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we live in a very different world nowadays. how people think is changing faster than ever and
a key reason is because we have smartphones.

social media
- also i feel just a distraction (rozptýlebí) from the boredom, it’s a quick and easy way
to have a little fun. but there is more profound and better ways. it seems like
recently the apps are becoming even more addicting.
- FACEBOOK: Before you used to scroll the facebook, it was a quiet interesting you
could see photos of your friends and read their status updates stuff like that.
- INSTAGRAM: then instagram came which was also quite interesting, it was only
photos and much easier to get sucked into the content.
- TICKTOCK: i feel like tiktok is a hundred times more addictive, they are trying to
make addictive as much as possible. it’s like eating a bag of chips, you always want
a new one and always have a next crisp. because that’s how they make the money.
- ticktock videos are like 30 seconds maybe less, how you can capture (zachytit) as
much attention in a very short period (instant gratification=okamžik poťešení).
youtube videos are like 20 minutes long and the people are boring after 5 minutes
because they can’t keep the attention. but in ticktock it’s just 5 seconds and next
videos so you never feel bored.
- i have seen one social experiment on netflix, it says how social media is changing
human psychology extremely quickly. the algorithm is directing on our thinking,
because it’s tells us what to think about.

- since covid began we have been closed inside a lot more. It’s became a lot more
tempting (lákavý) to use the phones at all times. I feel like a lot of people were
always on their phones because they couldn’t go outside and do the things that we
usually used to do it.
- It feels like we were relying on (být závislý, spoléhat se) our technology, more to
socialize especially on google meet and other social media for calling.

first time aware

- the first time i became aware of this truly problem was when i was in korea on the
subway train. i noticed there were maybe 20 people out of 25 and all just looking at
their phones. They were just looking down playing games, watching on videos ir
instagram scroll like rats pressing the feeder button in a laboratory experiment. i
remember it seemed so unnatural. i imagined their brains literally turning into mash.
basically this was 5 years ago and not everyone had internet on their phones.
- now worldwide every subway train is literally the same globally. so like in japan you
see this all the time, the people who go in and out of building and also security
guards, like everyone is just obsess on their phone. i can’t blame security guards for
being on their phone all the time. if i was in their situation i would also be using my
phone because of this a very boring job.

- i remember when i went to Casa batlo in barcelona, its amazing building designed by
Gaudi. it’s a wonder of the world at least is a world heritage area. it’s a deeply
historical place and you want to feel the history feel but instead i remember seeing a
big group of asian tourists and they were taking photos of these beautiful building but
they weren’t even looking at the building. they just saw the rooms through their
screen of their phones and took pictures very quickly and then walked to the next one
as quick as possible.
- unfortunately it’s like that in many beautiful places that one goes to be it a beautiful
view at the top of mountain or famous monument a lot of the time people instead of
being there presently in the moment.
- i mean i do this too but we have to actively try to free ourselves from it. instead of
being there in the moment we were thinking about how this moment will appear. we
want to show our experiences to other people which is normal thing but therefore we
get carried away from the actual experience into thinking how other people will see
our experience what is become most important.
- sometimes u can see pictures of some people standing in front of something looking
at it, so they can put on their insta stories “look cultured i am” but then you can’t
really see the beautiful thing it’s in the background.

