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2021-2022 *use at your own risk*

MODULE 1 - I. Contract of Sale, Concepts (Articles 1458, 1638, 1466- 1468, New Civil Code); II. Object of Sale
(Articles 1306, 1459-1465, New Civil Code); III. Price (Articles 1469-1474, New Civil Code); IV. PARTIES TO A
Dignos vs. CA SHORT FACTS: Dignos spouses sold a DOCTRINE: Valid contract of sale
parcel of land to Jabil payable in two even though the vendee paid in
(158 SCRA 375) installments, an assumption of installment, all elements for contract
indebtedness with a bank, and a deed of sale are present, and there was
of sale. Dignos spouses subsequently already an actual delivery to the
then sold the parcel of land through a vendee by the vendors and already
deed of absolute sale to Spouses exercising possession over the
Cabigas. subject land.

(Land belongs to Dignos spouses as

elements in Art. 1458 are present.)
Tan vs. Benorilao SHORT FACTS: Petitioners executed a DOCTRINE: Contract of sale vs.
Deed of Conditional Sale in favor of Contract to sell: The essence of a
(GR No. 153820) Tan, Tan then delivered a check for the contract of sale is the transfer of
down payment. Benorilao (one of the ownership in exchange for a price
petitioners) died intestate, so the paid or promised. A contract to sell is
widow executed an extrajudicial a bilateral contract whereby the
settlement where a new certificate of prospective seller expressly
title was issued with an annotation. reserving the ownership of the
Tan still had 2 months to pay as per property binds himself to sell the
the Deed of Conditional Sale, but he property exclusively to the
failed to do so saying that the prospective buyer upon fulfillment of
certificate of title is no longer a clean the condition agreed.
title because of the annotation and
that he can no longer be obliged to pay (The contract between the parties
the remaining balance and demands was merely a contract to sell where
for the reimbursement of down the vendors retained title and
payment and rescission of the ownership to the property until Tan
contract. had fully paid the purchase price.)
Artates vs. Urbi SHORT FACTS: A public sale of a land DOCTRINE: Illicit per accidens, the
was conducted by the Provincial land could not be subject to sale
(GR No. L-29421) Sheriff to satisfy a judgment against since it is protected by the Public
Lino Artates for physical injuries Land Act that grants ownership of
inflicted by Artates upon Urbi. the homestead patent to the
Pliaintiff-Spouses alleged that the sale owners for 5 years hence, the land
of the homestead to satisfy and could not be subject to pay for the
indebtedness of Artates violated the damages accrued by one of the
provision of Public Land Law spouses
exempting said property from
execution for any debt contracted (The sale of homestead violated the
within five years from date of the provision of the Public Land law.)
issuance of the patent
Heirs of Enrique Zambales vs. SHORT FACTS: The spouses Zambales DOCTRINE: There was legal capacity
CA were illiterate and were the homestead of the spouses Zambales even
patentees of a parcel of land. Atty. though they were deaf, they were
(120 SCRA 897) Reyes, and the Corporation entered able to hire prominent and credible
into an agreement which state, among lawyers thus, showing that there
others, that the Zambaleses are giving was no misinterpretation nor fraud
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
the Corporation full power and in acquiring their consent. However,
authority to sell, transfer and convey or the homestead patent is still
at any time thereafter the whole or any covered by the Public Land Act,
part of herein subject property. thus, ownership is retained.
Corporation then sold the land.
Spouses now seek an "Annulment of a
Deed of Sale with Recovery of
Possession and Ownership with
Damages”, alleging that Atty. de los
Reyes and the Corporation induced
them through fraud, deceit and
manipulation to sign the Compromise

Quiroga vs. Parsons SHORT FACTS: Quiroga and Parsons DOCTRINE: It is a contract of a sale
entered into a contract making the and not contract of agency to sell
(38 Phil 501) latter an agent of the former. The because of the presence of essential
contract only stipulates that J.Parsons clauses in the contract and all
should pay Quiroga within 6 months essential requisites of a contract of
upon the delivery of beds. Quiroga sale were present.
then files a case against Parsons for
allegedly violating stipulations not
initially included in the contract.
Concrete Aggregates Inc. vs. SHORT FACTS: Petitioner Concrete DOCTRINE: They were engaged in a
CTA Aggregates, Inc. is a domestic contract of sale and as a
corporation which maintains and manufacturer and not a contractor
(185 SCRA 461) operates a plant at Longos, Quezon since their products was available to
City for the production of ready-mixed the general public.
concrete and plant-mixed hot asphalt
and an aggregate plant at Montalban,
Rizal which processes rock aggregates
mined by it from private lands.
People’s Homesite vs. CA SHORT FACTS: Mendoza was awarded DOCTRINE: In conditional
Lot 4 of a Consolidation Subdivision obligations, the acquisition of rights,
(133 SCRA 777) Plan (CSP) but she was not able to pay as well as the extinguishment or loss
the price of the lot nor the 20% initial of those already acquired, shall
deposit. The Board of directors then depend upon the happening of the
awarded the lot to 5 other individuals event which constitutes the
who complied with the 20% initial condition.
(No, there was no perfected sale of
Lot 4 to the Mendozas.)
Toyota Shaw Inc. vs. CA SHORT FACTS: DOCTRINE: There was no full
Bernardo, acting a sales representative purchase price negotiated, thus,
(244 SCRA 320) had an Agreement with a Mr. Sosa there is no price certain in the
where the latter will pay a down agreement, hence, lacking one of
payment of 100K and Toyota will then the essential requisites for a
release a unit. However, Bernardo was contract of sale. It cannot bind
not able to release the car due to the appellee in the contract since the
disapproval of BA Finance on the credit sales representative was the only
application. Sosa then asked for a one who contracted with the buyer
refund on the down payment with
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interest and damages. Toyota (The agreement between Toyota
conceded to the down payment, but and Sosa is not a contract of sale. A
not to the interest and damages. definite agreement on the manner
Toyota contended that there was no of payment of the price is an
perfected contract of sale, and that essential element in the formation
Bernardo had no authority to sign the of a binding and enforceable
agreement in his personal capacity. contract of sale)
Sampaguita Pictures vs. SHORT FACTS: Sampaguita Pictures DOCTRINE: Ownership is not
Jalwindor Manufacturers Inc. leased to Capitol 300, a roof deck of its transferred by perfection of the
building with the agreement that any contract but by delivery, either
(93 SCRA 420) permanent improvements made on the actual or constructive. Payment of
property by Capitol shall belong to the purchase price is not essential to
Sampaguita. Capitol then installed glass the transfer of ownership as long as
and wooden jalousies purchased from the property sold has been
credit from respondent Jalwindor delivered. Ownership is acquired
Manufacturers, Inc. Capitol failed to from the moment the thing sold was
pay for the glass and wooden jalousies delivered to vendee, as when it is
owed to Jalwindor Manufacturers and placed in his control and possession.
the rent for the roof deck owed to
Sampaguita Pictures. The glass and (Sampaguita is declared the lawful
wooden jalousies were levied by the owner of the disputed glass and
Sheriff of Quezon City. Sampaguita wooden jalousies.)
contended in Third Party Claim that
they have the right and title to the
possession of the disputed items.
MODULE 2 - I. Formation / Perfection of Contract of Sale (Articles 1475-1488, 1325-1326, 1319, 1874, 1581,
1403New Civil Code); II. Parties to the Contract of Sale (Articles 1489-1494, New Civil Code)
Limson vs. CA SHORT FACTS: Respondents offered to DOCTRINE: “Earnest money” and
sell to petitioner a parcel of lang, “option money” are not the same.
(357 SCRA 209) petitioner gave 20K as “earnest money” (a) earnest money is part of the
and gave her a 10-day option to purchase price, while option money
purchase the property. Property in is the money given as a distinct
question is mortgaged to spouses consideration for an option
Ramos. Land was then a subject of contract; (b) earnest money given
negotiation of sale to SUNVAR Realty only where there is already a sale,
Development Corporation. Petitioner while option money applies to a sale
move for the annulment of the sale and not yet perfected; and, (c) when
cancellation of title issued to SUNVAR. earnest money is given, the buyer is
bound to pay the balance, while
when the would-be buyer gives
option money, he is not required to
buy but may even forfeit it
depending on the terms of the

(There is nothing in the Receipt

which indicates that the P20,000.00
was part of the purchase price.
Moreover, it was not shown that
there was a perfected sale between
the parties where earnest money
was given.)
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San Miguel Properties vs. SHORT FACTS: SMP offered for sale two DOCTRINE: The ₱1 million “earnest-
Huang, parcels of land to which respondents deposit” could not have been given
expressed their interest to buy. P500K as earnest money as contemplated in
(336 SCRA 737)
was given as earnest-deposit money Art. 1482 because, at the time when
provided that petitioner shall give SMP petitioner accepted the terms of
exclusive option to buy the said respondents’ offer of March 29,
property within 30 days, stipulate the 1994, their contract had not yet been
terms and conditions of both parties perfected. This is evident from the
during the said period and a refund of following conditions attached by
the earnest deposit money in case of respondents to their letter, to wit: (1)
failure to agree which was confirmed that they be given the exclusive
by Isidro A. Sobrecarey, petitioner’s option to purchase the property
vice-president and operations manager within 30 days from acceptance of
for corporate real estate. Negotiation the offer; (2) that during the option
commenced but parties failed to agree period, the parties would negotiate
on the terms and conditions of the sale the terms and conditions of the
despite the extension granted by purchase; and (3) petitioner would
petitioner is returning the amount of secure the necessary approvals while
₱1 million given as “earnest-deposit”. respondents would handle the
Atkins, Kroll & Co. vs. Cua Hian SHORT FACTS: Petitioner seeks to DOCTRINE: If the option is given
Tek reverse the decision where it was without consideration, it is a mere
ordered to pay damages to the offer of a contract of sale, which is
(102 Phil 948)
respondent for its failure to deliver the not binding until accepted. If,
sardines which it offered to the latter. however, accepted is made before a
It avers that there was no contract of withdrawal, it constitutes a binding
sale but a mere option to buy which contract of sale even though the
could not be binding upon itself as the option was not supported by a
respondent did not secure the same sufficient consideration.
with consideration.
An option is unilateral: a promise to
sell at the price fixed whenever the
offeree should decide to exercise his
option within the specified time.
After accepting the promise
and before he exercises his option,
the holder of the option is not bound
to buy. He is free either to buy or not
to later.
Bible Baptist Church vs. CA SHORT FACTS: Baptist Church entered DOCTRINE: A consideration that is
into a 15-year contract of lease with separate and distinct from the
(G.R. No. 126454, 26 spouses Villanueva of a property in purchase price is required to
November 2004)
Malate, Manila. The contract includes a support an option contract.
stipulation of an option to buy the
leased premises within the lease The second paragraph of Article
period. Baptist Church argue that the 1479 provides for the definition and
consideration supporting the option consequent rights and obligations
was their agreement to pay off the under an option contract. For an
Villanueva’s P84,000 loan with the option contract to be valid and
bank, thereby freeing the subject enforceable against the promissor,
property from the mortgage there must be a separate and
encumbrance. Respondent on the
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other hand, contended that the distinct consideration that supports
P84,000 has been fully exhausted and it.
utilized by their occupation of the
premises and there is no separate
consideration to speak of which could
support the option. Petitioners further
insist that a consideration need not be
a separate sum of money. They posit
that their act of advancing the money
to “rescue” the property from
mortgage and impending foreclosure,
should be enough consideration to
support the option.
Osmeña III vs. Power Sector SHORT FACTS: Respondent PSALM was DOCTRINE: There is no basis
Assets and Liabilities tasked with the administration of whatsoever for the grant to
Management Corporation NAPOCOR’s assets. One of it’s assets respondent of the right of first
was a land underlying the LBGT which refusal since the right to purchase at
(771 SCRA 559, G.R. No.
212686 September 28, 2015) was also leased out for a period of 10 the time of bidding is that which is
years to SPC which resulted in SPC’s precisely the bidding subject, not yet
acquisition of the LBGT through an existent much more vested in
Asset Purchase Agreement (LBGT-APA) respondent.
and lease of the land under a Land
Lease Agreement (LBGT-LLA). Under The inclusion of a right of first refusal
the said agreement, SPC has the “right in a government contract executed
to top” in the event of lease or sale of post-bidding, as here, negates the
property which is not part of the leased essence of public bidding. Moreover,
premises. a “right of first refusal”, “or “right to
top,” whether granted to a bidder or
non-bidder, discourages other
parties from submitting bids,
narrowing the number of possible
bidders and thus preventing the
government from securing the best

Ayala Land, Inc. vs. ASB Realty SHORT FACTS: EMRASON made it DOCTRINE: A juridical entity, like
Corporation appear to ALI that Ramos, Jr., Antonio, "cannot act except through its board
and Januario had full authority to act on of directors as a collective body,
(G.R. No. 210043, September
EMRASON's behalf in relation to the which is vested with the power and
26, 2018)
JVA. ALI alleged that Emerito Ramos, Sr. responsibility to decide whether the
(Ramos, Sr.), then EMRASON's corporation should enter in a
President and Chairman, wrote to ALI contract that will bind the
and therein acknowledged that Ramos, corporation, subject to the articles
Jr. and Antonio were fully authorized to incorporation, by-laws, or relevant
represent EMRASON in the JVA, as provisions of law." Although the
shown in Ramos, Sr.'s letter dated general rule is that "no person, not
August 3, 1993. ALI and the Ramos even its officers, can validly bind a
children subsequently entered into a corporation" without the authority
Contract to Sell dated May 18, 1994, of the corporation's board of
directors, this Court has recognized
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
under which ALI agreed to purchase the instances where third persons'
Dasmariñas Property. actions bound a corporation under
the doctrine of apparent authority or
ostensible agency.

