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Practikum 2

Name : Deden Burhanudin Alamsah

NIM : 1401213157
Class : MB-45-INT-2

CH 4

 Calculated Chi – square = 1.200

 Table Chi - Square
- df = Total Row – 1 = 3 – 1 = 2
- Sig level = 5%
Table chi square (0.55;2) is 5.991. Because the calculated Chi - square is 1.200 < chi - square
table 5.991. This method produces the same decision, namely H0 is accepted (P1 = P2 = P3 =
1/3). There is no fruit that is more preferred than the others, meaning that respondents like all
of these fruits.
CH 5
Simple Linear Regression

Based on the Coefficients table above, it shows that the

- T Test value = 10.152 while the,
- significance value = 0.000
heterodoxy doesn’t occur because the points are spread out so that H0 is rejected which means there is
an influence of the room temperature variable on the value and amount of paint and also based on the
significance value = 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 with a T test value of 10.152
CH 6
1. Uji Model

Based on the table above, the R square number is 0.876 (which is the square value of R).
Which means that 87.6% of sales volume can be explained by sales, competitors, marketing
and personal_selling. Meanwhile, the remaining 12.4% was explained by other causes.

2. Uji F
From the ANOVA test or F test, the calculated F value is 25,723 with a significance level
close to 0, because the significance value is <0.05, the regression model can be used to predict
"sale_ volume."

3. Uji T

Judging from the significance level, marketing has a significance level of 0.606 which means
> 0.05 does not pass the F test, Personal_selling has a significance level of 0.003 which
means < 0.05 passes the F test, competitors have a significance level of 0.100 which means >
0.05 which means it does not pass the test F, and sales have a significance level of 0.146
which means > 0.05 which means it does not pass the F test. Because overall level
significance isn’t less than 0.05 the we conclude that the variable hasn’t effect partially
independent of “ sales volume”

4. Uji asumsi klasik

- Normalitas

From the above results. The points on the plot do not follow the overall diagonal line,
indicating that the residuals are not perfectly normally distributed. There are several
points that come out of the diagonal line, indicating that there are outliers that can
influence the regression results.
- Multicollinearities

From the table above, it can be concluded that multicollinearity occurred because the VIF
value of 1,197 < 10 passed the test and the condition index value of 35,372 > 30 did not
pass the test. So it doesn't pass the test

- Heteroskedastisitas

From the results of the SPSS analysis above, it can be concluded that heteroscedasticity
occurs because the data is spread out and does not gather at one point.

- Autokorelasi

From the table above DW values between 1.5 and 2 indicate there is no evidence of
autocorrelation in the residuals. In this case, the DW value of 1.691 is within this range,
so there is no significant autocorrelation in the regression model.
- Model Regresi

Y = sale_ volume
X1 = marketing
X2 = Personal_selling
X3 = competitor
X3 = Sales
This test passes several tests, namely Model Test (Coefficient of Determination), F Test, T Test,
Normality Test, Heteroscedasticity Test. And it did not pass the Multicollinearity Test and
Autocorrelation Test so it can be stated that the multiple regression model is still valid and influential
so that Y = 114.956 + 0.952 X1 + 6.587 X2 - 2.465 X3 + 14.077 X4 can be used.

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