Chop Documented For February 5th To 9th 2024

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Monday, 5th February 2024
Matthew 6:33 is the Jackpot of life!
I engaged passionately in soul winning in buses, around Okada riders’ parks and also engaged in
Kingdom advancement prayers. So far, by the grace of God, l have led 49 souls to Christ and 20
of them are established in the church. I also support the Zonal transportation of new converts
with fifty thousand naira monthly. Moreover, my wife went on soul winning to various
supermarkets, salons and offices within and outside our Estate and won 15 souls, out of which 9
are full members of the church. She also engaged in Kingdom advancement prayers.
Miraculously, God overturned the plan of the wicked against me in my office. I, who was directed
to be sacked by the Board, was commended as the outstanding staff of the year by a new Board
after God disbanded the former one. I am now second on the Company’s hierarchy. Thirdly, our
daughter, who was denied admission was miraculously admitted with scholarship in US.
Moreover, God supernaturally healed our daughter of sickness which we had spent over 5 million
naira to no avail. In addition, we experienced supernatural financial blessings. Furthermore, we
have since taken possession of our new house. Now, I have joined the league of those paying
tithe in 7 digits! Also, while sleeping, God miraculously performed a surgical operation on my
knee that was scheduled for a surgery abroad. We got a three-bedroom apartment in a
highbrow area in America, . I give all the glory to our God, the Caller of the Prophet over this
great Commission! – Daniel, F.O.

10-Year Death Plague Destroyed!

I joined this Commission in 2006. Before then, there was a plague of death in my family that killed
my four siblings. When I joined this Commission, the plague had almost killed me too. On several
occasions, I coughed blood and knew that I was next in line. So, I cried and prayed daily to God,
to stop the plague.
In one of the services, I heard Bishop David Oyedepo talk about soul winning, from that day, I
became committed rigorously to soul winning. Sometimes, I shut down my business to engage
in soul winning. While I was busy winning souls for Christ, God was busy taking care of my family.
To the glory of God, June 2015 made it ten years that we neither recorded death nor went to the
hospital for treatment. Behold, the God of this Commission has terminated the plague of death
in my family! – Martins Onyinyechukwu
Tuesday, 6th February 2024
1. Supernatural Advancement!
In 2014, I dreamt that my best friend cut my hair and few months later, my business crumbled. I
lost everything; my car, money and was evicted from the house I lived.
When my mother invited me for the Covenant Hour of Prayer, I attended to see what the
programme was about. When I got to church, I got hooked, just like metal to magnet. Then, the
Holy Spirit revealed to me that He sent Bishop David Oyedepo with wine to deliver to people
during a morning service. So, I attended the prayer hour regularly. Even when I had no money.
After a while, my faith skyrocketed. So, I stopped wasting my time praying for food, money and
the way out of my family’s numerous debts; I focused on Kingdom advancement prayers as
instructed by the Bishop.
During outreach was announced, I dropped my problems at home and participated. I used the
last amount of money I had, which was just 150 naira for transport and managed my worn-out
shoe. I also wore my best outfit and put on best Jesus smile, knowing that I would be
representing Jesus during the outreach. Behold, after the outreach, one of the members who
heard about what I do for a living told me that her organisation needed a professional in my field
to award some contracts. By divine favour, I got the contract few days later. I also got several
huge contracts during the week worth millions of naira. Indeed, God fulfilled the word of His
prophet in my life which says, ‘Strange doors of favour shall be opening to me by my
engagement in this prophetic season. I give God all the glory! – Abby S.

2. Miracle Marriage!
Bishop David Oyedepo emphatically said that the Midst of the Year is our season of getting every
everlasting mountain on our path levelled. He further said that if we were unable to get anything
out of that season, it is our fault. So, I keyed in and partook of the Midst of the Year outreaches.
Before then, I asked God to show me where He wanted me to have my outreach for maximum
impact and He showed me a particular place in my dream. The impact was massive as nine souls
came to church.
During that period, I went to the ATM in church to get some money to give to my new converts;
then I met my God-ordained husband. We got wedded on June 13, 2015, in the midst of the year. I
give all the glory to God who says what He means and means what He says! – Badmus A.
Wednesday, 7th February 2024

1. Surgery Cancelled via Soul Winning!

“I joined this Commission in 2016 and ever since, I have been engaging in soul winning. From
January 2018 till now I have won 700 souls. Recently, I felt sick and was scheduled for a surgical
operation. But I stood on God’s Word in Exodus 23:25. I called on the God of Bishop David
Oyedepo for my rescue and He showed up according to His Word, since I am engaging in soul
winning, I am entitled to sound health. To the glory of God, right at the theatre, the surgery was
cancelled, because I was supernaturally made whole and discharged. I am here to return all glory
to God!”--Johnny Uzowum

