at the bondholder’s discretion. The number of 1. Face value of the note divided by the price of
shares exchanged for the bond is determined by the common stock to get the shares.
a conversion ratio that’s set at the time the bond is 2. Deduct the new price of the stock from the price
issued. Stating the conversion along with the of the common stock to get the gain.
bond’s par value implies a conversion price. 3. Multiply the total gain to the shares calculated
to get the price of the stock.
Ordinary bonds are generally safer
4. Divide the price of the stock to the face value to
investments compared to stocks that offer
get the rate on return.
price appreciation. A convertible
feature allows bondholders to price.
appreciation if the firm is successful. It is usually
set at 15 to 30 percent above the stock market’s
Effect of Conversion on the Financial Statements
price at the time the convertible is issued.
and Cash Flow
This method makes investors accept lower yields
on convertibles than on ordinary bonds. That During conversion, an accounting entry is made
means they can be issued at lower coupon rates that takes the par value of converted bonds out of
and cost borrowers less in interest expense. long-term debt and places it in the equity accounts
Convertibles are less risky than stocks. as if new shares had been sold at the conversion
Convertibles are always debentures, unsecured
bonds. There is no immediate cash flow impact from
conversion, but affects ongoing cash flow, and the
transaction is strictly on the company's books. It is
important for the ongoing cash flow because it
To get the return on investment of
makes the original debt go which makes the interest
convertible bonds:
payments immediately stop, however, the newly
created shares are entitled to dividends if any are
Shares exchanged = Par value If the company that issues convertibles doesn’t
pay dividends, it implies a decrease in cash flow.
Conversion Price Conversion also strengthens balance sheet by
removing debt and adding equity, which improves
all debt management ratios.
1. The answer will be the resulting number of
shares. The proceeds will be multiplied to the Convertibles as Deferred Stock Purchases
current price of stock.
2. Get the interest payment of the bond with its Convertibles can be thought of as deferred stock
coupon rate. purchases or deferred purchases of equity (stock). A
3. Add the market shares price to the interest substantial increase in stock price guarantees
payment of the bond. The answer will be the eventual conversion which means that the bond and
new bond price. associated interest payments can be viewed as
4. Deduct the new bond price to the face value of temporary, and the long-term effect of the
the bond to calculate the gain. transaction is a sale of stock.
5. Divide the gain to the face value of the bond to Advantages of Convertible Bonds
get the percentage of return on investment.
Advantages to Issuing Companies
1. Offer lower interest rates. Convertible debt Lenders of convertible bonds may delay exercising
tends to be offered by risky companies that the conversion of bonds if they believe that the
have problems with conventional borrowing. current stock price will remain the same all
Risky businesses often pay higher interest rates throughout the years. This enables them to collect
which makes it difficult to borrow. This makes interest until they decide to call it off and then
lenders accept lower rates or lend where they receive the stock price when they decided to
would not. convert the bonds to stock
a. Companies with a low credit rating and  (meaning makakareceive sila ng interest
high growth potential often issue throughout the years of the bond, tapos pag
convertible bonds. For financing ayaw na nila, pwede nila iconvert ung bond
purposes, the bonds offer more sa prices ng stock para more money).
flexibility than regular bonds. They may
be more attractive to investors since The management wants to convert their bonds for
convertible bonds provide growth two reasons:
potential through future capital
appreciation of the stock price. 1. Avoid paying further interest.
2. Want to exchange debt for equity
b. Companies issue convertible bonds to
(strengthen the balance sheet)
lower the coupon rate on debt and to
delay dilution. They trade in relatively This makes them issue call features to force
illiquid market. conversion which typically have call premiums
of one year’s coupon interest. This makes the
2. Illiquid – a market that is lender either accept the call premium or convert the
3. difficult to sell assets in due to a lack of bonds to stocks.
interested buyers, available assets, or because
the market itself is not viable as a financial Issuers call convertibles when stock prices have
asset. risen to levels that are 10-15 percent above
4. It can be viewed as a way to sell equity at a conversion prices.
price above the market. They may sell stock
Overhanging Issues
above the market.
