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SewerGEMS V8i/SewerCAD V8i,

Sewer System Modeling (metric)

Version V8i (SELECTseries 4)

Bentley Institute Course Guide

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Raster Manager are trademarks.

AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc.

Copyright Notice

Copyright ©2014, Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

SewerGEMS V8i/SewerCAD V8i, Sewer System Modeling 2 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Sewer Modeling Theory Extended Period Catchment Hydrology

Length: 1 hour Simulations Length: 2 -3 hours
Length: 2-3 hours
Presentations Presentation
• Sewer System Overview Presentations • Hydrology
• Extended Period Simulations
• Gravity Flow Hydraulic Workshop
Principles • Unsteady Flow Hydraulics and


Constructing a Gravity Geospatial Data Tools Water Quality Analysis

Network - Steady Run Length: 2-3 hours Length: 2-3 hours
Length: 2 - 3 hours
Presentations Presentation
• Water Quality - Continuous
Presentations • Building Models from
Simulation (LID)
• Creating the Model Geospatial Data

• SewerCAD/GEMS (Demo) • LoadBuilder - TRex- Workshop


CSO Analysis
Designing a New System
Gravity and Pressure Length: 2-3 hours
Length: 2-3 hours
Length: 2 - 3 hours
Presentation • Model Calibration
Presentation • Design of Gravity Systems
• Force Mains and Pumps

Nov-14 3 Agenda

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Agenda 4 Nov-14
Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Table of Contents

Agenda ____________________________________________ 3

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) ______ 9

Module Overview _____________________________________ 9
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 9
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 9
Problem Statement ____________________________________ 10
Getting Started _______________________________________ 12
Starting SewerGEMS V8i _____________________________ 12
Choosing the GVF - Convex Solver _____________________ 12
Conduit Catalog____________________________________ 14
Project Properties __________________________________ 16
Drawing Options ___________________________________ 16
Prototypes________________________________________ 17
Laying out the Network _________________________________ 19
Entering System Data __________________________________ 23
Entering Manhole Loading Data _______________________ 27
Sanitary Load Control Center _________________________ 29
Peaking Factors ____________________________________ 33
Scenarios and Calculation Options ________________________ 33
Computing ___________________________________________ 35
Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles ____________________ 36
Annotation _______________________________________ 36
Color Coding ______________________________________ 37
Profiles __________________________________________ 38
Peak Flow Scenario ____________________________________ 42
Peak Flow Setup ___________________________________ 42
Results Table _________________________________________ 46
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 47
Questions ________________________________________ 47
Answers__________________________________________ 47

Gravity and Pressure (metric) __________________________ 49

Module Overview _____________________________________ 49
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 49
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 49

Nov-14 5 SewerGEMS V8i/SewerCAD V8i, Sewer System Modeling

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Table of Contents

Getting Started _______________________________________ 50

Adding Pumping Elements ______________________________ 53
Run with One Pump____________________________________ 62
Run with Two Pumps ___________________________________ 65
Run with Loads _______________________________________ 67
Results Table _________________________________________ 71
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 71
Questions ________________________________________ 71
Answers__________________________________________ 72

Extended Period Simulations (metric) ___________________ 75

Module Overview _____________________________________ 75
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 75
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 75
Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading _________________________ 76
EPS Wet Weather Loading_______________________________ 96
Overview of the Scenario Comparison Tool _________________ 106
Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver _____________ 110
Results Table _________________________________________ 117
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 117
Questions ________________________________________ 117
Answers__________________________________________ 118

Geospatial Data Tools (metric) _________________________ 119

Module Overview _____________________________________ 119
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 119
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 119
Getting Started _______________________________________ 120
ModelBuilder _________________________________________ 121
Terrain Extractor (TRex)_________________________________ 129
LoadBuilder __________________________________________ 135
Viewing Background Contours ___________________________ 140
Run the Model ________________________________________ 141
Run for Peak Flow Conditions ____________________________ 145
Results Tables ________________________________________ 147
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 148
Questions ________________________________________ 148
Answers__________________________________________ 149

Designing a New System (metric) ______________________ 151

Module Overview _____________________________________ 151
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 151
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 151
Building the Network___________________________________ 152
Network Layout____________________________________ 155

SewerGEMS V8i/SewerCAD V8i, Sewer System Modeling 6 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Table of Contents

Entering System Data _______________________________ 157

Loading the Model _________________________________ 161
Reviewing Results __________________________________ 171
Profiles __________________________________________ 174
Automated Design _____________________________________ 177
Design Constraints _________________________________ 178
Second Design _____________________________________ 184
Results Table _________________________________________ 189
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 189
Questions ________________________________________ 189
Answers__________________________________________ 190

