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1. Through which light cannot pass

(a) dark (b) dull (c) opaque (d) obscure

2. To talk much without coming to the point

(a) circumlocution (b) loquacity (c) garrulousness (d) verbosity

3. The state of being unmarried

(a) single (b) celibacy (c) lonely (d) aloofness

4. That which can be interpreted in any, way

(a) amphibious (b) ambient (c) ambiguous (d) ambivalent

5. To do away with a rule

(a) abrogate (b) cancel (c) repeal (d) obliterate

6. The list of courses at a meal or of dishes that can be served in a restaurant

(a) menu (b) agenda (c) catalogue (d) bio data

7. The place where bricks are baked

(a) cemetery (b) mint (c) Kiln (d) foundry

8. The act of violating the sanctity of church

(a) blasphemy (b) heresy (c) sacrilege (d) desecration

9. To atone for one’s sins

(a) expiate (b) apologize (c) propitiate (d) ingratiate

10. That which can be carried

(a) portable (b) handy (c) bearable (d) potable

11. To remove the skin of a potato or an orange

(a) remove (b) rinse (c) peel d) scrub

12. To surround with armed forces

(a) attack (b) seize (c) besiege (d) cease

13. To move along with quick, short twisting movement

(a) wriggle (b) swagger (c) crawl (d) stumble

14. That which cannot be done without

(a) indispensable (b) irrevocable (c) impossible (d) impracticable

15. That which cannot be rectified

(a) irreconcilable (b) irreparable (c) irreplaceable (d) irrevocable

16. The form of madness which gives a person the idea that his importance is very great
(a) insanity (b) paroxysm (c) braggart (d) megalomania

17. That which is perceptible by touch

(a) contagious (b) tangible (c) contingent (d) tenacious

18. That which cannot be understood

(a) unknown (b) illegible (c) undecipherable (d) unintelligible

19. Tuberculosis is a disease which spreads by contact

(a) fatal (b) infectious (c) contagious (d) contiguous

20. The committee insisted on a total check on all social evils and he was the one who heralded the
(a) renegade (b) harbinger (c) apostle (d) apostate

21. Using of new words

(a) malapropism (b) coinage (c) vocabulary (d) neologism

22. Unreasoning enthusiasm for the glorification of one’s country

(a) chauvinism (b) communism (c) patriotism (d) imperialism

23. Voluntarily giving up throne by king in favour of his son

(a) accession (b) abdication (c) renunciation (d) resurrection

24.Virus is a biological entity which lives on another organism

(a) symbiotic (b) dependent (c) plebiscite (d) parasite

25. Perceptible to the ear

(a) audible (b) laudable (c) praise able (d) adorable

26. People working in the same department or office

(a) fellows (b) colleagues (c) mates (d) companions

27. Place where birds are kept

(a) apiary (b) zoo (c) aviary (d) armoury

28. Person who has long experience


(a) veteran (b) stalwart (c) vedantic (d) itinerant

29. Plain or self- evident truth

(a) truism (b) proverb (c) formula (d) percept

30. People in a riot

(a) mob (b) crowd (c) congregation (d) rabble

31. Policy of a political party

(a) report (b) manifesto (c) circular (d) agenda

32. Rainfall at irregular intervals or occasionally

(a) irregular (b) sporadic (c) accidental (d) temporary

33. Relationship by blood or birth

(a) consanguinity (b) parentage (c) nepotism (d) affiliation

34. Run away from home with lover

(a) vanquish (b) abscond (c) elope (d) asylum

35. Ravi impressed everyone with his persuasive and fluent speech
(a) eloquence (b) discourse (c) lecture (d) expression

36. Strong and settled dislike between two

(a) animosity (b) antipathy (c) hatred (d) apathy

37. Something that becomes outdated

(a) old (b) ancient (c) obsolete (d) useless

38. Study of mankind

(a) philology (b) pathology (c) anthropology (d) physiology

39. Study of the statistics of births, deaths, diseases to show the state of community
(a) anthropology (b) geography (c) demography (d) topography

40. Shining brilliant and magnificent

(a) resplendent (b) luminous (c) polished (d) gleaming

41. Something which is not thorough or profound

(a) superstitious (b) superficial (c) supernatural (d) superfluous

42. Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth


(a) paragon (b) paradigm (c) parable (d) didactic

43. The state of complete continence on the part of a woman

(a) celibacy (b) virginity (c) unmarried (d) spinster

44. The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence

(a) internationalism (b) communism (c) capitalism (d) imperialism

45. The study of ancient societies

(a) anthropology (b) archaeology (c) history (d) ethnology

46. To send an unwanted person out of the country

(a) deport (b) exclude (c) expatriate (d) ostracize

47. To kill someone for political reasons

(a) homicide (b) murder (c) assassination (d) genocide

48. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed

(a) amnesty (b) affidavit (c) agreement (d) armistice

49. Teetotaller means

(a) one who abstains from left
(b) one who abstains from meat
(c) one who abstains from taking wine
(d) one who abstains from taking malice

50. One who deserts his religion

(a) turn-coat (b) deserter (c) apostate (d) fanatic

51. One who feels at home in every country

(a) metropolitan (b) cosmopolitan (c) citizen (d) denizen

52. One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks

(a) pedant (b) teetotaler (c) Samaritan (d) puritan

53. One who stirs people for personal politics or profit

(a) hypocrite (b) pedagogue (c) demagogue (d) dictator

54. One who is honourably discharged from service

(a) sinecure (b) emeritus (c) retired (d) honorary

55. One who talks very little


(a) stoic (b) reserved (c) mute (d) phlegmatic

56. One who loves books

(a) bibliophagist (b) bibliophobe (c) bibliographer (d) bibliophile

57. One knowing everything

(a) omniscient (b) learned (c) omnipresent (d) omnipotent

58. One who is neither intelligent nor dull

(a) commoner (b) tolerable (c) diligent (d) mediocre

59. One who eats human flesh

(a) cannibal (b) beast (c) carnivorous (d) savage

60. One who sacrifices his life for a cause

(a) martyr (b) soldier (c) patriot (d) revolutionary

61. One who cannot be corrected

(a) hardened (b) incurable (c) invulnerable (d) incorrigible

62. One who does not know how to save money

(a) lavish (b) reckless (c) spendthrift (d) careless

63. One who talks continuously

(a) loquacious (b) impecunious (c) avaricious (d) voracious

64. One who can use either of his hands with ease
(a) ambidextrous (b) gluttonous (c) expert (d) amateur

65. One who speaks or understands many languages

(a) grammarian (b) scholar (c) polyglot (d) linguist

66. One who possesses many talents

(a) exceptional (b) versatile (c) nubile (d) gifted

67. One who believes that everything is pre-destined

(a) fatalist (b) pessimist (c) astrologer (d) palmist

68. One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen

(a) foreigner (b) alien (c) prodigal (d) native

69. If a married woman has extramarital relationship, it is known as -

(a) adultery (b) polygamy (c) puberty (d) lechery

70. A person who brings an action at law

(a) deponent (b) defendant (c) litigant (d) plaintiff

71. A person who is indifferent to both pleasure and pain

(a) stoic (b) saint (c) hermit (d) ascetic

72. Paying back injury with injury

(a) subjugation (b) vendetta (c) reprisal (d) repression

73. A person who believes that god is everything and everything is God
(a) pantheist (b) agnostic (c) pantechnicon (d) theist

74. Policeman riding on motorcycles as guards of VIP

(a) outriders (b) servants (c) commandos (d) attendants

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