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Rose Ann Bascos

Response Paper

The impact of climate change in the Philippines has been devastating, particularly in terms of
extreme weather events. The country is highly vulnerable to typhoons, floods, and landslides,
which have become more frequent and severe due to climate change. These events not only
cause loss of life and displacement of communities but also result in significant damage to
infrastructure and agriculture, hindering the country’s development.
Furthermore, the effects of climate change on the Philippines’ natural resources and
biodiversity are alarming. Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns have led to coral
bleaching, deforestation, and loss of habitat for various species. This not only threatens the
country’s rich ecosystems but also impacts the livelihoods of many Filipinos who depend on
these natural resources for their survival.
In addition, the economic implications of climate change in the Philippines are profound. The
agricultural sector, which is a vital part of the country’s economy, has been severely affected by
changing weather patterns, leading to decreased crop yields and food insecurity. Moreover, the
increased frequency of natural disasters has placed a significant financial burden on the
government, as it strives to provide relief and recovery efforts for affected areas.
Overall, the impact of climate change in the Philippines is multifaceted, affecting the
environment, economy, and society in profound ways. It is crucial for both the government and
the international community to take urgent action to mitigate these effects and build resilience
within the country.

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