Catchment Hydrology (metric) _________________________ 193

Module Overview _____________________________________ 193
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 193
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 193
Getting Started _______________________________________ 194
Computing the Model_______________________________ 204
Reviewing Results _____________________________________ 205
Historical Scenario _____________________________________ 207
Results Tables ________________________________________ 215
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 216
Questions ________________________________________ 216
Answers__________________________________________ 217

Water Quality Analysis (metric) ________________________ 219

Module Overview _____________________________________ 219
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 219
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 219
Getting Started _______________________________________ 220
SWMM Scenario ______________________________________ 221
Water Quality Scenario _________________________________ 226
Results Tables ________________________________________ 233
Workshop Review _____________________________________ 234
Questions ________________________________________ 234
Answers__________________________________________ 235

CSO Analysis (metric) ________________________________ 237

Module Overview _____________________________________ 237
Module Prerequisites __________________________________ 237
Module Objectives_____________________________________ 238
Getting Started _______________________________________ 239
Entering Dry Weather Flow Data ______________________ 240
Wet Weather Event ____________________________________ 249
Results Table _________________________________________ 257

Nov-14 7 SewerGEMS V8i/SewerCAD V8i, Sewer System Modeling

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Table of Contents

Workshop Review _____________________________________ 257

Questions ________________________________________ 257
Answers__________________________________________ 258

SewerGEMS V8i/SewerCAD V8i, Sewer System Modeling 8 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Constructing a Gravity Network
- Steady Run (metric)
Module Overview
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the SewerGEMS environment in the
simplest terms. This will allow you to gain immediate familiarity with the drawing,
analysis, and scenario management tools. For this workshop, you will use the
GVF-convex solver. This course material has been developed for the SewerGEMS
V8i (SELECTseries 4) platform, at a minimum the Version Modelers
currently using versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4),,
are strongly encouraged to consider upgrading today to start taking advantage of
the latest features and interoperability advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Switch solvers within SewerGEMS
• Draw a schematic model
• Duplicate, edit and rename FlexTables
• Use the Sanitary Load Control Center to apply unit loads to manholes
• Setup extreme flows to apply peaking factors to unit loads
• Create and edit new scenarios, calculation options, and profiles
• Use the Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads manager to import unit loads
• Apply color coding and annotation to models

Nov-14 9 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Problem Statement

Problem Statement
In this exercise you will first analyze the performance of a proposed commercial
development, composed of predominantly 200 mm lines, for the initial average
dry weather loading conditions and review the results. Next, you will analyze the
performance of the system with a peaking factor by creating a new alternative
and scenario for this condition.

The network is as follows:

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 10 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Problem Statement

The data for this workshop is as follows:

Outfall Data Table

Label Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m) Boundary Condition Type

OF-1 31.09 29.57 Free Outfall

Manhole Data Table

Label Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m)

MH-1 31.39 30.48

MH-2 33.22 32.00

MH-3 34.44 33.22

MH-4 32 31.09

MH-5 34.75 32.61

MH-6 36.58 33.83

MH-7 32.92 32.00

MH-8 35.66 34.14

MH-9 38.10 35.97

MH-10 33.83 32.61

MH-11 36.58 34.75

MH-12 38.71 36.58

MH-13 35.97 34.75

Note: Real elevation data should be entered to at least 0.03 m precision. Initially all of
the conduits will be 200 mm with a user defined length of 121.92 m.

Nov-14 11 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

Getting Started
In the next few exercises, you will be setting up the SewerGEMS project
properties. You will set up the prototypes and import your Engineering Libraries.

Starting SewerGEMS V8i

 Exercise: Creating a new project
1 If SewerGEMS V8i is not already running, start either of them from Start >
All Programs > Bentley SewerGEMS v8i.
2 Select Create New Project from the Welcome dialog or if the Welcome
dialog is not open, select File > New to begin a new project.

Note: You may receive a warning message about the new database format in SS4 like
the one shown here. If so, please click OK to continue.

3 Once the new project is created, select File > Save As and name the
project GravityNetworkSteady.stsw and click Save.

Choosing the GVF - Convex Solver

SewerGEMS v8i SS4 includes four numerical solvers. Each of the solvers is briefly
described in the following section.
• Implicit (SewerGEMS Dynamic Wave): Solves the full St. Venant equations
using an implicit numerical method developed by Bentley based on the US
National Weather Service FLDWAV model. It simultaneously solves for both
flow and hydraulic grade and uses the same equations for gravity and pressure
portions of the system. It only solves dynamic flows (no steady state). It can be
applied to storm, sanitary and combined sewers.
• Explicit (SWMM solver): Solves the full St. Venant equations using an explicit
numerical method based on the EPA-SWMM model. In addition to solving the
St. Venant equations using a dynamic solution, it can also route flows using a

