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Chapter 2

Knight SJL (ed): Genetics of Mental Retardation.

Monogr Hum Genet. Basel, Karger, 2010, vol 18, pp 16–30

Mental Retardation: Definition, Classification and

R. Regana ⭈ L. Willattb
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland; bAddenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Abstract considered to have a negative connotation in the

Mental retardation (MR) is a widely used term but a con- public arena. The world’s oldest organization
tentious one. There is still a quest for appropriate termi- of professionals dealing with the disorder, the
nology that does not associate with negative perceptions
of affected individuals and yet is accurate in terms of noso-
American Association on Mental Retardation,
logy. Also controversial is the most appropriate method- changed its name in 2007 to the American
ology for measuring the degree of mental retardation in Association on Intellectual and Developmental
affected individuals. Despite this, it is agreed that mental Disabilities (AAIDD), reflecting the importance
retardation is a common, usually lifelong condition with of the name. However, a change in name did not
a complex multifactorial etiology. Studies on the preva-
mean a change in definition: ‘it is crucial that
lence of MR have given varied estimates particularly for
mild MR due to ascertainment biases and variable defini- ‘mental retardation’ and ‘intellectual disability’
tions. However, moderate to severe MR is estimated at 3.8 should be precisely synonymous in definition and
per 1,000 and mild MR at ~30 per 1,000. Genetic anoma- in all related classification because of the legal im-
lies are causative in a significant proportion of moderate plications of a term change’ [2].
to severe MR and scientific understanding of these has The descriptive terms that are used in place of
increased substantially in recent decades. In addition to
the definition, classification and etiology of MR, this chap-
mental retardation include mental handicap, men-
ter revisits some classical MR syndromes associated with tal disability, intellectual disability, cognitive im-
chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome, pairment and depending on the age of the individ-
Cri du Chat syndrome, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome and ual, developmental delay and learning disability.
fragile X syndrome. In the UK, the term learning disability is still the
Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
recommendation, though this is open to misinter-
pretation since in the USA learning disability refers
Introduction to Nomenclature to problems affecting schoolwork (as opposed to
‘learning difficulties’ in the UK). In Australia, ‘in-
‘What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by any tellectual disability’ is commonly applied whereas
other name would smell as sweet’ [1]. In fact there in much of Europe and North America, MR is still
seems to be quite a lot in a name when it comes typically used because this is more specific than
to mental retardation (MR), a term still used ex- terms such as ‘developmental disability’ that also
tensively in scientific and medical literature but include other disorders that do not involve MR. - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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The debate on the most appropriate term is on- is meant by ‘general intellectual functioning’ and
going and reflects a general dissatisfaction with how it is measured. Third, the ten adaptive skills
the nosological status and negative perception of given are neither empirically selected, nor weight-
the disorder [3, 4]. Given that there is not yet a ed according to importance. Although there are
consensus across all continents, we will use the standardized tests, no single measure of adaptive
term MR for the remainder of this chapter. behaviour exists that measures these particular
ten skill domains. Finally, the presence of behav-
ioural difficulties that may affect behavioural and
Definition of MR intellectual assessments means that individuals
with such problems may be over represented [8].
In the UK, the most common definition of MR
is provided by the World Health Organization’s
International Classification of Diseases (ICD- Classification
10), whilst in the USA the American Psychiatric
Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of The classification of mental retardation is largely
Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) criteria are ap- based on the measurement of intellectual func-
plied. These are broadly similar and define MR as tioning by Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests. The
substantial limitations in functioning that mani- components of these tests, what they are designed
fests before the age of 18. There must be signifi- to measure and the interpretation of the results
cantly sub-average intellectual functioning ac- are areas of considerable debate [9, 10]. The first
companied by limitations in two or more of the attempt to measure mental ability was set out in a
following skills: communication, self care, home test by Francis Galton at the end of the 19th centu-
living, social skills, community use, self direc- ry. The test measured such aspects, amongst oth-
tion, health and safety, functional academics, lei- ers, as colour sense, breathing power and force of
sure and work [5, 6]. For children younger than 5 blow [11]. These were justified to have an impact
years of age the term global developmental delay on intelligence on the basis that ‘the more percep-
is used. It is defined as a significant delay in two tive the senses are of difference, the larger is the field
or more domains, including gross or fine motor upon which our judgment and intelligence can act’
development, speech/language, cognition, social/ [12]. Modern IQ tests have progressed substan-
personal development and activities of daily liv- tially since then and set out to measure a num-
ing and it is thought to predict the future mani- ber of diverse abilities such as spatial ability, ver-
festation of mental retardation [7]. bal ability and memory, speed of processing and
The aim of the MR definition is to emphasize non-verbal reasoning through applying a battery
the amount of support needed for the individual of tests. The result of each test is then added to
to succeed in society, rather than to highlight the create a composite score.
degrees of impairment. This approach displays a The criticisms of IQ tests are many and range
correct and humane attitude to the individual and from the cultural bias of the tests to disagree-
is of enormous benefit to the planning and pro- ments on the concept of what they try to measure
vision of services to help those with disabilities. [9]. The latter debate centers on whether IQ tests
However, in terms of epidemiological studies, the measure a single fundamental process of gener-
definition offers an assortment of problems. First, al intelligence, which permeates all intellectual
it does not account for those individuals with MR activities or whether intelligence is better con-
who die in the prenatal period or during infan- ceived as a set of quite independent faculties or
cy. Second, there is disagreement by what exactly relatively specialized cognitive processes. There - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Definition, Classification and Etiology of MR 17

