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Technology in Organisations 1


Submission ID:

Table of Contents

Task 01.............................................................................................................................................3

Service models for Cloud computing..............................................................................................3

Overall Benefits...............................................................................................................................4

Task 02.............................................................................................................................................6

Advancements in telecommunications............................................................................................6

Telecommunications and McDonald's.............................................................................................6

The activities and their overall impact.........................................................................................7

Task 03.............................................................................................................................................9

GDPR Provisions and data security and Privacy.............................................................................9

Measures for IT Security and Privacy...........................................................................................12

For hardware..............................................................................................................................12

For software...............................................................................................................................12

Task 04...........................................................................................................................................13

The poster......................................................................................................................................13



As time progresses, technical developments become more important to the prosperity of every
business. Organisations depend on technology to manage information and communication flows,
coordinate processes, and monitor personnel. Companies that invest heavily in cutting-edge
technology also have an advantage over their rivals. Technology has allowed businesses to
simplify their operations and increase efficiency (Zhang et al., 2022) to the point where they can
get by with a smaller staff. Hence, this portfolio report will include a case study based on the
investment of cloud computing service models of an organisation, an analysis of the
advancement of telecommunication, an analysis of key provisions of GDPR with its significance,
and a poster pressing step-by-step guide to using mail merge.

Task 01

Service models for Cloud computing

Cloud computing (Wang and Chang, 2021) is an approach for providing networked, on-demand
accessibility to an on-demand group of programmable computer resources. It is a huge change
from the old ways of doing things on computers, where everything was stored on individual
machines. Walmart has been utilising cloud computing which is one of the largest and most
successful businesses in the world.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Using the internet, IaaS makes available virtualised servers. In this configuration, a company
hires a third party to manage its storage, hardware, hosts, and networking (Mohanty et al., 2023).
Equipment is housed, operated, and maintained by the service provider. Standard practice has it
that the client pays as they go. With IaaS, a company has a flexible and adaptable infrastructure
that can grow or shrink with different needs. The ability to rapidly scale up infrastructure to
accommodate huge transaction volumes (Mounika et al., 2021) might be useful for a company
like Walmart during busy times like Black Friday.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS refers (Wang and Chang, 2021) to a software distribution method in which a service
provider hosts the programme and makes it accessible to consumers through the Internet.
Applications like web-based email, CRM programmes, and collaboration tools that necessitate
online and mobile access work well with this architecture. SaaS allows Walmart to access
enterprise-level software (Sayre et al., 2020) without having to invest much in on-premises
hardware and software infrastructure. As a result, not only are operational expenses reduced, but
efficiency and output are also enhanced.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS (Wang and Chang, 2021) eliminates the need for customers to construct and maintain the
underlying infrastructure necessary for application development, operation, and management.
Both software and hardware are hosted by the service provider, who also provides the necessary
software and hardware components for networking, archiving, and operating systems. PaaS frees
Walmart's developers from concerns over storage, capacity, and the underlying infrastructure
(Wang and Chang, 2021), allowing them to focus on building apps to enhance customer service
or manage inventories.

Function as a Service (FaaS)

Serverless computing, another name for FaaS (Sayre et al., 2020), allows businesses to run
programmes in response to predefined events. FaaS allows Walmart to create and release
software or services without having to worry about the underlying resources. Walmart is freed
from worrying about infrastructure administration and can instead concentrate on core business
logic (Sayre et al., 2020), thanks to the model's granular scalability, cost-effectiveness, and
promotion of a pay-per-use strategy.

Overall Benefits

Walmart has saved a lot of money by switching to cloud computing. Saving money on IT
hardware, software, and personnel is a side benefit. Because cloud services are often metered,
users may adjust their use according to their budget constraints.

Cloud services give Walmart a flexible and scalable IT platform they can tailor to their own
business demands. It can instantly expand to meet demand at peak periods like the holidays and
contract to save money when fewer people are using it (Garcia and Red, 2020). The savings and
productivity gains from such adaptability can be substantial.

Better Teamwork

Thanks to cloud computing, Walmart's employees can work together more effectively. With a
central repository for team files, members can get their data whenever they need it (Glover,
2021), no matter where they are. Cloud-based workflows have the potential to improve
efficiency, speed up the completion of activities, and boost productivity.

Security of data

Walmart creates a tremendous quantity of data every day, making data security a top priority for
the company. Cloud providers use cutting-edge safety measures (Sayre et al., 2020) to protect
user data during storage and retrieval. That is why it is important to encrypt data, implement
stringent permissions, and conduct frequent vulnerability scans.