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 12 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

kinematic wave solution and a uniform flow solution, which does not account
for any backwater effects. The Explicit dynamic solver simultaneously solves
for both flow and hydraulic grade and uses the same equations for gravity and
pressure portions of the system. It can be applied to storm, sanitary and
combined sewer, especially systems without a great deal of force mains or
pressure sewers.
• GVF - Convex (SewerCAD): Separates the hydraulic problem first into a set of
gravity subnetworks and pressure subnetworks. For the gravity subnetworks,
it divides the solution into a flow routing problem using convex routing (a
hydrologic routing method) and then solves for hydraulic grade (including
depth and velocity) using gradually varied flow (GVF) (backwater) equations.
For the pressure subnetworks, it uses a true pressure solver as found in
Bentley's WaterGEMS. It can perform extended period simulations and steady
state simulations and can base steady simulations on an extreme flow factor
method that reduces peaking factors as the flow increase moving
downstream. The solution method was developed for the SewerCAD model. It
can be applied to sanitary and combined sewers, especially those with a great
deal of pumping or pressure sewers, and those which only require a steady
state analysis.
• GVF - Rational (StormCAD): Uses flows developed by the rational method (plus
other additional flows). The solver routes values for CA downstream while
decreasing peaking factors due to longer time of concentration moving
downstream. Once flows are determined, hydraulic grade (including depth
and velocity) are determined using gradually varied flow (GVF) methods for
both gravity and pressure pipes. This solution method was originally
developed for the StormCAD model. It can be applied to stormwater systems.

Implicit solver is the default solver for a new project. We will now switch to GVF -
Convex solver.

 Exercise: Entering the Project Properties

1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options.

2 Double Click on Base Calculation Options.

Nov-14 13 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

3 Under the General section, find Active Numerical Solver and choose GVF -
Convex (SewerCAD).

4 Close out of the properties and calculation options.

Conduit Catalog
Next, you need to set up the default conduit properties that you will use in the
model. To do this, you will need to enter them in the Conduit Catalog.

 Exercise: Setting default conduit properties

1 Select Components > Conduit Catalog.

2 On the Conduit Catalog dialog, click on the Synchronization Options

button and select Import from Library. This will open the Engineering
Libraries dialog.
3 On the Engineering Libraries dialog, select the + sign in front of Conduit
Catalogs and then Conduits Library.xml to expand them. All of the pipes in
this model will be circular concrete pipes.
4 Select the + sign in front of Circle to expand that catalog.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 14 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

5 Click in the check box in front of Circle - Concrete then click Select to select
that catalog.

Note: You should see all of the different circular concrete pipe sizes listed underneath
that category. All of these sizes are now available in your project's conduit

6 Select Close.
7 You should save your file periodically by selecting the Save button or by
selecting File > Save.
8 Select Tools > Options.

Nov-14 15 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

9 Select the Units tab.

10 Click the Reset Defaults button and select System International.

Note: If you wish to use SI units for all new projects, select SI from the dropdown
menu for Default Unit System for New Project.
11 Click OK to close out of the Options dialog.

Project Properties
The first step is to enter the project properties. This step is not necessary, but it is
good to enter some notes and information about the project.

 Exercise: Entering the Project Properties

1 Select File > Project Properties.
2 On the Project Properties dialog, enter My System as the Title and your
name as the Engineer and your company name as the Company.
3 Select OK to close the dialog when you are done.

Drawing Options
Next, you will need to set some drawing options.

 Exercise: Setting drawing options

1 Select Tools > Options.
2 On the Options dialog, select the Drawing tab at the top of the dialog.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 16 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

3 Change the Drawing Mode to Schematic.

4 Select OK to accept the change.

Note: Setting the drawing mode to schematic means that you will be manually
entering the pipe lengths instead of using scaled lengths.

The next step is to set up some prototypes to specify default and recurring values
for any new elements that you draw. All of the pipes in this project are concrete
and their inverts will be determined by their upstream and downstream
structures. Although different pipe sizes may be used in the project, the majority
of the pipes are 200 mm. You can use the Conduit Prototype to enter these values
and cut down on the amount of time dedicated to data entry.

 Exercise: Creating conduit prototypes

1 Select View > Prototypes.
2 Right click on Conduit and select New.

Nov-14 17 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

This will create the Conduit Prototype – 1 prototype underneath Conduit.

You will leave the default name for this prototype.

