Laporan Projek 2 - Metpro Tradisional - Teknik Cukil - Mohammad Dio Alianzyah - 220253600035 - DKV K

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Cutting Printing Method: Creating 2 Simple Pattern Motifs for
Application to Cloth and Paper Media

Specialization Course Lecturer: Novian Wahyu Firmansyah, S.Sn., M.Sn.



NIM 220253600035





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This project assignment is an exploration into the possibilities of printmaking

us to explore creativity in creating patterns or motifs using the gouge printing
method. In this assignment, I present two simple motifs applied to different media, namely
paper and t-shirts, combining printmaking traditions with interesting contemporary

The process of making this motif is an important step in understanding gouge

printing techniques and producing unique and interesting works of art. Through this paper I
will discuss the final results of both motifs, as well as provide a deeper understanding of the
challenges faced during the creation process.

I hope this paper not only provides a comprehensive overview of

the carving printing method and the manufacturing process, but also provides
inspiration for the future in more depth.

Malang, October 15 2023

Mohammad Dio Alianzyah

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FOREWORD ................................................ ................................................................ ..........................2

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................ ................................................................ ................................................3

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................ ................................................................ .....................4

1.1 Background ............................................... ................................................................ ............................4

1.2 Objectives ................................................ ................................................................ .........................................4

CHAPTER II METHODS ................................................ ................................................................ ................................6

2.1 Explanation of the Cutting Printing Method Used............................................ ................................6

2.2 Description of Materials and Equipment Used ........................................... ................................6

CHAPTER III MANUFACTURING PROCESS.............................................. ................................................................ ........8

3.1 Process of Making the First Motif on Paper Media............................................ ................................8

3.1.1 Description of the First Motif ............................................ ................................................................ ..........8

3.1.2 Steps for Making Motifs on Paper Media............................................ ............8

3.2 Process of Making Second Motif on Fabric Media............................................ ...................................15

3.2.1 Description of the Second Motif............................................ ................................................................ ...........15

3.2.2 Steps for Making Motifs on Fabric Media............................................ ................15

CHAPTER IV................................................ ................................................................ ................................................20

RESULTS................................................. ................................................................ ................................................20

4.1 Description of the final results of the two motifs............................................ ......................................20

4.2 Comparison Between Motifs on Paper and T-shirts............................................ ..........................23

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ........................................... ................................................................ .....................24

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1.1 Background

Carving printing is a printing technique that has been around for centuries. Using
engraved printing blocks or boards, artists can create unique images or patterns by
applying ink to the surface of the print. This technique has become an integral part of
the history of art and human creativity.

In this project, we focused on the gouge printing method with the aim of creating two
simple motifs that can be applied to different media, namely paper and t-shirts. Carving
prints provide a variety of creative opportunities, and the application of motifs in different
media challenges artists to explore the possibilities of artistic expression in greater depth.

Through understanding the gouge printing technique, we want to explore

further how this traditional art can be applied in a modern context. By creating simple motifs
on paper and t-shirts, we hope to combine tradition with innovation, produce unique works
of art, and provide a deeper understanding of the creative process.

In this background, we will explain more about the history of print printing,
the relevance of this technique in today's artistic context, as well as why we chose
to undertake this project. This background will help readers understand the conceptual
framework upon which our print project is based.

1.2 Objectives

This task has several main goals to achieve:

a. Exploration of the Art of

Carving: The main aim of this assignment is to understand and explore the
technique of carving as an art form with a rich tradition. We want to dig deeper
into how printmaking can be used as a medium for creative expression.

b. Making Simple Motifs: We

intend to create two simple motifs that can be applied to paper and t-shirts. The
aim is to hone our skills in designing, carving and printing motifs using the gouge
printing method.

c. Application on Different Media:

This assignment allowed us to explore how the same motif can be applied to
different media, namely paper and t-shirts. We want
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understand how the characteristics of this media influence the final result of the motif print.

d. Creativity and Innovation:

Apart from technique, this assignment gave us the opportunity to express creativity and innovation in
the art of printmaking. We want to create works of art that are unique and interesting, and combine
traditional and contemporary elements.

e. Process Understanding:
Through this assignment, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the entire process of
making motifs using the gouge printing method, from material selection to the final print. We want to
understand the difficulties that may arise and how to overcome them.

f. Practical Learning: We aim

for this assignment to provide useful practical experience in the art of printmaking, which can be
applied in future art projects.
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2.1 Explanation of the Cutting Printing Method Used

Carving is a printing technique that involves engraving the surface of the print with a material such as
wood or linoleum, then applying ink to the carved surface to print an image or motif onto the desired media.