The doctrine of apparent authority is

a species of the doctrine of estoppel.
Article 1431 of the Civil Code
provides that 'through estoppel, an
admission or representation is
rendered conclusive upon the person
making it, and cannot be denied or
disproved as against the person
relying thereon.'
Norkis Distributors, Inc. v. SHORT FACTS: Alberto Nepales DOCTRINE: The issuance of a sales
Court of Appeals boughfrom Norkis Distributors, Inc. a invoice does not prove transfer of
brand new motorcycle under a ownership of the thing sold to the
(G.R. No. 91029, [February 7,
perfected contract of sale through an buyer. An invoice is nothing more
1991], 271 PHIL 726-732))
issued invoice. After registering the than a detailed statement of the
motorcycle in the LTO, the motorcycle nature, quantity and cost of the thing
met an accident and the unit was a total sold and has been considered not a
wreck. It was returned, and stored bill of sale. The critical factor in the
inside Norkis' warehouse. When Norkis different modes of effecting delivery,
could not deliver upon demand, which give legal effect to the act, is
Nepales filed an action for specific the actual intention of the vendor to
performance with damages against deliver, and its acceptance by the
Norkis. The latter, in its answer, vendee. Without that intention,
contended that the motorcycle had there is no tradition.
already been delivered to Nepales
before the accident, hence, the risk of
loss or damage had to be borne by him
as owner of the unit.
Equatorial Realty SHORT FACTS: The 2nd floor of a 2- DOCTRINE: An option is a contract
Development v. Mayfair storey building owned by Carmelo and granting a privilege to buy or sell
Theater, Inc. Bauermann, Inc. was leased to Mayfair within an agreed time and at a
who used it as a movie house. Mayfair determined price. It is a separate
(G.R. No. 136221. May 12,
2000) then entered into a second Contract of and distinct contract from that
Leas to lease the more ground on the which the parties may enter into
property. Both leases contained a upon the consummation of the
provision granting Mayfair the right of option. It must be supported by
first refusal to purchase the subject consideration. In the instant case,
properties. However, during the period the right of first refusal is an integral
granted to Mayfair, the property was part of the contracts of lease. The
sold to Equatorial Development, Inc. consideration is built into the
without offering it first to Mayfair. reciprocal obligations of the parties.

(The option to purchase is a right of

first refusal. Equatorial is not the
owner as the property was not
delivered to him and he had no
possession over it.)
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Fullido vs. Grilli, 785 SCRA FACTS: Grilli (an Italian national) and DOCTRINE: The constitutional
278, Fullido were in a common-law prohibition of alien land ownership
relationship. A lot was bought by covers leases of lands amounting to
(G.R. No. 215014 February 29,
Fullido to which Grill. Through his the transfer of all or substantially all
funds, constructed a house. They the rights of dominion. Where a
executed a contract of lease, a scheme to circumvent the
memorandum of agreement and a Constitutional prohibition against
special power of attorney to define the transfer of lands to aliens is
their respective rights over the house readily revealed as the purpose for
and lot. The lease stipulated that the contracts, then the illicit
Fullido was to lease the property to Gilli purpose becomes the illegal cause
for a period of 50 years, then another rendering the contracts void.
50 years after expiration, that Gilli had
full administrative and managerial Thus, if an alien is given not only a
power and ownership over the house, lease of, but also an option to buy, a
and should they break up. Fullido can piece of land by virtue of which the
only sell the house and lot to Filipino owner cannot sell or
whomever Grilli desired. They otherwise dispose of his property,
eventually broke up. Grilli sent formal this to last for 50 years, then it
letters to Fullido demanding that she becomes clear that the arrangement
vacate the property, but these were is a virtual transfer of ownership
unheeded. Grilli filed a complaint for whereby the owner divests himself
unlawful detainer with prayer for in stages not only of the right to
issuance of preliminary injunction enjoy the land but also of the right
against Fullido. to dispose of it — rights which
constitute ownership.

