MGT351.6 SYI Group Case Study 2 Group No. 9

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Course Name: Human Resource

Management (HRM)
Course Code: MGT 351
Section: 6
Semester: Fall 2022

Group Number: 9
Group Case Study -2
Faculty Name: Syed Imamuzzaman
Faculty Initial: SYI

No ID Name Mobile Number E-mail

1 2211726030 Sultan Muhammad Ehsan 01820830319

2 2121923630 Al-Nahian Prodhan 01321062687

3 2031755630 Abedur Rahman Khan 01912683941

4 2111412630 Md. Masrafi Morshed 01943380341

5 2111331630 Md. Tasnim Ferdous 01971125318

1. Employee orientation programs are carried out to make sure the employees get a sense, or
in other words, a basic knowledge, of the company that they will be working for.
Therefore, the orientation program for the Carter Cleaning Company should cover the

i. Information on employee benefits and personnel policies

ii. Company structure, processes and operations
iii. Safety measures and regulations
iv. Facilities tour
v. Other general matter/ Daily routine

Information on employee benefits and personnel policies: It will state all the policies and
procedures of a company regarding lateness and absences. The policies will also include
information on employee benefits, such as paid holidays and workers’ compensation. The policy
should clearly mention the fact that no health benefits will be provided to the employees.

Company structure, processes and operations: Organizational structures are classified into
four types: functional, multidivisional, flat, and matrix. Other types of structures include circular,
team-based, and network structures. These structures should be highly prioritize in the
orientation program.

Safety measures and regulations:

 Follow the dress code.

 Wear safety gear.
 Maintain personal hygiene.
 Take responsibility for your personal safety.
 Maintain a clean workspace.
 Follow work procedures.
 Learn how to act in an emergency.
 Report accidents if they occur.
Facilities tour: A facility tour is a tour of a firm's facilities that shows a new employee where
workers work, where products are manufactured, how the organization operates, and much more!
Because there are so many distinct businesses, a facility tour at a real estate agency would be
extremely different from one at an assembly line company. There are several benefits of giving
facility tours, which are given below.

Give customers an inside look: A facility tour, whether it is a nursing home or a manufacturing
factory, provides consumers with information about how the institution operates.

Provides new employees with an overview of the company: Being a new employee may be
nerve-racking! A facility tour gives the employee confidence in the layout of the facility.

Gives potential clients a sneak peek: A facility tour may give vendors the confidence they need
to invest in a quality firm when organizations are looking to recruit suppliers or clients.

Other general matter/ Daily routine: This segment shall talk about the work environment of
the employees on daily basis. Daily task should be given to all employees accordingly.
Moreover, the attire of the employees should be presentable, and importance should be given to
how and why to use the time sheets and to not wasting time replying to personal emails and
telephone calls. Additionally, it should also be mentioned that substance abuse, eating, and
smoking are strictly prohibited during their working hours.

All this information can be conveyed in an employee handbook, where it will state everything
about the company, both about its culture and whom they should go to when in need of help, as
well as its rules and regulations as mentioned above. They can also use the help of technology,
which can be easily accessed and will state everything about the company, both about its culture
and who they should go to when in need of help, as well as its rules and regulations, as
mentioned above. They can also use the help of technology, which can be easily accessed online,
and the orientation programs can be presented as videos or lectures about the company, through
which the employees can learn about their duties and all the necessary information required for
their job, whether it be about their working hours or details about their supervisors or colleagues,
which in return would help them strengthen their bond and create a friendly environment.
2. Yes, Carter Cleaning Centre should use this for the counter person's job and the person needs
to be fully informed of the specific tasks and skills required for the job

The job instruction sheet is used to instruct new employees on the precise procedures needed to
complete the task safely and effectively. It also highlights any unique skills or abilities that could
be needed to do the job well.
From the operator's perspective, a good job instruction sheet should be as visual and well-
documented as possible. Additionally, it must be easily accessible, updated, and clean. It has to
be written and tested by expert operators, directly at the workstation.

Here is an example of an instruction form for the counter person.

STEPS You Should Keep in Mind

1 Greet the customer ● Greet them with a welcoming "Hello".

2 Receive garments from ● Check for existing damage or defects. If found,

customer inform the customer immediately.

3 Place the garments ● For placing use the nylon sac.

● Make sure one's clothes are not going to mix with
any other's clothes.

4 Write a ticket ● Mention clearly the customer's name, address and

contact number.
● Also add if there is additional instruction from
the customer.

5 Provide information ● Provide up to date information about additional

about additional services service to the customer.
● Try to convince them to buy those.

6 Greet the customer ● Say goodbye to the customers with courteous

before leaving comments like "Have a nice day", "Drive safely",
"Best wishes" etc.
3. Every job category will need a unique blend of training approaches. Vestibule training would
be particularly advantageous for pressers and cleaners/spotters because they are dealing with
machinery that they must become acquainted with. They must utilize the various machines in
order to learn how to use them. Because of the dangers inherent with the operation of this
apparatus, it is preferable to train on practice garments off the job. The utilization of lectures may
provide those working in the counter position with knowledge about the many sorts of
consumers they may face and how to correctly cater to their unique demands. Another option
that might help with this is the behavioral modeling training technique. This form of training
allows them to act out various scenarios and learn how to properly manage a range of
circumstances through appropriate communication. Because pressers, cleaners, and plumbers are
technical professions, on-the-job training via coaching may be recommended. Existing workers
can instruct new employees about their relevant tasks and check in with them to see if there are
any issues or problems. Additionally, after an employee is sufficiently familiar with his or her
profession, job rotation can be used to guarantee that the individual develops additional abilities.
This might be handy when there is a scarcity of staff owing to factors such as illness or vacation.
Job instruction and training papers can also be employed since these occupations follow a
consistent method, which helps to avoid mistakes.

Managers might benefit from on-the-job training as well. Their primary responsibilities would
include managing staff and customers as well as the firm. The most practical methods of
providing training for managers would include behavioral modeling, lectures, diversity and team
training, and management games. This information may be obtained directly from Jennifer or
other management. When a manager is about to retire, the apprenticeship approach might be
adopted, in which the new manager is taught by the manager who is about to retire. Each of these
types of training approaches, when combined, provides managers with the chance to acquire
problem-solving, planning strategies, and leadership abilities, as well as people skills, which are
crucial for becoming effective managers.

Apprenticeship training is a process by which people become skilled workers, usually through a
combination of formal learning and long-term training in the training program. For example, the
Carter Cleaning Company will have to arrange a combination of formal and long-term training
for the workers so that, by participating in the training program, they become skilled workers.
Job instruction papers can be used as a guide because the majority of the duties in this profession
are standardized. Counterfeiters, on the other hand, should be taught on the job because they
must occasionally respond differently to different clients. This is possible since the employee
may learn how to behave from Jennifer directly or can go and settle any doubts with other senior
workers as necessary.

Employees can use informal learning to learn on the job through informal means such as
performing their jobs on a daily basis with their colleagues. Carter cleaning Company workers
and employees will learn about their jobs by performing their daily tasks with their colleagues
and observing them.

Conclusion: As referred to in the case, Carter Cleaning Company, as mentioned in the lawsuit,
does not have a structured training and orientation program. In this case study, we provide a
framework for a new employee orientation program, aid in the creation of job descriptions and
duties for counterpersons at Carter Cleaning Company, and lastly define the needed training
programs for pressers, cleaner/spotters, supervisors, and counterpersons.

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