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The use of Online Applications as E-learning Media in English Language

Learning at SMAN 1 Bengkalis

Faradila Chantika, Irste Aulia Putri, Lesta Mega

Department of English and Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, University

of Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Article Info Abstract

E-learning, teacher, This research is a qualitative descriptive study which aims to

students; determine 1) Readiness for E-learning in English language learning
at SMAN 1 Bengkalis school2) E-learning learning process in
English language learning at SMAN 1 Bengkalis school. The
subjects in this research were 3 teachers. And 20 students of SMAN
1 Bengkalis. Research data was obtained using interview techniques.
The results of this research are that E learning readiness is included
in the good category. Meanwhile, the E-learning learning process is
carried out by giving assignments to students via the Google
Classroom application, where the assignment collection is not well
structured. Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded
that the readiness for E-learning in English learning at SMAN 1
Bengkalis school is included in the quite good category.

Learning exercises are passing on a message from a news source or message either
straightforwardly or utilizing the media to the beneficiary of the message. The source of the
message in learning exercises is the teacher, the beneficiary of the message is the understudy,
the message passed on is the learning fabric, and the media is the instrument utilized to send
or exchange the substance of the message. Alongside the progressively fast advancement of
Data and Communication Innovation (ICT), the requirement for an IT-based instructing and
learning (instruction) concept and component has ended up inescapable. This concept, which
later became known as e-learning, had the influence of the process of transforming
conventional education into digital form, both in terms of content and system. According to
Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi, et al (2018, Vol.6) E-learning refers to online learning, which
relies on technical-based education and training. This type of learning provides students with
a virtual environment where students participate in various activities. E-learning is
information and communication technology to enable students to learn anytime and anywhere
Electronic learning or e-learning began in the 1970s (Waller and Wilson, 2001).
Different terms are utilized for specific opinions/ideas approximately electronic learning,
counting online learning, internet-enabled learning, virtual learning, or web-based learning.
There are 3 (three) fundamental things as necessities for electronic learning exercises
(elearning), to be specific: Learning exercises are carried out through the utilization of an
arrangement, in this case, constrained to the utilization of the web. The accessibility of
learning benefits that can be utilized by members learning, for illustration, Outside Harddisk,
Flaskdisk, CD-ROM, or printed materials. The accessibility of mentor benefit bolster can
offer assistance to members learning in case they encounter troubles.
E-learning in Indonesia has been created with the support of the instruction program. It
is utilized in all shapes of communication innovation to form, oversee, and give data.
Eeducation relates to the utilization of communication media and data innovation, such as
computers, web, telephone/cellphone, television/video, radio, and other varying media
utilized in instruction. Therefore, in this research I focus on "Implementing the Use of Online
Applications as E-learning Media in English Language Learning at SMAN 1 Bengkalis
The object of this research is e-learning media and learning systems, which this time the
researcher summarized into plans which included connections that the researcher got from the
basic administrative head. (UII Cennect FIAI Access Point Data", 2017) for the application of
e-learning media at the SMAN 1 Bengkalis school. The first is related to the author himself as
a researcher and student and the second is the teacher's opinion regarding the application of

E-Learning Media implemented at the SMAN 1 Bengkalis school.


According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of implementation

is the act of applying Meanwhile, according to some experts, implementation is the act of
putting into practice a theory, method and other things aimed at achieving certain goals and
for the desired benefit of a group or a given group planned and organized in advance
Learning media are generally tools to support the teaching and learning process Anything
that can be used to stimulate students' thinking, emotions, attention, and abilities or skills so
that they can encourage the learning process (Arif, 2012) This limitation is quite broad and
deep, including understanding the resources, environment, people and methods used for
learning/training purposes
The learning handle is the stages one goes through in creating a person's cognitive,
emotional, and psychomotor capacities, in this case, the capacities that understudies or
understudies must have. One of the parts that an instructor has to go through these stages is as
a facilitator. To become a great facilitator, instructors must make endeavors and ideally plan
learning plans that suit the characteristics of understudies in arrange to attain learning
objectives (Stevia, 2011). The term e-learning has many meanings because there are many
different ways to use e-learning today
E-learning has two types: synchronous and asynchronous Synchronous implies same
time Preparation for learning takes place simultaneously between teachers and students This
allows coordinated interaction between teachers and students online In terms of
implementation, synchronous preparation requires teachers and students to access the web at
the same time Meanwhile, non-simultaneous means not at the same time Students may have
different study times when teachers hand out materials Asynchronous preparation is common
in learning because students can access study materials anywhere and at any time Students
can study and complete it at any time, according to a predetermined plan Learning can take
place within the framework of reading, movement, recreation, instructional entertainment,
testing, examination, and task acquisition.

