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Human Pathophysiology for the

Exercise Sciences

Instructor: Paul A. Borsa, PhD, ATC

Upper Extremity: Shoulder, Elbow,
Forearm, Wrist, Hand & Fingers
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, students will be able to:
1. Describe the structural & functional contributions to shoulder stability.
2. Identify and explain the mechanisms, pathophysiology and signs & symptoms of shoulder
3. Identify the anatomical structures (bones, soft tissue) of the elbow, wrist, and hand.
4. Recognize the mechanisms, pathophysiology and signs & symptoms of elbow injuries.
5. Identify and explain injuries that affect the wrist and hand.
6. Differentiate between the types of injuries that affect the thumb and fingers.

Lower Extremity v. Upper Extremity

• Lower Extremity • Upper Extremity

• Weight bearing • Typical non-weight bearing
• Hip more stable, less mobile than • Shoulder is more mobile, less stable
shoulder • Arm is used for reaching
• Legs are used primarily for • Hand is used for grasping objects
• Foot absorbs loads and propels
body during locomotion
Upper Extremity: Common Injuries to
the Shoulder Complex
Shoulder (Pectoral) Girdle
• 2 bones – scapula (shoulder blade) and clavicle (collar bone)
• Connects the upper limb to the axial skeleton
Anatomy: Shoulder
• Articulations:
3 1. Scapulo-Thoracic (ST)
2. Gleno-Humeral (GH)***most mobile
4 3. Acromio-Clavicular (AC)
4. Sterno-Clavicular (SC)
2 • Shoulder girdle and GH joint must move together
• Multi-planar motion
• Sagittal – flexion/extension
• Frontal – abduction/adduction
• Transverse – Internal/external rotation and horizontal
• Circumduction
• Major clinical issue: Mobility vs. Stability
Anatomy: Shoulder
• Scapula
• Acromion process
• Coracoid process

• Clavicle
• Acromio-Clavicular (AC) joint
• AC ligament
• Coraco-clavicular ligament
• Coraco-acromial ligament

• GH joint below acromion process (scapula)

Anatomy : Shoulder
• Static stabilizers (connective tissue)
• Acromioclavicular (AC) Jt.
• Superior AC lig.
• Coraco-acromial
• Coraco-clavicular (CC) ligs.
• Conoid (medial)
• Trapezoid (lateral)
• Glenohumeral (GH) Jt.
• Joint capsule
• GH ligs.
• Labrum (rim of glenoid) – fibrocartilage
Anatomy: Shoulder
• AC joint and GH joint below acromion process
• Rotator ‘compressor’ cuff muscles originate on
scapula and insert on humeral head
• Supraspinatus
• Infraspinatus
• Teres minor
• Subscapularis

• Stabilize GH joint (compressor) and initiate

movement (rotator)
Functional Anatomy
• Bony configuration
• Ball-n-socket arrangement
• Glenoid (teardrop), labrum (fibrocartilage),
capsule/ligaments (connective tissue), and
• Capsulo-ligamentous/labrum
• Stabilize (passive)
• Guide movement
• Musculo-tendinous
• Stabilize (dynamic)
• Initiate movement
Functional Anatomy
• Most mobile and least stable
• “golf ball (humeral head) on a tee (glenoid
• Glenoid has 1/4th the articular surface as the
humeral head
• Stability
• Concavity – glenoid & labrum
• Compression – ligament & RC pull
Functional Anatomy

• Proper shoulder function is dependent upon

maintaining the humeral head centered
within the glenoid fossa
• Scapula must position & reposition to
maintain stability
• “seal balancing ball on its nose”
AC Joint/Clavicular Injuries
• Clavicle fracture (broken collarbone)
• Acromio-clavicular sprain/separation
Fall on Outstretched Hand (FOOSH)
• Major MOI for upper extremity & shoulder-related injuries
• AC joint and clavicle
Fractured Clavicle
• AKA broken collar bone
• MOI: direct blow or FOOSH
• Most common fracture in body
• Middle ⅓rd of bone
• Weak link
• Signs/symptoms
• Point tenderness
• Deformity (if displaced)
• Pain on movement
Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries
• Sprain – ligament damage with no separation of joint
• Separation – ligament damage with separation of joint
• AC ligs & CC ligs
• MOI: FOOSH, Fall on elbow, point of shoulder – force
transmitted to AC joint
Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries
• Severity of injury is determined by the specific
structures damaged
• 1st deg. - no significant damage
• No separation
• Minor disruption of AC lig.
• Mild symptoms
• 2nd deg - partial tearing of AC lig.
• Slight separation
• Tear of AC lig
• Minor disruption of CC ligs.
• Moderate symptoms
Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries
• Severity of injury is determined by the specific structures damaged

• 3rd deg – complete tear/separation

• Full separation
• Tear of AC & CC ligs
• Snap or pop may be heard
• Severe pain and symptoms
Signs & Symptoms
• Obvious deformity – separation
• Scapula droops downward exposing clavicle
• Point tender over AC joint
• Reaching across the body to touch the opposite
shoulder is painful
• Weakness during arm movements