in my mind
- so it’s okay to take a picture but also stan or sit with the experience and give it all of
your attention and see how long it takes until you really get the impulse to pick up
your phone and look at it and mindlessly scroll.
- it’s interesting to just try keep attention to what is happening in your mind in that
moment when you go to pick up the phone
- why are we doing it? are we doing it because there’s some intent like i have to do
something i have to check some messages. i think it’s very interesting be aware why
you are doing it or you are just automatically picking up the phone and mindlessly
scrolling. it's very interesting in the moment when you become more aware in the
phones but it's for food, for any kind of behavior. be more to basically observe
(všímat si) the impulse inside of you.
- so we live in the world where no one is ever bored. you have nothing to think about
bored because when you feel bored you always take out your phone to stop the
- i feel like the boredom improves our mental health also it’s a time for your brain
relaxes, reset and digest (vstřebat) and processes all the new information from the
day. also when we are boredom we think about new ideas and adventure novelty
which helps us have a wider variety (rozsáhlou škálu) of experiences, new goals
and accomplishing (dosáhnout) new dreams.
- we're procrastinating, we're ignoring our duties (povinnosti) or things that we should
be doing with our day. but we could use our time more effectively but it’s usually
means that we have to put more effort into the time (because u need to get out of
our bed and go to exercise) it’s usually things what you don’t want to do and it’s
struggle (boj) and difficult to do. you feel uncomfortable, just being there because
something in your mind is telling you that there is something else that you should do.
we usually respond (reagovat) by distracting (rozptýlení) ourselves with feel-good
emotions so we’ll go to eat a bag of chips or just turn on the TV.
cinema and movies
- we have seen some movie or anything on ours phones and cinema has died. i have
been the las time in cinema maybe three years ago. also most of my friends they just
want to watch on some movie and they they just wouldn’t even each it. then they say
tha is was boring. i wonder how they can swear it.

- i feel like it’s very difficult to teach a class of students, because everyone attention
span (rozpětí) is shortened. it’s impossible to compete (konkurovat) against video
games or tictok which the students before used to. How they have to go home to log
on their computer to play games.
- now if you try to take students phone it’s like trying to take a drugs away from an
addict. they start screaming and shouting but then at the end of the lesson when
they can get back their phones they run like they ll run at the speed of light and fight
to be first in the line to get the phone back. like a drug addict taking a bag of heroin
off a dealer and then running to nearest shadow to use it.
- i have seen it on meeting course with my class. if had teachers not taken student’s
phones, the students would never get to know each other.

surfing was born in Polynesia, more than two thousand years ago
1. Profit - Zisk
2. Revenue - Tržby
3. Investment - Investice
4. Budget - Rozpočet
5. Strategy - Strategie
6. Market - Trh
7. Competition - Konkurence
8. Sales - Prodej
9. Customer - Zákazník
10. Product - Produkt
11. Service - Služba
12. Growth - Růst
13. Innovation - Inovace
14. Collaboration - Spolupráce
15. Partnership - Partnerství
16. Negotiation - Vyjednávání
17. Contract - Smlouva
18. Deadline - Termín
19. Performance - Výkon
20. Efficiency - Efektivita
21. Leadership - Vedení
22. Teamwork - Týmová práce
23. Communication - Komunikace
24. Networking - Síťování
25. Analysis - Analýza
26. Decision - Rozhodnutí
27. Risk - Riziko
28. Opportunity - Příležitost
29. Success - Úspěch
30. Failure - Selhání
31. Market research - Průzkum trhu
32. Customer satisfaction - Spokojenost zákazníků
33. Supply chain - Dodavatelský řetězec
34. Demand - Poptávka
35. Branding - Vytváření značky
36. Advertisement - Inzerce
37. Quality control - Kontrola kvality
38. Employee - Zaměstnanec
39. Outsourcing - Outsourcing
40. Benchmarking - Porovnávání s konkurencí

**Business: A Key Driver of Economic Growth**

**Obchod: Klíčový motor ekonomického růstu**

Business plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development around the
**Obchod hraje klíčovou roli při pohánění ekonomického růstu a rozvoje po celém světě.**

From small local enterprises to multinational corporations, businesses contribute to

job creation, innovation, and wealth generation.
**Od malých místních podniků po nadnárodní korporace, podniky přispívají k vytváření
pracovních míst, inovacím a generování bohatství.**

One of the primary functions of businesses is to create goods and services to meet
the needs and wants of consumers.
**Jednou z hlavních funkcí podniků je vytvářet zboží a služby, které uspokojí potřeby a přání

By producing goods and services, businesses generate revenue, which in turn leads
to profits.
**Vytvářením zboží a služeb podniky generují příjmy, které pak vedou k ziskům.**

