Quiz2 (Solutionfor BCD)

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Student ID____________ Section _______ Name _________________________

Department: Computer Engineering Program: B.S (CE)

Quiz 2 (solution)
CE—409 Simulation and Modelling

Sr. No Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Blooms

CLO_3 Evaluation Queuing Models using statistical models and PLO_4 C5
random number generation and testing techniques and apply (Investigation) (Evaluating )
them to Simulation model
Announced date: Due Date: Total Marks = 4
Marks Obtained =

Teacher Name: Huma Hasan Rizvi

Q1: A branch office of a large engineering firm has one on-line terminal connected to a central computer
system for 16 hours each day. Engineers, who work throughout the city, drive to the branch office to use
the terminal for making routine calculations. The arrival pattern of engineers is random (Poisson) with an
average of 20 persons per day using the terminal. The distribution of time spent by an engineer at the
terminal is exponential with an average time of 30 minutes. Thus the terminal is 5/8 utilized (20 x 1/2 =
10 hours out of 16 hours available). The branch manager receives complaints from the staff about the
length of time many of them have to wait to use the terminal. It does not seem reasonable to the manager
to procure another terminal when the present one is only used five-eighths of the time, on the average.
How can queueing theory help this manager?
Q1 The Peachtree Airport in Atlanta serves light aircraft. It has a single runway and one air traffic
controller to land planes. It takes an airplane 12 minutes to land and clear the runway. Planes arrive at the
airport at the rate of 4 per hour.

a. Determine the average number of planes that will stack up waiting to land.
b. Find the average time a plane must wait in line before it can land.
c. Calculate the average time it takes a plane to clear the runway once it has notified the airport that
it is in the vicinity and want to land.
d. The FAA has a rule that an air traffic controller can on the average land planes a maximum of 45
minutes out of every hour. There must be 15 minutes of idle time available to relieve the tension. Will this
airport have to hire an extra air traffic controller?


Q2. Consider a random variable X which takes on values 1 and 2 with probability 0.25 and 0.75,
respectively (i.e., Pr[x =1] = 0.25and Pr[x = 2] = 0.75). Determine the mean and variance of X. Plot the
probability density function (pdf) and probability distribution function (PDF) of X.
Q3. The media often seizes on yearly changes in crime or other statistics. A large jump in the number of
murders from one year to the next, or a large. decline in the support for a particular political party may
become the subject of many news reports and analysis. These statistics may be expected to show some
shift from year to year, just because there is variation in any phenomenon. This question addresses this
issue by looking at changes in the annual number of suicides in the province of India.
‘Suicides in India declined by more than 13% from 1992 to 1993,” was the headline in the Indian Times
in early 1984. The article went on to interview several noted experts on suicide who gave possible reasons
for the large decline. As a student who has just completed a sim &mod course, you come across the
article and decide to check out the data. By consulting Table given below of Indian Health, Vital
Statistics, Annual Report, for various years, you find the figures for 1988-1999. The data is given in ble.

Year 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Number 164 142 153 171 171 148 136 133 138 132 145 124

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