3 Double click on Conduit Prototype – 1 to open the Properties manager

and set the following properties:
Design Conduit? False
Has User Defined Length?: True
Conduit Type: Catalog Conduit
Catalog Class: Circle - Concrete
Size: 200 mm
Manning’s n: 0.013
Set Invert to Start?: True

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 18 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Laying out the Network

4 Set Invert to Stop?: TrueClose the Prototypes manager.

5 Save the file.

Laying out the Network

Now that you have set up the project, the next step is to lay out the network.
Layout the following pipe runs using the Pipe Layout tool. Make sure to lay the
system out to match the labeling and numbering on the diagram shown in the
Problem Statement since all of the data for the system will be entered based on

Nov-14 19 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Laying out the Network

this naming convention. The drawing is Schematic (not to scale) so coordinate

locations are not important. You do not have to follow these instructions to lay
out the network; just make sure that the labels match the previous drawing.

 Exercise: Laying out the network

1 Click the Layout tool and select Conduit to start placing the outfall, OF-1.
2 In the bottom left corner of your drawing pane, right click and select
Outfall from the menu.

Note: Your pointer should now change to have a triangle next to the cross-hairs.
3 Click in the bottom left area of the drawing to lay out the outfall OF-1.

Note: Notice that as you move your mouse around, there is a pipe that is connected
to your pointer.
The next element that you want to draw is manhole MH-1.
4 Right click in the empty area above and to the right of OF-1 and on the
right click menu, select Manhole.
5 After selecting Manhole from the right click menu, click in the drawing to
lay out MH-1.
6 Move the pointer to the right of MH-1.
7 Lay out MH-2 to the right of MH-1.
8 Continue and lay out MH-3 to the right of MH-2.
9 Then right click on an empty area of the drawing and select Done.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 20 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Laying out the Network

The drawing should now look like this:

10 In the drawing click on MH-1 to begin drawing the next pipe run from MH-
11 Move straight up from MH-1 and draw MH-4.
12 Move to the right of MH-4 and draw MH-5 and then MH-6.
13 Right click and select Done.
The drawing should look like this now:

14 In the drawing, click on MH-4 to begin the next section of the model.
15 Draw MH-7 above MH-4 and then drag the mouse to the right of MH-7
and draw MH-8 and MH-9.
16 Right click and select Done after that.

Nov-14 21 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Laying out the Network

17 Click on MH-7 to begin the next pipe run.

18 Draw MH-10 above MH-7 and then move the cursor to the right and draw
MH-11 and MH-12.
19 Right click and select Done.

20 Click on MH-10 to begin the final pipe section.

21 Draw MH-13 to the left of MH-10, right click and select Done.
22 Click the Select tool.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 22 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

Entering System Data

The next step is to enter your data. You will begin by entering the data for the
outfall OF-1.

 Exercise: Entering data using the Property Editor

1 Double click on OF-1 to open the Properties manager and enter the
following properties:
Boundary Condition Type: Free Outfall
Elevation (Ground) (m): 31.09
Elevation (Invert) (m): 29.57

You could continue clicking on each element one by one and entering the
data in the Properties manager. However, a quicker way to enter data is
using the FlexTables.

 Exercise: Entering data using FlexTables

1 Select View > FlexTables to open the FlexTables manager.
You could use the Manhole Table under Tables – Predefined and edit it;
however, you will create a new table with only the fields that you are
interested in.
2 Right click on Manhole Table and select Duplicate > as Project FlexTable.

Nov-14 23 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

Note: The reason why you did not want to create the new table under Tables - Shared
is because this new table would then be available for use in future projects in
addition to this project. By creating this table in the Tables – Project category,
the table will only been available in this single project.
3 Double click on the Copy of Manhole Table.

4 Enter the invert elevations and ground elevations from the Manhole Data
Table listed in the Problem Statement section.
Once you have entered the elevations, the table should look like this:

5 After entering the data, close the Manhole FlexTable.

6 Back in the FlexTables manager, right click on Manhole Table and select

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 24 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

7 Rename the FlexTable to My Manholes.

Now we need to specify our conduit diameters and their lengths.

 Exercise: Entering conduit lengths using FlexTables

1 While you are still in the FlexTables manager, right click the Conduit Table
under the Tables – Predefined section and select Duplicate > as Project

2 Double click on Copy of Conduit Table.

3 Click on Edit to bring up the Table: Copy of Conduit Table editor dialog.

4 Under the Available Columns section, find Has User Defined Length? in
the list and double click on it to add it to the Selected Columns section.
5 Repeat step 4 for Length (User Defined).
6 Click OK to go back to the FlexTable.

Nov-14 25 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

7 Scroll all the way to the right so you can see these new columns.
8 Make sure that all of the boxes are checked for the Has User Defined
Length? field.
9 Right click on the Length (User Defined) column heading and select Global
10 On the Global Edit dialog set the following:
Operation: Set
Value: 121.9

11 Click OK.

12 Close the FlexTable: Copy of Conduit Table dialog and the FlexTables

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 26 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

Entering Manhole Loading Data

You will be using unit loading to add loading data to this model. Before you place
the loads on the nodes, you should define which unit loads you will use. Next, you
will need to enter the loading data for the manholes. You will be using two types
of loads for this project, one for commercial office use and another for a large
hotel at MH-6, which you will get from the engineering library. You will need to
add these loads to the Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads catalog before you can
use them in the model.