5. They have few restrictions. Lenders insist on Issuing convertibles may not be to borrow money
reducing their risk with contracts called bond but may be to sell equity at a price above market.
indentures that limits the activities of borrowers Convertibles can become problems if stock prices
while debt is outstanding. If the debt is a don’t increase enough to make the bonds’
convertible debt, lenders view is as purchasing conversion values more than their call prices
equity (because they can change bond to stocks) (premiums). Calls won’t force conversion. If the
which makes them less concern with lender accepted the call price and don’t convert, the
restrictions (bonds have indentures). company will be stuck with debt it doesn’t want
(because they would rather have equity to avoid
Advantages to Buyers
paying interest and to make its balance sheet
1. They offer the buyers chance to participate in stronger).
stock price appreciation offered by risky equity Valuing (Pricing) Convertibles
investments. (Risky businesses have volatile
interest rates. If it is a bond, the lender may face Valuing the convertible is complicated because the
a loss because of its fixed rate. If it is a stock, security’s value (price) can depend on either its
lenders can convert it to stocks when the stocks value as traditional bond or market value of the
increase. In stocks high risk=high rewards). stock which it can be converted.
2. Limit the risk associated with stock investments
which may cause big gains or loss.
Forced Conversion
➢ The convertible value as a bond does not of stocks. Investors decide how much they’re
willing to pay for shares based in large part on
require it to be at par because it depends on the
issuing company EPS. Growing EPS is a very
interest rate .
positive sign, a stagnant or declining can lead to
➢ Convertibles value as a stock is calculated depressed stock price. EPS is related to related
as: price earnings per ratio because it is the first thing
Number of shares exchanged for one investors look at.
bond(conversion ratio) multiplied by the current
stock price. Assuming the bond is convertible to 50 Dilution
shares of stocks,
The additional issuance of stock would increase the
value of the company enough to keep the value of
Pb = 50Ps old shares constant. If new shares are issued at a
Pb = Price of bond lower price, new investors would gain higher return
Ps = Price of stock because of the stocks of old investors. The old
investors’ stocks were diluted. Earnings dilution is
 At low stock price, the convertible’s value
a drop in EPS caused by a sale of stock at a below-
as a bond is higher than its value as a
market price.
stock. At higher prices, it’s worth more as
Convertibles and Dilution
 At ANY STOCK PRICE the convertible is
Convertible securities cause dilution.
worth atleast larger of its value as a bond
If the convertible bond has a stock price of 25, and
or as a stock.
the stock market has 29, the owner of the
The higher the stock and bond value line’s convertible would receive 29 but the issuer will
represents the minimum value of the convertible. receive only 25.
The market value of a convertible lies above the Dilution happens when a company’s stock price
minimum value line because of the possibility that rises after a convertible is issued. The existence of
the stock’s price will go up and improve the unexercised convertibles always represents
return, this idea gives the convertible extra value. potential dilution in a firm’s EPS.
The difference between market value and the
appropriate minimum is the conversion premium. Disclosure of the Dilutive Potential of
❖ A conversion premium is the excess of a Unexercised convertibles may cause smaller EPS
convertible’s market value over its value as a because of their dilutive effect. This made FASB
stock or bond. (Financial Accounting Standards Board) make the
 The minimum values as stock and as a companies report potential dilution from
bond are equal at the intersection of the two convertible and certain other securities in their
minimum value lines. That point can be financial statements. FASB 128 requires that
found by substituting the value as a bond companies report two EPS figures, basic EPS and
into the equation of the diagonal value as diluted EPS.
stock line.  Basic EPS is what you would expect,
Pb = 50Ps earnings after tax divided by the number of
1000 = 50 Ps Ps = 1,000/50 shares outstanding during the year. If the
=20 number of shares isn’t constant during the
Effect on Earnings Per Share – Diluted EPS EPS year, an average over time is used.
is net income (earnings after tax) divided by the  Diluted EPS is calculated assuming all
number of shares of stock outstanding. It is the existing convertibles are exercised creating
firm’s money-making power stated on a per-share new shares as of the beginning of the year.
basis. EPS is a key factor in determining the value
It shows the worst case scenario for Institutional Characteristics of Bonds
A bond is a device that enables an organization
How to Calculate Basic and Diluted EPS for the (generally a corporation or a government unit) to
year: borrow from a large number of people at the same
time under one agreement.
