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0Qs 02

1) whof is the procedure for o slump tet?

) Make sue (ohe is Cleoy. free fVe m hov dencd
Conlrete an dvn inside, Stand t on tbe bose plote
whicl, mnst also be cleah,
) Stah wilh fret oy Hhe
te foot rsts.
con to about
3) ysiny the scoop, fill te <one ohe tid of
its height and rod tis laye
of Conerete eracHy
2s ins fampi
a) Ald Fwo fute laye of
- rodihg each ane ih turh eracHy 2s fims, allom i
the vod to pewtate throul into he layer be lon. AC}e
rol)iny the top layey malke Sure
uve Ho tere is a slinhA
Suehavge ot Cohcye te, e. Some Cohcret stiks out oE
s) Strike Hbe sur plas Concrete vsibg th strel tlaat
6) rests.
wipe He cone ond bose ploBe ceon keepiny on the foot
1) \ake hald of the houtlus and puslihy downwors renae
feut Evo the foot cess.
3) Lift, vog care fully the stmight up, tovn it ow
oh he base plote next to the
moud ot cohcrete, As
Cohcvee will slup to Snmp extmt.
fan piy rad actoss He top ot he empr ivert
So thet it reacs over the slupd Cohcre k
lo) he undersde ot the ho
Vsing Cohete (neaeGt Smn)
bi)Hs represnts
purpose of (obdneHg a cocrete tost
coheyole is tested fot % l ohsis tren so as to oclie
workabilil. it s importat piopyty is
Cohcrete sihee workeb e mix will produce Cocvetey
oll copactràhansport d and plaes
ithout Segr<gNoh, A mell- Com ga zbe d cohevate will
shyng cohevete.

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