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(slide 5)

The Mamasapano incident of 2015, a tragic event etched in the collective memory of
the Philippines, marks a significant chapter in the nation's pursuit of peace and
security. This Review of Related Literature (RRL) provides a foundational context
for understanding the multifaceted dynamics surrounding the incident.

(slide 6)
*Historical Context
The Mamasapano incident of 2015 unfolded within the intricate historical context of
protracted conflict in Mindanao

*Lack of Coordination and Communication

The lack of coordination mentioned in the headline likely refers to a perceived
failure of communication and coordination between different branches of the
Philippine security forces during the operation.

(slide 7)
*Implications for the President and the Country
This issue is having an immediate and visible impact on Aquino's presidency.

*Implications for Peace and Security Building

Passing of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL).

(slide 8)
It begins by highlighting the incident's significance in the nation's pursuit of
peace and security and proceeds to offer key insights into its historical backdrop,
the evolution of the Bangsamoro peace process, and the scholarly discourse
surrounding this pivotal event.

slide (9-11)
This study is anchored to the Conflict Transformation Theory by John Paul
Lederach(2003), which provides a process of moving from conflict habituated systems
to peace systems for a holistic analysis of how the causes, effects, and
implications of the Mamasapano incident for the peace and security building of the

Counterinsurgency Warfare Theory; n essential aspect of this "compass" is the

realization that public support for the state should be the primary goal of
counterinsurgency and that this makes counterinsurgency operations above all,
political operations.

This research article is geographically delimited to focus solely on the Mamasapano

incident in the Philippines, excluding exploration of similar incidents or
conflicts in other countries.

(slide 12-17)
The causes, effects, and implications of the Mamasapano incident for the peace and
security building of the Philippines provide a comprehensive discussion of these

*The Mamasapano incident was rooted in a complex web of causes, including

historical grievances stemming from the Moro people's long-standing struggle for
self-determination, economic disparities in Mindanao, and political decisions
related to counterinsurgency strategies.

These actions aimed at addressing the incident and preventing further escalations.

*These findings highlight that the incident was not a singular event but rather a
manifestation of deep-seated issues in Mindanao. Addressing these root causes is
essential for sustainable peace and security building in the Philippines.

The government's approach to the incident had implications for its broader peace
and security-building efforts.

(slide 18)
In order to ascertain the causes, consequences, and implications of the sad
occurrence that took place in the municipality of Mamasapano, the research helped
identify efficient tactics and strategies that should be used to gain useful

(slide 19)
Inclusive Peace Processes
Conflict-sensitive policies for development
Security Sector Reforms
Community Engagement and Dialogue
Historical Reconciliation
Interfaith Dialogue and Tolerance
Long-Term Engagement
Capacity Building
Media and Information Dissemination
Continuous Learning from Similar Incidents

(slide 20)
*Williams, M. (2015). After Deadly Raid in Philippines, What Implications for the
President and the Country? The Global Observatory.
*Villarea, G. (2016). OPERATION EXODUS: The Massacre of 44 Philippine Police
Commandos in Mamasapano Clash. Defense Technical Information Center.
*Ty, R. (2015). The Mamasapano clash and the clamor for peace. ReliefWeb.
*Castillo, C. R. (2018). The Mamasapano clash, memories of violence, and the
politics of Muslim belonging in the Philippines. New Mandala
*De Jesus, T. (2015). Implications of Mamasapano on the Peace Process. Konrad
Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Philippines.
*Burgess, H., & Burgess, G. M. (2016). John Paul Lederach's "Big Picture of
Conflict Transformation". Beyond Intractability.
*Galula, D. (1964). Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice. Beyond

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