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Biology in Healthcare 2019


Student’s name: Group:

This portfolio must include the signed agreement and the following index.

STAGE 3 – Support, movement, transportation and defense.

Generic and GRADE
Activit Type of s 0-100
y No. Activity Description evaluation Points
D1. Recovery Self-
1 activity Nexus On Line- Quiz assessment GC 1 Req
Comprehension Peer GC 1
2 activity What to do assessment DC: 12, 13 Req
D3. Analysis Teacher using GC 8
3 activity Presentation rubrics DC: 12 and 13 4

GC 8
4 D4. Application Laboratory Practice Summative DC: 14 Req

Learning Case Study and Game GC 8.1 4

5 evidence stage 3 Co-evaluation DC: 12

Portfolio 3 Final Average Total points

(5 points in SIASE) 8


Feedback to the Teacher:


Student’s signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________

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Biology in Healthcare

Generic Competences and attributes (GC)

1. Applies strategies of autonomous learning in different levels and fields of knowledge
that allows him to take timely and appropriate decisions in the personal, academic, and
professional fields. Attribute: -Assumes the implications of the decisions taken in order to
rearrange his actions.

8. Uses methods and techniques from traditional and new researches for developing his
academic work, the exercises of his profession and the generation of knowledge. Attribute:
• Chooses the appropriate procedures to solve a problem.

15. Achieves the adaptability required by the social and professional surroundings of our
time to improve his life conditions. Attributes: -Values good habits as an important part of
his/her development. -Analyzes the implications of risky behavior. -Accepts that a god
environment allows a better life quality -Acquires a commitment for a healthy physical and
mental development.

Generic Competences
1. Fully knows and values him/herself and addresses problems and challenges
considering the objectives pursued.
Attribute: 1.6 Manages the available resources considering the limitations to achieve his
3. Chooses and practices healthy lifestyles.
Attribute: 3.2 Takes decisions based on his valuation of the consequences of different
dietary habits and risk behaviors. 3.3 Cultivates interpersonal relationships
contributing to his human development and those around him.
5. Develops innovations and proposes solutions based on established methods.
Attribute: 5.1. Follows directions and procedures in a reflective way, understanding how
each step he takes contributes to achieve a goal.
Disciplinary Competences Experimental Science.
12. Decides on his health care on the basis of knowledge of his body, its vital processes
and his environment
13. Relates the levels of chemical, biological, physical and ecological organization of living
14. Applies safety standards to handling of substances, instruments and equipment in his
daily life activities.
Elements of Competence
 Describes the structure and function of skeletal, muscular and integumentary systems
in order to understand the support, movement and protection of the body.
 Describes the structure and function of the circulatory, lymphatic and immune systems
in order to understand how they contribute to substances transportation and protection
and defense of human body health care.
 Values the importance of optimum operation of the skeletal, muscular, integumentary,
circulatory, lymphatic and immune systems on the health care.
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I ______________________________________________________ understand that my

portfolio is a collection of my school work and related achievements. The contents exhibit
my effort and progress as these elements relate to the goals represented in my
instructional program.

I agree to accept the responsibility for creating and managing my portfolio as I complete
each requirement. I will submit its content for periodic review to my instructor. In doing so, I
understand that the contents of my portfolio, as well as the way in which I have presented
the contents, will be evaluated for the purpose of judging my performance in school.

Student Signature: __________________________ Date: ________________

Parent Signature:

I have read and understand the above portfolio agreement and have reviewed
my child’s portfolio requirements.

Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____________

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Biology in Healthcare Stage 3

D1. Recovery activity

Learning Method Individually
Kind of Evaluation Self-assessment
Teaching Strategy ON LINE Quiz
Teaching Resources Prior Knowledge
Due Date March 7
Possible Points Requirement

You MUST answer the Quiz on platform.

D2. Comprehension activity

Learning Method Individually
Kind of Evaluation Peer- Assessment
Teaching strategy Vary according to the activity
Teaching Resources Book
Due Date April 1-3
Possible Points Requirement

Individually all students MUST daily answer the ¨What to do in Pathways.¨ All notes must
be in order, clean and with a title of the session number and the date. Teacher will
require your notes any time during the stage and MUST be ready every class day. The
“What to do” document and your notebook must be in class every day.