Melecio Domingo v. Spouses SHORT FACTS: Spouses Domingo DOCTRINE: A co-owner has the right
Genaro Molina and Elena bought a property with a one-half to freely sell and dispose of his
Molina, substituted by Ester undivided portion parcel of lang. Ten undivided interest, but not the
years after Flora’s death, Anastacio interest of his co-owners. A sale of
(G.R. No. 200274, April 20, Domingo then sold his interest over the the unidivided interest without the
2016) land to the spouses Molina to answer consent of the other co-owners was
for his debts. The sale of interest was not totally void, for Anastacio's
transferred to the Spouses Molina. rights or a portion thereof were
Melecio, one of the children of thereby effectively transferred,
Anastacio and Flora, learned of the making the spouses Molina a co-
transfer and filed a Complaint for owner of the subject property to the
Annulment of Title and Recovery of extent of Anastacio's interest. This
Ownership (Complaint) against the result conforms with the well-
spouses Molina. Melecio claims that established principle that the
Anastacio gave the subject property to binding force of a contract must be
the spouses Molina to serve as recognized as far as it is legally
collateral for the money that Anastacio possible to do so (quando res non
borrowed. Anastacio could not have valet ut ago, valeat quantum valere
validly sold the interest over the subject potest).
property without Flora’s consent, as
Flora was already dead at the time of
the sale. Melecio argues that the sale of
the disputed property to the spouses
Molina is void without Flora's consent.
MODULE 3 - I. Obligations of the Seller (Articles 1163, 1495-1506, 1521-1544, New Civil Code)
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EDCA Publishing vs. Santos SHORT FACTS: Person identifying DOCTRINE: Ownership in the thing
himself as Professor Cruz placed an sold shall not pass to the buyer until
(184 SCRA 614) order with petitioner company for 406 full payment of the purchase only if
books, payable on delivery. Petitioner there is a stipulation to that effect.
then delivered the books with an Otherwise, the rule is that such
invoice. Cruz then issued a check ownership shall pass from the
covering the purchase. Cruz then sold vendor to the vendee upon the
the books to private respondent who actual or constructive delivery of the
after verifying seller’s ownership from thing sold even if the purchase price
the invoice, bough it for P1,700. Turns has not yet been paid. Actual delivery
out that Cruz was no person such as of the books having been made, Cruz
Professor Cruz from De La Salle and that acquired ownership over the books
Cruz had no more account or deposit which he could then validly transfer
with the Bank, against which he had to the private respondents. The fact
drawn the payment check. It was found that he had not yet paid for them to
out that 120 of the books he had EDCA was a matter between him and
ordered from EDCA were sold to the EDCA and did not impair the title
private respondents. Petioner and the acquired by the private respondents
police went to Santos’ store and seized to the books.
the subject books. The private
respondents sued for recovery of the
books after demand for their return
was rejected by EDCA.
Phil. Suburban Development SHORT FACTS: An agreement was made DOCTRINE: Delivery (tradition) as a
Corp. vs. Auditor General between the PHHC and petitioner mode of transmission of ownership
where the former was to purchase two maybe actual (real tradition) or
(63 SCRA 397)
two parcels of land under a Deed of constructive (constructive tradition).
Absolute Sale, a public document. Prior When the sale of real property is
to the signing of the deed by the made in a public instrument, the
parties, the PHHC acquired possession execution thereof is equivalent to
of the property, with the consent of the delivery of the thing object of
petitioner, to enable the said PHHC to the contract, if from the deed the
proceed immediately with the contrary does not appear or cannot
construction of roads in the new clearly be inferred.
settlement and to resettle the
squatters and flood victims in Manila In other words, there is symbolic
who were rendered homeless by the delivery of the property subject of
floods or ejected from the lots which the sale by the execution of the
they were then occupying. Petitioner public instrument, unless from the
now claims that he is no longer the express terms of the instrument, or
owner, and thus, is under no obligation by clear inference therefrom, this
to pay the real property tax from when was not the intention of the parties.
the land was passed to the PHHC.
Skunac Corporation vs. SHORT FACTS: Two brothers claim DOCTRINE: Art. 1544 has no
Sylianteng ownership of two lands based from a application in cases where the sales
Deed of Absolute Sale executed in favor involved were initiated not by just
(723 SCRA 625, G.R. No.
of their mother. They allege that the one but two vendors. In the present
205879 April 23, 2014)
said lots were acquired by their mother case, the subject lots were sold to
from Luis Pujalte, the previous owner of petitioners and respondents by two
the property in dispute, as reflected different vendors – Emerenciana
and annotated in the TCT which was and Romeo Pujalte (Romeo). It is a
sold to them. Romeo Pujalte, who was settled rule that when two
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declared by the RTC of Pasig City as the certificates of title are issued to
heir of Luis Pujalte, eventually caused different persons covering the same
the reconstitution of the Mother Title land in whole or in part, the earlier
resulting to its cancellation and the in date must prevail, and, in case of
issuance of another TCT in his favor. successive registrations where more
Romeo Pujalte then sold the said than one certificate is issued over
properties to herein petitioners. the land, the person holding a prior
certificate is entitled to the land as
against a person who relies on a
subsequent certificate.
Manigque-Stone vs. Cattleya SHORT FACTS: Cattleya entered into a DOCTRINE: There is no double sale
Land, Inc. contract of conditional sale with the to speak of. Art. 1544 of the Civil
sps. Tecson covering 9 parcels of land Code, which provides the rule on
(802 SCRA 173, G.R. No.
including the subject property. double sale, applies only to a
195975 September 5, 2016)
However, neither of the two could eb situation where the same property
annotated on the Certificate of Title is validly sold to different vendees.
because the Register of Deeds refused In this case, there is only one sale to
to annotate both deeds due to a writ of advert to, that between the spouses
attachment. However, it turns out that Tecson and respondent.
the spouses could not deliver the
certificate because it was already
presented to a previous sale to Taina
Stone, a Filipina who married a
foreigner. The RTC found that Taina
was only a dummy in the contract of
sale and that her subsequent marriage
to the foreigner will not validate or
legitimize the sale. Stone asserts that as
long as the name registered is a Filipino,
the trial court is barred from inquiring
into its legality.
Spring Homes Subdivision SHORT FACTS:. For convenience and in DOCTRINE: Art. 1544. If the same
Co., Inc. vs. Tablada, Jr. order to facilitate the acquisition of thing should have been sold to
permits and licenses in connection with different vendees, the ownership
(815 SCRA 114, G.R. No.
200009 January 23, 2017) the development of their land, the Sps. shall be transferred to the person
Lumbres transferred the titles to the who may have first taken possession
parcels of land in the name of Spring thereof in good faith, if it should be
Homes. Spring Homes entered then movable property.
into a Contact to Sell with respondents,
Sps. Tablada, for the sale of a parcel of Should it be immovable property,
land. Thus, sps. Lumbres then filed with the ownership shall belong to the
the RTC of Calamba City a complaint person acquiring it who in good faith
against Spring Homes for its alleged first recorded it in the Registry of
failure to comply with the terms of the Property.
JVA, Spring Homes executed a Deed of
Absolute Sale in favor of Sps Tablada. The requirement of the law then is
Sps. Lumbres then entered into a two-fold: acquisition in good faith
Compromise agreement wherein and registration in good faith. Good
spring homes conveyed the subject faith must concur with the
property to sps. Labrada. When the registration.
latter failed to pay the rentals thereon,
sps. Lumbres filed an ejectment suit.
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Edu vs.Gomez, SHORT FACTS: The subject property is a DOCTRINE: The acquirer or the
stolen volkswagen registered under the purchaser in good faith of a chattel of
(129 SCRA 601) name of Lt. Bala but supposedly owned movable property is entitled to be
by private respondent Lucila Abello. respected and protected in his
The agents of the Anti-Carnapping Unit possession as if he were the true
(ANCAR) of the Philippine Constabulary owner thereof until a competent
seized the vehicle which led to Abello court rules otherwise. In the
filing with the CFI a complaint for meantime, as the true owner, the
replevin with damages. possessor in good faith cannot be
compelled to surrender possession
nor to be required to institute an
action for the recovery of the chattel,
whether or not an indemnity bond is
issued in his favor. The filing of an
information charging that the chattel
was illegally obtained through estafa
from its true owner by the transferor
of the bona fide possessor does not
warrant disturbing the possession of
the chattel against the will of the
Spouses Manlan vs. Spouses SHORT FACTS: This case involves a DOCTRINE: There are two sets of
Beltran parcel of land situated in Dumaguete vendors who sold the subject land
City originally owned by the Orbetas. to two different vendees. The rule
(G.R. No. 222530, October 16,
One of the owners, Manuel Orbeta sold on double sale is not applicable in
a portion of the subject property to sps. the instant case.
Manlan, whom he later then allowed to
occupy the land. Afterwards, the rest of
the Orbetas then sold the same
property to sps. Beltran. The subject
property was then registered to
respondent’s name.
Ten Forty Realty & Dev’t Corp. SHORT FACTS: Ten Forty files a DOCTRINE: This Court has held that
vs. Cruz complaint for ejectment against Marina the execution of a public instrument
Cruz alleging that petitioner is the true gives rise only to a prima facie
(G.R. No. 151212 Sept. 10,
owner of a parcel of land by virtue of a presumption of delivery. Such
Deed of Absolute Sale issued by Galino. presumption is destroyed when the
They came to know Galino then sold delivery is not effected because of a
the property to respondent who legal impediment. Pasagui v.
immediately occupied the property and Villablanca had earlier ruled that
which occupation was tolerated. such constructive or symbolic
delivery, being merely presumptive,
was deemed negated by the failure
of the vendee to take actual
possession of the land sold.
Spouses Tomas and Silvina SHORT FACTS: sps. Tordesillas owned a DOCTRINE: In all cases, good faith is
Occena vs. Esponilla piece of land which was inherited by essential. It is the basic premise of
their heirs who sold the land to the preferential rights granted to the
(GR No 156973, 6-4-2004)
Morales. Morales possessed the lot as one claiming ownership over an
owner, constructed a house on it and immovable. What is material is
appointed a caretaker to oversee her whether the second buyer first
property. One of the heirs, Alberto, registers the second sale in good
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borrowed from Alberta Morales the faith, i.e., without knowledge of any
Original Certificate of Title (OCT) and defect in the title of the property
subdivided the entire lot into three (3) sold.
sub lots and registered them all under
his name. He did not return the OCT to
Indeed, the general rule is that one
Alberta after then. Arnold then sold the
who deals with property registered
land to the Spouses Occeña, who under the Torrens system need not
before purchasing said property, go beyond the same, but only has to
conducted an ocular inspection of the
rely on the title. He is charged with
property and was warned by the notice only of such burdens and
caretaker that Arnold no longer owned
claims as are annotated on the title.
the property. However, this principle does not
apply when the party has actual
knowledge of facts and
circumstances that would impel a
reasonably cautious man to make
such inquiry or when the purchaser
has knowledge of a defect or the lack
of title in his vendor or of sufficient
facts to induce a reasonably prudent
man to inquire into the status of the
title of the property in litigation. One
who falls within the exception can
neither be denominated an innocent
purchaser for value nor a purchaser
in good faith.
MODULE 4 - I. Conditions and Warranties (Articles 1545-1581, New Civil Code)
JM Tuazon & Co., Inc. vs. CA, SHORT FACTS: DOCTRINE: It was not shown that
(1) Petitioner executed in favor of they were vendees in good faith and
(94 SCRA 413) Ricardo de Leon, a contract to sell thus being entitled to warranty
the subject lot. De Leon then paid a against eviction. One who purchases
down-payment and agreed to pay real estate with knowledge of a
the balance in the monthly defect or lack of title in his vendor
installments. cannot claim that he has acquired
(2) Petitioner then signed a title thereto in good faith, as against
compromise agreement with the true owner of the land or of an
another set of people, the Deudors. interest therein; and the same rule
(3) The lot was later on sold to Ramon must be applied to one who has
Rivera. knowledge of facts which should
(4) De Leon then transferred all his have put him upon such inquiry and
rights to the lot in favor of his investigation as might be necessary
parents who paid the outstanding to acquaint him with the defects in
balance, a deed of sale over the lot the title of his vendor. A purchaser
was issued under the Register of cannot close his eyes to facts which
Deeds to the TCT. should put a reasonable man upon
(5) At the time of the execution of the his guard and then claim that he
contract to sell, the contracting acted in good faith under the belief
parties knew that a portion of the that there was no defect in the title
lot in question was actually of the vendor.
occupied by Ramon Rivera.
Escaler vs. CA SHORT FACTS: Sps. Reynoso sold to DOCTRINE: In order that a vendor’s
petitioners, a parcel of land. The Deed liability for eviction may be enforced,
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(138 SCRA 1) of Absolute Sala (DOAS) contained a the following requisites must
covenant against eviction. concur—a) there must be a final
Subsequently, The Register of Deeds of judgment; b) the purchaser has been
Rizal filed a case before the CFI for the deprived of the whole or part of the
cancellation of the OCT in the name of thing sold; c) said deprivation was by
Angelina Reynoso (predecessor-in- virtue of a right prior to the sale
interest of private respondents- made by the vendor; and d) the
vendors) on the ground that the vendor has been summoned and
property covered by said title is already made co-defendant in the suit for
previously registered under a TCT eviction at the instance of the
issued in the name of A. Doronilla vendee.
Development, Inc. OCT was then
declared null and void on that ground. In the case at bar, the fourth
A civil case was then filed by requisite—that of being summoned
respondents for the recovery of the in the suit for eviction (Case No.
value of the property sold to them plus 4252) at the instance of the
damages on the ground that the latter vendee—is not present.
have violated the vendors’ “warranty
against eviction.”CFI then rendered The term “unless he is summoned in
judgment ordering the return of the the suit for eviction at the instance of
property to the plaintiffs. the vendee” -- means that the
respondents as vendor/s should be
made parties to the suit at the
instance of petitioners-vendees,
either by way of asking that the
former be made a co-defendant or by
the filing of a third-party complaint
against said vendors.
Moles vs. IAC SHORT FACTS: Moles bought from DOCTRINE:
Diolosa Publishing House a linotypw (1) It is generally held that in the sale
(169 SCRA 777) printing machine (secondhand). Moles of a designated and specific
then promised to pay the full amount article sold as secondhand, there
after receiving a loan from DBP. Private is no implied warranty as to its
respondent on return issued a quality or fitness for the purpose
certification wherein he warranted that intended, at least where it is
the machine was in A-1 condition, subject to inspection at the time
together with other express of the sale. On the other hand,
warranties. Subsequently, petitioner there is also authority to the
wrote private respondent that the effect that in a sale of
machine was not functioning properly. secondhand articles there may
The petitioner found out that the said be, under some circumstances,
machine was not in good condition as an implied warranty of fitness for
experts advised and it was worth lesser the ordinary purpose of the
than the purchase price. After several article sold or for the particular
telephone calls regarding the defects in purpose of the buyer.
the machine, private respondent sent Exceptions: Article 1562.
two technicians to make necessary (2) The defense of prescription is
repairs but they failed to put the waived and cannot be
machine in running condition and since considered on appeal if not
then the petitioner wan unable to use raised in the trial court.
the machine anymore.
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Nutrimix Feeds Corporation SHORT FACTS: sps. Evangelista DOCTRINE: A hidden defect is one
vs. CA procured various kinds of animal feeds which is unknown or could not have
from petitioner Nutrimix Feeds been known to the vendee. Under
(25 October 2004)
Corporation. Petitioner issued checks in the law, the requisites to recover on
payment for the delivery of feeds but account of hidden defects are as
the checks were dishonored by reason follows:
that the account was closed. Petitioner
then filed with the RTC a civil complaint a) the defect must be hidden;
against respondents for the sum of b) the defect must exist at the time
money and damages with a prayer for the sale was made;
issuance of writ of preliminary c) the defect must ordinarily have
attachment. been excluded from the contract;
d) the defect, must be important
(renders thing UNFIT or considerably
decreases FITNESS);
e) the action must be instituted
within the statute of limitations

A manufacturer or seller of a product

cannot be held liable for any damage
allegedly caused by the product in
the absence of any proof that the
product in question was defective.
The defect must be present upon the
delivery or manufacture of the
product; or when the product left the
seller’s or manufacturer’s control; or
when the product was sold to the
purchaser; or the product must have
reached the user or consumer
without substantial change in the
condition it was sold. Tracing the
defect to the petitioner requires
some evidence that there was no
tampering with, or changing of the
animal feeds.
Philippine Steel Coating Corp. SHORT FACTS: Respondent was DOCTRINE: Any affirmation of fact
vs. Quinones producing buses while petitioner was or any promise by the seller relating
selling primer-coated, long-span, rolled to the thing is an express warranty if
(G.R. No. 194533, February
galvanized iron (G.I.) sheets. The the natural tendency of such
15, 2017)
petitioner offered Quiñones their affirmation or promise is to induce
product and the latter showed interest, the buyer to purchase the same, and
but asked if the primer-coated sheets if the buyer purchases the thing
were compatible with its assembled relying thereon. No affirmation of
buses. Petitioner expressly represented the value of the thing, nor any
to respondent that the primer-coated statement purporting to be a
G.I. sheets were compatible with the statement of the seller’s opinion
acrylic paint process used by the latter only, shall be construed as a
on his bus units. This representation warranty, unless the seller made
was made in the face of respondent’s such affirmation or statement as an
express concerns regarding expert and it was relied upon by the
incompatibility. Respondent bought buyer.
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the G.I. sheets and made them into
buses. However, the paints peeled off The following requisites must be
and the customers complained. established in order to prove that
Respondent sued petitioner for there is an express warranty in a
damages on the basis of express contract of sale: (1) the express
warranty. warranty must be an affirmation of
fact or any promise by the seller
The RTC rendered a Decision in favor of relating to the subject matter of the
Quiñones and ordered PhilSteel to pay sale; (2) the natural effect of the
damages. The RTC found that the affirmation or promise is to induce
assurance made by petitioner the buyer to purchase the thing; and
constituted an express warranty under (3) the buyer purchases the thing
Article 1546 of the Civil Code. relying on that affirmation or
Spouses Batalla vs. SHORT FACTS: Sps. Batalla purchased a DOCTRINE: Article 1561 of the Civil
Prudential Bank brand-new Honda Civic from Honda Code provides for an implied
Cars San Pablo, Inc. (Honda). Spouses warranty against hidden defects in
(G.R. No. 200676, March 25,
Batalla received the car after Rantael, that the vendor shall be responsible
the acting manager of Pilipinas Bank, for any hidden defects which render
informed them that it was parked near the thing sold unfit for the use for
Prudential Bank who granted their car which it is intended, or should they
loan. For their part, Spouses Batalla diminish its fitness for such use to
paid the balance. In addition, they also such an extent that, had the vendee
paid an additional sum of money for been aware thereof, he would not
delivery cost and the installation of a have acquired it or would have given
remote control door mechanism and a lower price. In an implied warranty
insurance. However, after three days, against hidden defects, vendors
the rear right door of the car broke cannot raise the defense of
down. The Spouses Batalla consulted a ignorance as they are responsible to
certain Jojo Sanchez (Sanchez), who the vendee for any hidden defects
claimed that the power lock of the rear even if they were not aware of its
right door was defective and that the existence.
car was no longer brand new because
the paint of the roof was merely In order for the implied warranty
retouched. against hidden defects to be
applicable, the following conditions
Spouses Batalla sent a letter to the must be met:
manager of Prudential notifying it of a. Defect is Important or Serious
the said defects and demanding the i. The thing sold is unfit for
immediate replacement of the motor the use which it is intended
vehicle. After taking the car to the Auto ii. Diminishes its fitness for
Body Shop, Arturo Villanueva such use or to such an extent
(Villanueva) claimed that the vehicle that the buyer would not
was no longer brand new because the have acquired it had he been
rooftop was no longer shiny in aware thereof
appearance. Thereafter, the manager b. Defect is Hidden
of Prudential, together with two c. Defect Exists at the time of the sale
individuals from Honda, met Spouses d. Buyer gives Notice of the defect to
Batalla and offered to repair the the seller within reasonable time.
vehicle. Spouses Batalla rejected it
because they wanted the car to be
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replaced with a brand new one without
hidden defects.

