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2542 Clinical Prep MedicationsMedicationClassMechanism of ActionIndication/UsesWhy

are they taking this med?Possible Side EffectsCan this med have negative effects on
pt?Nursing AssessmentWhat would you look for prior/after admin. of this med?
Amlodipine (Celecoxib)AntihypertensiveCalcium Channel BlockerInhibits calcium ion
influx across cell membrane during depolarization, inhibiting excitation and
contraction of myocardiumHTN (Lower BP)Angina & Coronary Artery Disease- Headaches-
Nausea- Fatigue- Peripheral Edema- Palpitations- Not to be used with Pts with NSAID
allergy- Monitor for signs of Edema- Monitor BP before and after admin.Tamsulosin
(Flomax)Alpha1 andregenic blockerBinds to alpha1 andrenoceptor in the prostate
decreasing bladder neck and urethral resistanceSymptoms of Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia (BPH)- Headache- Dizziness- Orthostatic Hypotension- Rhinitis
(Inflammation of mucous membrane in nose)- Nausea- Assess prostatic hyperplasia via
change in urination patterns- Monitor BP for orthostatic hypotension- NOT FOR
PREGNANCY- Do not crush/chew tabletAmoxicillin (Novamoxin)Anti-infective Antiulcer
Interfere with cell wall replication of susceptible organisms (Bactericidal)Skin,
Resp, GI, GU infections, gonorrhea, otitis media- GI disturbances (Diarrhea) -
Nausea- Vomiting- Superinfection- Abdominal Cramps- Always take full regime - Signs
of hypersensitivity- Evaluate therapeutic response (signs of improving infection)-
Pt education w. AntibioticsMetoprolol (Betaloc)AntihypertensiveBeta-BlockerLowers
BP through blocking beta receptors from releasing renin in kidneys. Block beta 1
cardiac receptors decreasing HR/CO`HTNAcute MIHeart Failure - Insomnia- Dizziness-
Hypotension - Bradycardia- Headache- Monitor BP/HR before/after admin.- Take
immediately after meals to prevent orthostatic hypotensionAcetaminophen (Tylenol)
Nonopioid analgesic AntipyreticInteract with hypothalamic heat regulating center to
decrease feverInhibit prostaglandin synthesis blocking pain impulsesMild to
moderate pain or fever- N/V- Hepatotoxicity- Renal failure - Rash- Urticaria- Pain
assessment before/after admin- Monitor AST/ATL/CR/BUN if LT use- Other medications
with acetaminophenAcetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin)NSAIDSReduces platelet aggregation
Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis Mild to mod pain or feverDecrease risk for MI- GI
bleeding risk (Chronic use)- Rash- Increase bleeding time- N/V- Hepatotoxicity-
Monitor for signs of GI bleeding/ulcers- D/C use 7days pre surgery- Pain assessment
before/after adminMetformin (Glycon)Antidiabetic Inhibit glucose production in the
liverIncreases target cell sensitivity to insulinDecrease glucose resorb in gutT2DM
- Lactic Acidosis - Nausea- Vomiting - Diarrhea- Pyrosis- Assess Pt Blood sugar
before/after admin- Decrease in S/sx of hyperglycemia- Take with meals- Do not
crush/chewInsulin (NPH/Regular/Etc)Antidiabetic Increase glucose absorb in target
cells, decreasing blood sugarT1/T2DM, gestational DM- Hypoglycemia - Lipodystrophy-
Blurred vision - Anaphylaxis - Dry mouth- Assess Pt blood sugar before/after admin-
Rotate injection sites- Monitor Urine OP/CharacteristicsHeparin (Hepalean)
Anticoagulant Prevent fibrinogen conversion to fibrin Prevent prothrombin
conversion to thrombin Inhibit Xa clotting factorPrevention of DVT, PE, MI- Fever -
Rash- Signs of bleeding - Anaphylaxis- Urticaria - Monitor aPPt Q6-8hr- Monitor for
signs of bleeding- IV hospital only- Protamine Sulfate is antidoteOpioids
(Morphine, Fentanyl, hydromorphone)Opioid AnalgesicBind to opioid receptors in CNS
altering pain perception, increasing threshold Moderate-severe Pain- GI obstruction
and constipation- CNS depression/ decrease LOC- Resp depression- - Monitor IN/OP-
Pain assessment before/after admin- Monitor for signs of OD (Resp/CNS depression)-
Naloxone is antidoteMedicationClassMechanism of ActionIndication/UsesWhy are they
taking this med?Possible Side EffectsCan this med have negative effects on pt?