These profits can then be reinvested into the business for expansion, research and
development, or distributed to shareholders.
**Tyto zisky lze pak reinvestovat do podniku pro rozšíření, výzkum a vývoj, nebo rozdělit
mezi akcionáře.**

Businesses also create employment opportunities, providing jobs to individuals

across various sectors and skill levels.
**Podniky také vytvářejí pracovní příležitosti, poskytují pracovní místa jednotlivcům napříč
různými odvětvími a úrovněmi dovedností.**

The more jobs a business creates, the more income is generated, leading to increased
consumer spending and overall economic growth.
**Čím více pracovních míst podnik vytvoří, tím více příjmů je generováno, což vede ke
zvýšené spotřebě spotřebitelů a celkovému ekonomickému růstu.**

Additionally, businesses often offer training and skill development programs,

empowering employees to enhance their capabilities and contribute more effectively
to the economy.
**Navíc podniky často nabízejí školení a programy rozvoje dovedností, které zaměstnancům
umožňují zlepšit své schopnosti a přispívat efektivněji k ekonomice.**

Moreover, businesses drive innovation by investing in research and development

(R&D) activities.
**Navíc podniky podporují inovace investicemi do výzkumných a vývojových (V&V)

Through R&D, businesses develop new products, services, and technologies that
improve efficiency, enhance quality, and address societal challenges.
**Pomocí V&V podniky vyvíjejí nové produkty, služby a technologie, které zvyšují efektivitu,
zlepšují kvalitu a řeší společenské výzvy.**

Innovation not only drives competitiveness but also fosters economic progress and
societal advancement.
**Inovace nejen podporuje konkurenceschopnost, ale také podporuje ekonomický pokrok a
společenský rozvoj.**

Furthermore, businesses contribute to the development of infrastructure and

community welfare through corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
**Navíc podniky přispívají k rozvoji infrastruktury a sociálnímu blahobytu komunity
prostřednictvím iniciativ firemní sociální odpovědnosti (CSR).**

Many businesses engage in philanthropic activities, environmental sustainability

efforts, and community development projects, thereby creating positive social impact
and enhancing their reputation among consumers and stakeholders.
**Mnoho podniků se zapojuje do filantropických aktivit, snah o udržitelnost životního
prostředí a projektů rozvoje komunity, čímž vytvářejí pozitivní sociální dopad a zvyšují svou
reputaci u spotřebitelů a zainteresovaných stran.**

In conclusion, business is a cornerstone of economic prosperity, driving growth,

innovation, and social development.
**Závěrem, obchod je základem ekonomické prosperity, pohání růst, inovace a sociální

By creating value for consumers, generating employment, fostering innovation, and

contributing to community welfare, businesses play a vital role in shaping the
economic and social landscape of societies worldwide.
Vytvářením hodnoty pro spotřebitele, generováním pracovních míst, podporováním inovací a
přispíváním k sociálnímu blahobytu komunity, hrají podniky klíčovou roli při formování
ekonomického a sociálního prostředí společností po celém světě.**
**Business in Modeling: Advantages and Disadvantages**

**Obchod v modelingu: Výhody a nevýhody**

Modeling is a dynamic and competitive industry that encompasses various sectors,

including fashion, advertising, entertainment, and more.
**Modeling je dynamický a konkurenční průmysl, který zahrnuje různé sektory, včetně módy,
reklamy, zábavy a dalších.**

While it offers exciting opportunities for individuals to showcase their talent and
creativity, it also comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
**Zatímco nabízí vzrušující příležitosti jednotlivcům k předvedení svého talentu a kreativity,
přináší také svůj vlastní soubor výhod a nevýhod.**


1. **Creativity and Expression:** Modeling allows individuals to express themselves

creatively through poses, facial expressions, and body movements. It provides a
platform for artists to showcase their unique style and personality.
**Kreativita a vyjádření:** Modelování jednotlivcům umožňuje kreativně vyjádřit své postoje,
výrazy obličeje a pohyby těla. Poskytuje platformu pro umělce k předvedení jejich
jedinečného stylu a osobnosti.**