Unable to secure a brand new car in

replacement of the alleged defective
vehicle, Spouses Batalla filed a
Complaint for Rescission of Contracts
and Damages10 against Prudential and
Jurado vs. Spouses Chai SHORT FACTS: Respondents claim that DOCTRINE: Case law states that
a portion of a land was originally owned reconstituted titles shall have the
(G.R. No. 236516, March 25, and registered under the name of sps. same validity and legal effect as to
Pariñas and that the transfer by the the originals thereof unless the
Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with reconstitution was made
Simultaneous Sale executed by the extrajudicially, or administratively.
Heirs of sps. Parinas was supported by This is because administrative
a photocopy of Parinas’ OCT. reconstitution is essentially ex-parte
Respondents explained that they and without notice, and thus,
inspected Lot 4900 and inquired its administratively reconstituted titles
status from the adjoining owners, who do not share the same indefeasible
informed them that the same was character of the original certificates
owned by Spouses Pariñas. After the of title. Anyone dealing with such
ocular inspection, they instructed a copies are put on notice of such fact
certain Ms. Masa to verify the existence and warned to be extra-careful.
and genuineness of Pariñas OCT with
the RD-Ilagan which issued a stating The issuance of a reconstituted title
that the subject Lot 4900 is free from vests no new rights and determines
any liens and encumbrances. Masa no ownership issues, and shall
likewise went to the Office of the always be without prejudice to any
Municipal Assessor of Santiago, Isabela party whose right or interest in the
and found that the same was declared property was duly noted in the
for taxation purposes in the name of original, at the time it was lost or
Spouses Pariñas. Thereafter, destroyed, but entry or notation of
respondents purchased the said land. which has not been made on the
Issue: Whether or not respondents are reconstituted certificate of title, as
purchasers in good faith. expressly provided under Section
7111 of RA 26, which was duly noted
on the reconstituted Pariñas OCT
Engineering & Machinery SHORT FACTS: The petitioner DOCTRINE: A contract for a piece of
Corporation vs. CA undertook to fabricate, furnish and work, labor and materials may be
install the air-conditioning system in distinguished from a contract of sale
(G.R. NO. 52267, JAN. 24,
the latter's building along Buendia by the inquiry as to whether the
Avenue, Makati in consideration of thing transferred is one not in
P210,000.00. Petitioner was to furnish existence and which would never
the materials, labor, tools and all have existed but for the order, of the
services required in order to so person desiring it. In such case, the
fabricate and install said system. The contract is one for a piece of work,
system was completed in 1963 and not a sale. On the other hand, if the
accepted by private respondent, who thing subject of the contract would
paid in full the contract price. However, have existed and been the subject of
the air-condition units broke down and a sale to some other person even if
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when evaluated under a technical the order had not been given, then
system by an Engr. Sapico, the defects the contract is one of sale
of the system and concluded that it was
"not capable of maintaining the desired A contract for the delivery at a
room temperature of 76ºF - 2ºF. certain price of an article which the
vendor in the ordinary course of his
On the basis of this report, private business manufactures or procures
respondent filed an action for damages for the general market, whether the
against petitioner with the CFI, 9 years same is on hand at the time or not is
after the installation of the units. The a contract of sale, but if the goods are
complaint alleged that the air- to be manufactured specially for the
conditioning system installed by customer and upon his special order,
petitioner did not comply with the and not for the general market, it is a
agreed plans and specifications. Also, contract for a piece of work (Art.
that the was not a contract for sale but 1467, Civil Code). The mere fact
a contract for a piece of work under alone that certain articles are made
Article 1713 of the Civil Code. Thus, in upon previous orders of customers
accordance with Article 1144 (1) of the will not argue against the imposition
same Code, the complaint was timely of the sales tax if such articles are
brought within the ten-year ordinarily manufactured by the
prescriptive period. taxpayer for sale to the public

The distinction between the two

contracts depends on the intention
of the parties. Thus, if the parties
intended that at some future date an
object has to be delivered, without
considering the work or labor of the
party bound to deliver, the contract
is one of sale. But if one of the parties
accepts the undertaking on the basis
of some plan, taking into account the
work he will employ personally or
through another, there is a contract
for a piece of work.
MODULE 5 - I. Documents of Title (Articles 1507-1520, New Civil Code)
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MODULE 6 - I. Rights and Obligations of the Vendee (Articles 1582-1593, New Civil Code) • Republic Act No. 6552
Arra Realty Corporation vs. SHORT FACTS: Petitioner decided to construct DOCTRINE: In a contract of sale, until
Spouse Arguelles a building on its property and sought the and unless the contract is resolved or
service of respondent Engr. Peñaloza with the rescinded in accordance with law, the
(20 September 2004) agreement that Peñaloza share the purchase vendor cannot recover the thing sold
price of one floor of the building, payable with even if the vendee failed to pay in full
installments. Parties agreed that payments of the initial payment for the property.
Peñaloza would be credited to her account in The failure of the buyer to pay the
partial payment of her stock subscription in purchase price within the stipulated
ARC’s capital stock. Peñaloza then stopped period does not by itself bar the
paying after paying 1/3 of the purchase price transfer of ownership or possession of
after finding out that it had been mortgaged to the property sold, nor ipso facto
China Banking Corp. After countless petitions rescind the contract. Such failure will
for a consideration in her favor, the ARC and merely give the vendor the option to
GDCIA executed a deed of conditional sale rescind the contract of sale judicially
covering the building and lot, part of which was or by notarial demand as provided for
used to be used to redeem from motrtgagee by Article 1592 of the New Civil Code
bank – property was then redeemed. Peñaloza
then filed a complaint against ARC, the GDCIA,
and the spouses Arguelles. The RTC ruled in
Peñaloza’s favor.
Laforteza vs. Machuca SHORT FACTS: Petitioners entered into a MOA It is not disputed that the petitioners
with respondent Alonzo Machuca over the said did not make a judicial or notarial
(333 SCRA 643) property for the sum of P630K (30K for earnest demand for rescission. The November
money). Respondent then paid the earnest 20, 1989 letter of the petitioners
money plus rentals. Petitioners wrote a letter informing the respondent of the
to Respondent advising him that he has 30 automatic rescission of the
days to produce the said money (balance) but agreement did not amount to a
respondent replied with a request for demand for rescission, as it was not
extending the deadline but it was denied. notarized. It was also made five days
Upon the day of agreement, respondent after the respondent's attempt to
informed petitioners that he had already paid make the payment of the purchase
the balance but they refused to accept price.
claiming that the lot was no longer for sale.
RTC and CA ruled in favor of respondent Neither was there a judicial demand
ordering the petitioners to accept full payment for the rescission thereof.
In the sale of immovable property,
even though it may have been
stipulated that upon failure to pay the
price at the time agreed upon the
rescission of the contract shall of right
take place, the vendee may pay, even
after the expiration of the period, as
long as no demand for rescission of
the contract has been made upon him
either judicially or by a notarial act.
(Article 1592) After the demand, the
court may not grant him a new term.
Vda. De Mistica vs. Naguiat SHORT FACTS: Eulalio Mistica, predecessor-in- DOCTRINE: Under Article 1191 of the
interest of petitioner, is the owner of a parcel Civil Code, the right to rescind an
(418 SCRA 73) of land. A portion of which was leased to obligation is predicated on the
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Naguiat in 1970. In 1979, Mistica entered into violation of the reciprocity between
a contract to sell with respondent a portion of parties, brought about by a breach of
the land. Agreed price was to pay 20K with a faith by one of them. Rescission,
downpayment of 2K. In case respondent however, is allowed only where the
cannot pay on time, a 12% per annum interest breach is substantial and fundamental
will be added at the time he can pay the full to the fulfillment of the obligation.
purchase price. Eulalio died in 1986.
Petitioner then filed a petition for recission The failure of respondents to pay the
alleging that the failure and refusal of balance of the purchase price within
respondent to pay the balance constitutes a ten years from the execution of the
violation of the contract. Deed did not amount to a substantial
breach. In the Kasulatan, it was
stipulated that payment could be
made even after ten years from the
execution of the Contract, provided
the vendee paid 12 percent interest.
The stipulations of the contract
constitute the law between the
parties; thus, courts have no
alternative but to enforce them as
agreed upon.
Fedman Development SHORT FACTS: As Consideration for the DOCTRINE: The obligation of
Corporation vs. Agcaoili transfer of rights from Interchem to Agcaoili, petitioner to the unit owners to
Agcaoili agreed to (a) pay Interchem upon provide a centralized air-conditioning
(G. R. No. 165025; August signing the deed of transfer; (b) update the unit, lighting, electricity, and water;
31, 2011) account by paying FDC through a post-dated and to maintain adequate fire exit,
check; and (c) to deliver to FDC the balance in elevators, and cleanliness in each
135 monthly installments. At some point, the floor of the common areas. The fire
centralized air condition unit broke down, exit and elevator were also defective.
Agcaoili wrote to the VP of FSCC, demanding
for the repair of the same. If unheeded, he These defects, among other
would suspend payment of his dues and circumstances, rightly compelled
amortizations. FDC then cancelled the contract Agcaoili to suspend the payment of
to sell and cut off the electricity supply. his monthly amortizations and
Respondent then sued petitioner; as a result, condominium dues. Instead of
FDC reinstated the contract to sell and they addressing his valid complaints, FDC
entered into a compromise agreement. After 2 disconnected the electric supply of his
years, FDC again disconnected the electric unit & unilaterally increased the
supply therein, averring that the disconnection interest rate w/o justification.
was justified because respondent failed to pay
his dues (amounting P15k). The RTC and CA Article 1308 of the Civil Code
ruled in respondent’s favor. provides: The contract must bind both
contracting parties; its validity or
compliance cannot be left to the will
of one of them. ; Thus, in order for
FDC to have validly cancelled the
existing contract to sell, it must have
first complied with Section 3 (b) of RA
6552. (If the contract is cancelled, the
seller shall refund to the buyer the
cash surrender value of the
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
payments... 50%, + 5% every year not
exceeding 90%)
Heirs of Cardenas vs. The SHORT FACTS: This is complaint for recovery of DOCTRINE: The right to recover
Christian and Missionary possession against respondents where possession of registered land is
Alliance of the Philippines, CAMACOP unlawfully occupied the lot of Sps. imprescriptible on the part of the
Inc. Cardenas for church activities despite registered owner because possession
repeated demands to vacate. For their part, is a mere consequence of ownership.
(G.R. No. 222614, March 20, CAMACOP averred that they had lawfully Moreover, the Court explained that
2019) purchased the subject lot from Sps. Cardenas prescription is unavailing, not only
(Pastora) who surrendered the owner’s against the registered owner, but also
duplicate copy to them. They further alleged against his hereditary successors
that their counsel sent the said duplicate copy because the latter merely step into
to the Sec of DENR. However, the said deed of the shoes of the decedent by
sale between Pastora and CAMACOP was operation of law and are merely the
allegedly lost. continuation of the personality of
their predecessor-in-interest
Malabanan vs. Spouses SHORT FACTS: Jose and Melinda Malabanan DOCTRINE: The sale of conjugal
Montano were owners of lot covered by a TCT which was property by a spouse without the
issued to a “Jose, married to Melinda”. The other's consent is void. All subsequent
(G.R. No. 187225, March 6, spouses then built a house and possessed it transferees of the conjugal property
2019) since 1984. Melinda left the Philippines to acquire no rights whatsoever from the
work in Libya and went back home after conjugal property's unauthorized
finding out that the Jose was murdered. sale.
Melinda discovered that her TCT had long been
cancelled. An SPA was executed in 1985 by her A person is a buyer in good faith when
husband, with her conformity, authorizing her- he purchases and pays the fair price
father-in-law to mortgage/sell/lease their for a property, absent any notice that
property. Melinda argues that the SPA was another has a right over it. If the
void as her signature was forged, and that she property is covered by a certificate of
and Jose remained the real owners of the title, the buyer may rely on it and is
property. not obliged to go beyond its four
corners. However, this rule shall not
Respondents aver that Francisco and Adelfina apply when the party has actual
bought the property for their son as an knowledge of facts and circumstances
advance on Jose’s legitime. For their part, that would impel a reasonably
respondent spouses Montano testified that no cautious man to make such inquiry or
adverse claim was annotated on Jose’s when the purchaser has knowledge of
brother’s title when he decided to buy the a defect of the lack of title in his
property. The RTC ruled in favor of Melinda. vendor or of sufficient facts to induce
The CA, however, reversed the same. a reasonably prudent man to inquire
into the status of the title of the
property in litigation.
EEG Development SHORT FACTS: Joseph De Castro Sr. was the DOCTRINE: The buyer has no
Corporation vs. Heirs of De resigtered owener of a parcel of land in Cubao, obligation to inquire beyond the four
Castro Quezon City. The land was then mortgaged as corners of the title. To prove good
he obtained a new loan from the IBank. As De faith, he must only show that he relied
(G.R. No. 219694, June 26, Castro Sr. defaulted, the property was sold at on the face of the title to the property;
2019) public auction in which IBank emerged as and such proof of good faith is
highest bidder. De Castro Sr., together with his sufficient. However, the rule applies
two sons, offered to petitioner Eduardo only when the following conditions
Gonzalez to buy the property by paying the concur:
redemption price to IBank. The property was
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
then bought by Gonzales and then transferred (a) the seller is the registered owner
the subject property to co-petitioner EEG by a of the land.
deed of sale. Petitioners then proceesed to (b) the latter is in possession thereof;
demolish the house contructed therein which (c) the buyer was not aware at the
alarmed respondents. Respondents assert that time of the sale of any claim or
the sale to petitioners was void because De interest of some other person in the
Castro had no authority to sell the property by property, or of any defect or
himself and without their consent because restriction in the title of the seller or
respondents had inherited Dionisia’s (wife of in his capacity to convey title to the
Joseph) share upon here demise property.