In this study, the researchers conducted research using a qualitative descriptive
method. Lexi J Moleong (2015), Qualitative research method is a method that does not use
statistical work but relies on qualitative evidence In another article, it is clearly stated that the
qualitative approach is one that is based on actual reality and what the respondents experience
and ultimately seeks theoretical references The reason why researchers conduct
qualitative descriptive research is that the events, circumstances, phenomena, variables, and
circumstances are happening at that time. The study continues and presents its contents
Qualitative descriptive study interprets and explains data related to the current situation at
SMAN 1 Bengkalis Especially when it comes to how to apply online learning media.
A qualitative approach is research that presents assessment procedures that produce
descriptive data in verbal or written form of the people and behaviors observed In this case,
the researcher interprets and explains the data that the researcher obtained from the
interviews In this study, the researcher took only a few students as a sample using a simple
random sampling technique As Fraenkel and Wallen (2009) also state that “just as simple
random sampling is more effective with larger numbers of individuals, cluster random
sampling is more effective with larger numbers of clusters ” The technique used in this study
is simple random sampling. Then, in this study, instruments, interviews and surveys were
used to collect the necessary data the descriptive-qualitative research method focuses on fact-
based issues conducted through observation, interviews, and document research. This method
was chosen as the writing method to get an overview of the field and applications of E-
learning in SMAN 1 Bengkalis.


This research aims to find out how e-learning is implemented in English learning. In
this research, the author conducted an interview survey with 2 English teachers and 20
students. The learning media used in English learning at SMAN 1 Bengkalis are Google
Classroom, Grammarly. Based on the results of the interview, the implementation of using
online applications as e-learning media in English language learning at SMAN 1 Bengkalis is
as follows.

1. Student Readiness
Based on the interview results, most students had a positive response to E-learning.
The learning difficulties experienced by students during E-learning are not understanding the
assignments given by the teacher, but they can overcome them by asking directly or searching
for answers from Google. Apart from that, teachers collaborate with parents so that students
can be supervised and receive guidance. From this, it can be concluded that students'
readiness is ready even though improvements still need to be made.
2. Teacher Readiness
Based on the data obtained, teachers use e-learning well, teachers can understand and
teach students to use E-learning. Apart from that, the facilities at this school are adequate.
From this it can be concluded that the teacher's readiness in learning E-learning is very ready.

3. E-learning infrastructure
Based on the data obtained, there are still students who do not have cellphones so they
cannot take part in E-learning lessons. The student was only given a textbook so he could
continue studying at home. However, this school provides a computer laboratory for students
to access e-learning and study. And this school also has free wifi facilities which can be
accessed by teachers and students in learning using e-learning. It can be concluded that the
infrastructure for E-learning is ready although it still requires attention and improvement so
that the needs of students and teachers can be met in E-learning.

4. E-learning Systems and Applications

Based on the interview results, the teacher only used the Google classroom and
grammarly applications. From this it can be concluded that the E-learning system and
application are quite good in assisting the learning process.

5. E-learning content Based on the results of interviews; teachers use textbooks as teaching
materials in E-learning lessons. The teacher gives assignments to students based on the
material in the book. Apart from that, there are also teachers who prepare teaching
materials in the form of power points as media in the E-learning learning process.
However, most teachers only rely on textbooks that have been distributed to each student
and do not provide E-books for E-learning. From this, it can be concluded that E-learning
content is not ready and needs to be improved to become more interesting and innovative
teaching materials.

6. E-learning Learning Process

E-learning is carried out at 07.30 or 08.00 then learning begins with student
attendance, but there are also teachers who immediately send assignments and student
attendance is seen from the submission of their assignments. In the next activity, there were
teachers who directed students to pray first before studying, but most teachers immediately
sent assignments for students to complete. Collecting student assignments is uncertain
depending on the student's condition. The change from face-to-face learning in the classroom
to E-learning causes many impacts on the learning process. The impact felt by teachers is that
they have to adapt to Elearning. Teachers prefer face-to-face learning compared to Elearning
because they experience many difficulties with implementing E-learning. Teachers cannot
identify students' characters because of the lack of direct interaction. Apart from that, teachers
also experience difficulties in providing assessments to students.
writing. Students can assess their writing skills using this application. Where this To
collect several assignments and give assignments at each meeting, teachers use elearning in
the form of Google Classroom. Not only for giving assignments, teachers can also provide
learning through Google Classroom. This certainly makes it easier for teachers to assess
student assignments in each learning material and at each class meeting. Not only Google
Classroom, this school also uses application-based e-learning such as Grammarly. This
application can make it easier for students to learn English, especially learning application
can detect student errors in writing and can also correct incorrect vocabulary in writing.

E-learning readiness at SMAN 1 Bengkalis is in the quite good category. This is
because 2 factors of E-learning learning readiness are ready, but require slight improvement,
namely the student readiness factor and the E-learning infrastructure. Meanwhile, 3 factors of
E-learning readiness are not ready and require improvement, namely, E-learning systems and
applications, as well as E-learning content. The E-learning learning process at SMAN 1
Bengkalis is carried out by sending assignments to students via the application used, namely
the Google Class application. Apart from that, when learning English in class, students use
the Grammarly application in the learning process.

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