2. **Opportunities for Exposure:** Successful models often gain significant exposure

and visibility in the industry. They have the chance to work with renowned
photographers, designers, and brands, which can lead to lucrative contracts and
**Příležitosti pro expozici:** Úspěšní modelové často získávají významnou expozici a
viditelnost v průmyslu. Mají šanci spolupracovat s renomovanými fotografy, designéry a
značkami, což může vést k lukrativním smlouvám a podporám.**

3. **Financial Rewards:** Modeling can be financially rewarding for those who achieve
success in the industry. Top models command high fees for photo shoots, runway
shows, and advertising campaigns, allowing them to earn substantial incomes.
**Finanční odměny:** Modelování může být finančně odměňující pro ty, kteří dosáhnou
úspěchu v průmyslu. Top modely si účtují vysoké poplatky za fotografování, přehlídky na
mole, a reklamní kampaně, což jim umožňuje vydělat značné příjmy.**

4. **Travel and Adventure:** Modeling often involves traveling to different locations

for photo shoots, fashion shows, and promotional events. This provides models with
the opportunity to explore new places, cultures, and experiences.
**Cestování a dobrodružství:** Modelování často zahrnuje cestování na různá místa pro
focení, módní přehlídky a promoční akce. To modelům poskytuje příležitost objevovat nová
místa, kultury a zážitky.**
5. **Networking Opportunities:** The modeling industry offers excellent networking
opportunities, allowing individuals to connect with industry professionals, including
photographers, stylists, agents, and celebrities. Building a strong network can open
doors to new opportunities and collaborations.
**Příležitosti k navazování kontaktů:** Průmysl modelování nabízí vynikající příležitosti k
navazování kontaktů, což umožňuje jednotlivcům spojit se s profesionály v průmyslu, včetně
fotografů, stylistů, agentů a celebrit. Budování silné sítě může otevřít dveře k novým
příležitostem a spolupracím.**


1. **Competitive Nature:** The modeling industry is highly competitive, with countless

aspiring models vying for limited opportunities. Success often requires resilience,
determination, and perseverance in the face of rejection and criticism.
**Konkurenční povaha:** Průmysl modelování je velmi konkurenční, s nekonečným
množstvím aspirujících modelů soutěžících o omezené příležitosti. Úspěch často vyžaduje
odolnost, odhodlání a vytrvalost v tváři odmítnutí a kritiky.**

2. **Pressure to Maintain Appearance:** Models are often under pressure to maintain

a certain appearance and physique as per industry standards. This can lead to body
image issues, eating disorders, and mental health challenges.
**Tlak na udržování vzhledu:** Modely jsou často pod tlakem udržovat určitý vzhled a
fyzickou kondici podle standardů průmyslu. To může vést k problémům s obrazem těla,
poruchám příjmu potravy a mentálním zdravotním problémům.**

3. **Instability and Uncertainty:** Modeling is a freelance profession, which means

income and job opportunities can be unpredictable and inconsistent. Models may
experience periods of unemployment between gigs, leading to financial instability.
**Nestabilita a nejistota:** Modelování je profese na volné noze, což znamená, že příjmy a
pracovní příležitosti mohou být nepředvídatelné a nekonzistentní. Modely mohou zažívat
období nezaměstnanosti mezi zakázkami, což vede k finanční nestabilitě.**

4. **Exploitation and Discrimination:** Some models may face exploitation,

harassment, or discrimination within the industry. This can include issues such as
unfair pay, inappropriate behavior from clients or photographers, and discrimination
based on age, race, or gender.
**Vykořisťování a diskriminace:** Někteří modelové se mohou setkat s vykořisťováním,
obtěžováním nebo diskriminací v rámci průmyslu. To může zahrnovat problémy jako je
nekalá platba, nevhodné chování ze strany klientů nebo fotografů a diskrimin

word, 'consultant'. A consultant is a job and it means to give advice. or to help people, a
consultant, yeah, you give advice for money.