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is significant positive correlation between the re- generate a full scale score (FSIQ,) and four com-
sults of one IQ test and another. This appears to posite scores known as indices: Verbal compre-
support the theory of a single functional process hension, perceptual reasoning, processing speed
of intelligence. However, proponents of the multi- and working memory.
ability view attribute this positive correlation to The WISC is one of a family of Wechsler in-
the overlap between those cognitive processes telligence scales. Individuals over 16 years of age
measured by different tests (arguments which are tested with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
are fully explored in the Novartis Foundation Scale (WAIS®-IV), and children ages 3 to 7 years,
Symposium 223 [13]). 3 months are tested with the Wechsler Preschool
Despite criticism of the existing IQ tests, there and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI).
is no other test available that has been validated However, there is a battery of IQ tests available
as a measure of intelligence that has not positive- and further details are given in Chapter 5, on the
ly correlated with IQ scores, especially in adults. clinical evaluation of patients with MR.
Furthermore, although theoretically distinct and Intelligence follows a normal distribution re-
measured in different ways, IQ and adaptive be- flecting that it is a multifactorial trait (fig. 1).
haviour are often highly correlated, especial- In IQ tests the items used are age adjusted and
ly in people with moderate to profound mental assembled to give a normal distribution with a
retardation [14]. Despite their inherent limita- mean of 100, and a standard deviation of ap-
tions, IQ tests are therefore considered to be the proximately 15 units. IQ scores more than two
most practical method for classifying intellectual standard deviations below the mean, i.e. lower
ability, both for individual and epidemiological than 70, are regarded as indicators of mental re-
purposes. tardation. The severity of the condition may be
There are a variety of IQ tests available. For categorized further by IQ scores into borderline
children with learning disability the test employed normal (IQ 71–85), mild (50–70), moderate (35–
depends on the age of the child and their motor 50), severe (20–35) and profound (<20) MR with
and sensory development. The Bayley Scales of the exact cut-off points varying slightly between
Infant Development (BSID) [15] is one of the the DSM-IV TR and ICD-10 classifications. The
most common assessments used for the mental, AAIDD classification system gives more empha-
motor and behaviour development of children sis to the intensity of the support required and
under 42 months. In the mental scale evaluations, here the level of mental retardation is divided
which yield a score called the mental develop- into four groups: intermittent, limited, extensive
ment index, it evaluates sensory/perceptual acu- and pervasive support, a system that requires a
ities, discriminations and response; acquisition more comprehensive multidisciplinary assess-
of object constancy; memory learning and prob- ment of types of support required in individuals
lem solving; vocalization and beginning of verbal with MR.
communication; basis of abstract thinking; habit-
uation; mental mapping; complex language; and
mathematical concept formation. The Wechsler Syndromic and non-Syndromic MR
Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) [16], de-
veloped by David Wechsler, is an intelligence test Traditionally, inherited forms of MR for which
for older children between the ages of 6 and 16 there is considered to be a direct causal link be-
inclusive that can be completed without reading tween a genetic anomaly and the MR have been di-
or writing. Currently in its 4th edition, the test vided into syndromic and non-syndromic forms.
comprises ten core subtests. These subtests then In syndromic MR, the patients have additional - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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18 Regan ⭈ Willatt
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34% 34%


14% 14%

2% 2%
0.1% 95% 0.1%

55 70 85 100 115 130 145

Fig. 1. Normal distribution of intelligence. The graph of a normal distribution

is a smooth curve that idealizes real-life data histograms. The mean of the
distribution (μ) is the number that lies directly beneath the peak of the curve.
The standard deviation of the distribution (σ) is the distance from the mean
to numbers directly beneath the inflection points of the curve. In IQ tests the
mean is set at 100 units and standard deviation is 15 units.