 Exercise: Importing Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads from the Engineering
1 Select Components > Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads.

2 On the Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads dialog, click the Synchronization
Options button and select Import from Library.
This will open the Unit Loads Engineering Libraries.

Nov-14 27 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

3 Expand each catalog until it looks like the following:

4 Check the box next to Office and see that it will use 55.0 L/day/employee.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 28 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

5 Repeat this for Hotel Per Customer and see that it uses 190.0 L/day/guest.

6 Choose Select to return to the Unit Sanitary Loads manager.

7 Click Close to close out of the dialog.

The next step is to enter the loads in the manholes.

Sanitary Load Control Center

You could enter the sanitary loads for each manhole one by one in that element’s
Properties manager; however, a quicker way of entering the loading data for a
large number of nodes is to use the Sanitary Load Control Center.

 Exercise: Entering loads using the Sanitary Load Control Center

1 Select Tools > Sanitary Load Control Center.
You need to initialize the unit loads to bring them into the control center.

Nov-14 29 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

2 Select New > Initialize Unit Loads for All Elements.

This will add a line for every node into the Sanitary Load Control Center.

3 The data for the sanitary loading is contained in the following table:

Structure Unit Sanitary Load Loading Unit Count

MH-1 Office 200

MH-2 Office 200

MH-3 Office 200

MH-4 Office 200

MH-5 Office 200

MH-6 Hotel Per Customer 500

MH-7 Office 200

MH-8 Office 200

MH-9 Office 200

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 30 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

Structure Unit Sanitary Load Loading Unit Count

MH-10 Office 200

MH-11 Office 200

MH-12 Office 200

MH-13 Office 1200

Note: Notice that all of the manholes have Office for the Unit Sanitary Load except
for manhole MH-6 which has Hotel Per Customer.
You can use the Global Edit feature to quickly enter this data.
4 In the Sanitary Load Control Center on the Manhole tab, scroll the table to
the right until you see the column for Unit Sanitary Load and Loading Unit
5 Right click on the Unit Sanitary Load column heading and select Global
6 On the Global Edit dialog, set the following options and then click OK.
Operation: Set
Value: Office
All of the lines should now have Office for the Unit Sanitary Load.
7 Manually change MH-6 to Hotel per Customer.

8 Right click on the Loading Unit Count heading and select Global Edit.
9 On the Global Edit dialog this time, set the following options and click OK:
Operation: Set

Nov-14 31 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Entering System Data

Value: 200
10 Change MH-6 to 500 and change MH-13 to 1200.

Note: It is unnecessary to have unit loads displayed for many decimal places.
11 Change the precision by right clicking on the Loading Unit Count column
heading and choose Units and Formatting.
12 Set the Display Precision to 0.

The Sanitary Load Control Center should now look like this and have both
the Unit Sanitary Load and Loading Unit Count columns filled in:

13 Close the dialog and save the file when you are done.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 32 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Scenarios and Calculation Options

Peaking Factors
Next, you need to assign peaking factor methods to the two loading types you are
utilizing in this project. For the first scenario, you will not need to enter peaking
factors because it is for average load conditions but you will need to enter values
other than one for subsequent runs.

 Exercise: Assigning peaking factors

1 Select Components > Extreme Flow Setups….
2 Click on the New button to create a new Extreme Flow Setup.
3 Change the Extreme Flow Setup name to Avg Day Setup by selecting the
Rename button.
4 Check the boxes in the Use column indicating that you will use a constant
multiplier of 1 for the average day run.

5 Close this dialog and save.

Scenarios and Calculation Options

You now need to create a new scenario and edit the calculation options for that
scenario to use the average day flow.

 Exercise: Creating the average day scenario

1 Open the Scenarios manager by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Right click on the Base scenario, select Rename and change the name to
Average Day.

Nov-14 33 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

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Scenarios and Calculation Options

3 Double click on Average Day to open the list of alternatives.

They should show all base conditions.

 Exercise: Setting the calculation options

1 Open the Calculation Options manager by selecting, Analysis >
Calculation Options.
2 Double click Base Calculation Options.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 34 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

3 In the Properties manager, select Avg Day Setup for the Extreme Flow

4 Rename Base Calculation Options to Average Day.

5 Close the Calculation Options.

6 Save your file.

 Exercise: Calculating the model
1 Run the scenario by selecting the Compute button or by selecting Analysis
> Compute.
2 Review the results on the different tabs listed on the Detailed Calculation
Summary dialog that comes up.