Next, 'gratitude' is a noun which means to appreciate and be thankful for, to show gratitude,
to show thanks. I show gratitude in the people listening to this podcast. Thank you so much.
Next, to 'incorporate'.

Next, to 'determine'. Which is to find out, or to make something clear. After this podcast,
you'll determine if you'll use Ikigai in your everyday life.

Next, 'bliss'. Bliss is a beautiful word. Bliss, a noun, meaning pure happiness and joy - bliss.

Another word, 'vocation', a noun. Vocation, which is a career path. My vocation is teaching
English. My vocation used to be a graphic designer.

The last word today, to 'reinvent', means to change something from the past into a new
version, maybe you can reinvent your life after learning about ikigai. Some people find that
eating healthy or doing yoga or meditation helps them reinvent their lives. Some people wear
new kinds of clothes or into new genres of music. These are the ways that they reinvent
themselves. Or you can reinvent a video game or sunglasses or anything really. If you make
a past version, the old version of something into a better new version, you reinvent it.

Okay, finally, finally, okay. Ikigai, the ultimate guide to a fulfilled and purpose-driven life.
Purpose-driven life. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means the reason for living. 'Iki' means
life or living and 'gai' means value. Together, ikigai is a thing that makes your life worth living.
It's the source of your joy.

An inspiration, and is a reason for you to get out of bed every morning. In modern society,
we're always told by the news and the media how to lead a life to the point we lose touch
with our own desires, hopes, and dreams. I'm from the UK, and for as long as I can
remember, the idea of attending college and getting a 9 to 5 job after graduation has been
ingrained deeply into my mind, into my consciousness and the mind of all people around me.

The result is a very competitive, overly competitive society. Since childhood we were taught
to perform well in school and to be reliable workers so we can serve our societies and our
capitalist companies well. Most of us have been set up to meet someone else's standards
instead of following our own nature.

Instead of walking, marching forward to the sound of to the rhythm of your own drum, the
ikigai concept, therefore, is mind-blowing to many people like me. Mind-blowing means
something that sounds amazing and makes you suddenly think in a different way about
something. The fact that so many Okinawans live to 100 years old in Japan is so
Actually, the ikigai philosophy comes from the small island south of Japan, of Okinawa. It's
the same place that karate is from too, karate, interestingly enough. Maybe there's a link.
Okinawa is home to some of the oldest living people on Earth. And as you can well guess,
ikigai is one vital ingredient in their longevity recipe.They have an active lifestyle and a very
natural diet. These centenarians, remember, believe having a sense of purpose, of meaning,
is what makes life worth living. And they go on living for a long time. Remember, a
centenarian, as we said, is a person who is over 100 years old.

The secret ingredient isn't just for the elderly (for old people). It's becoming the guiding
compass, guiding direction of younger generations, both inside and outside of Japan.
Actually, my ex-girlfriend, who's an amazing teacher in the USA, a true expert teacher, she
teaches workshops in ikigai to American high school students.

Ikigai is said to date back to the, uh, Heian period, so this is about a thousand years ago,
from about 794 to 1185 AD, so, about a thousand years ago but only started gaining
popularity in the West just recently, in the last 20 years since 2016's publication of the book,
'Ikigai: The Japanese Secret To A Long And Happy Life'.

Millions of readers worldwide have been introduced to ikigai.

Keep listening, and you will not have to read the full length of this book to understand this life
changing concept. Well, to get a basic, right, a fundamental basic understanding. If you want
a more advanced understanding, please read the book.

So according to the ikigai ideology, a blissful and meaningful life is built up of four, four main
aspects: passion, mission, profession and vocation. So, in this ideology there are these four
main aspects.

Okay, one, passion is what you love to do, what you deeply enjoy doing.

Two, mission is also what you love, but also what the world needs. What does the world
need that you can give that inspires you?

While the three, vocation, is what the world needs, but also what you can be paid for. Okay?