Nursing AssessmentWhat would you look for prior/after admin. of this med?
Atorvastatin (Lipitor)AntilipidemicInhibits HGM-CoA enzyme reducing cholesterol
synthesis and increasing excretimHigh doses lead to plaque regression
HypercholesterolemiaDiabetesPrimary/Secondary Prevetion of cardiovascular
events/diseases- GI disturbances (Flatulence, cramps, diarrhea)- Myopathy- Myositis
- Rhabdomylosis- Contraindicated in Hepatic diseaseCalcium CarbonateAntacid, Ca
supplementNeutralizes gastric acidityPUDGERDCa supplementation- Constipation- N/V-
Calculi- Assess GI- Serum Ca levels- Give 30 minutes post mealClopidogrel (Plavix)
Platelet aggregation inhibitorIrreversible binding to platelets reducing
aggregation Stroke risk reduction MIPAD (DVT)USA- Increased risk of bleeding -
Thrombocytopenia- Anaphylaxis- Monitor S/sx of bleedingMetoprolol (Betaloc)
AntihypertensiveBeta-BlockerLowers BP through blocking beta receptors from
releasing renin in kidneys. Block beta 1 cardiac receptors decreasing HR/CO`HTN
Acute MIHeart Failure - Insomnia- Dizziness- Hypotension - Bradycardia- Headache-
Monitor BP/HR before/after admin.- Take immediately after meals to prevent
orthostatic hypotensionAcetaminophen (Tylenol)Nonopioid analgesic Antipyretic
Interact with hypothalamic heat regulating center to decrease feverInhibit
prostaglandin synthesis blocking pain impulsesMild to moderate pain or fever- N/V-
Hepatotoxicity- Renal failure - Rash- Urticaria- Pain assessment before/after admin
- Monitor AST/ATL/CR/BUN if LT use- Other medications with acetaminophen
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin)NSAIDSReduces platelet aggregationInhibits
prostaglandin synthesis Mild to mod pain or feverDecrease risk for MI- GI bleeding
risk (Chronic use)- Rash- Increase bleeding time- N/V- Hepatotoxicity- Monitor for
signs of GI bleeding/ulcers- D/C use 7days pre surgery- Pain assessment
before/after adminRamipril (ACEI)AntihypertensiveSupress RAAS via inbibits ACE
Result in arterial and venous vessel dialationHTN (Lower MI)Post MI FR (Reduce
cardiac workload)MI/Stroke PreventionDiabetic Nephropathy- Hypotension- Dry Cough-
HF- Hyperkalemia- Proteinuria- Monitor BP B4/After admin- Monitor allergic RXN
(SJS)Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin)Vitamin - adequate nerve function, -protein/carb
metabolism, -RBC/Cell development and Reproduction- Vit B12 Deficiecy- Anemia-
Hemorrhage- Renal/Hepatic Disease- Diarrhea- Dizziness/headahces- Arthralgia- -
Monitor allergic RXN- Assistance w. mobility if experiencing dizziness- Do not take
with alcohol/CNS depressentsHeparin (Hepalean)Anticoagulant Prevent fibrinogen
conversion to fibrin Prevent prothrombin conversion to thrombin Inhibit Xa clotting
factorPrevention of DVT, PE, MI- Fever - Rash- Signs of bleeding - Anaphylaxis-
Urticaria - Monitor aPPt Q6-8hr- Monitor for signs of bleeding- IV hospital only-
Protamine Sulfate is antidoteVitamin D3 (Calciferol)Vitamin DIncrease intestional
absorb of calciumIncrease renal resorb of PhosphateHypocalcemia in CKD
HyperparathyroidismPsoriasisUncommon- N/V- Constipation- Myalgia/arthralgia- Assess
for Serum Ca- MedicationClassMechanism of ActionIndication/UsesWhy are they taking
this med?Possible Side EffectsCan this med have negative effects on pt?Nursing
AssessmentWhat would you look for prior/after admin. of this med?- - - - - - - -
- - - - -

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