physical, behavioural, or neurological symptoms be less involvement with authorities and less pres-
whereas in non-syndomic MR, the only clinical sure to develop new skills. The ‘true’ prevalence
feature is the MR. However, the distinction be- rate is the overall proportion of mentally retarded
tween the two categories is gradually becoming people in a population, whether or not they re-
blurred because increasing numbers of single quire services.
genes are being discovered in which mutations are In an attempt to establish valid estimates of
associated with both syndromic as well as non- true prevalence rates for severe and mild mental
syndromic forms, for example, ARX, MECP2 and retardation, Roeleveld and colleagues reviewed
FMR1 (see also Chapter 8). and critically evaluated all published studies
since 1960 [17]. The authors found that the prev-
alence rate of moderate to severe MR in children
Prevalence of school age is relatively stable in the majority
of studies, with an average value of 3.8 per 1,000.
Establishing the true prevalence of MR has been Furthermore, gender-specific rates were remark-
difficult. Generally studies have been designed to ably constant and indicated a 20% excess of males
aid the planning of support services. These esti- in the group. This consistency of prevalence rates
mates establish an ‘ascertained’ prevalence rate, across different studies was not found for cases of
which is the number of cases officially recorded mild mental handicap. Here, the variation in prev-
by the authorities. Ascertainment will usually fa- alence rates was enormous, ranging from 4 per
vour those of school age over those in infancy, 1,000 to 79 per 1,000. This disparity reflects the
when developmental problems have not yet come low number of studies specific to this group and
to light, or those in adulthood, when there may the immense problems in equating methodology. - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Definition, Classification and Etiology of MR 19