Absent any of the foregoing

conditions, the buyer has the duty to
exercise a higher degree of diligence
by scrutinizing the certificate of title
and examining all factual
circumstances to determine the
seller’s title and capacity transfer any
interest in the property
Pablo Uy vs. Heirs of Julita SHORT FACTS: Subject lot was registered in the DOCTRINE: The donation must be
Uy name of petitioner Uy’s mother, Eufronia made in a public document, specifying
Labnao. Labnao had 2 kids, petitioner and therein the property donated and the
(G.R. No. 227460, December Julita. Respondents are the children of Julita, value of the charges which the done
5, 2019) thus petitioner is their uncle. Upon the death must satisfy. In the instant case, the
of Labnao, the lot was divided among her DOAS was not properly notified;
children – ½ Uy and ½ Julita. However, hence, there was no donation in a
petitioner discovered that the subject lot was public document. The Civil Code
fraudulently sold by Labnao in favor of requires the donee to manifest his
respondents. Petitioner asserted that his acceptance of the donation of the
mother’s signature in the DOA is a patent immovable property in either the
forgery. The subject lot and building have been same or separate public instrument.
subject of a prior action for Interpleader filed In the case at bar, there was no
by one Josefa Uy, who filed the said action in acceptance made by respondents.
order to determine who between petitioner Hence, considering that there is no
and respondents should collect the lease valid contract of sale or donation, the
rentals. The final decision (CA) was that the Court holds that both the subject lot
two parties are entitled to an equal share of and building are under the co-
the proceeds of the rent due from Josefa. ownership of petitioner and
respondents as the intestate heirs of
For their part, respondents allege that they Labnao.
have acquired ownership when they
purchased the same from the grandmother.
During the lifetime of their mother Julita, she
allegedly constructed the subject building.
Upon her death, they became the rightful and
exclusive owners thereof.
Spouses Carlos vs. Tolentino SHORT FACTS: Juan is the owner of a lot DOCTRINE: Note: Marriage between
registered in his name. Mercedes, wife of Juan, Mercedes and Juan is Conjugal
(G.R. No. 234533, June 27, forged a Deed of Donation making it appear Partnership as they were married
2018) that they donated said lot to their grandson, before the effectivity of the Family
Kristoff. Kristoff then offered to sell the subject Code.
lot to Julieta’s brother, Felix. Kristoff and
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Julieta executed a MOA, stating that Kristoff is As the conjugal partnership is
selling the subject property to the latter. A terminated upon the death of either
DOAS was executed soon after. Upon learning of the spouses, the Court takes due
of the aforementioned events, Juan filed a notice of the fact of Mercedes’ death
notice of adverse claim. which results in the dissolution of the
conjugal partnership.
The RTC found that respondent’s signature in
the Deed of Donation was a forgery. However, As owners pro indiviso of a portion of
the RTC upheld petitioner’s right over the the lot in question, either Spouses
subject property, relying on the face of Carlos or Juan may ask for the
Kristoff’s title without any knowledge of partition of the lot and their property
irregularity. On appeal, CA found that rights shall be limited to the portion
petitioners were negligent in not taking the which may be allotted to them in the
steps to determine the status of the property division upon the termination of the
prior to the purchase, reversing the RTC’s co-ownership. This disposition is in
judgement. line with the well-established
principle that the binding force of a
contract must be recognized as far as
it is legally possible to do so—quando
res non valet ut ago, valeat quantum
valere potest.
Villamil vs. Spouses Erguiza SHORT FACTS: A parcel of land was registered DOCTRINE: An obligation dependent
in the name of Villamil’s relatives. Petitioner, upon a suspensive condition cannot
(G. R. No. 195999, June 20, together with her deceased siblings, entered be demanded until after condition
2018) into an agreement with respondent Juanito takes place because it is only after
Erguiza to sell the subject property. Said fulfillment of the condition that the
condition was that the former would file a obligation arises.
petition to secure authorization for minor
children from the proper courts. In case of
failure to obtain said authority, the partial
payment made by Juanito shall be applied as
rent for 20 years of the premises. After said 20
years, petitioner, who remained to be the
absolute owner of the said parcel of land,
demanded from defendants to return the
possession of the property. MTCC and RTC
ruled in favor of petitioners as respondents
failed to pay the balance. On appeal, the CA
reversed the said rulings; finding that “the
obligation to secure the necessary documents
or approval of the court for the minor children
to be represented in the Deed of Absolute Sale,
was incumbent upon the sellers.”
II. Actions for Breach of Contract of Sale (Articles 1594-1599, New Civil Code)
Levi Hermanos, Inc. vs. SHORT FACTS: Plaintiff Levi Hermanos sold to DOCTRINE: For Act No. 4122 to apply,
Gervacio defendant Gervacio a Packard car. Defendant, “it must appear that there was a
after making the initial payment, executed a contract for the sale of personal
(69 Phil 52) promissory note for the balance of P2400. To property payable in installments and
secure payment of the note, he mortgaged the that there has been a failure to pay
care to plaintiff. Defendant failed to pay the two or more installments." The
said note at its maturity; plaintiff then contract in the case at bar, while a sale
foreclosed the mortgage and the car was sold of personal property, is not one on
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at the public auction, at which plaintiff was the installments, but on straight term, in
highest bidder. The present action is for the which the balance, after payment of
collection of the balance and interest of said the initial sum, should be paid in its
note. totality at the time specified in the
promissory note. The transaction is
not, therefore, the one contemplated
in Act No. 4122 and the mortgagee is
not bound by the prohibition therein
contained as to its right to the
recovery of the unpaid balance
Zayas vs. Luneta Motor SHORT FACTS: Petitioner purchased on DOCTRINE: The established rule is to
Company installment a motor vehicle with respondent. the effect that the foreclosure and
The motor vehicle was delivered to petitioner actual sale of a mortgaged chattel
(117 SCRA 726) upon initial payment of P1,006.82. Petitioner bars further recovery by the vendor of
then executed a promissory note in the any balance on the purchaser's
amount of the remaining balance and a chattel outstanding obligation not so satisfied
mortgage. After paying roughly P3K, petitioner by the sale.
was unable to pay the further monthly
installments. Thus, the vehicle was sold at
public auction with respondent for P5K. Since
the payments made by petitioner plus the
P5000 (foreclosure) could not cover the total
of the note, respondent filed a Civil Case for
the recovery of the balance.