Basic EPS:
Registration, Transfer Agents, and
Basic EPS = net income Owners of Record
A record of owners of registered securities is kept
Shares outstanding by a transfer agent. Payments are sent to owners of
record as of the dates the payments are made.

Diluted EPS (new shares issued): Bonds are classified as either:

Shares exchanged = bond’s par value 1. Bearer bonds – belong to whoever possesses
them, a convention that makes them
Conversion price
dangerously subject to loss and theft. They have
And then: coupons attached for the payment of interest.
2. Registered bonds – the owners are called
1. Shares from conversion = issued convertible transfer agents. This is an organization, a bank,
bonds x new shares issues (diluted eps) that keeps track of the owners of stocks and
2. New shares outstanding = outstanding share + bonds for issuing companies. When one
shares from conversion investor sells a security to another, the agent
3. Interest saved = coupon rate x par value x transfers ownership in its records as of the date
issued convertible bonds of sale. On any date, there is a particular owner
4. Saved taxes = interest saved x marginal tax rate of record on the transfer agent’s books for every
5. Improvement in net income from eliminating bond (and share) outstanding. Interest payments
interest is interest saved minus saved taxes. are sent directly to the owners.
6. Net income for calculating diluted EPS is net
income plus improvement in net income from Kinds of Bonds
eliminating interest.
Secured Bonds and Mortgage Bonds – Secured
7. Diluted EPS is net income divided by new
bonds are backed by the value of specific assets that
shares outstanding.
holders can take possession and sell to recover their
Other Convertible Securities claims on the company. Assets tied to a specific
debt are not available to other creditors until that
Convertible features can be associated with certain debt is satisfied. When the securing assets are real
other securities, such as preferred stock. estate, the bond is called a mortgage bond.
Convertible preferred shares are similar to
convertible bonds in that both are potentially Debentures – are unsecured bonds. They rely on
dilutive. They’re treated similarly in the calculation the general credit-worthiness of the issuing
of diluted EPS. company rather than the value of specific assets.
Debentures are clearly more risky than the secured
Securities that are not convertibles can also result in
debt of the same company. They must be usually
issuing new stock at prices below the market. Until
issued to yield higher returns to investors.
exercised they also present potential dilution, the
calculated diluted EPS should be adjusted to them. Subordinated Debentures and Senior Debt
A warrant is an example, which gives its owner the – Subordinated means lower rank or priority. In
right to buy a limited amount of new stock at a terms of debt, it means having lower priority than
fixed price during a specified period. other debt for repayment in the event the issuing
company fails. Debentures can be subordinated to
specific assets or to all other debentures in general. good financial results and a prosperous financial
The debt having priority over a subordinated debt is outlook but faces a major lawsuit. If the lawsuit is
called a senior debt. serious, it can lower the rating.
Subordination arises with the senior debt. Bond ratings are NOT precise because they also
Some security is afforded to the first lender by rely heavily on qualitative judgments made by the
writing a clause into the loan agreement requiring rating agencies. Rating Symbols and Grades
the subordination of all future debt.
Investment grade or medium quality have low
Subordinated debt is riskier than senior or default risk
unsubordinated debt, it requires a higher yield.
Substandard graded bonds are called junk
Junk Bonds – issued by risky company (companies bonds.
not in good financial condition) and pay high
Why Ratings Are Important
interest rate by paying 5 percent higher than strong
companies. They are also called high-yield Risk and return are related and investors require
securities. higher returns on riskier investments. Ratings are
the primary measure of the default risk associated
Negative Interest Rates
with bonds. They’re an important determinant of
It happens from time to time in the market for the interest rates investors demand on the bonds of
short-term securities issued by strong governments. different companies.