• Sling-and-swathe
• Immediate care
• Clavicle & AC jt. injuries
• Figure of 8 strapping
• Worn during healing of clavicle fractures and AC tears
• Postural brace
• Aligns and positions bones and joint
• Referral for X-ray

Glenohumeral Joint (GHJ) Injuries

• Formed by humeral head and glenoid fossa
• Extremely mobile but inherently unstable
• Teardrop or upside-down comma shape
• Capsule/ligaments/labrum
• Superior, middle, inferior and posterior GH ligs.
• Labrum

Capsulo-ligamentous Disruption

• Sprain – ligament damage with no displacement

• Dislocation/subluxation – ligament & labral damage causing
displacement of humeral head (instability)
• Directions
• Anterior – abduction/ER with extension
• Most common
• Posterior – fall on outstretched arm
Anterior Dislocation
• Position of arm
• Abduction/External Rotation
• Hyper-abduction
• With a force into
• Horizontal extension and ER
• Humeral head is forced anterior against capsule
• Bankart lesion – labrum detached from glenoid
• Occurs with dislocation
• 12 to 3-6 o’clock position
• Hill-Sachs lesion
• Humeral head ‘chip’ fracture


• Chronic (on acute)

• Joint becomes unstable
• Sensation of “Giving-out”
• 85-90% of injuries tend to recur
• Repeated dislocations/subluxations
• Additional microtrauma to joint
• Axillary nerve contusion


• Immediate: PRICE (as always in acute joint trauma)

• Sling & swathe bandage
• Check for sensation and blood flow to hand and fingers
• Do not try to relocate (put back in place – why?)
Special Tests

• Stress tests
• Tests for joint stability
• Subjective – based on “feel”
• Apprehension/Relocation test
• Manual laxity test
• Anterior-Posterior drawer
Tendon-related Injuries
• Rotator cuff tendon
• Strain
• Impingement
• Bicep’s tendon (long head)
Rotator Cuff Strains
• Most strains affect the supraspinatus tendon
• MOI: acute v. chronic
• Acute – sudden tensile force on tendon
• Eccentric loading causing macrotrauma
• Chronic –overuse as with throwing
• Eccentric loading causing microtrauma
• Tensile forces during deceleration of arm after throwing (follow
• ‘braking’ force on arm
• Middle third of tendon
• Hypo-vascular zone
• Delayed healing

• Tendon is ‘squeezed’ between coraco-acromial arch and

humeral head
• Overhead activity decreases sub-acromial space
• Fatigue of RC muscles during activity limits dynamic
• Compression and shear forces cause microtrauma to
tendon and labrum


• Point tenderness over tendon (supraspinatus)

• Limited ROM & stiffness
• “Painful arc” or pain during arm abduction 1
• Between 80° and 120° of abduction
• Neer test – pain with arm elevation
• Strength loss (weakness)
• Drop arm test
• Empty can 3 2

• Persistent, dull-aching pain

• Nocturnal pain
• Wakes you up during sleep

Overhead & Throwing Injuries

• Baseball pitchers, javelin throwers, swimmers, volleyball
• Repetitive stress and overuse cause microtrauma to joint
structures (chronic conditions that can lead to acute

Overhead & Throwing Injuries

• Cocking phase – stress on joint (ligament and labrum); leads
to capsular laxity and SLAP lesions
• “Peel back” maneuver
• Follow-through – eccentric loading causes stress on the RC,
posterior capsule, bicep’s tendon and elbow (discuss in
more detail later)
• SLAP lesion
• Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior
• MOI: pull of biceps tendon or peel back
• Throwing related or overhead activity
• 10 to 2 o’clock position
• Stretching
• Shoulder girdle
• Strengthening
• Light weight with high repetitions
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
• Compression of nerves (brachial plexus) and blood
vessels (subclavian artery) at neck/shoulder region
• “crowded house” – fixed or positional compression

• Overhead activity
• Overuse
• Lifting weights, occupational lifting
• Overdeveloped or tight neck or shoulder muscles
• Typing
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
• 3 levels of compression
1. Scalene muscle – between ant. & middle
2. 1st rib and clavicle (costoclavicular syndrome)
3. Pectoralis minor muscle

2 1

• S/S:
• Numbness and tingling into hand during repetitive overhead activity (hand and fingers
falling asleep)
• Weakness of grip and uncoordinated arm movements
• Special tests
• Adson’s maneuver
• Check radial pulse for changes in quality, rhythm, rate as arm is moved into extension and
head/neck is rotated and flexed
• Roos – arm in abduction and external rotation; open and close hand

• Extreme – removal of 1st rib
• Postural retraining – retract shoulders
• Stretching and flexibility training
• Vigorous stretching of neck and shoulder girdle muscles

• Strengthening muscles that aid in good posture

• Upper back muscles
Please contact the Instructor with any questions.

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