And four, is the profession, which is what you can be paid for, but also what you are naturally
good at with your natural talents. And everyone has different natural talents.
The highest state of ikigai is achieved when one finds a way to merge, to merge, so, to
combine all four of these aspects into one. But it is rather exceptional, and we don't see this
daily. Instead, people who achieve the top level of ikigai are often known worldwide for their
talent, drive, contribution and passion.

I mean, a living example of this is, uh, I mean, there are many, right? Here's one that was
given to me. The world's famous, most famous tennis player, right? Federer, Roger Federer,
who retired last week after his legendary career. So he started playing tennis at three years
old. He dedicates his life to it, to training, performing, but also to promoting it off the court, on
the court. He does all kinds of different roles. Okay?

Tennis is his passion, his mission, his profession, and vocation. Literally four in one, right?
I'm sure he'll be teaching tennis too, very soon. I'm sure he, maybe he already does.

Of course, there are many examples. Maybe you know some people. Maybe you know some
people that are in a state of ikigai? They're inspired, they like their job, they get paid for it
too, and they're excited to wake up in the morning to do it more.

I would say maybe there's a couple of teachers at my school who, who genuinely love
teaching. They're passionate about teaching, uh, they're good at it naturally, and they get
paid for it. So teaching is their ikigai. I mean, it's difficult, but I would say maybe there's a
couple of teachers at my school who truly, out of like a hundred, of course, you know.

So how can ikigai be incorporated into our daily lives? To 'incorporate' something means to
make a part of something.
(Examples: How can, how can I incorporate intermittent fasting into my daily routine? I
incorporate deep dive research into my work.) Now I'll try to incorporate ikigai into my life.

You can easily determine your Ikigai by asking yourself four simple questions:

The first question is, what do you love doing?

The second question is, what is your talent?

The third one is, what does the world need?

And last but not least, four. What can I be paid for?
In the Ikigai diagram, which is also the graphic, the thumbnail for this podcast, each of these
four questions is a circle in the picture. Please look at the picture or type in ikigai on Google
to find it. Okay? These, uh, this will really help you understand it.

These four circles, each one representing, one represents passion, one mission, one
vocation, and one profession and they all overlap each other.

So you must find the thing that fills every circle. So, all of these circles overlap. If you can
find that thing, that job, or passion, or hobby that fills every circle, passion, mission, vocation,
and profession, then you have found your ikigai!

Your passion is found by asking yourself, what do you love doing, and what you're good at

Your mission is a combination of what you would love to do and what the world needs.

Your profession is your job. Which is a thing that you can do well and earn a living from.

And last, your vocation is a career you can earn a good amount of money from, because the
world needs it.

Ikigai is the center point at which all four circles overlap. Can you visualize that? To
'visualize' means to hold an image of something in your head, okay? Verb - 'visualize'. Can
you visualize this diagram?

So your ikigai must fill these four requirements. For example, this podcast, right? Okay, so
this podcast could be seen as ikigai.

It's something I enjoy, it's something I'm passionate about and care about. Okay? I've
become, I like to think, quite good at it, and it's something the world needs because there
isn't enough passive, intermediate, interesting listening practice about topics, right? Different
topics. And I could get paid for it. But that would take much more work, but it could happen if
I had the time, okay?

This is how the Simple English Listening podcast could be my ikigai. So, I'm just missing the
being paid for it part of it, yeah? I like it enough to make it a career. So, there you go, finding
out your ikigai or your reason for living is maybe not that hard after all, have a think.
However, in life, we would notice that our passion, profession, mission, vocation, these
things change, they can change over time.

For example, nowadays, there are high paying professions, careers that could never be
found ten years ago, such as being an influencer or social media consultant. There's new
ways people are making big money.

A 'consultant'. A consultant is someone who gives people advice. Someone you pay them to
give you help about a topic. A consultant will say you're excellent at making candles, but as
candle production is being taken over by robots, you maybe face the risk of losing your job,
right, in making candles, and need to learn another skill to make a living in the near future.

As the world evolves, we are constantly asked to reinvent ourselves and our ikigais. As we
said before, to reinvent means to change to a new, better version. But the thing is, it turns
out that ikigai is never a fixed idea. It can evolve and it can change. See it as a simple tool. A
tool to help you navigate your way through life.