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In the absence of formal assessment distinguish- Table 1. Causes of mental retardation (MR) [19]
ing low IQ from poor concentration and attention Cause of MR %
abilities, reporting of accurate prevalence rates is
confused. Reports of ‘learning disability or diffi- Chromosomal 4–28
culty’ may in fact be attention deficit hyperactivity Recognizable syndromes 3–7
disorder (ADHD) or even autistic spectrum dis- Known monogenic syndromes 3–9
order (ASD). It should be noted that the extremes Structural (central nervous system) 7–17
in prevalence rates were found in those popula- Complications of prematurity 2–10
tions with greatest differences in their social and Environmental/teratogenic causes 5–13
economic environments which probably reflects Cultural familial MR 3–12
the complex social and educational factors that Provisionally unique, monogenic syndromes 1–5
Metabolic/endocrine 1–5
contribute to mild MR. By excluding problems
Fetal alcohol syndrome 0.5–1
with methodology and the ascertained prevalence
Unknown 30–50
rates, a tentative true average prevalence for mild
MR in children of school age was calculated to
be 30 per 1,000 [17]. This figure is in accordance
with the figure proposed by more recent preva-
lence reports as reviewed by Leonard and Wen (33
per 1,000) [18] and with WHO [5]. of populations in industrialized countries and
many of the early studies were carried out on
institutionalized patients. The exception to this
Etiology is a study carried out on the total population of
North East region of Scotland, UK [21]. For rea-
As outlined in Chapter 5, establishing a diagnosis sons outlined earlier, complete ascertainment is
for MR in an individual has a number of impor- often difficult: as early studies were largely in-
tant benefits. However, despite advances in medi- stitution-based, they tended to produce system-
cal knowledge and the diagnostic tests available, atic biases in the relative frequency of different
the cause of the MR in a significant proportion conditions, such as those with associated severe
of individuals remains unknown. Table 1 shows physical and/or psychiatric disorders. Other
the relative frequencies of different etiologies of sampling problems include different methods
MR, including non-genetic causes. Estimates of of disease classification in different surveys, the
the diagnostic yield (10–81%) in children with uncertainty of attributing abnormalities to pla-
mental retardation are highly variable [19, 20]. cental insufficiency and/or minor birth asphyxia
This apparent variability can be attributed to dif- and the recognition of new syndromes.
ferences in a number of factors including sample Environmental factors are thought to account
population characteristics, severity of delay in the for approximately 20% of cases of moderate to se-
children studied, the extent of previous diagnos- vere MR and 10% of mild MR: they usually oc-
tic investigations and technological advances over cur prenatally or during early infancy causing
time, especially with respect to genetic and neuro- brain injury. Among the environmental factors
imaging techniques. In addition, some studies in- are infectious diseases (such as cytomegalovirus
clude conditions such as cerebral palsy as a medi- infection during pregnancy and postnatal men-
cal diagnosis. ingitis), very premature birth, perinatal anoxia,
The majority of surveys of the etiology of hypothyroidism, maternal malnutrition and fetal
individuals with mental handicap have been alcohol exposure [19]. Metabolic disorders such - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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as phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism and galac- Aneuploidy
tosemia are frequently detected by targeted new-
born screening and may also have been overrep- Aneuploidy is common at conception. It has
resented in earlier etiological studies. been estimated that at least 25% of blastocysts are
What is clear from table 1 is that, where a diag- chromosomally abnormal [23, 24]. Monosomic
nosis has been reached, there is an overwhelming conceptions are lost earlier in pregnancy than
contribution by genetic factors in the etiology of trisomies and the chromosomal abnormalities
MR [19, 22], Chromosomal abnormalities have a observed in clinically recognizable pregnancy loss
particularly significant role and in the next sec- reflect the viability of the chromosome abnormal-
tions we review some classic chromosomal abnor- ity. The chromosomally abnormal aneuploidies
malities and syndromes associated with MR. that can survive to term and are associated with
MR are trisomy 21, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13
(Down, Edwards and Patau syndromes, respec-
Chromosomal Abnormalities Associated with tively), chromosomes that contain the least genet-
MR ically significant material. Down syndrome (DS)
is the most common genetic cause of MR; the
An integral part of the diagnostic investigation other aneuploidies are individually rare but com-
of individuals with MR is chromosome analysis. bine to make up a significant proportion (table 1).
Here, a cytogeneticist uses a microscope to exam- Both Patau and Edwards syndromes are charac-
ine chromosome integrity. Initially, only the num- terized by severe MR, intrauterine growth restric-
bers and shapes/sizes of the chromosomes could tion, microcephaly, congenital heart defects and
be categorized, but later banding techniques were several other anomalies of variable degree. Of the
developed that enabled each individual chromo- live borns with Patau and Edwards syndromes,
some to be identified and its integrity assessed. 90–95% do not survive to 1 year of age.
This approach, known as karyotyping, is a genome
wide test, with a resolution of 5 to 10 megabas- Trisomy 21: Down Syndrome (OMIM 190685)
es (Mb) of DNA. The human genome contains Trisomy 21 is the most common diagnosable
over 3,000 Mb of DNA and 20,000–25,000 genes, cause of MR and occurs in 1 out of 700 live births
and therefore the changes identified usually en- [25]. The clinical phenotype associated with tri-
compass many genes. Several chromosomal ab- somy 21 was first described by J. Langdon Down
normalities associated with specific syndromic in 1866 [26]. In addition to the characteristic fa-
forms of MR have been identified by chromo- cial appearance, body build and mental impair-
some analysis. These include aneuploidy (loss or ment, nearly 80 different clinical signs have been
gain of a complete chromosome) and segmen- identified in individuals with DS including con-
tal aneuploidy (loss or gain of part of a chromo- genital heart disease, duodenal stenosis or atre-
some), which are both relatively common events, sia, imperforate anus, Hirschsprung disease,
though not all will result in a viable fetus. In addi- muscle hypotonia, immune system deficiencies,
tion, apparently balanced causative chromosomal increased risk of childhood leukaemia and early
rearrangements such as translocations and inver- onset Alzheimer’s disease [27]. However, DS indi-
sions as well as phenomena such as the fragile site viduals have a lower risk for solid tumours. In ec-
FRAXA, which is induced under specific cell cul- onomically developed countries individuals with
ture conditions, may be identified. A list of well- DS may live to their 70s but overall the survival
known rearrangements that are associated with rate is significantly less than the population aver-
MR is given in table 2. age, a 1997 study estimating it at 49 years [28]. - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Definition, Classification and Etiology of MR 21

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Table 2. Well-known syndromes and chromosomal rearrangements associated with MR

Syndrome Chromosomal OMIM Key clinical features


Down trisomy 21 #190685 Characteristic face, congenital malformations

particularly of the heart (30–40%) and
gastrointestinal tract. Significant hearing loss

Edwards trisomy 18 In utero, the most common characteristic is

cardiac anomalies, followed by central nervous
system anomalies such as head shape
abnormalities. In birth, growth deficiency,
feeding difficulties, breathing difficulties and
Low-set, malformed ears, micrognathia, cleft lip/
cleft palate, upturned nose, palpebral fissures, a
short breast bone, clenched hands,
underdeveloped thumbs and/or nails, absent
radius, webbing of the second and third toes,
clubfoot or Rocker bottom feet and undescended
testicles in males.

Patau trisomy 13 Holoprosencephaly, polydactyly, cardiac lesions.

Cat eye +idic(22) #115470 Coloboma of the iris and anal atresia with fistula,
downslanting palpebral fissures, preauricular
tags and/or pits, frequent occurrence of heart
and renal malformations; growth retardation is a
variable feature as is mental retardation. The
majority of patients function in the borderline
normal to mildly retarded range, a few are
normal, and some are moderately to severely
retarded, although the latter condition is rare.

