Uniform Commercial Code

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It is surprising that most of the states of America are using nearly the same transaction

law of uniform commercial code. Despite the custom law for each state, there is only one binding

law that allows mutual transactions between the states in America. This may be the contributing

factor why the states in America are united. The reason why Uniform Commercial Code is

applicable in almost all the states of America is because it was a proposal from these different

states. This kind of law has been practiced for a reasonable period of time and has been found to

be effective and beneficial to citizens of different member states especially those doing

transactions across the states.

The Uniform Commercial Code can be implemented in two different ways, that is; either

as a national law that must be observed by all the citizens of the United States of America. The

other adoption is through the state level where each state is expected to adhere to the common

commercial law. The important articles of Uniform commercial code are the ones that provides

for negotiations, customer relationships and secure transactions. Secure transaction is concern

about protection of lenders who might carry out transactions in different states themselves

without security. This article of the commercial code will then act as security to protect the

lender from being defrauded by the customer. It also provides security in such transactions of

that of cheque deposit and withdrawal from different parts of the states without any irregularities.
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o The lesson derived from this system of Uniform Commercial Code is that it is

good to have a common binding law that defends individuals of different states,

nationality, personality, wealth status and many other differences that may exist.


The video clip of David Balto discussing “The Apple E-book Price Fixing Trial” portrays

many issues concerning the laws. Amongst these issues is the role that the government of United

States played in suing the apple company. It is clear that the government plays a role in

regulating the price of different commodities and not the companies themselves. They do this by

ensuring that the standard of Most Favored Nation is adhered to through equal offer of prices to

all people without inequalities. This prevents different business persons from proposing their

own prices for their commodities.

The violation of law is punishable if one knew the right from wrong and end up doing

what is wrong. If Apple Company knew that the hiking of prices of E-Books then the law will

not favor them. Some companies choose to violate the law by hiking the prices and even go

ahead and defend themselves with some of their reasons being that they used a lot of finance in

production and that the government a times deducts a lot of taxes on them. Some violate the law

and go ahead to defend themselves just because they have a lot of wealth. In such situations,

some win and emerge victorious while others loose and become totally losers.

However if a company is involved in a case and gets to be known to the public, that it is

defending the undermining nature, then the fate of that company is at stake and stands a chance

of ruining its reputation. This is reflected by the picture that the interviewee pointed out that it

once happened to Microsoft Company.

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