Petitioner avers that Art. 1484 of the NCC

applies, extinguishing his obligation per the
promissory note by the sale of the motor
vehicle in the auction. On the other hand,
respondents filed a motion for
reconsideration, reiterating that Art. 1484 of
the NCC on sale of personal property by
installment was not applicable and that the
contract involving the parties was a mere case
of an ordinary loan secured by chattel
Tajanlangit vs. Southern SHORT FACTS: Petitioner bought from DOCTRINE: In a contract of sale of
Motors, Inc. respondent two tractors and thresher. In personal property the price of which
payment of the same, they executed a is payable in installments, secured by
(101 Phil 606) promissory note whereby they undertook that a mortgage on the goods sold, the
in case of default in payment of the vendor who chooses to exact
installments, the total principal sum shall be fulfillment of the obligation to pay is
demandable at once. Spouses then failed to not limited to the proceeds of the
pay the same and were sued for the amount of sale, on execution, of the mortgaged
the promissory note. The spouses defaulted goods. The vendor may still recover
and the court rendered judgment infavor of from the purchaser the unpaid
the respondents. The machineries were sold at balance of the price, if any.
public auction to the highest bidder, the
respondents. As judgment called for more, the
sheriff levied attachment on petitioner’s rights
on certain real properties.
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Petitioners instituted this action for the
purpose of annulling the writ of execution.
Petitioners contend that as the respondents
had repossessed the machines purchased on
installment, they were relieved from further
responsibility, in view of the Recto Law, now
under Art. 1484 of the NCC
Cruz vs. Filipinas Investment SHORT FACTS: Petitioner Cruz purchased from DOCTRINE: Should the vendee or
& Finance Corp. Far east Motor Corp. an Isuzu Diesel Bus for purchaser of a personal property
P44,616.24 payable in 30 monthly default in the payment of two or more
(23 SCRA 791) installments, with 12% interest per annum, of the agreed installments, the vendor
until fully paid. As evidence of said indebtness, or seller has the option to avail of any
plaintiff executed and delivered to said one of these three remedies—either
corporation a promissory note in the to exact fulfillment by the purchaser
aforementioned sum. To secure the same, of the obligation, or to cancel the sale,
Cruz executed a chattel mortgage over the or to foreclose the mortgage on the
aforesaid vehicle. As no down payment was purchased personal property, if one
made, the seller required Cruz to give an was constituted.
additional security, a second mortgage on a
parcel of land, owned by plaintiff Felicidad These remedies have been recognized
Vda. de Reyes, in San Miguel, Bulacan – said lot as alternative, not cumulative, that
was mortgaged to DBP to secure a loan to the exercise of one would bar the
obtain by the latter. Cruz then defaulted in exercise of the others. It may also be
payment as he has only paid P500. The bus had stated that the established rule is to
been damaged in an accident while in the effect that the foreclosure and
plaintiff’s possession. actual sale of a mortgaged chattel bar
further recovery by the vendor of any
The defendant’s bid was the highest bid (at balance on the purchaser’s
P15k). Preparatory to foreclosing its real estate outstanding obligation not so satisfied
mortgage on Reyes’ land, defendant paid the by the sale.
mortgage indebtness of Reyes to DBP.
Defendant then requested the sheriff of The claim that what is being withheld
Bulacan to take possession of, and sell the land from the vendor, by the proviso of
to satisfy plaintiff’s outstanding obligation. Article 1484 of the Civil Code, is only
Reyes then wrote a letter to defendant asking the right to recover "against the
for the cancellation of the real estate purchaser" and not a recourse to the
mortgage. additional security put up, not by the
purchaser himself, but by a third
person has no merit.
PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc. PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc. (PCI) and Giraffe- DOCTRINE: the demand letter sent by
vs. Giraffe-X Creative X Creative Imaging, Inc. entered into a lease PCI to Giraffe was fashioned in the
Imaging, Inc., agreement whereby the former leased to the alternative, i.e. payment of the full
latter several equipment for 36 months. The amount of the unpaid balance for the
(527 SCRA 405, G.R. No. agreement provided, among others, that in entire lease period or the surrender of
142618 July 12, 2007) case of Giraffe’s default, PCI may recover the the financed asset. In other words,
rentals for the remaining term, and obtain should Giraffe opted to pay the
possession of the equipment (cumulative balance stated, it need not return the
remedies). Giraffe defaulted after a year. PCI subject equipment. Likewise, if Giraffe
sent a letter to Giraffe demanding payment of opted not the exercise its option of
the rentals for the remaining term of the lease acquiring the equipment by returning
OR surrender of the subject equipment. them, then it need not pay the
Giraffe did not heed the demand. outstanding balance. The legal import
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is that the transaction at hand is a
Thus, PCI filed a complaint against Giraffe, lease in name only. The so-called
praying for the issuance of a writ of replevin for monthly rentals are in truth monthly
the recovery of the leased property, and in amortizations of the price of the
addition, to pay the balance of the rental equipment. The absence of a
obligation (P8M). “purchase option” in the lease
agreement, does not negate the fact
Giraffe sought for the dismissal of the case that the true nature of the transaction
arguing that the subject transaction fall within is really a lease with an option to buy.
the coverage of Art. 1484 (Recto Law), being in
actuality, a lease with an option to buy. And Given the above, the Recto Law
that PCI’s recovery of the possession of the should apply. And PCI in choosing to
subject property was tantamount to a deprive Giraffe of the possession of
foreclosure thereof which bars recovery of the the equipment waived its right to
balance. bring an action to recover unpaid
rentals, under par. 3 of Art. 1484.
The RTC ruled in favor of Giraffe and dismissed
the complaint. The SC affirmed. Article 1485 of the Civil Code applies,
as the case clearly reflects a situation
in which the financing company can
withhold and conceal its intention,
until the last moment, to sell the
subject property in the finance lease,
so that the Recto Law provisions be
Nolasco vs. Cuerpo, SHORT FACTS: Petitioners and respondent DOCTRINE: The right of rescission
entered into a contract to sell over a parcel of under Article 1191 of the NCC is
(G. R. No. 210215, December land. The contract provides that the predicated on a breach of faith that
9, 2015) consideration of the sale is more than Php33M violates the reciprocity between the
payable with a downpayment of more than parties to the contract. This
Php11M and Php2M earnest money. retaliatory remedy is given to the
Remaining is payable in 36 monthly contracting party who suffers the
installments. With the condition that the injurious breach on the premise that it
subject land title be transferred to a certain is ‘unjust that a party be held bound
Edilberta Santos and after full payment of the to fulfill his promises when the other
same, it be transferred to the respondents. violates his.’” The rescission (or
After four months, respondents sought to resolution) of a contract will not be
rescind the subject contract on the ground of permitted for a slight or casual
financial difficulties. They also sought the breach, but only for such substantial
return of the amount of more than twelve and fundamental violations as would
million pesos that they had paid to petitioners. defeat the very object of the parties
As their letter went unheeded, respondents making the agreement. Ultimately,
filed the instant complaint for rescission. In the question of whether a breach of
their defense, petitioners countered that contract is substantial depends upon
respondents’ act is a unilateral cancellation as the circumstances
the latter did not consent to it.
the RTC and the CA were indeed
RTC and the CA ruled in favor of respondents correct in finding that petitioners
as “petitioners substantially the subject failed to perform their obligation to
contract when they did not effect the transfer effect the transfer of the title to the
of the subject land from Edilberta Santos to subject land from one Edilberta to
petitioners’ names within 90 days from the their names within the prescribed
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execution of said contract, thus, entitling period, said courts erred in concluding
respondents to rescind the same. that such failure constituted a
substantial breach that would entitle
respondents to rescind the subject
Moldex Realty vs. Saberon SHORT FACTS: Respondent Flora Saberon DOCTRINE: Under the Maceda Law,
asked petitioner Moldex, developer of a lot in the defaulting buyer who has paid at
(G.R. No. 176289, April 8, Metrogate Subdivision in Dasmariñas, Cavite, least two years of installments has the
2013) to reserve the subject lot to her. The price for right of either to avail of the grace
the land on installment basis is P583,498.20 at period to pay or, the cash surrender
monthly amortizations, payable in five years value of the payments made: Section
with 21% interest per annum based on the 3. In all transactions or contracts
balance. Flora then began making periodical involving the sale or financing of real
payments for four years, totaling almost estate on installment payments x x x,
P400k. Moldex then sent Flora notices where the buyer has paid at least two
reminding her to update her account. Upon years of installments, the buyer is
inquiry, the latter was shocked of the amount entitled to the following rights in case
that she bloated amount that she owed the he defaults in the payment of
former. Moldex then suggested for Flora to succeeding installments: x x x, (b) If
execute a written authorization for the sale of the contract is canceled, the seller
the lot to a new buyer and a written request shall refund to the buyer the cash
for refund so that she can get half of the surrender value of the payments on
payments she made. However, Flora never the property equivalent 50% of the
made said request. total payments made, and, after five
years of installments, an additional
Moldex then sent the latter a Notice of five percent every year but not to
Cancellation of Reservation Application or exceed ninety per cent of the total
Contract to Sell. Flora, on the other hand, filed payments made: x x x
before the HLURB a complaint for the
annulment of the contract, recovery of all her In the case at bar, Flora had already
payments, and imputed bad faith on the part paid more than 2 years of
of Moldex. Moldex, for their part, averred that installments. Thereafter, the only
since Flora was not able to settle her account, option available for her is under 3(b)
Moldex exercised its right under RA No. 6552, whereby Moldex shall refund to Flora
or the Maceda Law, by cancelling the Contract the cash surrender value of the
to Sell and forfeiting all payments made. payments on the property equivalent
to 50% of the total payments made.