Pallister Killian +idic (12) #601803 Profound mental retardation, seizures, streaks of
hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, and facial
anomalies, including prominent forehead with
sparse anterior scalp hair, flat occiput,
hypertelorism, short nose with anteverted
nostrils, flat nasal bridge and short neck.

Fragile X FRAXA site #300624 Moderate to severe mental retardation,

expression macroorchidism, high arched palate,
(CGG repeat hyperextensible joints and distinct facial features,
expansion) including long face, large ears and prominent

Wolf Hirschhorn del(4p) #194190 Severe growth retardation and mental defect,
microcephaly, ‘Greek helmet‘ facies, and closure
defects (cleft lip or palate, coloboma of the eye
and cardiac septal defects). - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Table 2. Continued

Syndrome Chromosomal OMIM Key clinical features


Cri du Chat del(5p) #123450 Incidence 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50,000 (IQ <20,

incidence 1%). Microcephaly, round face,
hypertelorism, micrognathia, epicanthal folds,
low-set ears, hypotonia and severe psychomotor
and mental retardation.

Chromosome 18p del(18p) #146390 Mental retardation, growth retardation,

deletion craniofacial dysmorphism including round face,
dysplastic ears, wide mouth and dental
anomalies, and abnormalities of the limbs,
genitalia, brain, eyes, and heart. Round face
characteristic in the neonatal period and
childhood may change to a long face with linear
growth of the height of the face.

Chromosome 18q del(18q) #601808 Mental retardation, short stature, hypotonia,

deletion hearing impairment and foot deformities.

Prader-Willi del(15)(q12) #176270 Diminished fetal activity, obesity, muscular

hypotonia, mental retardation, short stature,
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and small
hands and feet.

Angelman del(15)(q12) #105830 Absence of a maternal contribution to the

imprinted region on chromosome 15q11-q13.
Mental retardation, movement or balance
disorder, characteristic abnormal behaviors and
severe limitations in speech and language.

Williams-Beuren del(7)(q11.23) #194050 Supravalvular aortic stenosis (SVAS), multiple

peripheral pulmonary arterial stenoses, elfin face,
mental and statural deficiency, characteristic
dental malformation and infantile hypercalcemia.

22q11.2 deletion del(22)(q11.2) #188400 Neonatal hypocalcemia from parathyroid

DiGeorge/VCFS hypoplasia, thymic hypoplasia and outflow tract
defects of the heart. Short stature and variable
mild to moderate learning difficulties are

Smith-Magenis del(17)(p11.2) #182290 Brachycephaly, midface hypoplasia, prognathism,

hoarse voice, speech delay with or without
hearing loss, psychomotor and growth
retardation and behavioral problems.

Miller-Dieker del(17)(p13.3) #247200 Lissencephaly, microcephaly, small mandible,

lissencephaly bizarre facies, failure to thrive, retarded motor
development, dysphagia, decorticate and
decerebrate postures. - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Definition, Classification and Etiology of MR 23

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Table 2. Continued

Syndrome Chromosomal OMIM Key clinical features


Langer-Giedion del(8)(q24) #150230 Sparse scalp hair, winged scapulae, multiple

cartilaginous exostoses, redundant skin. Bulbous
nose with tented alae, large laterally protruding
ears, elongated upper lip and mental retardation.

Potocki-Shaffer del(11)(p11.2) #601224 Foramina parietalia permagna, multiple

exostoses, craniofacial dysostosis and mental

Beckwith-Wiedemann dup(11)(p15) #130650 Exomphalos, macroglossia and gigantism in the

neonate. Paternally derived duplications,
increased incidence of moderate to severe MR.

Jacobsen del(11)(q23) #147791 Growth retardation, psychomotor retardation,

trigonocephaly, divergent intermittent
strabismus, epicanthus, telecanthus, broad nasal
bridge, short nose with anteverted nostrils, carp-
shaped upper lip, retrognathia, low-set
dysmorphic ears, bilateral camptodactyly,
hammertoes, and isoimmune thrombocytopenia.

Sotos del(5)(q35) #117550 Excessively rapid growth, acromegalic features,

and a non-progressive cerebral disorder with
mental retardation. High-arched palate and
prominent jaw.

1p36 deletion del(1)(p16) #607872 Developmental delay and mental retardation.

Deep set eyes, flat nasal bridge, asymmetric ears
and pointed chin. Seizures, cardiomyopathy and
hearing impairment.

22q13.3 deletion del(22)(q13.3) #606232 Neonatal hypotonia, global developmental delay,

normal to accelerated growth, absent to severely
delayed speech, autistic behavior, minor
dysmorphic features.