Better Recovery strategies

Walmart will be able to deploy successful disaster recovery plans without investing in a
dedicated data centre for cloud-based recovery and backup options (Mounika et al., 2021). As a
result, data backup costs are decreased, recovery times are shortened, and dependability is


PaaS enables rapid application development and deployment, allowing Walmart to respond
rapidly to changing business requirements. This not only speeds up the rate of invention but also
gives the company an edge in the market by allowing it to react rapidly to shifting client tastes.

Environmental sustainability

Cloud computing helps Walmart achieve its sustainability goals by lessening the retailer's impact
on the environment. Cloud computing has allowed Walmart to more efficiently utilise company
resources, cutting down on wasted energy and equipment. Since the cloud service provider may
share its infrastructure with several customers (Glover, 2021), it can reduce its overall energy
usage and have a smaller footprint. Using cloud-based services, Walmart can coordinate its
sustainability initiatives and contribute to a more eco-friendly and ethical approach to IT.


Cloud computing has made it easy for Walmart to extend its operations throughout the world. By
utilising the cloud, Walmart can rapidly enter new markets without having to spend heavily on
new physical facilities. Walmart is able to expand its business and better serve customers all over
the world thanks to the cloud, which provides a scalable and easily accessible platform that
facilitates seamless communication and data exchange across multiple locations.

Task 02

Advancements in telecommunications
Technology is having a wide-ranging impact on the telecommunications industry. 5G will bring
about significant changes. With 5G, we may expect ultra-low latency, better data speeds, and the
ability to slice networks (Wisesa et al., 2020), all while supporting a hundred-fold rise in linked
devices per unit area. The usage of AI has spread across numerous sectors, including
telecommunications. Improved customer service and happiness are made possible by AI-
powered virtual companions and chatbots used by the telecom industry (Bhattacharyya and
Dash., 2022). The telecom sector is a major participant in the Internet of Things (Pei and Cheng,
2022) industry, which consists of commonplace objects that can communicate with each other
and the Internet. In addition, the area of cutting-edge telecommunications is seeing additional
developments, such as the adoption of big data analytics, robotic process automation, etc.

Telecommunications and McDonald's

The global business environment is constantly changing as a result of technological
advancements. Fast food giant McDonald's has successfully leveraged technological advances in
communications to adapt its business model (Kuma et al., 2022) and operations to suit the needs
of its customers better. McDonald's relies heavily on the Internet since it has allowed them to
expand their consumer base and improve their digital services. Through the company's website
and mobile app, McDonald's now offers different services. Additionally, the development of
smartphone technology with the integration of AI (Zhang et al., 2022) has greatly influenced
how McDonald's delivers its services. Besides, there are other significant ways that facilitate the
effectiveness of the brand.

Figure: McDonald's digital customer engagement (CNBC, 2019)

The activities and their overall impact

Services using Mobile Apps

McDonald's has profited greatly from the proliferation of mobile technologies. McDonald's has
taken advantage of this by creating a streamlined mobile app that acts as a hub for
communication between the company and its patrons. Without mobile technology, it would be
impossible to use the app's features, such as finding the nearest restaurant, browsing the menu,
making orders, and paying for food (Zhang et al., 2022). In the United States, customers can use
the "Mobile Order & Pay" (Zhang et al., 2022) option to place an order ahead of time and pick it
up via the Drive-Thru, curbside delivery, or the restaurant's lobby. Because of this, both
customer satisfaction and productivity in the workplace have risen significantly.

In-Store Interaction using Digital Kiosks

Digital kiosks have recently been installed at McDonald's restaurants with the advancements in
touchscreen innovation, which is part of the larger area of telecommunications. Customers may
now order, modify, and pay for their purchases all at the same time (Kuma et al., 2023), thanks
to the convenience offered by these self-service devices. In France, for instance, computerised
kiosks have been a standard issue at McDonald's restaurants since 2009, drastically improving
the speed and accuracy of service (Al-Alwan et al., 2022). The integration of IoT and AI has
enhanced the process of McDonald's activities of digitalisation, which has made the organisation
more intuitive and effective.