Note: Many of the results you need to complete the Results Table at the end of the
workshop are found here. You may find the other results by double clicking on
the element and viewing the results section of the Properties manager for that

Nov-14 35 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

3 Select the Pipe Report tab.

Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

You can review your results using annotations, color coding and profiles. This next
section will provide you with the instructions on how to do so.

 Exercise: Setting up annotation for conduits
1 Select View > Element Symbology.
2 Right click on Conduit and select New > Annotation.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 36 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

3 In the Annotation Properties dialog, select Flow for the Field Name.
4 Delete any text under Suffix set the Y Offset to -2.4 and select Apply.

5 Select OK and view the annotation on the drawing.

Color Coding
Next, we are going to color code the conduit velocity.

 Exercise: Color coding conduits

1 Select View > Element Symbology.
2 Right click on Conduit and select, New > Color Coding.
3 Select Velocity (Average) for Field Name.
4 Enter 0 for Minimum, set 1.52 for Maximum and set 5 for Steps.
5 For Options select Color and Size.

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Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

6 Click on the Initialize button (third button in right pane).

7 Click Apply and OK.

Next you will draw a profile from MH-6 to the outfall.

 Exercise: Creating a profile

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 38 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

1 Select View > Profiles and click the New button.

This will open the Profile Setup dialog as shown:

2 Click Select from Drawing.

3 This will take you back to the drawing where you will select CO-1, CO-4,
CO-5 and CO-6.

4 Click on the Done button on the Select tool bar to get back to the Profile
Setup dialog.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

5 Click on the Open Profile button.

6 Close this profile.

7 In the Profiles manager, click on the arrow for the View Profile button and
select Engineering Profile.
You should get this view:

8 Click on the Tools button and select Options….

9 On the Axis tab, set the following:
Horizontal Axis - Increment: 25 m

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 40 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Annotations, Color Coding and Profiles

Vertical Axis – Scale: 0.1 m

10 On the Drawing tab, set the Text Height Multiplier to 2.

11 Click Apply and OK.

12 Use the zoom keys to review the profile.

13 Close profile and save file.

Nov-14 41 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Peak Flow Scenario

Peak Flow Scenario

For design of course, you will want to analyze flow under peak conditions. You are
going to use a tabular method to convert average flow into peak flow.

Peak Flow Setup

 Exercise: Using the Extreme Flows Manager
1 Open the Extreme Flows dialog by selecting Components > Extreme
You need to add the Peaking Factor (SI) Extreme Flow Factor Method.
2 Click Synchronization Options button and select Import from Library.
3 Expand Extreme Flow Factor Methods and then expand Extreme Flow
Factor Method Library.xml.
4 Check the box for Peaking Factor (SI) to select it and then click Select.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 42 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Peak Flow Scenario

This will close the Engineering Libraries dialog and populate the Extreme
Flows dialog with the Peaking Factor (SI) method.

5 Click Close.
Next, you need to assign the Extreme Flows to our sanitary loads.

 Exercise: Assigning Extreme Flows to sanitary loads

1 Select Components > Extreme Flow Setups….
This will open the Extreme Flow Setups manager.
2 Click on the New button.
This will create Extreme Flow Setup -1.
3 Change the name to Peak Flow Setup.

Nov-14 43 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Peak Flow Scenario

4 Check the Use box for each unit load and then select Peaking Factor (SI) as
the Extreme Flow Method for each.

5 Click Close.
Now that you are done entering data, we have to duplicate the Calculation
Options to create the peak flow run.

 Exercise: Duplicating Calculation Options

1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options.
2 Click on Average Day and select the Duplicate button.
3 Rename the new calculation option to Peak Flow Run.

4 On the Calculation Options manager, double click on Peak Flow Run to

open its properties.
5 On the Properties manager, set the following:
Time Analysis Type: Steady State

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 44 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Peak Flow Scenario

Extreme Flow Setup: Peak Flow Setup

6 Close the Calculation Options manager.

 Exercise: Creating the Peak Flow Scenario

1 Create a new scenario called Peak Flow by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Click the New button and select Child Scenario.

3 Rename the new scenario to Peak Flow.

4 Double click on that scenario to view its properties.

The only change we need to make is to the Calculation Options.

Nov-14 45 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Results Table

5 Change Solver Calculation Options to Peak Flow Run.

6 Close the Scenarios manager and save the file.

 Exercise: Calculating the peak flow conditions

1 To run the peak flow conditions, select Peak Flow from the scenario drop-
down menu.

2 To run the model, click on the Compute button or select Analysis >
3 Review the results and complete the Results Table.