IF your work is not complete, in order or clean your application activity will be
affected 50% of your grade.

The following images must be included in your notebook identifying each structure
and make a conceptual map should be included.
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D3. Analysis activity

Learning Method Teams, research and exposition
Kind of Evaluation By teacher with rubric
Teaching strategy Presentation
Teaching Resources Book
Due Date April 1-3
Possible Points 4

In teams of 5 or 6 make a presentation.

Teacher will assign one of the following topics:

1) Skeletal system
2) Muscular system
3) Integumentary system
4) Circulatory system
5) Lymphatic system
6) Immune system

Presentation MUST include the following:

 Front page that must include: Name of all of the team members, group number,
name of the teacher and CIDEB logo.
 At least 8 key vocabulary words from the text that shows a picture and a brief
definition. (One slide per word)
 Describe structures and organs involved perfectly explained.
 Function of the organ system.
 Illness and sickness of each system.
 Bibliography. Include at least 5 different internet sites you used.

The presentation should include all of the sections. It must have the appropriate letter size
and color able to be read and understood. The presentation should have a background
with a color that does not cause a distraction.

The presentation will be presented in plenary during class. All team members should
participate and explain any part of the presentation. The teacher could ask questions
about the presentation and the topic explained.

Students must be able to answer the questions on their presentation related to the topics
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/ X Criteria

Describe the structure and function of the organ system assign.

Properly explains all sections of the organ system.

Explain each illness or sickness and make a reflection on how to prevent.

Answers each question made by the teacher.

Designs a proper power point presentation with all the sections and format assign.

D4. Application
Learning Method Laboratory Practice
Kind of Evaluation By teacher with rubric
Teaching strategy Hands- On
Teaching Resources Book
Due Date March 28
Possible Points Requirement

Dissecting a Leg
Activity Instructions
The purpose of this activity is to make students aware of the elements of the skeletal
system and how they interrelate.

• Raw chicken leg quarter - one for each adult supervised group
• Sharp scissors – one pair per group
• Plastic gloves for each adult
• Copies of these activity instructions – one per group
• Wax paper, about 2 X 2 foot square – one per group

1. Introduce students to the fact that many animals have skeletal systems that are very
similar. Our leg is very much like that of a chicken including the femur (thigh bone), knee
(hinge joint), fibula and tibia (smaller bones of the shin), cartilage, and ligaments that are
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all part of our skeletal system. Beyond that, we also have similar muscle structure,
tendons, fat, and skin. We will be exploring each of these similar characteristics.
2. Place the chicken leg, skin side up, on the wax paper. Point out the texture of the skin.
Note the follicles where feathers grew. Allow students to feel the skin.
3. Turn the chicken leg over. Question students as to what they are seeing. Be sure that
students understand that the part they call the meat is actually the muscle. Note the fat.
You may want to pull off some of the fat and show the difference in the consistence of the
muscle and fat. Locate the end of the bone that may be seen at either end of the leg.
Identify the cartilage as the white tissue that surrounds the end of the bone to protect it.
The purpose of the cartilage is to keep bones from touching each other. It stops the
wearing down of bone that would occur if the bones were in constant contact with each
4. Return the chicken leg to the skin up position. Pull the skin of the thigh back to show the
underside of the skin. Locate the blood vessels of the skin.
5. Remove the remainder of the skin. Review the other tissue that is now visible (fat,
muscle, cartilage, bone).
6. Pick up the leg and bend the joint. Show that it is a hinge joint because it only moves in
one direction. Demonstrate the movement of the joint.
7. Using scissors, carefully cut away some of the muscle to expose tendons (white areas
of the muscle) that connect the muscle to the bone. Tendons are part of the muscular
system. They become very evident near the ends of the bones. Ligaments are more
difficult to locate. Ligaments attach the bones to other bones. Look around the joint and
attempt to locate ligaments. Also expose the cartilage for viewing. Show that the cartilage
surrounds the bone where it would be touching another bone. Cartilage is the protective
cushion between bones. DO NOT expose the joint yet. Point out the various shapes of the
8. Carefully cut away the muscle, fat, tendons, etc. to expose as much of the bone and
joint as possible. Show that the joint is well protected by cartilage. Again, demonstrate the
hinge joint and the type movement possible with a hinge joint. It will only move in one
9. Carefully break the hinge joint. Students should view both parts of the hinge joint.
Demonstrate how they fit together. Note the amount of cartilage protecting each part of the
joint. Review again that cartilage is between bones, ligaments hold bone to bone, tendons
hold muscle to bone
10. Carefully break the largest bone. Do not crush the bone. Observe the red jelly-like
tissue inside the bone. This is the bone marrow. Marrow produces red blood cells and
platelets for use throughout our body. Red blood cells carry food and oxygen to all cells in
our body. Platelets allow blood to clot rather than continue free flowing. Use the point of
the scissors to show the consistence of the marrow. Also discuss how brittle the one is and
how easily it was broken. Relate this breakage to their own bones and how easily they can
be broken.