ATR-16 del(16)(p13.3) #141750 Haemoglobin H disease (microcytic hypochromic

anemia and normal iron status) with multiple
congenital anomalies: spina bifida from T6 to the
sacrum with a T10-L4 myelomeningocele,
congenital cataracts, bilateral inguinal hernias,
bilateral deformities of the femoral necks and
subluxation of the left hip.

The vast majority of meiotic errors leading to higher in older women; mothers below 25 years
trisomy 21 occur in the egg, as nearly 90% of cases of age have an average risk of about 1:1,400 rising
involve an additional maternal chromosome [29]. to about 1:350 at 35 and 1:40 at age 43. The rea-
The risk of having a pregnancy with trisomy 21 is son for the maternal age effect remains unknown, - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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although most studies imply an age-related deg- DYRK1A has shown to play a major role in both
radation of the meiotic machinery [29, 30]. More cell cycle regulation and synaptic plasticity and in
recently ovarian mosaicism has been suggested as mouse models modulation of the DYRK1A gene
the major causative factor [31]. copy number can correct brain morphogenesis al-
Postnatally, the cytogenetic confirmation of a terations [36].
clinical diagnosis of Down syndrome is impor-
tant for providing accurate genetic advice to the
family. The majority of individuals with Down Segmental Aneuploidy in MR
syndrome have trisomy 21 in all cells examined.
Parental chromosome analysis is not necessary in Segmental aneuploidy is also a relatively com-
these cases and the parental recurrence risk is not mon event and is more likely to result in survival
increased above the maternal age related baseline to term than complete aneuploidy. Interestingly,
risk [32]. In 3% of individuals, there is an unbal- some MR syndromes that are now known to be
anced translocation involving chromosome 21. due to chromosomal deletions had sufficiently
Many of these are inherited from a parent with a apparent clinical features for a syndromic diag-
balanced rearrangement and here the recurrence nosis to be made even before the implementation
risk is high. Complex chromosomal rearrange- of chromosome banding, e.g. Wolf-Hirschhorn
ments involving chromosome 21 and producing syndrome (WHS) and Cri du Chat syndrome.
a Down syndrome phenotype are rare (0.5%). However, the advent of chromosome banding
Mosaicism for trisomy 21 is present in around 1% brought the identification of additional segmen-
of Down syndrome individuals and this may re- tal aneusomy syndromes associated with MR.
sult in a milder condition. It has been suggested
recently that trisomy 21 mosaicism is more com- Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome (OMIM 194190)
mon than previously recognized, and therefore In 1961, Hirschhorn published a single case report
screening for mosaicism is advisable [33]. documenting the deletion of a B group chromo-
Establishing which genes are responsible for some in a newborn. A second baby with a similar
the characteristic abnormalities of the disease deletion was identified by Wolf in 1965. The con-
and the specific cellular and physiological impli- dition associated with this deletion, involving the
cations of over-expression of these gene products terminal portion of the short arm of chromosome
in DS has been difficult to elucidate. An almost 4, became known as Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
complete DNA sequence of the long arm of chro- (WHS). WHS presents with a distinctive clinical
mosome 21 has been available for a number of phenotype. The upper facial features of hyperte-
years and a number of mouse models have been lorism, prominent glabella and broad nasal bridge
studied (reviewed in [34]). It is thought that the led to the descriptive term Greek warrior helmet.
transcription factor gene ETS2 and the Copper- Other features including microcephaly, midline
zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene may be defects such as cleft palate and hypospadias, con-
implicated in the lower risk for solid tumors [35]. genital heart malformations, congenital hypoto-
For MR, it has been hypothesized that the mild to nia, renal and skeletal anomalies, growth delay
moderate mental retardation occurs as a result of and seizures are all observed in more than 50% of
over-expression of dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)- cases with the classic phenotype. MR is severe in
phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A), 75% and mild/moderate in 25% of cases and the
synaptojanin 1 (SYNJ1) and single-minded homo- mean IQ of affected individuals is 44 [37].
logue 2 (SIM2). Trisomy for these genes is linked Early studies investigating karyotype/phe-
to learning and memory defects. In particular, notype correlations in WHS were hampered by - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Definition, Classification and Etiology of MR 25