Results Table

Element Property Average Day Peak Flow

CO-10 Flow (L/s)

CO-11 Flow (L/s)

CO-13 Flow (L/s)

CO-4 Velocity (Average) (m/s)

CO-4 Depth (Out) (m)

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 46 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

Element Property Average Day Peak Flow

CO-2 Profile Description

OF-1 System Outflow (L/s)

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 Does this system appear to have adequate capacity?

2 Usually pipes are designed for a velocity of 0.6 m/s. Does this system meet
that criteria?

3 In this problem, why did you work with conduit flow in L/s?

Nov-14 47 Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review


Element Property Average Day Peak Flow

CO-10 Flow (L/s) 1.15 3.83

CO-11 Flow (L/s) 0.25 0.85

CO-13 Flow (L/s) 0.76 2.55

CO-4 Velocity (Average)(m/s) 0.50 0.70

CO-4 Depth (Out) (m) 0.05 0.09

CO-2 Profile Description Composite S1 S2 Composite S1 S2

OF-1 System Outflow (L/s) 3.26 10.9

1 Does this system appear to have adequate capacity?

Yes, it does. There are no pipes surcharging even during peak flow. Look at
depth/rise in the Calculation Summary pipe report.

2 Usually pipes are designed for a velocity of 0.6 m/s. Does this system meet
that criteria?
Most of the pipes exceed that velocity during peak flow. The ones that do
not are those with very low flow rates.

3 In this problem, why did you work with conduit flow in L/s?
The loads in L/d would give huge values for pipe flow while the default
flow rate of L/s would provide numbers easy to work with.

Constructing a Gravity Network - Steady Run (metric) 48 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Gravity and Pressure (metric)

Module Overview
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the pressure features in SewerGEMS
GVF-Convex solver. You will open an existing system file and enter the data for the
pressure elements. The drawing already includes the existing gravity pipes. For
this workshop, you will use the GVF-Convex solver. This course material has been
developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4) platform, at a minimum the
Version Modelers currently using versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i
(SELECTseries 4),, are strongly encouraged to consider upgrading
today to start taking advantage of the latest features and interoperability
advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics
• Gravity Collection Systems

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Open an existing (preloaded) model
• Draw pressure elements
• Enter pump characteristics
• Determine system head curves
• Model wet wells

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Getting Started

Getting Started
In this section you will open an existing SewerGEMS file and review what has
already been entered for you.

 Exercise: Opening existing SewerGEMS file

1 Start SewerGEMS V8i and select File > Open.
2 Navigate to C:\Bentley Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter and open
The file should look like the following with the gravity pipes color coded by
section size (either 300 or 200 mm).

 Exercise: Viewing profiles

Some profiles already exist for you to view.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

1 You can view these profiles by selecting View > Profiles.

2 Open one or more of them to view by double clicking on them.

Note: They are named after their most upstream manhole.

Profile: MH-7 is shown:

3 Close out of the profile dialogs when you are finished reviewing them.

 Exercise: Viewing existing loading data

This is an industrial/commercial area so the loads are fairly high.
1 Select Tools > Sanitary Load Control Center.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

2 Review the existing loads in the system.

3 Close out of the Sanitary Load Control Center.

 Exercise: Setting element labeling

Since you are finishing the network layout, we want to make sure your
labeling matches the labeling in the results.
1 Select Tools > Options.
2 Click on the Labeling tab.
3 For Conduit enter 18 in the Next column and P- in the Prefix column.
4 Verify the following:
Manhole: 18 in the Next column
Wet Well: WW- in the Prefix column

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

Pressure Pipe: FM- in the Prefix column

5 Click OK to return to the drawing.

Adding Pumping Elements

This section will walk you through adding a wet well, pumping station, force main
and downstream gravity pipe that go to an outfall.

 Exercise: Network layout

1 Click on the Layout tool and select Conduit.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

Use the following figure as a guide to layout the first part of the network:

2 Click on MH-1, move your cursor to the right toward the stream
(southeast direction), right click, select Wet Well from the menu and left
click to place.
3 Move your cursor to the left, right click to select Pressure Pipe (the cursor
will automatically change to a pressure junction) and place the node.
4 Right click, select Pump and place PMP-1.
5 Right click, select Pressure Junction and place J-2.
6 Hold down the Ctrl key to place the set of vertices click along the main
force main as shown in the figure above.
7 When you reach the end point right click, select Manhole and place MH-
8 Right click, select Conduit, move the cursor to the left, right click to select
Outfall then place the node.

Note: Do not worry about the spacing of elements; you will use User Defined Length
to get the correct lengths.
9 Right click to select Done and then click the Select tool.
10 Add a parallel pump to the pump station, by clicking on the Layout tool,
selecting Pressure Pipe.
11 Click on J-1, then right click to select Pump and place PMP-2 parallel to the
first pump.
12 Right click, select Pressure Junction and click on J-2 to complete the
13 Click on the Select tool when finished.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

The piping around the pump station should look roughly like this:

Note: You may need to drag around some labels to achieve this appearance. (If you
have made mistakes with element labels, you can correct them in the
Properties manager for the individual elements.)