The lack of a license to sell or the

failure on the part of a subdivision
developer to register the contract to
sell or deed of conveyance with the
Register of Deeds does not result to
the nullification or invalidation of the
contract to sell it entered into with a
buyer. The contract to sell remains
valid and subsisting.
Spouses Domingo vs. SHORT FACTS: Respondents were the DOCTRINE: The execution of a
Spouses Manzano registered owners of a parcel of land in contract of conditional sale does not
caloocan city. Through their attorney, they immediately transfer title to the
(G.R. No. 201883, executed a notarized agreement of contract to property to be sold from seller to
November, 16, 2016) sell to the petitioners. However, they failed to buyer. In such contract, ownership or
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tender full payment of the balance when the title to the property is retained by the
deadline came. Petitioners then offered to pay seller until the fulfillment of a positive
the remaining balance after 9 months but the suspensive condition which is
attorney refused to accept payment and normally the payment of the purchase
advised them to await the return of the price in the manner agreed upon.
respondent from abroad. When she arrived,
petitioners tendered payment but still she In contract to sell payment of the
refused to accept and instead told them that price is a positive suspensive
the property was no longer for sale and that condition, failure of which is not a
she was forfeiting their payments. Soon breach of contract warranting
thereafter, petitioners found out that the rescission but rather just an event that
subject property was sold to a certain Aquino prevents the prospective buyer from
with a new title issued in her name. Petitioners compelling the prospective seller to
filed a complaint for specific performance and convey title.
accept payment of the remaining balance, In other words, the non-fulllment of
execute a deed of sale over the subject the condition of full payment renders
property in their favor, and restrain the sale in the contract to sell ineffective and
favor of Aquino. without force and effect Since failure
to pay the price in full in a contract to
sell renders the same ineffective and
without force and effect, then there is
no sale to speak of.
Gregorio vs. Crisologo SHORT FACTS: Respondent Crisologo is the DOCTRINE: The formal offer to
widow of Alfredo Culig Sr. During his lifetime, redeem, accompanied by a bona fide
(G.R. No. 210215, December Alfredo was granted a homestead patent of tender of the redemption price,
9, 2015) over a 54,730 sq.m. parcel of land. When within the period of redemption
Alfredo dies, his heirs executed an extra- prescribed by law, is only essential to
judicial settlement of estate with simultaneous preserve the right of redemption for
sale of the propert in favor of petitioner future enforcement beyond such
Gregorio and her husband. The property was period of redemption and within the
sold and the title thereto was issued in the period prescribed for the action by
name of the latter. Respondent then filed a the statute of limitations. Where, as in
complaint demanding the repurchase of the the instant case, the right to redeem
property, but petitioners refused. For their is exercised thru the filing of judicial
part, petitioner countered that respondent action within the period of
had no right to repurchase the same since the redemption prescribed by the law, the
latter only wanted to redeem the property to formal offer to redeem, accompanied
sell it by a bona fide tender of the
redemption price, might be proper,
but is not essential. The filing of the
action itself, within the period of
redemption, is equivalent to a formal
offer to redeem
Delta Dev. And Management SHORT FACTS: DELTA, owned by Ricardo de DOCTRINE: A contract to sell is one
Services vs. Enriquez Leon, is a domestic corporation engaged in the where the prospective seller reserves
business of developing and selling real estate the transfer of title to the prospective
(G.R. No. 168646, January properties loaned from Luzon Development buyer until the happening of an event,
12, 2011) Bank for the express purpose of developing such as full payment of the purchase
Delta Homes I. To secure the loan, the spouses price. What the seller obliges himself
De Leon executed in favor of the BANK a real to do is to sell the subject property
estate mortgage (REM) on several of their only when the entire amount of the
properties, including Lot 4 (which is the purchase price has already been
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disputed lot). Sometime in 1997, DELTA delivered to him. "In other words, the
executed a Contract to Sell with respondent full payment of the purchase price
Angeles Catherine Enriquez (Enriquez) over partakes of a suspensive condition,
the house and lot in Lot 4 for the purchase the non-fulfillment of which prevents
price of P614,950.00. Enriquez made a down the obligation to sell from arising and
payment of P114,950.00. When DELTA thus, ownership is retained by the
defaulted on its loan obligation, the BANK, prospective seller without further
instead of foreclosing the REM, agreed to a remedies by the prospective buyer." It
dation in payment or a dacion en pago. does not, by itself, transfer ownership
to the buyer.
The Deed of Assignment in Payment of Debt
was executed on September 30, 1998 and The BANK then posits that, if title to
stated that DELTA "assigns, transfers, and Lot 4 is ordered delivered to Enriquez,
conveys and sets over to the assignee that real DELTA has the obligation to pay the
estate with the building and improvements BANK the corresponding value of Lot
existing thereon x x x in payment of the total 4. According to the BANK, the dation
obligation owing to the Bank x x x." Unknown in payment extinguished the loan only
to Enriquez, among the properties assigned to to the extent of the value of the thing
the BANK was the house and lot of Lot 4, which delivered. Since Lot 4 would have no
is the subject of her Contract toSell with value to the BANK if it will be
DELTA. The records do not bear out and the delivered to Enriquez, DELTA would
parties are silent on whether the BANK was remain indebted to that extent.
able to transfer title to its name. It appears,
however, that the dacion en pago was not
annotated on the TCT of Lot 4.
Heirs of Macalalad vs. Rural SHORT FACTS: Leopoldo Constantino, during DOCTRINE: A purchaser in good faith
Bank of Pola, Inc. his lifetime, owned a parcel of land. After the and for value is one who buys the
death of Leopoldo, it was made to appear that property of another without notice
(G.R. No. 200899, June 20, he sold the subject lot to spouses Pimentel, in that some other person has a right to
2018) whose name a new TCT was issued. Thereafter, or interest in such property and pays
the spouses obtained a loan from respondent a full and fair price for the same, at the
bank Rural Bank of Pola and gave the parcel of time of such purchase, or before he
land as collateral. Subsequently, the spouses has notice of the claims or interest of
failed to pay their loan, leading respondent some other person in the property.
bank to foreclose the mortgage whereby the Under PD 1529, the definition of an
latter emerged as highest bidder, Hence, the innocent purchaser for value has been
TCT in favor of the spouses Pimentel was expanded to include innocent lessee,
cancelled and a new TCT was issued in the mortgagee, or other encumbrancer
respondent bank’s name. Petitioners’ for value.
predecessor-in-interest, Paz Macalalad, filed
with the RTC a complaint for declaration of The settled rule is that the burden of
nullity of respondent’s TCT as she alleged that proving the status of a purchaser in
she was the sole heir of Leopoldo. good faith lies upon one who asserts
that status, and this onus probandi
Respondent bank denied the material cannot be discharged by mere
averments and claims that it is a purchaser in invocation of the legal presumption of
good faith who was not remiss in its duty to good faith. A purchaser in good faith
conduct an ocular inspection on the subject is one who buys property without
premises and to investigate as to the validity of notice that some other person has a
the title of the property being given as security. right to or interest in such property
and pays its fair price before he or she
has notice of the adverse claims and
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interest of another person in the same
property. The honesty of intention
which constitutes good faith implies a
freedom from knowledge of
circumstances which ought to put a
person on inquiry.
Mendoza vs. Spouses SHORT FACTS: Lolita and Jasminia, bestfriends, 1. The disputable presumption is that
Palugod bought the subject lot on installment for one consideration is inherent in every
year until they decide to pay the balance in full. contract
(G. R. No. 220517, June 20, In 1995, Jasminia became afflicted with breast
2018) cancer. Sometime in 1996, Lolita and Jasminia 2. As neither party was able to make
constructed a residential house on the subject out a case, neither side having
lot. Although Lolita has no receipts, she shared established his/ her cause of action,
in the cost of the construction of the house the Supreme Court (SC) can only leave
from her income in the catering business and them where they are and it has no
selling of various products. On May 11, 2004, choice but to dismiss the complaint,
Jasminia executed a Deed of Absolute Sale in as the lower courts should have done.
favor of Lolita, who eventually mortgaged the
subject property to [petitioner] Elizabeth
Gutierrez as a security for a loan in the amount
of Php800,000.00. On the other hand, alleged
that their daughter, the late Jasminia, acquired
the subject property. Prior to and after the said
acquisition of the subject property, Jasminia
was living with [petitioner] Lolita, a lesbian.
When she was nearing her death, she told her
mother that her house and lot shall go to her
brother Ramonito Palugod, but shall be
allowed to stay therein. Jasminia eventually
died. Meanwhile, Lolita, taking advantage of
her relationship with Jasminia, caused the
latter to sign a Deed of Absolute Sale in her
favor. Lolita, aided by her brother as witness,
entered the property for registration in the
Office of the Registry of Deeds where TCT in
the name of Jasminia has been cancelled and
was replaced by Lolita’s. Respondents
executed an Affidavit of Adverse Claim of their
right and interest over the property as the only
compulsory and legitimate heirs of Jasminia.
However, Lolita, knowing fully well of the
impending suit, made it appear that she
mortgaged the property to [petitioners]
Spouses Gutierrez as a security for a loan
amounting to Php800,000.00.
Module 7: I. Extinguishment of Sale (Articles 1600-1623, New Civil Code)
Cebu State College of SHORT FACTS: Asuncion Sandaya, mother of DOCTRINE: Absent any period for the
Science and Technology respondents, executed a DoS covering a parcel exercise of the right to repurchase the
(CSCST) vs. Misterio of land in favor of Sudlon Agricultural High property herein, respondents may use
School.The sale was subject to the right of said right within four (4) years from
(759 SCRA 1, G.R. No. vendor to repurchase the property after SAHS the happening of the allocated
179025 June 17, 2015) shall have ceased to exist or shall have conditions contained in their Deed of
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transferred its school site elsewhere. A TCT Sale: (a) the cessation of the existence
was issued annotated with the vendor’s right of the SAHS, or (b) the transfer of the
to repurchase. Provincial Board of Cebu school to other site. failure to exercise
donated 41 parcels of land to the SAHS subject their right to redeem the property
to the condition that (1) if SAHS ceases to within the required four (4) years
operate, the ownership of the lots will revert from the time when SAHS had ceased
to the province, and (2) SAHS could not to exist, or from 1983, the date of
alienate the properties. In 1983, BP 412 was effectivity of BP Blg. 412, this Court
executed incorporating and consolidating all held that respondents are barred by
schools in the Cebu province as part of the prescription.
Cebu State College of Science and Technology.
Respondents and the province now wish to
repurchase and recover the subject property.
Catangcatang vs. Legayada SHORT FACTS: Legayda executed in favor of DOCTRINE: In the exercise of the right
Catangcatang a deed of sale with pacto de to repurchase, it is not sufficient that
(84 SCRA 51) retro with a 5-year redemption period over a the vendor a retro manifests his
parcel of land (for P1400). Petitioner left a desire to repurchase. This statement
balance of P200, covered by a promissory of intention must be accompanied
note. Petitioner then found out that the land with an actual and simultaneous
delivered was less than what was stipulated in tender of payment which constitutes
the contract. Thus, petitioner filed a civil case the legal exercise of the right to
seeking recovery of the area allegedly repurchase.
withheld. During pendency of said case,
respondent took back the possession of the
land from petitioner, where respondent’s
counsel wrote a letter informing her that the
redemption money was with the petitioner’s
counsel. However, the letter did not reach the
petitioner and the period of repurchase was
expired without respondent having availed
himself of his right to repurchase. Petitioner
now petitions the consolidation of title and
restoration of possession.
Alonzo vs. IAC SHORT FACTS: Five siblings inherited in equal DOCTRINE: Art. 1088 of the Civil Code
shares a parcel of land. 2/5 siblings sold their provides that the notice required is
(150 SCRA 259) portion of the land to the petitioners with a written notice and that actual notice
denomination of a “Con Pacto de Retro Sale”. would not suffice as a substitute. In
Petitioners then occupied the lot and enclosed requiring written notice, the said
the same with a fence. One of the respondents article seeks to ensure that the
sought to redeem the area but the same was redemptioner is properly notified of
dismissed. Respondent Tecla Padua, now the sale and to indicate the date of
invokes her right to redemption. RTC dismisses such notice as the starting time of the
the complaint on the ground that the right had period of redemption.
lapsed after failure to exercise redemption
after 30 days of notice. Respondent however
invokes that she was unaware of the sale.
Lee Chuy Realty Corporation SHORT FACTS: Petitioner claims that it was DOCTRINE: What is essential is to
vs. Court of Appeals never informed of the existence of the make an offer to redeem within the
aforementioned sale. On the contrary, it was prescribed period. There is actually no
(December 4, 1995) upon the inquiry from the Register of Deeds prescribed form for an offer to
that the sale was brought to its attention. On redeem to be properly effected.
the other hand, respondent contends that Hence, it can either be through a
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
petitioner was verbally notified of the sale. In formal tender with consignation, or by
1989, petitioner filed a complaint for legal filing a complaint in court coupled
redemption against MARC REALTY and with consignation of the redemption
consigned a manager’s check for value. In its price within the prescribed period.
Amended Answer, MARC REALTY insisted that What is condition precedent to a valid
the complaint be dismissed as there was no exercise of the right of legal
allegation of prior valid tender of payment or redemption is either the formal
notice of consignation. tender with consignation or the filing
of a complaint in court. What is
RTC: the filing of the action itself, within the paramount is the availment of the
period of redemption, is equivalent to a formal fixed and definite period within which
offer to redeem. to exercise the right of legal
Anecita Gregorio v. Crisologo SHORT FACTS: Respondent filed a complaint DOCTRINE: The Public Land Act
Vda. De Culig demanding repurchase of a land (homestead provides that every conveyance of
patent) sold be her children to petitioners. land acquired under the homestead
(G.R. No. 180559; January Petitioners refused and countered that provisions shall be subject to
20, 2016) respondent had no right to repurchase the repurchase by the applicant, his
property. widow, or legal heirs, within a period
of 5 years from the date of
Petitioner: There was no valid redemption conveyance (Sec. 119).
since there was no valid tender of payment nor
consignation of the amount of repurchase Jurisprudence has held that tender of
the redemption price is not essential
Respondent: The case involves the exercise of or necessary where the filing of the
the right of redemption of homestead patent action itself is equivalent to a formal
lots. Thus, consignation should not be offer to redeem. The filing of the
considered a requisite element for repurchase. action itself, within the period of
redemption, is equivalent to a formal
offer to redeem.
Liam vs. United Coconut SHORT FACTS: Petitioner Liam entered into a DOCTRINE: The transactions between
Planters Bank contract to sell with developer Primetown Liam and PPGI was an assignment of
(PPGI) for the purchase of a unit in Hongkong credit and not subrogation. An
(793 SCRA 383, G.R. No. Tower of a condominium project in San assignment of credit is the process of
194664 June 15, 2016) Antonio, Makati. To finance said construction, transferring the right of the assignor
PPGI obtained a loan from UCPB. PPGI settled to the assignee who would then have
its loan to UCPB by transferring its right to the right to proceed against the
collect all receivables from buyers. PPGI then debtor. In assignment of credit, the
notified petitioner of the sale of its receivables consent of the debtor is not necessary
to UCPB and instructed her to remit the in order that the assignment may
balance to the latter. Liam then wrote to UCBP produce legal effects, as opposed to
for the deferment of her amortization of subrogation (where the third-party
payments until the delivery of the unit. As her steps into the shoes of the original
requests when unheeded, she demanded for a creditor). In assignment of credit,
refund. Liam then saw UCPB’s newspaper what is required is merely notice as
advertisement offering a sale of condominium the assignment takes effect only from
units in another project for a lower price. She the time he has knowledge thereof.
then requested UCPB for downgrading her
purchased condo to a unit that would be in The primary consideration in
equivalent to payments she had already made. determining the true nature of a
As her requests remain unheeded, Liam filed a contract is the intention. The
provisions of the foregoing
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
complaint for specific performance before the agreements between Primetown and
HLURB, PPGI and UCPB. UCPB are clear, explicit and
unambiguous as to leave no doubt
about their objective of executing an
assignment of credit instead of
subrogation. The MOA and the Deed
of Sale/Assignment clearly state that
UCPB became an assignee of
Primetown’s outstanding receivables
of its condominium buyers. The
absence of Liam’s consent to the
transactions between PPGI and UCPB
affirms their nature as assignment of
Malasarte vs. CA SHORT FACTS: Respondent spouses Gopia, DOCTRINE: The taking in of boarders
leased to petitioner Mallarte, an apartment at by the petitioner in the leased
(178 SCRA 310) Sampaloc, Manila on a month-to-month basis premises, without the consent of the
for P300 /month. The lease agreement lessors, did not violate the lease
prohibited the subleasing or assignment of a agreement, for a prohibition against
portion fo the leased premises. Respondents, subleasing may not embrace the
through their annual inspection, found that taking in of boarders. Accepting
two rooms on the second floor and a portion boarders is not equivalent to
of the living/dining rooms had been converted subleasing the premises.
into bed spaces for boarders. Alleging that
petitioner had violated the contract, “The word ‘sublet’ has a clear and
respondents demanded that he vacate the distinct meaning, that is, it means to
premises and filed for ejected. Petitioner avers make a sublease, accompanied by a
that the boarders were his relatives and such surrender of the possession and
was not encompassed in “subletting.” control of the premises, or at least a
part thereof.”

The lessee, by accepting boarders and

assigning rooms or bed spaces for
them in the leased premises, does not
relinquish or surrender his lease to
them. He did not cease to become the
actual occupant and possessor of the
demised premises. He did not
surrender the possession and control
of the leased premises or a part
Chua Tee Dee vs. CA SHORT FACTS: A lease contract between DOCTRINE: As lessor, the Agricom had
petitioner (lessor) and respondent (owner) of the duty to maintain the petitioner in
(GR 135721, 27 May 2004) a rubber plantation was made with the the peaceful and adequate enjoyment
stipulation that: of the leased premises. Such duty was
(1st party = Respondent // 2nd party = made as part of the contract of lease
Petitioner) entered into by the parties. However,
the duty “to maintain the lessee in the
“ Farm Personnel: the 2nd party has the option peaceful and adequate enjoyment of
to select and screen those farm personnel that the lease for the duration of the
they should retain. Those not selected shall be contract” mentioned in No. 3 of the
terminated by the 1st party.” article is merely a warranty that the
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
lessee shall not be disturbed in his
“1st party shall maintain the 2nd party in the legal, and not physical, possession.
quiet peaceful possession and enjoyment…”

Respondent then met with the employees and

updated them on the impending termination.
Later on, respondent sent letter to the said
employees confirming their termination which
prompted the latter to file a complaint.