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the fact that in a significant proportion of cases central nervous system dysfunction. This pass-
(around 20%) the deleted chromosome 4 is the es after a few weeks, reinforcing the need for a
unbalanced product of a translocation. These are good clinical history. Other key features include
often de novo translocations and frequently in- microcephaly, broad nasal bridge, epicanthal
volve the olfactory receptor genes in 8p23 [38]. folds, micrognathia, abnormal dermatoglyphics,
Prior to the availability of fluorescence in situ hy- and severe psychomotor and mental retardation.
bridization (FISH) and microarray studies (see Weight, height and head circumference all show
Chapter 3) it was assumed that these were small substantial downward shift with age from birth to
de novo deletions when in reality they involved a 18 years. The phenotype in adults is very differ-
relatively large deletion of 4p and additionally du- ent to children and includes premature greying of
plication of material from another chromosome, hair. Usually individuals have delayed speech and
thus confusing the clinical picture. The classi- language development; some never develop spo-
cal WHS phenotype is associated with large de- ken language. Receptive language is better than
letions, averaging between 5 and 18 Mb in size. expressive language, although both are delayed.
These are usually detected by standard chromo- Most cases are de novo, either a deletion or an
some analysis, particularly if attention is focused unbalanced translocation. However the possibil-
on chromosome 4. The mild form, usually lacking ity of familial translocation should always be con-
major clinical malformations, is associated with sidered. The estimated incidence is between 1 in
a small deletion not exceeding 3.5 Mb and is un- 15,000 and 1 in 50,000 births [39].
likely to be detected without FISH or microarray Similar to WHS, Cri du Chat syndrome was
studies. The third clinical category results from a identified before chromosome banding was avail-
very large deletion exceeding 22–25 Mb causing a able. Lejeune in 1963 [40] found a deletion of a B
more severe phenotype than typical WHS. group chromosome in newborns with a very dif-
WHS appears to be a contiguous gene dele- ferent phenotype to WHS and concluded that it
tion syndrome with multigenic pathogenesis. involved chromosome 5. The phenotype arises
Two regions within band p16.3 of chromosome from haploinsufficiency of multiple genes, the de-
4 have been described as critical regions for the letion breakpoints ranging from 5p13 to 5p15.2, a
phenotype: WHSCR1 and WHSCR2. Of these, region containing many repetitive sequences like-
WHSCR2, a 300–600-kb interval between loci ly to account for the instability. Molecular analy-
D4S3327 and D4S98-D4S168, is the true criti- ses have shown that the deleted chromosome is
cal region. WHSCR2 contains the genes WHSC1 mostly paternal [41].
and LETM1 (leucine zipper/EF-hand-containing Studying large numbers of cases has revealed
transmembrane). Haploinsufficiency for WHSC1 that deletions involving only the terminal short
is proposed to result in the characteristic facial arm are associated with mild to moderate MR
features whereas LETM1, involved in Ca2+ sig- and speech delay whereas the genes producing
nalling, is a candidate gene for the seizures ob- the cat-like cry and typical facial features are lo-
served in 80% of WHS cases. However, to date no cated within 5p15.2 to 5p15.12. Two genes in this
mutations have been found for either gene. region, Semaphorin F (SEMAF) and δ-catenin
(CTNND2), may be linked with cerebral develop-
Cri du Chat Syndrome (OMIM 123450) ment and thereby MR. Families with deletion of
Cri du Chat syndrome is so named because new- the interstitial region, 5p14.3 to 5p14.1, have an ap-
borns with the condition have a high-pitched cat- parently normal phenotype. More centromeric de-
like cry attributable to structural abnormalities letions extending into the p13 band are associated
of the larynx (e.g. laryngeal hypoplasia) and/or with more severe, usually profound MR [39, 42]. - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Chromosome 18p Deletion Syndrome (OMIM births. As familial cases have been described, fer-
146390) tility does not appear to be an issue. The deletions
Deletion of part or the entire short arm of chro- vary in size with breakpoints ranging from band
mosome 18 was described first in 1963. It has a fre- q21 to small terminal deletions involving band q23
quency of 1 in 50,000 live births and is associated only [48]. Although the phenotype for a give re-
with mild to moderate learning disability (IQ 25 gion of deletion has been considered to be highly
to 75). The main clinical features are short stature, variable, some of this variability has now been ex-
round face with short philtrum, palpebral ptosis plained by re-examination of previously reported
and large ears with detached pinnae. In 10–15% cases using FISH or microarrays. Some deletions
of cases, severe brain and facial malformations are thought to be pure terminal deletions have proven
observed; most of these die in early infancy. In to be interstitial whereas others are interchromo-
other cases, life expectancy does not appear to be somal rearrangements with monosomy for part
reduced [43]. Investigating individuals with dif- of 18q and trisomy for a different chromosome
ferently sized deletions has helped to refine spe- [49]. A number of features of the 18q deletion
cific regions of the chromosome contributing to syndrome have now been attributed to particular
the clinical phenotype. A critical region between regions of deletion. With advanced technology it
bands p11.21 and p11.1 is thought to be linked has become clear that small deletions of 18q may
with the MR as patients with deletions distal to be missed by routine chromosome banding anal-
p11.21 have borderline or normal mental devel- ysis. The increased use of diagnostic Magnetic
opment [44]. Deletions that include the more cen- Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanning and the use
tromeric region p11.3 have been associated with of microarrays may result in this becoming a more
the severe brain and facial malformations. A can- frequently diagnosed condition.
didate gene for the holoprosencephaly, TGIF, is
located in this region, but only 10–15% of individ-
uals with a TGIF deletion have holoprosencephaly The FRAXA Fragile Site and Fragile X
(HPE). This is a much lower concordance than Syndrome (OMIM 300624, see also Chapter 8)
observed with other HPE loci [45] and indicates
that TGIF is not fully dosage sensitive or that ge- Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common
netic modifiers are involved. inherited, single cause of mental retardation with
In about two thirds of cases, the deletion is de approximately 1 in 4,000 males affected [50]. The
novo and the parental recurrence risk is very small average IQ in affected males is 40, with a range ex-
[46]. Most of the remaining cases are unbalanced tending to 70 [51]. Aside from intellectual disability,
translocations, either de novo or inherited from a prominent characteristics of the syndrome include
parent with a balanced form of the translocation. an elongated face, large or protruding ears, flat feet,
There have been at least six reports of parent-to- larger testicles in men (macroorchidism), and low
child transmission usually involving the more dis- muscle tone. Behavioural characteristics may in-
tal region of 18p and in these cases there is a 50% clude stereotypic movements (e.g. hand-flapping)
chance of recurrence [47]. and atypical social development and some features
common to autism spectrum disorder, particular-
Chromosome 18q Deletion Syndrome (OMIM ly shyness, limited eye contact, memory problems,
601808) and difficulty with face encoding.
Deletions of 18q are one of the most common Fragile X syndrome is so-named because of a
segmental aneuploidies compatible with life with microscopically visible Xq27.3 chromosome con-
an estimated birth frequency of ~1 in 40,000 live striction or breakage (the FRAXA fragile site) that - 3/14/2014 11:20:20 AM
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Definition, Classification and Etiology of MR 27

