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Should all cellphones be banned in all school

There’s plenty of reason, first, phones are needed maybe for an emergency also
phone is needed for calling someone which is important, third of all phones is
needed to remember what class is next and in what room and therefore all
cellphones should not be banned in all school.

Imagine if people don’t have their phones at school and maybe some kid will
collapse to the ground, then the phone will be very good choice to call for some
help in other countries emergency number is 9-1-1 but in Iceland it is 1-1-2 and
then ambulance and police will arrive to save the kid that collapsed to the

Calling if it is important.
Second if someone need to call their parents when someone has doctor’s
appointment then it will be easily for the kid to call his parents to make sure
when he should be on a doctor’s appointment.

Remember when class will start!

Third one is very important when attending to school because if someone forgot
what class is next or maybe forgot in what room the class is then the phone
would be handy because you can go in Inna and check what class is next.

My opinion

So that’s why cellphones should not be banned in all school, cellphones can be
very handy when you have them so I would recommend people taking their
phones to school to for an example memorize what class you should attend to
because as for an example I forget sometimes what class is next to I just go to
Inna and check it is that simple.

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