Improved Interaction with Stakeholders

McDonald's communication with franchisees, suppliers, and consumers has been revolutionised
by increased internet access and digital platforms. The organisation may now exchange critical
information in real-time and receive timely responses. This has been extremely important
throughout recent crises. For instance, the fast-food chain was able to swiftly disseminate
information on safety standards and operational improvements across its extensive network in
the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak (Wisesa et al., 2020), all owing to modern forms of

Figure: McDonald's operations during Covid (Delfi, 2020)

Participation in social media by Brands

McDonald's has been able to produce interesting digital ads and conversations because of the
proliferation of social media made possible by developments in communication technology. It
can use sites like Facebook, get consumer feedback, and control its online reputation.
McDonald's "Our Food, Your Questions" (Al-Alwan et al., 2022) initiative is a great illustration
of how the company improved its reputation and won the trust of its customers by honestly
responding to their questions regarding the company's meals.

Cloud Computing for Data Storage and Interpretation

Because of developments in communication technology, cloud computing has given McDonald's

a scalable, low-cost option for storing and analysing data (Al-Alwan et al., 2022). Now the
organisation can efficiently manage huge amounts of data from many sources, allowing for better
insights to be gleaned and hence, decisions to be made. McDonald's, for instance (Al-Alwan et
al., 2022), can now offer customised digital experiences for each individual consumer by using
real-time data analysis thanks to the purchase of Dynamic Yield, a provider of decision-logic

Because of developments in communication technology, cloud computing has given McDonald's

a scalable, low-cost option for storing and analysing data. McDonald's, for instance, can now
offer customised digital experiences for each individual consumer by using real-time data
visualisation because of the purchase of Dynamic Yield (Kuma et al., 2022), a provider of
decision-logic technologies. Now the organisation can efficiently manage huge amounts of data
from many sources, allowing for better insights to be gleaned and hence, decisions to be made.

Task 03

GDPR Provisions and data security and Privacy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legislative framework (von Grafenstein,
2022) that regulates how personally identifiable information (PII) of EU residents may be
collected, processed, and stored. It applies to any organisation that processes the personal data of
EU individuals.
Figure: GDPR (The conversation, 2029)

When it comes to protecting personal information and doing business online, the following main
items (Chhetri et al., 2022) should be present:

Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency

Article 5.1a says that personal information must be handled legitimately, equitably, and
transparently. Information technology solutions should make it very obvious to users why and
how their data will be utilised. In addition, they need to make sure that information is only
utilised in ways that make sense to the average person.

Data Minimization

Article 5.1c stipulates that organisations must acquire just the minimum amount of personal data
required to fulfil the declared purpose. Information technology systems should be crafted to
gather, store, and use data just as much as is necessary for a given task.


Article 5.1d of the GDPR specifies that organisations use appropriate measures to guarantee that
incorrect personal data is updated or destroyed. Therefore, it is important for IT systems to
include procedures for users to update their data.
Storage Limitation

Article 5.1e says that personal data shall be retained in a readily identifiable form for no further
time than is required in light of the reasons for which they are processed. After the information
has served its purpose, it should be deleted or anonymised automatically.

Integrity and Confidentiality

Article 5.1f stipulates that individuals' data must be handled in a way that protects their privacy
and confidentiality. This includes safeguards against intentional or inadvertent deletion,
alteration, or other destruction of data. Encryption, permissions, and reliable backups are just a
few examples of the kinds of technological and organisational safeguards that should be included
in IT systems.


Article 7 says that before collecting or processing personal information, organisations need the
individual's affirmative, explicit, informed, and unequivocal permission. Clear means for
obtaining and documenting such permission should be included in IT systems.

Right to Access and Data Portability

Article 15 says that consumers have the ability to review their personal data and transfer such
data to another data processor (Article 20). Information technology systems should make it
simple for individuals to get their data in a standard, machine-readable format upon request.

Right to Erasure

Article 17 grants people the right to have their personal information erased under specific
conditions. Information technology infrastructures must make it simple to carry out such

Data Protection by Design and by Default

Article 25 specifies that data protection be built into the foundation of all new systems from the
start. This necessitates a high default level of privacy settings.
Organisations can avoid heavy penalties and protect their reputations by adopting these essential
safeguards, which guarantee the confidentiality and security of user data. GDPR compliance is
not a destination but rather a process that demands constant dedication and frequent assessments.

Measures for IT Security and Privacy

For hardware
Protection of computers, servers, routers and switches, and other physical devices against
destruction, theft, and unauthorised use is the subject of hardware security.

