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(first two three words of the title) 1


(first two three words of the title) 2























(first two three words of the title) 3






------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------



















(first two three words of the title) 4



Review of Literature (







------------------------- (Breslau et al., 1998; Kessler et al., 2005))







------------------------- (Patel et al., 2015)).







------------------------(Chadda & Deb, 2013)). -----------------------------------------------------------

(first two three words of the title) 5










------------------------(Patel, 2007).







------------------------(Patel, 2007).







------------------------(Patel, 2007).
(first two three words of the title) 6







------------------------(Patel, 2007).

Research Gaps








Objective and Aims

1. (A short heading in italics)- -----------------------------------------( brief explanation)------



2. (A short heading in italics)- -----------------------------------------( brief explanation)------


(first two three words of the title) 7

3. (A short heading in italics)- -----------------------------------------( brief explanation)------



4. (A short heading in italics)- -----------------------------------------( brief explanation)------




1. (Building on objectives)

• Hypothesis 1 (H1): (---------------------------------------------------------------------

2. (Building on objectives)

• Hypothesis 2 (H2): ): (------------------------------------------------------------------



• Hypothesis 3 (H3): ): (------------------------------------------------------------------



3. (Building on objectives):

• Hypothesis 4 (H4): ): (------------------------------------------------------------------


(first two three words of the title) 8

• Hypothesis 5 (H5): ): (------------------------------------------------------------------



4. (Building on objectives):

• Hypothesis 6 (H6): ): (------------------------------------------------------------------




1. Study Design: (------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



2. Data Collection:

Sampling Method- Convenient Sampling

Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where participants are

selected based on their availability and willingness to take part in the study, rather than

selecting from the population at large. This method is particularly advantageous for

research in urban settings like New Delhi, where logistical challenges can impede random

sampling. Convenience sampling allows for the efficient collection of data, making it a

practical choice for preliminary studies aimed at identifying trends and hypotheses for

future, more rigorous investigations.

(first two three words of the title) 9

1. (Name of the tool ): (------------------------------brief explanation of the tool with only

technical details----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2. (Name of the tool ): (------------------------------brief explanation of the tool with only

technical details----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. (Name of the tool ): (------------------------------brief explanation of the tool with only

technical details----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


3. Sample Criteria:

a) Age Range: ( (------------------------------Demographics of the sample to be

taken for study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------



b) Sample Size: The target sample size for the study is set at 400 individuals. This

number is chosen to ensure a sufficiently large sample to allow for the analysis

of prevalence rates and contributing factors with a reasonable degree of

accuracy and statistical power .(Sample statement)

c) Population: The study will concentrate on individuals who are currently

enrolled in college. College-going young adults are in a unique social and

developmental context that may influence their exposure to stressors and their

mental health outcomes. Focusing on this group also allows for a more

structured approach to sampling within educational institutions. (.(Sample

(first two three words of the title) 10

d) Location: The geographic focus of the study will be New Delhi, the capital city

of India. This urban setting is chosen due to its diverse and dense population,

unique urban stressors, and the availability of various colleges and universities,

making it an ideal location for studying the mental health of young adults.

.(Sample statement)

e) Sampling Method: Convenience sampling will be employed to recruit

participants. This method involves selecting individuals who are readily

available and willing to participate. For this study, recruitment will take place

in environments where the target population can be easily accessed, such as

college campuses, social media groups related to New Delhi colleges, and

student organizations or clubs.(Sample statement)

4. Implementation Strategy:

a) Recruitment: Outreach efforts will include coordinating with college

administrations, posting calls for participants on college notice boards and

social media platforms, and engaging with student groups and organizations.

These efforts aim to reach a broad cross-section of the college-going population

within the specified age range.(Sample statement)

b) Inclusion Criteria:

a. (---------------------------------------------------------).

b. (---------------------------------------------------------).

c. (---------------------------------------------------------).

d. (---------------------------------------------------------).

e. (---------------------------------------------------------).

c) Exclusion Criteria:

a. (---------------------------------------------------------).
(first two three words of the title) 11

b. (---------------------------------------------------------).

c. (---------------------------------------------------------).

5. Data Collection:









1. (Objective 1)

• (------------------------------------------------Your expectancy of the respective

Hypothesis to be rejected or failed to be rejected-----------------------).

2. (Objective 2)

• (------------------------------------------------Your expectancy of the respective

Hypothesis to be rejected or failed to be rejected-----------------------).

3. (Objective 3)
(first two three words of the title) 12

• (------------------------------------------------Your expectancy of the respective

Hypothesis to be rejected or failed to be rejected-----------------------).

4. (Objective 4)

• (------------------------------------------------Your expectancy of the respective

Hypothesis to be rejected or failed to be rejected-----------------------).



----------------------------------------------- TENTATIVE CONCLUSION-----------------------------






American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders (5th ed.).

Breslau, N., Kessler, R. C., Chilcoat, H. D., Schultz, L. R., Davis, G. C., & Andreski, P.

(1998). Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in the community: the 1996 Detroit Area

Survey of Trauma. Archives of general psychiatry, 55(7), 626-632.

Chadda, R. K., & Deb, K. S. (2013). Indian family systems, collectivistic society and

psychotherapy. Indian journal of psychiatry, 55(Suppl 2), S299-S309.

(first two three words of the title) 13

Cloitre, M., Garvert, D. W., Brewin, C. R., Bryant, R. A., & Maercker, A. (2013). Evidence

for proposed ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD: A latent profile analysis. European journal of

psychotraumatology, 4(1), 20706.

Kessler, R.C., Berglund, P., Demler, O., Jin, R., Merikangas, K.R., & Walters, E.E. (2005).

Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of DSM-IV disorders in the National

Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(6), 593-602.

Patel, V., & Kleinman, A. (2003). Poverty and common mental disorders in developing

countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81, 609-615.

World Health Organization. (2018). International classification of diseases for mortality and

morbidity statistics (11th Revision).

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