1. Acts of God via Matthew 6:33!

“I joined this church in 2005. Thereafter I was stuck with only the Sunday services.
However, this year, I became committed to the Covenant Hour of Prayer and began to
hear more about the Wonder Double Agenda and praying for Kingdom matters. Then, I
jumped at the idea of Kingdom advancement prayers. Every time my issues came up in my
mind, I would tell myself that Matthew 6:33 would fix them. I printed prayer points from
the church’s website and used them in my engagement sometimes in the early hours
before Covenant Hour of Prayer. Then, wonderful things started happening in my life.
Firstly, the Certificate of Competency for my Transport business that I believed God for
since 2013, was delivered. Secondly, Police cases and charges against me in Sweden were
dismissed supernaturally. Thirdly, there has been daily steady flow of clients into the
company. Also, our home has been crisis and sickness free since the beginning of this year
until now. Furthermore. Finally, we have enjoyed unlimited travelling access to all
countries in the Europe. This can only be connected to Matthew 6:33. I give God all the
glory!” Fredrick John
Thursday, 8th February 2024
1. Code M-6:33, A Potent Key to Unexplainable Turnaround!
“I craved earnestly for the grace to work zealously with excitement in total obedience to all the
instructions that I can catch whenever God’s Servant is ministering.
I attended an assessment interview in my office, during the interview, while my colleagues were
lodged in a 5-star hotel, I joined a soul winning partnership distributing fliers, leaving the
comfort of the hotel. Thereafter, I left the harvest field for the interview. The objective of this
assessment is to promote or relieve anyone of his or her position. When the result was released, I
was told I did not pass.
I returned to my location and I kept engaging in Kingdom Advancement Prayers every day. I
would leave my office to spend an hour in praying for the kingdom. A colleague of mine who took
notice of the time I used to go for my hourly prayer, sneaked to follow me one day and since
then, it became a daily affair that we engaged in excitedly. Bishop declared that for the next 7
weeks, God would visit us with outstanding testimonies. Meanwhile, I kept engaging in Kingdom
Advancement prayers for 1 hour every night.
On Thursday, February 3, I received a message from my direct boss congratulating me that he has
received my letter of promotion. To the glory of God, when I read through the letter, my package
somersaulted forward in tens of millions, effective from 1st of February, to the envy of my
colleagues even though I did not pass the exam. When they asked me how come, I simply tell
them: ‘My case is Different; Access Code is Matthew 6:33.’
As for my colleague that we normally pray together, that same week, his wife conceived after
several years of waiting. I give God all the glory!” ---Babafemi Olatunde Michael

2. Miracle Conception Through Soul Winning

I have been married for 18 years and was not able to conceive. Doctors said that everything was
normal and nothing was wrong with me, and I was living under serious oppression coming both
from my family and my in law, telling me to go to meet with traditional practitioner for solution,
but I refused. I kept on reminding them that Christians do not attend native doctor’s houses.
When Wonder Double Agenda was announced with 7 weeks of harvest of souls, I engaged fully in
praying for the lost, reaching out to them and bringing them to church.
God surprised me at the time I did not expect, I conceived after 15 years of waiting. I thank the
God of Wonder Double for visiting me. Florence Nsimba
Friday, 9th February 2024
1. Supernatural Conception Via Kingdom Advancement
After I got married last year, I conceived immediately but lost the baby and since then,
conception has become a challenge. There were several suggestions from friends and well-
wishers which were not productive. Then I heard God’s servant said 'children are either a gift or
reward for divine service'. Then during the all night before the commencement of Operation 615, I
heard Papa say 'It is foolishness to be doing the same thing over again and expect different result'.
He said there is no devil anywhere but there is ignorance everywhere, take responsibility over
your challenges and see yourself emerging victorious'. I settled down with the word and bought
a lot of literatures written by Papa and started devouring them. Then during the Operation 615, I
engaged fervently, going out for soul winning, I prayed till I lost my voice. Then during the
'Covenant Day of Fruitfulness, I wrote the name of my children and danced like never before,
believing it has been done. Immediately after the enthronement service, I felt ill; I did not know I
was pregnant. I stood up, took my bath and rushed to hospital to undergo a pregnancy test and
it came out positive - Mrs Joy Chidi.
2. Financial Breakthrough via Soul-Winning!
“When Bishop Oyedepo instructed us to win souls for Christ during the seven weeks of divine
visitation, I asked God while praying how much He would pay per soul won and established. The
Holy Spirit told me to name my price and I said ₦1million per soul.
After the first soul was won and established, I made ₦1million from a business venture after
one year of stagnation. I immediately won and established another soul, and God responded
with ₦1.1million business breakthrough. I won and established the third and fourth souls and God
gave me ₦1.2 million and ₦950, 000 profits from my business ventures. Also, I quoted for a
contract but was offered an amount less than what I asked for. Later, I was invited to the
organization to negotiate but I insisted on my initial cost. Miraculously, the contract that was
worth millions of Naira was awarded to me at my own cost. I give God all the glory”---Jide, S.

Jesus is Lord

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