Securities are called bills, not bonds called T-Bills
Rating associated with a firm’s bonds determines
or treasury bills.
the rate at which the firm can borrow. A lower
The phenomenon of lending money with little rating implies the company has to pay higher
return happens in secondary markets; when interest rates which means it’s more difficult for the
investors trade the bills among themselves. They do company to do business and earn a profit, because
it for safety of the economy of the country. it’s burdened with a higher cost of debt financing.

Bond Ratings- Assessing Default Risk All bonds yield interest rates; the differential is
between the rates required on high and low quality
Bonds are assigned quality ratings that reflect the issues. Lower curves associated with high-quality
probability of going into default. Higher ratings bonds means that the issuing companies can borrow
mean lower default probabilities. Bond ratings are at lower rates (more cheaply). Highest quality bond
developed by rating agencies that make a business that can borrow at lower interest rate is the federal
out of staying on top of the things that make bonds treasury bond (high quality bond indicates the
and the underlying firms more or less risky. safety).
They rate bonds examining the financial and market A bond’s rating affects the size of the differential
condition of the issuing companies and the between the rate it must pay to borrow and the rate
contractual provisions supporting individual bonds. demanded of high-quality issues. It does not affect
It’s important to realize that the analysis has these the overall up and down motion. The differential
two parts. reflects the risk of default perceived to exist with
Bond ratings gauge the probability that issuers will lower quality bonds (default risk premium).
fail to meet their obligations.
The differential over time – The differential
A bond’s strength is fundamentally dependent on between the yields on high- and low-quality bonds
that of the issuing corporation. The process pf is an indicator of the health of the economy. Higher
rating a bond begins with a financial (ratio) rates are associated with recessions and tough
analysis. Then, the agencies add any knowledge economic times. Marginal companies are prone to
they have about the company, its markets, and its fail. The risk of default associated with weak
other dealings. For example, suppose a firm has companies is greater in bad times than in good
times. It expresses level of risk, differential tends to principal to be repaid. This approach is the
be larger in recessionary periods. future value of an annuity.
2. Randomly calling in some bonds for
This phenomenon can be considered an economic
indicator . A high differential is taken as a signal retirement prior to maturity.
that a harder times are on the way. Other terms:
The Significance of the Investment
 Diluted EPS - EPS considers a company’s
Grade Rating common shares, whereas diluted EPS takes
Most bonds are purchased by institutional investors into account all convertible securities, such
such as banks, mutual funds and insurance as convertible bonds or convertible
companies, rather than individuals. The law preferred stock, which are changed into
requires these institutions to make only relatively equity or common stock.
safe, conservative investments and can only deal in  Unexercised convertible bond –
investment grade bonds. This requirement limits the unconverted convertible bond
market for the debt of companies whose bonds are  Exercised convertible bond – converted
not considered investment grade. convertible bond
Is EPS an equity? - The earnings per share (EPS)
ratio is effectively a restatement of the return on
Bond Indentures- Controlling Default equity (ROE) ratio. While the ROE ratio is
Risk calculated as a percentage, taking total net profit
and total equity into consideration, the EPS ratio
The conflict of interest arises because the rewards shows how much profit has been earned by each
of successful risk taking accrue largely to ordinary share (common share) in the year. Bond
stockholders while the penalties for failure can be Outstanding
shared between stockholders and creditors.
Junk bond
To ensure that the bond-issuing companies maintain
an even level of risk, lenders usually insist that Risky enterprise
bond agreements contain restrictions on the Default risk
borrower’s activities until the bonds are paid off.
The contractual document containing such
restrictive covenants is called bond indenture.
Typical indenture provisions prelude entering
certain high-risk businesses and limit borrowing
more money from other sources. They may also
require for certain ratios held above minimum
Every bond issue has a trustee whose job is to
administer and enforce the terms of the indenture
on behalf of bondholders. Trustees are usually
Sinking Funds
This spreads the repayment of principal over time.
Two types:

1. Periodic deposits such that amount

available at maturity is equal to the

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