In this project, the cutting method used is as follows:

a. Material Selection: First, here choose the material to be carved, such as linoleum rubber.
This material will be the basis for the mold or "stamp" used to print motifs on the media.

b. Design Creation: I designed two simple motifs that I wanted to print. With a simple geometric pattern concept.

c. Engraving: Using an engraving tool, we engrave the design on the material

print. This engraving process allows us to create reliefs on the surface of the printed material.

d. Ink Preparation: We prepare the ink that will be used to print the motif.
In this project, both screen printing inks and oil inks are used, depending on the medium to be printed.

e. Ink Application: Ink is applied evenly to the surface of the printed material that has been engraved. The ink
will stick to the higher area (relief) on the printed material.
f. Motif Prints: After the ink is applied, we place the printed material on the media to be printed, namely paper or t-
shirts. With proper pressure, the printed motif is transferred to the media. This involves ensuring consistent
pressure and the correct printing method according to the media used.

2.2 Description of Materials and Equipment Used


a. Cloth or T-shirt:
Used as a medium for printing motifs. The fabric used is fabric that has fibers that are open enough to
receive ink well.
b. Paper:
Another printing medium used in this project is paper chosen with a thickness that can be said to be
sufficient to accept oil ink transfer.
c. Screen Printing
Ink: Used to print motifs on fabric media. Screen printing ink usually has fade-resistant properties and is
suitable for textile media.
d. Oil Ink:
This ink is used to print motifs on paper media. Oil inks usually produce sharp, long-lasting prints
on paper surfaces.
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a. Engraving
Tools: These tools are used to carve designs into printed materials, such as wood or linoleum.
This carving tool has a variety of tips that allow for precise engraving.
b. Wood: A
traditional printing material that can be used as a printing block. The wooden surface is used as a printing
medium after being carved.
c. Linoleum Rubber:
A modern alternative to wood in print prints. Linoleum rubber is easier to carve and provides sharp
d. Glue:
Glue is used to bond the rubber linoleum material to the wood, creating a sturdy printing block.
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3.1 Process for Making the First Motif on Paper Media

3.1.1 Description of the First Motif

In the first motif, the image created is a simple geometric motif composed of several
combinations of circular shapes arranged to resemble a flower petal. Apart from being
found in many batik motifs, this pattern is also often used on tiles, ceramics and
textiles. This motif is created with an impression that looks elegant and luxurious.

This motif consists of 3 main elements, namely:

a. Semi-circular shapes arranged in a circle to create a visual of

flower petals.
b. The star shape is positioned right in the middle of the motif. Which can create an
impression of unity and balance.
c. The half circle shapes are arranged in such a way that each
placed at each corner of the overall motif. The aim is for these motifs, when applied in
connection or repetition, to become a single unit. This happens because the
shapes of the half circles, when combined, form one complete circle.

3.1.2 Steps for Making Motifs on Paper Media

1. Preparation of tools and materials, including:

a. linoleum rubber

b. Wood
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c. rubber glue

d. paper

e. cutter or cutting tool and pencil

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f. oil ink

g. Saw

2. The process of making a design or sketch of a shape on linoleum rubber which will
later be carved according to the pattern or motif drawn.

3. The engraving process uses a carving tool on the printed material. This engraving
process makes it possible to create reliefs or marks on the surface of the printed
Try not to cut the rubber too deep so it doesn't penetrate or too short so
that when you apply ink to the surface of the printing material, the
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Do not get engraved with ink, because this can interfere with the process of
applying it to the paper medium.

4. After the stamp is formed, the next process is to install the existing linoleum rubber
carved affixed to wood.
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5. Then the next stage is installing a wooden handle, so that it makes it easier
to apply ink to the media to be printed.

6. Preparation of ink that will be used to print or stamp motifs using oil ink
used for paper media.

7. Apply ink evenly to the surface of the printed material that has been engraved.
The ink will stick to the higher area (relief) on the printed material.
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8. After the ink is applied, the printing material can be placed on the media to be printed/ With
the right pressure, the printed motif is transferred to the media.
9. The printing process is carried out to ensure that the ink absorbs well into the media.
This involves ensuring consistent pressure and the correct printing method according to
the media used.

10. After the ink from the linoleum rubber has been successfully transferred to the paper
media, lift the linoleum rubber slowly so that the ink attached to the paper media remains
in its position.
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11. To add or continue a motif so that it is connected like motifs

batik, this process can be done repeatedly by paying attention to each side of the
stamp. This is important so that the position of each side of the stamp can be connected
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3.2 Process for Making Second Motif on Fabric Media

3.2.1 Description of the Second Motif

In the second motif, the image created is a simple, arranged geometric motif
from several combinations of star and leaf petal variations. This motif is designed with various
elements such as star-shaped elements, small quarter circles, leaf patterns, and curved lines.

3.2.2 Steps for Making Motifs on Fabric Media

1. Preparation of tools and materials, including:

a. linoleum rubber

b. Wood

c. rubber glue
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d. cloth

e. cutter or cutting tool and pencil

f. screen printing ink

g. saw
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2. Create a design or sketch of a motif on the linoleum rubber which will later be carved
according to the pattern you have drawn.