Petitioner now complains that there is no

peaceful possession due to the pestering of
certain individuals who claim portions of the
plantation as their property. Thus, preventing
them to operate on the agreed area.
Respondent then sent a demand of overdue
Tagbilaran Integrated Sellers Private respondent TWC entered into separate DOCRINE: The lease period executed
Association vs. CA written lease contracts for a period of one year by petitioners and private
with petitioner TISA. Each contract of lease respondents ceased one year after
(444 SCRA 193) provides that “no subleasing is allowed the agreement. Following Art. 1669 of
without the knowledge and consent of TWC. the NCC, the lease contracts, having
However, some petitioners subleased the said been executed for a determinate
lot to the other petitioners. time, they ceased on the day fixed.
While no subsequent lease contracts
TWC then demanded that they vacate the extending the duration of the original
premises on the following grounds: expiration lease were forged, it appears that
of lease contracts, non-payment of rentals, TWC allowed petitioners to continue
and violations of the conditions of lease occupying the lot as in fact it
including noncompliance with sanitary and continued to demand, collect and
building ordinances. accept monthly rentals. An implied
new lease (tacita reconduccion) was
TWC then entered into a contract with a third thus created (Article 1670, NCC).
person (Lim) who paid rentals for the first 12
months. Howerver, petitioners refused to The implied lease of petitioners
vacate the lot, contending that the lease expired upon the demand made by
contract between Lim and TWC is null and TWC to vacate the occupied premises.
void. Hence, petitioners continued
occupation thereon had thus become
Spouses Ricardo and Elena C.Respondent is the owner of a commercial lot DOCTRINE: At the end of the lease
Golez v. Meliton Nemeño which a part of said lot was leased to period or until such time the cost of
petitioners as lessees. The agreement as the building has been fully covered by
(G.R. No. 178317, September follows: the rent accumulated, petitioners, will
23, 2015) - 2nd party (lessees) will construct a transfer the ownership of said
commercial building, pay monthly rentals building to respondent.
- 1st party (lessors) shall not collect, instead, Unfortunately, the building was
said amount shall be used to the herein gutted down by fire. However, the
lessee as payment of the cost of the destruction of the building should not
building. in any way be made a basis to exempt
- Term of the lease shall be four years only. petitioners from paying rent for the
However, the amount shall not be paid period they made use of the leased
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
fully within the period, parties hereby property. Otherwise, this will be a
reserves the right to extend its contract clear case of unjust enrichment.
- As soon as the amount is fully paid,
building shall be deemed owned by the 1st The fact that the parties agreed to a
party different mode of payment — in this
case, a building — does not in any way
However, the building was burned down. exempt petitioners from paying
Because of this, respondent sent a letter to compensation due to respondent for
petitioners demanding the accumulated the use of the latter’s property
rentals for the leased properties. As the because the building was destroyed.
demand remained unheeded, respondent filed Hence, petitioners should be liable for
a complaint and alleged that petitioner rent during the period within which
(Ricardo) is the proximate cause of the fire. The they were in possession of the leased
trial court found that Ricardo was indeed the property
author of the fire. Moreover, they noted that
since petitioners can no longer deliver the
building which the contract obliged them to
deliver, they are legally obliged to pay the
rentals for their use and enjoyment to prevent
unjust enrichment on their part. The CA
affirmed the same.
Golez vs. Nemeño, 771 SCRA SHORT FACTS: Respondent spouses Layug are DOCTRINE: The Court finds that while
306 the registered owners of a parcel of land in there has been a modificatory
Makati City. They then leased the property for novation through the parties
(G.R. No. 178317 September a period of 7 years to petitioner Spouses subsequent verbal agreement, such
23, 2015) Modomo for P170,000.00 per month. It was novation relates solely to the lowering
also agreed upon by the parties that real estate of the fee from P170,000 to P150,000.
taxes shall be paid by petitioners. Novation is never presumed, and the
Subsequently, petitioners defaulted in animus novandi, whether total or
payment of the escalation of rental fees from partial, must appear by express
2006-2008 (their ejectment). Moreover, agreement of the parties, or by their
respondents aver that as petitioners failed ot acts that are too clear to be mistaken.
pay their real estate tax, they had to pay the
same for the latter’s behalf. While the records bear sufficient
evidence to show the modification of
A letter was then sent to petitioners such monthly rental, no similar
terminating the lease contract and demanding evidence exists on record to warrant
them to vacate the premises. In their the non-imposition of the provisions
counterclaim, petitioners aver that on annual escalation and proportional
respondents agreed, based on their payment of real estate tax. On the
conversation, to reduce the monthly rentals to contrary, their addendum (2005)
P150,000.00 and the non-imposition of the reinforces the parties’ intention to
escalation clause and real estate tax. Hence, impose annual escalation and impose
petitioners prayed that the case be dismissed payment of real estate tax.
because the lease contract had been amended
by the subsequent oral agreements by the
Spouses Modomo vs. SHORT FACTS: Spouses Modomo allege that DOCTRINE: Novation has been
Spouses Layug they are the registered owners and legal defined as the substitution or
possessors of a parcel of land which they lease alteration of an obligation by a
(G.R. No. 197722, August 14, from Spouses Layug at the amount of Php170k subsequent one that cancels or
2019) per month subject to an escalation of: 10% for modifies the preceding one. Unlike
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
the 2nd and 3rd year, 15% for 4th and 5th year, other modes of extinction of
20% on the 6th and 7th year. It was also alleged obligations, novation is a juridical act
in the agreement that Sps. Modomo would pay of dual function, in that at the time it
the real estate taxes on the property. When extinguishes an obligation, it creates a
Spouses Modomo defaulted in the payment, new one in lieu of the old. x x x This is
Sps. Layug demanded that they vacate the not to say however, that in every case
premises. However, Sps. Modomo refused of novation the old obligation is
claiming that there was a subsequent oral necessarily extinguished. Our Civil
agreement whereby the improvements made Code now admits of the so-called
by Sps. Modomo, the monthly rentals would imperfect or modificatory novation
be reduced to Php150K and that the real estate where the original obligation is not
taxes would no longer be shouldered by Sps. extinguished but modified or changed
Modomo. However, Sps. Layug defaulted in in some of the principal conditions of
enforcing the subsequent agreement and the obligation. Thus, article 1291
pushed that the original agreement be provides that obligations may be
followed. Sps. Modomo also alleged that the modified.
Contract of Lease has been novated in view of
the subsequent oral agreements of the parties. While the Civil Code permits the
Hence, Sps. Modomo prayed for the dismissal subsequent modification of existing
of the case and that they be declared entitled obligations, these obligations cannot
to their counterclaim. be deemed modified in the absence of
clear evidence to this effect. Novation
is never presumed, and the animus
novandi, whether total or partial,
must appear by express agreement of
the parties, or by their acts that are
too clear and unequivocal to be

Booklight, Inc. vs. Tiu SHORT FACTS: Petitioner Booklight, Inc. DOCTRINE: Such declaration of non-
entered into a contract of lease with suit against petitioner was already
(G.R. No. 213650, June 17, respondent for a space in the latter’s building upheld by this Court with finality.
2019) to be used for petitioner’s bookstore business. Hence, due to its failure to file a pre-
The lease was for 5 years, which expired on trial brief and to appear in the pre-
2001. It was never renewed upon expiration, trial conference, petitioner lost its
although petitioner continued to occupy the right to present evidence to support
premises until its business operations ceased its allegations.
on 2003. Alleging unpaid rentals from
December 2001, respondent filed the current The fact that petitioner, for being
action. declared non-suited, was not able to
present evidence to support its claims
Petitioner alleged that there was no prior is surely fatal to its case. The records
demand made by respondent and that it fully are bereft of any evidence to support
paid its rentals up to July 2002. The RTC and petitioner's claim that it paid
ruled in favor of Tiu. Petitioner now avers that advanced rental and deposit and that
the CA neglected to rule on its claim for refund the same have not yet been refunded
of the advanced rental & deposit. In addition, or utilized; nor was there any record
since the electric bills were allegedly for the to definitely show that the subject
month of March 2003 and it had already electric bills pertain only to a month
ceased its business on Feb 2003, it cannot be when petitioner was not occupying
made liable therefor. Moreover, petitioner the premises anymore.
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
claims for the proceeds of the auction sale of
its attached/garnished good
D.M. Ragasa Enterprises, Inc. SHORT FACTS: In January 1998, Ragasa and DOCTRINE: In the present case, there
vs. Banco de Oro, Inc. then Equitable Bank executed a lease contract is an express stipulation of the lease
over the ground and second floors of a that breach shall mean termination of
(G.R. No. 190512, June 20, commercial building in Tomas Morato for 5 the contract. Such automatic
2018) years from until 2003. Equitable paid the termination clause is valid. Pursuant
amounts representing 3 months advance and to the automatic termination clause
3 months security deposit. With the stipulation of the Lease Contract, the Lease
that: Contract was terminated upon its
unauthorized pre-termination by the
“The failure to pay two consecutive monthly bank. Ragasa is, thus, precluded from
rentals shall automatically terminate this availing of the second option which is
contract” to claim damages by reason of the
breach and allow the lease to remain
“In the event that a court litigation has been in force. With the lease having been
resort, the aggrieved party shall be paid by the automatically resolved or terminated
other no less than P15,000 for attorney’s fees by agreement of the parties, Ragasa is
and other damages that the court may allow; entitled only to indemnification for
the cost of litigations shall be borne by the damages.
party in fault or default”
To force either party to continue with
“The TENANT voluntarily binds himself and a contract that is automatically
agrees to the following without any coercion terminated in case of its breach by
or force by the LESSOR; either party pursuant to its express
provision) is not in furtherance of or
m) The full deposit shall be forfeited in favor of sanctioned by the contract. Rather, it
the LESSOR upon noncompliance of the Term is a contravention thereof and it
of the Contract of lease by the TENANT and negates the autonomy characteristic
cannot be applied to rental (par. 8)” of contracts.

Meanwhile, Equitable Bank entered into a NOTE: Entitlement to rentals after the
merger with PCI. This eventually merged with termination of the lease pursuant to
Banco de Oro to form respondent bank. As a an automatic rescission or
result of the merger, the bank closed and termination clause is possible in the
joined the branches of its constituent banks. case where the lessor invokes the
One of the branches which had to be closed is clause and the lessee refuses to
in the subject property. The bank then sent a vacate the leased premises. However,
notice informing petitioner that they are pre- the bank did not continue to possess
terminating their lease contract (effective June the same as it is vacated.
2001). Ragasa then respondent with a demand
letter for payment of monthly rentals for the
remaining term of the lease contract from July
2001 to January 2003. Ragasa argued that
under the lease contract, the forfeiture of the
bank’s security deposit does not exempt it
from payment of the rentals of the remaining
term because the bank’s act of pre-terminating
the contract was a major breach of its terms.
Muller vs. Philippine SHORT FACTS: Petitioner Spouses Fritz and DOCTRINE: Under Article 1670 of the
National Bank Thelma Muller are the occupants of two Civil Code, “[i]f at the end of the
parcels of land with improvements in Iloilo City contract the lessee should continue
CEREZO, SBU-COL Mendiola A.Y. 2021-2022 *use at your own risk*
(G.R. No. 215922, October 1, owned by PNB. PNB informed the Mullers that enjoying the thing leased for fifteen
2018) their lease will expire on 1987 and that they days with the acquiescence of the
had unpaid rentals for 2 years. Seeking to lessor, and unless a notice to the
renew the lease for another year, Fritz wrote contrary by either party has
to PNB, which were subsequently denied. previously been given, it is
Moreover, Frtiz offered to purchase the same understood that there is an implied
but was not given due course by PNB. In 1988, new lease, not for the period of the
PNB demanded for petitioners to vacate within original contract, but for the time
15 days. However, the demand fell on deaf established in Articles 1682 and 1687.
ears. Due to continued occupation of the The other terms of the original
petitioners, PNB sent its final demand letter on contract shall be revived.”
2006 demanding them the payment of rentals
from 1984 to 2006. As this was unheeded, PNB Thus, when petitioners’ written lease
filed the current action. agreement with respondent expired
on June 1, 1987 and they did not
vacate the subject properties, the
terms of the written lease, other than
that covering the period thereof,
were revived. The lease thus
continued. In this sense, the
prescriptive periods cited by
petitioners are inapplicable because
the lease subsisted and prescription
did not begin to set in

it can be said that so long as

petitioners continued to occupy the
subject properties — with or without
PNB’s consent — there was a lease
agreement between them. They
cannot escape the payment of rent,
by any manner whatsoever. First of
all, petitioners cannot be allowed to
enjoy PNB’s properties without paying
compensation therefor as this is
against equity and fair play. Second,
even when the parties’ lease
agreement ended and petitioners
failed or refused to vacate the
premises, it may be said that a forced
lease was thus created where
petitioners were still obligated to pay
rent to respondent as reasonable
compensation for the use and
occupation of the subject properties.

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