 Businesses should install physical security measures to limit who may access servers and
other mission-critical devices. Biometric access control systems, closed-circuit television,
locks, and access cards are all examples of this.
 Encrypting data on hard drives and other forms of storage protects it even if the device is
lost or stolen.
 There should be stringent procedures in place for the proper disposal and recycling
(Meszaros, 2022) of hardware in all organisations. Degaussing, secure erasure, and
outright physical annihilation (Meszaros, 2022) are all methods that may be used to
render data unrecoverable.
 Firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems are two examples of hardware that
may be installed to assist in monitoring and managing network traffic based on
established security policies.
 Devices should have chassis intrusion surveillance systems (Meszaros, 2022) to identify
and react to tampering attempts.

For software
The purpose of software security is to keep programmes safe from being exploited online. The
goal is to safeguard data (Zanca et al., 2022) from being improperly accessed, used, disclosed,
disrupted, modified, or destroyed.

 It is critical to guard against known vulnerabilities by regularly upgrading software and

implementing fixes. The patch management policy (Zanca et al., 2022) of an organisation
should be strong.
 Protection from malware like malware, ransomware, and spyware (Zanca et al., 2022) is
provided by antivirus and antimalware software. They need to be maintained up-to-date
and run scans on a regular basis to detect and eliminate security risks.
 To restrict access to sensitive information or programmes to just those who need it, user
access controls like passwords, multiple-factor authentication, and least-privilege access
may be put into place.
 Sensitive information should be encrypted whenever it is stored or sent.
 It is recommended to use software firewalls to restrict access to the network based on a
set of security policies.
 Intruder detection and prevention systems (IDPS) keep an eye on networks and systems
(Zanca et al., 2022) to report any suspicious behaviour or policy breaches to higher-ups.
 By monitoring, identifying, and blocking confidential information in motion, in use, and
at rest, DLP (Zanca et al., 2022) systems assist in preventing sensitive data from being
routed outside the network.
 Organisations should use safe coding practices to lessen the amount of security holes in
their software throughout development.

Task 04

The poster
Professionals across fields agree that GMass is quite useful (Jacobs, 2020) as it facilitates users
with essential uses that are absent in Microsoft Excel. It is able to manage and integrate a large
number of messages in a user's Gmail account (Jacobs, 2020). It is also often used by
businesspeople to reach out to certain demographics. Mail merge is a powerful tool for sending
out large emails, and GMass breaks it down into four simple stages.

Step 1

The user's initial action is to import their Excel document into Google Sheets. Google Sheets is a
formidable alternative to Microsoft Excel because its automatic online sync is a time-saver and
productivity booster. To use the file picker, launch Google Sheets and click the folder icon.
Then, the user should use the displayed upload tab to bring in the datasheet. Then, the
user will utilise the device's selection or dragging features to bring across the desired file. At last,
he will select the file and hit open. Then the programme will import itself, and the user will have
a mailing list ready to combine.

Step 2

Step two involves the user choosing a preferred layout for the document. He needs to format it
appropriately and systematically. He is responsible for maintaining a problem-free and
straightforward file. Each column and its given names will be identified automatically by the
system. The labels will be utilised mechanically as well.

Step 3

Configuring Gmail and linking it to GMass are the only two required steps in this part. In this
section, the add-on will be installed if it has not already been. Firstly, the user will look for the
GMass site in the web store for Chrome. In Step B, then, he will proceed to install the extension.
Step C involves a drop box into which he must select in order to affirm the extension's addition.
At long last, the user will access his Gmail and link it to GMass by entering his credentials.

Step 4

The last steps involve establishing a connection between the Google Sheet and GMass, editing
and sending a customised email. Here, at step A, he will access his Gmail inbox and hit the
GMass spreadsheet icon. Then, the user will select the desired Google sheet from the drop-down
option and proceed with the mail merging. Then, the user will click the Connect button, at which
point GMass will immediately scan the information and substitute an identical alias address for
each of the previously listed addresses. BCC, CC, etc., can be used to tailor the message to the
recipient's preferences. To customise his experience, the user will go to the GMass button's
settings by clicking the arrow next to it, then click the Personalisation button in the resulting
drop-down menu. In this case, you may expect a one-on-one demonstration. At last, the user
will hit the GMass icon to send the message and finish up.

Business operations are being affected by the rapid development of technology. Notably, in the
retail sector, cloud computing and telecommunications technology have been enhancing
corporate operations. As technology evolves, new vulnerabilities to privacy and security threats
emerge. Because of this emerging situation, businesses cannot ignore the GRPR. A corporate
user will benefit immensely from the detailed instructions for performing a mail merge. The
report has included the step-by-step activities that will be needed to use GMass for a mail merge
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