So remember, we have four key questions to find, help us find our Ikigai. Okay?

One, what do you love doing?

Two, what are you naturally talented at?

Three, what does the world need?

And four, what can you be paid for?

And these things might not stay the same for you throughout your life. But what's unchanged
is this framework and the principles of ikigai.

So you can ask yourself these questions at different points in your life too. And maybe
you've found your ikigai, but maybe it's slipping off ikigai. So you can ask every so often
these questions and evolve and update, right? And reinvent your Ikigai. I mean, of course,
for some people, don't get me wrong, some people have the same ikigai for their whole life.
Personally, I think that's a beautiful thing. I have a friend who has been obsessed with boats
his whole life. Now he makes them, yeah? And he was one of the, he was like 12 when he
sailed to France for the first time alone. Obsessed with boats since he was a kid. And he still

Another thing the book teaches us is, according to the ikigai book, there are eight main
principles to help you, uh, have a purpose-driven and blissful, blissful life.

The first one is, stay active and never retire. So, this is according to the Japanese. The
Japanese centenarians, remember, a centenarian is someone who is over 100 years old.
The Japanese centenarians believe an active lifestyle is a core, core to excellent health both
physically and emotionally. And, by focusing on work, they forget their age, worries and
negative thoughts. Having a duty and a higher calling boosts their sense of self worth, as
well as keeps their attention on the present moment.

The second principle in the ikigai book is, slow down and enjoy life. Despite following their
ikigai, Okinawans also try to find time to enjoy the little things in life after working hours when
they work.

They're one with their work. And when they're on leave, they stop thinking about it and truly
appreciate life. You know, time with family, walks on the beach, yeah, gardening. This is
called a work life balance. Work life balance, and it's something I myself have honestly
found to be very difficult to have maintained for many years.

I find I'm always exhausted, to be honest, and basically have no free time, and haven't for
years, really. So this is something I'm not doing correctly. If we're always on the go, go, go,
yeah, and rushing through life without appreciating its sweetness and the small things, life
could become so meaningless and bitter.

So if you get a chance to socialize with your friends, to just enjoy your time off, do it. Yeah,
it'll help you feel rejuvenated afterwards. I always feel rejuvenated after bonding, connecting,
drinking a bit with my friends. 'Rejuvenated' means to feel young and full of life.

The third principle is eat only until your stomach is 80 percent full. They call it Harahachibu.
Sorry if my pronunciation is not correct there. This is a unique phrase that is often said
before a meal in Okinawa, to remind Okinawans to stop eating when they're 80 percent full,
and to practice eating in a slow and calm manner. This rule of thumb plays an important role
in maintaining healthy body weight and keeping obesity away.
The average daily calorie intake of an Okinawan is only apparently about 1,900 calories
each day, which is almost half of an American. According to this research, an American eats
on average over 3,500 calories a day. Besides, the Okinawan diet limits meat, refined grains,
saturated fat, sugar, salt and dairy products, which tend to have more inflammatory
properties. How amazing!

Next, principle four. Keep the company of good friends. Across Okinawa Island, villagers
meet every other day to share their stories, to experience, to advise each other. This
frequent exchange of energy, of social energy, boosts people's moods, meaning and
happiness levels, and establishes deep relationships and a trust between one another.

They even have a term for this particular type of group, 'moai'. Moai is known today as a
social support network. A social support network is an essential part of Okinawan culture.

According to scientists, our groups of friends can affect our well being even more than our
family. This explains why having great friends makes us live longer. Well, by saying friends, I
mean your real friends, okay? Not social media contacts, like on Facebook friends or Twitter
followers, it's not your real friends, okay?

The fifth principle is, smile often and show gratitude. 'Gratitude' means your thanks and
appreciation, your gratitude. Smiling makes you feel good and also attracts friends more
easily. It is a way of expressing gratitude and acknowledgement to another person. A smile
is free and yet, so powerful.