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manifests when patients’ cells are cultured in fo- Conclusion and Future Perspectives
late-deficient medium. In 1991, the gene respon-
sible for FXS, FMR1, was identified and the com- We have discussed the terminology, classification
mon mutation was identified as the expansion of and etiology of MR and given a brief review of clas-
a CGG trinucleotide repeat at the FRAXA frag- sic MR syndromes identified through traditional
ile site [52, 53]. This was the first known example avenues of chromosome analysis. Nevertheless,
of a trinucleotide repeat disorder. The analysis of the chapter must remain in some respects, unfin-
the number of CGG repeats and their methylation ished. The debate about terminology is ongoing,
status is now the basis for a molecular diagnosis. although it is hoped that a consensus term that
In the general population, FMR1 contains up spans continents can be reached in the not too dis-
to 40 CGG repeats. There is also a range of in- tant future. Classification and testing methodolo-
termediate alleles in the range of 41–54 repeats, gies also remain controversial. In terms of scientif-
not usually associated with instability. Alleles of ic knowledge and molecular diagnostic capability,
55–200 repeats are classified as premutations and technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate
are meiotically unstable. They can expand to yield and with major impact. As outlined in subsequent
slightly larger premutation alleles or they can ex- chapters, it is not only improving our understand-
pand massively into the full mutation range of ing of the genetic sub-categories contributing to
230–4,000 repeats [54]. Expansion of the CGG the etiology of MR, but it is also shedding light on
repeat to the full mutation results in methyla- the genes linked with newly identified syndromes
tion that effectively silences the expression of the as well as elucidating the role of genes in well-rec-
FMR1 protein, FMRP, and results in the fragile ognized disorders. Indeed, in the new era of next
X syndrome. Methylation of the FMR1 gene acts generation sequencing and resequencing and with
both directly, by inhibiting the binding of tran- the concept of personalized genomes edging clos-
scription factors and indirectly by inducing chro- er, the possibility of testing for genomic changes
matin condensation which, in turn, prevents the involving one or a few base pairs is likely to be
transcription machinery from binding [54]. achievable in the not too distant future. In this re-
FMRP binds to a specific population of mRNA gard, a single gene disorder that causes non-syn-
and has an important role in the regulation of pro- dromic MR without any associated dysmorphic
tein synthesis at a local level in the dendrites of features has recently been described [57] and it
neurons [55]. A proposed role for FMRP at syn- seems likely that many more such genetic causes
apses is that it is a negative regulator of protein of MR will be described in the future.
synthesis stimulated by group 1 metabotropic glu-
tamate receptor (mGLuR) activation [56] offering
some hope of therapy in pharmaceutical develop-
ment of drugs targeting mGluR5.

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Regina Regan, DPhil

Department of Medicine and Medical Science
Health Sciences Centre, University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4 (Ireland)
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