3. Use a carving tool to carve the motif into the linoleum rubber. This engraving process
makes it possible to create reliefs or marks on the surface of the printed material.
Make sure that the engraving on the rubber is not too deep or too short.
Try not to cut too deep into the rubber so that it doesn't penetrate or too short so that
when applying ink to the surface of the printed material, the engraved part doesn't get
ink, because this can interfere with the process of applying it to the paper medium.

4. After the stamp is formed, the next process is to install the existing linoleum rubber
carved affixed to wood
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5. Then the next stage is installing a wooden handle, so that it makes it easier
to apply ink to the media to be printed
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6. Prepare oil ink suitable for fabric media (t-shirts). Make sure that
The consistency of the ink is in accordance with the printing requirements. Applying ink
evenly to the surface of the printed material that has been engraved. The ink will stick to
the higher area (relief) on the printed material.
7. Apply oil ink evenly to the surface of the printed material that has been engraved. The ink
will stick to the higher area (relief) on the printed material.

8. Place the desired printing material on the fabric or t-shirt to be printed.

With the right pressure, the printed motif is transferred to the fabric or t-shirt media.
9. After the ink from the linoleum rubber has been successfully transferred to the paper
medium, lift the linoleum rubber slowly so that the ink attached to the paper medium
remains in its position.

10. To add or continue a motif so that it is connected like motifs

batik, this process can be done repeatedly by paying attention to each side of the stamp. This
is important so that the position of each side of the stamp can connect perfectly,
creating a unified motif.
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4.1 Description of the final results of the two motifs

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Discussion about the difficulties that may be encountered during the process of making carving print motifs
Cloth or t-shirt media can include several aspects, such as:

a. Accuracy in Engraving
One of the main difficulties in print printing is ensuring that the motif is engraved on the print
block very carefully. Mistakes in engraving can produce prints that do not match the design,
so it requires a lot of precision and patience.

b. Consistency in Ink Application:

Ensuring the ink is applied evenly to the printing block and that the ink adheres to the relief
well is a challenge. Consistency in ink application is very important for quality printing results.

c. Pressure Control:

Ensuring consistent pressure throughout the printing process is an important aspect in

achieving good results. Too much or too little pressure can affect the uniformity of the

d. Ink Spreads Well on Fabric Media:

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Fabric or t-shirts have different fibers than paper, and ensuring the ink absorbs well in the
medium can be a challenge during the inking process. It may take some experimenting to
determine the right amount of ink to achieve the desired results.

e. Motif Repetition:

The part or parts that require the most precision, balance and patience are the parts
Connecting motifs such as batik motifs, combining each side of the stamp well can be a step
that requires high precision. Errors in repeating motifs can disrupt the unity of the final result.
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4.2 Comparison between Motifs on Paper and T-shirts

A comparison between motifs on paper and t-shirts covers a number of aspects

relevant to different media, such as:
a. Media and Texture:
Paper has a smooth and flat texture, while cloth or t-shirts have fibers and a
rougher surface. As a result, ink may adhere and absorb differently on these
two media. On paper, the print may be sharper and the details more visible, while
on fabric or t-shirts, the print may have a more organic effect.

b. Color and Contrast:

Paper often has a higher whiteness than fabric or t-shirts, which affects the
color and contrast of prints. On fabric or t-shirts, colors may appear softer or
more transparent than on paper.

c. Motif Connectedness:
In creating a unified motif, cloth or t-shirts are more flexible than paper.
This can easily combine motifs on fabric or t-shirts in a more free and organic
way. On paper, the process of combining motifs may require greater

d. Durable:
Prints on fabric or t-shirts tend to be more durable than those on paper. Fabric
or t-shirts can be washed and used repeatedly without damaging the print, while
on paper, the print may be more susceptible to damage or bleeding.

e. Use: Paper
tends to be more suitable for decorative prints or artwork or as a standalone
printed artwork. Meanwhile, fabric or t-shirts are often used to make clothing
or other textile items, so prints on this media are more functional.
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This task involves making motifs using the gouge printing method which is applied
to fabric (t-shirts) and paper. In the process of this task, several main steps include preparing
tools and materials, creating a design, engraving on the printed material, applying ink, and the
printing process on the appropriate media.

In this assignment, there are differences between prints on fabric (t-shirts) and paper,
including in terms of texture, color and print durability. Fabric media (t-shirts) provide flexibility in
combining motifs and creating a more organic effect

The conclusion of this assignment is that print printing is an artistic technique that
allows the creation of artistic motifs with their own uniqueness and characteristics. The cukil
printing process involves skills in engraving, ink application and printing which require precision
and patience. Prints on fabric (t-shirts) and paper each have their own advantages and

This assignment provides experience in exploring gouge printing techniques,

develop an understanding of the differences in printing on various media, and provide opportunities
to create artistic motifs using traditional and creative methods.

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