In an alive chicken, what structure would move a tendon to move the leg?
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How is the movement of your leg similar to your own leg?


Learning evidence stage 3

Learning Method Teams, research and exposition
Kind of Evaluation By teacher with rubric
Teaching strategy Case Study and game
Teaching Resources Book
Due Date April 1-3
Possible Points 4

In teams of 5 or 6 make a presentation using a online program and educational game.

Present the case study from student guide stage 3. Make a Presentation using images and
schemes from on online program. Follow the instructions from your learning guide and
include all steps.

Educational game

From the topic assign make a hands on game like a puzzle or a demo prop made by all
team mates. The game must explain, make memorize the topics or help students
understand the complex part of the organ system. The same topic you used in the analysis
activity will be used in this activity. The game MUST be original and not just copied off
from internet sites. You may use any material and make nice finishing’s like painting and
original materials. Explanation will be done or play the game during the presentation of the

Rubric Learning Evidence Stage 3

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LEARNING EVIDENCE: Presentation and Poster Weighing: 50%

Type of Slightly
CRITERIA Fully Develop Partially develop Total
Knowledge develop No evidence
competency. competency
competency (0 pts)
(3 pts) (2 pts)
(1 pt)
ACG 1.6 Demonstrate Demonstrate Lacks Does not
Demonstrate the organization and organization and organization accomplished
knowledge proper logical proper logical in the general the criteria or
acquired when writing. writing but the structure and no evidence
selecting and Introduction and ideas on the in the was turned in.
organizing the conclusion are introduction and paragraphs.
necessary related with the conclusion are Introduction
information topic. illogical and and
available. vague. conclusion
are illogical
or vague.
ACG 5.1 and CDBCE Correctly identify Identify the Identify and Does not

13 the problem in problem in the presents accomplished

Presents a the case study case study and information the criteria or
project in a and apply the applies some of that does not no evidence
complete and concepts in the the concepts in correspond to was turned in.
clear form; stage completely the stage. Or the the case study.
applying the and reflexive in a game is
concepts in stage presentation and incomplete.
3 and related to in an educational
the organ game.
systems studied
related with the
organs studied
and the health
issues presented.
ACG 5.1 Presents a unique Presents a No game or Does not
Follows presentation and common, incomplete accomplished
instructions and game, using superficial or work was the criteria or
procedures in a adequate incomplete presented. no evidence
reflexive way and materials and presentation or was turned in.
applies creativity. visuals. game.

ACG 3.2 and The solutions The solutions No solutions Does not
CDBCE 12 and/or and/or are suggested accomplished
recommendations recommendations and/ or the criteria or
are adequate for are not adequate recommended no evidence
the identified for the identified for the was turned in.
problem. problem. problem.
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Takes decision
over their health
and values the
case and
proposes a
solution and
over the case

ACG 3.3 Actively Participates in Doesn't Does not

participates in teams. Does not participate in accomplished

collaborate and teams. fulfill activities teams and not the criteria or
Accomplish assigned. fulfill activities. no evidence

contributes in the
development of agreements with was turned in.
team activities. teammates and
the activities

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