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Tag Questions

Questão 1
FAPEC - 2021 - SAD-MS - Professor - Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

According to the cartoon, check the options and choose one:

a. A “Tag question” da sentença frasal está no presente contínuo.

b. A “Tag question” da sentença frasal está no presente perfeito.
c. A “Tag question” da sentença frasal está no presente simples.
d. A “Tag question” da sentença frasal está no passado simples.
e. A “Tag question” da sentença frasal está no presente perfeito contínuo.
Questão 2
Unesc - 2019 - Prefeitura de Maracajá - SC - Professor - Inglês

Which is the best alternative to fill in the following question tag?

“I often come home late, ______?”

a. don’t
b. do l
c. am l
d. shall I
Questão 3
AMAUC - 2019 - Prefeitura de Ipumirim - SC - Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

Tick the sentences below with R (right) W (wrong), after that, choose the correct alternative.

( ) She went to the club, didn’t she?

( ) Carmen is not nurse, is she?
( ) Paul can play the piano, can’t he?
( ) Paul was a student, didn’t he?
( ) Mary studies medicine, doesn’t she?

a. R – W – R – R –W
b. R – W – R – R –R
c. R – W – W – R –R
d. W–W–R–R–R
e. R – R – R – W –R
Questão 4
GSA CONCURSOS - 2020 - Prefeitura de Romelândia - SC - Professor de Inglês

Drink your tea, ________? The question tag for the sentence is:

a. will you
b. won´t you
c. don’t you
d. didn’t you
e. do you?
Questão 5
GSA CONCURSOS - 2020 - Prefeitura de Abelardo Luz - SC - Professor de Inglês

Mark the option whose tag question is wrong:

a. People have fought for their rights, haven ́t they?

b. The man had many stories, hadn ́t he?
c. Kids have energy to play, don ́t they?
d. The actress has been sick, hasn ́t she?
e. Bob has curly hair, doesn ́t he?
Questão 6
GS Assessoria e Concursos - 2020 - Prefeitura de Romelândia - SC - Professor de Inglês

Analyse the sentences and the question tags:

I-We have lived alone, haven´t we? II-Let´s correct the exercise, shall we?
III-Let the books on the table, shall it? IV-Sarah has curly hair, hasn´t she?

a. Only I and II are correct.

b. Only II and IV are correct.
c. Only III and IV are correct.
d. All are correct.
e. Only I and IV are correct.
Questão 7
IBADE - 2020 - SEE-AC - Professor PNS P2 - Língua Inglesa

Which option has a tag question that completes the following sentence

“I am very familiar with circle time, ____________”

a. was I?
b. I was?
c. aren’t I?
d. aren´t you?
e. don´t you?
Questão 8
Alternative Concursos - 2021 - Prefeitura de Esperança do Sul - RS - Professor de Inglês

The incorrect question tag is in:

a. Some people like big cities, don´t they?

b. Diana loved her people, didn´t she?
c. Let´s sing together, shall we?
d. Be a good boy, will you?
e. Bob never came again, didn´t he?
Questão 9
NBS - 2021 - Prefeitura de Irati - PR - Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

Mark the option whose tag question is wrong:

a. People have fought for their rights, haven´t they?

b. The man had many stories, hadn´t he?
c. Kids have energy to play, don´t they?
d. The actress has been sick, hasn´t she?
e. Bob has curly hair, doesn´t he?
Questão 10
MetroCapital Soluções - 2020 - Prefeitura de Cerquilho - SP - Professor de Educação Básica II - Inglês

Choose the best option to complete the sentences:

1. So he won't give me my money back, _____?

2. You're not going to study, _____?
3. I don't think anyone will go, _____?
4. Everything is fine, ______?

a. will he – aren't you – will they – isn't it.

b. won’t he – are you – will they – is it.
c. will he – are you – won't they – isn't it.
d. won’t he - aren’t you – won't they – is it.
e. All answers are incorrect.
Questão 11
NBS - 2021 - Prefeitura de Irati - PR - Professor - Inglês

The question tag is incorrect in:

a. The secretary doesn´t write his speeches, does she?

b. The doctor had visited his patients, hadn´t he?
c. Sarah has curly hair, hasn´t she?
d. Let the happiness come in, will you?
e. Let´s read together, shall we?
Questão 12
GUALIMP - 2019 - Prefeitura de Porciúncula - RJ - Professor - Inglês

All sentences are correct, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.

a. Wait here a moment, do you?

b. You´ve played before, haven´t you?
c. Give me an example, could you?
d. Let´s sit in the garden, shall we?
Questão 13

Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that fills in correctly the
blank. “The Titanic, sunk in 1912, has been the subject of numerous films and
books, __________?”

a. “didn’t it?”
b. “hasn’t it?”
c. “hasn’t she?”
d. “haven’t it?”
e. “doesn’t he?”
Questão 14
Prefeitura de Guabiruba - SC

Juan’s left his briefcase at school, _______?

a. didn’t he
b. hasn’t Juan
c. has he
d. doesn’t he
e. hasn’t he
Questão 15
IBADE - 2020 - Prefeitura de Vila Velha - ES - Professor - Língua Inglesa

1- 66% of North American recruiters agreed that being bilingual will be increasingly
important, ___________?
2- They are able to deal with a wide array of clients, ____________?
3- Let’s visit the Willard InterContinental hotel, ____________?

a. won’t they / don’t they / will you.

b. don’t they / aren’t they / will we.
c. don’t they / don’t they / don’t we.
d. didn’t they / aren’t they / shall we.
e. didn’t they / aren’t they / won’t we.
Questão 16
IBADE - 2018 - Prefeitura de Ji-Paraná - RO - Professor Nível II - Inglês

The following sentences have question tags. Choose the sentence which has
the correct question tag.

a. A lot of people in the UK do not intend to get Internet access, don't they?
b. They were not interested in getting connected to the Internet, did they?
c. The cost of getting online is going down, doesn't it?
d. More and more people are getting broadband, don't they?
e. There are still a significant number of people who refuse to take the first
step, aren't there?
Questão 17
IBADE - 2018 - Prefeitura de Presidente Kennedy - ES - Professor - Inglês

Choose the only sentence in which the question tag is incorrect:

a. Kate likes her job very much, doesn't she?

b. Kate didn't enjoy the PhD program, did she?
c. Kate doesn't like physics, does she?
d. Kate loved the chemistry class, didn’t she?
e. Kate was completely depressed, didn't she?
Questão 18
IBADE - 2018 - Prefeitura de Manaus - AM - Professor de Língua Inglesa

Choose the sentence which has the correct question tag.

a. The dog was rescued by the Japanese Coast Guard crew, weren't they?
b. The Japanese woman recognized her dog on a TV news report, didn't
c. The dog's owner didn't want to reveal her identity, does she?
d. The roof has broken off the house. didn't it?
Questão 19
Questão 20

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