In terms of health, they say that those who smile more have a reduced, a lower heart rates
and blood pressure and the muscles are more relaxed. It's a natural factor in longevity.
'Longevity' means how long a person lives for.

Moreover, as well as helping longevity and showing gratitude, smiling helps Okinawans and
the people who practice it to move up their work environment, right? Um, to maybe try to,
you know, smile a bit more in the office. See what happens.

Principle six, we're nearly there, of the ikigai book is re-establish your connection with
nature. This, I can tell you, in Hanoi, is something that I fear is, uh, forgotten. I mean, there is
hardly any nature here, uh, hardly any parks, uh, hardly so much as a slither of grass that
you can walk your dog on. Uh, I mean, there's a few parks, and they're obviously packed, full
of people all the time.
Gardening. Here is one, gardening. Touching plants and soil. And you do see like, small
gardens outside of houses here in Hanoi. People desperately trying to, I guess, connect with
nature. Touching the plants and soil, yeah? Exchanging produce, seeds and vegetables
within friends is a solid part of Okinawa's culture.

This keeps the Okinawans grounded and connected with the Earth. Studies have shown
again and again that being surrounded by green space reduces the chance of getting cancer
and mental illnesses. Intuitively, the Okinawans have sensed this, have known it deep down,
and have put it into practice for many centuries.

The seventh principle of ikigai is, plan for the future, but live in the moment. Japanese have
long been known for their attention to details and dedication to their crafts, which is achieved
by getting into the 'flow' state.

'Flow' is when you do something with your full attention and enjoy every moment of it. For
example, at some point when recording this podcast, I got into the flow state and simply
spoke to you without worrying about my other responsibilities. For me, when I play guitar or
surf, I'm in the flow state. This seventh principle reminds us to enjoy the present moment,
regardless of what we do.

Okay, so we've gone through a lot of Okinawan rules of thumb for a happy life.

But last but not least, the final principle, okay, is no other than follow your ikigai.

As we have all learned from the start of the podcast, ikigai is the secret ingredient to a
meaningful life. Without it, even the oldest Okinawan would feel lost. So it would be
absolutely helpful for us to listen to our inner voice, get clear about your unique ikigai by
often asking the four questions.

One, what do you love doing? Two, what are you naturally talented at? Three, what does the
world need? And four, what can you be paid for? And try to move towards things that tick all
of these boxes, that fulfill all of these criteria. Ikigai will not only assist you on your career
path, but has the power to motivate and bring you joy, especially in times of crisis.

I'm sure that by this time you've gained a basic understanding of ikigai. As I said, the
diagram is very helpful to understand it further. Just type in 'ikigai' on Google, or look at the
thumbnail to bring your knowledge of this Japanese living principle to the next level, you
could always find out more. Yeah, read the book, go on YouTube.
So, let's revise some of the new vocabulary for today. So we have a 'centenarian'. A
centenarian is a person who lives a hundred or more years.

To 'navigate', is to plan a route or direct. To navigate, for example, a ship must navigate
through the ocean to reach its destination.

Next, 'ideology'. It's a system, uh, of ideas, beliefs, an ideology. Ikigai is an ideology.

To be a 'consultant' is a job. A consultant is someone who gives advice for money, okay?

Next, 'gratitude'. Gratitude is a noun which means to appreciate and be thankful for. I show
my gratitude to you all. Thank you for listening.

'Bliss'. Bliss is a noun meaning pure happiness and joy.

Next, 'vocation'. Vocation is a career path. My vocation is teaching English. Right now,
anyway. But I've had many different vocations throughout my life.

Last word, to 'reinvent'. To reinvent means to change something from the past into a new
version. Maybe you can reinvent your life after learning about ikigai.

How do you find Ikigai? Let me know if you would like to incorporate this into your life in the
comments on Facebook or Spotify or wherever you listen to this.

Please let me know if you enjoyed the podcast. It's always encouraging and inspiring for me
to hear what, you know, if it means something to you guys.

As always, thank you so much for your time and I hope you have an amazing and beautiful
week and see you next time, my friends.

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