 Exercise: Entering element data

You must now assign properties to these new elements.
1 The only information needed for the pressure junctions and manholes are
the ground and invert elevations which are given in the table:

Label Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m)

J-1 172.0 167.64 (Elevation field)

J-2 172.0 167.64 (Elevation field)

MH-18 179.87 178.32

O-1 178.40 175.90

PMP-1 172.0 167.64

PMP-2 172.0 167.64

WW-1 172.0 N/A

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Adding Pumping Elements

Note: The best way to enter the elevation data is to double click on each element and
type in the value on the Properties manager.

2 Repeat for each element except for WW-1 which will be done in the
following exercise.

 Exercise: Entering wet well data

Additional elevation data is needed for the wet well as shown.
1 Double click on WW-1, enter 170.0 for Elevation (Ground) (m) and then
add the following elevation data:

Label Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Use High Elevation Diameter

(Base) (m) (Minimum) (Initial) (m) (Maximum) Alarm? (High (m)
(m) (m) Alarm) (m)

WW-1 168.19 168.50 168.55 171.0 Truc 170.69 3

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

 Exercise: Entering the gravity pipe data

1 For the two new gravity pipes that you have added, open their Property
managers and set the following:

Label Design Has User Length (User Conduit Catalog Size

Conduit? Defined Defined) (m) Type class

P-18 FALSE True 24.4 Catalog Circle - 300 mm

Conduit Concrete

P-19 FALSE True 102.1 Catalog Circle - 300 mm

Conduit Concrete

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

 Exercise: Entering the force main data

Since there are several force mains, it is better to enter their properties in
a FlexTable.
1 Select View > Flex Tables.
2 Under Tables – Predefined double click on Pressure Pipe Table.
3 Right click on Has User Defined length?, select Global Edit and select the
check box for Value.
4 Click OK to return to the FlexTable.
5 Set all the pipe diameters to 203.2 mm using Global Edit as well.
6 Enter the following User Defined Lengths.

Gravity and Pressure (metric) 58 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

Label Length (User Defined) (m)

FM-1 4.6

FM-2 3.0

FM-3 3.0

FM-4 563.9

FM-5 3.0

FM-6 3.0

Your FlexTable: Pressure Pipe Table should look like this:

 Exercise: Entering pump data

Finally you need to enter pump properties by first defining the pump
definition under Components and then assign those properties to the
individual pump elements.
1 Select Components > Pump Definitions and click on the New button.

Note: Leave the default name for the pump definition.

The Pump Definition Type: is set to Standard (3 Point) by default.
2 Check to make sure the Flow column is in (L/s). If it is not in L/s, right click
on the Flow column heading, select Units and Formatting to change the
Units to L/s.

Nov-14 59 Gravity and Pressure (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

Pump Shutoff Shutoff Design Design Maximum Maximum

Type Head (m) Discharge Head (m) Discharge Operating Operating
(L/s) (L/s) Head (m) Discharge (L/s)

Standard 15.24 0 9.14 66.88 0 100.00

(3 Point)

Note: You only need to enter data for one pump definition in this section because
both pumps share the same properties. (Do not worry about pump efficiency
data; you do not need it for this model. Initial status is not set with the pump
curve definition.)
The Pump Definitions dialog should look like this:

4 Click Close.
5 Double click on PMP-1.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Adding Pumping Elements

6 Click in the Pump Definition field and select Pump Definition – 1 from the
drop down menu and notice that the Status (Initial) is set to On.

7 Repeat for PMP-2 except that for PMP-2, the Status (Initial) is set to Off.

8 Close out of all dialogs so you are back to the drawing pane.

 Exercise: Updating the calculation options for pumped flow

1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options.
2 Open the Base-Scenario Options.

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Run with One Pump

3 Set Use Pumped Flows? to True.

 Exercise: Validating your data

You will want to check to see if your data is complete before you run the
1 Select Analysis > Validate.
You should see this dialog when there is no problem with your data:

2 If there are any problems, correct them and save the file.

Run with One Pump

 Exercise: Computing with one pump
1 Run the model by selecting Analysis > Compute or by clicking on the
Compute button.
2 Review the Detailed Calculation Summary and then close it.
3 Use the Properties manager to find the results to enter into the table at
the end of the workshop.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Run with One Pump

 Exercise: Viewing additional pump results

1 Right click on PMP-1 and select Pump Curve.

This brings up the Pump Curve dialog. Here you can specify to view the
Head curve, Efficiency curve, or both, as well as specify the times to be
shown. Since this is just a steady state model there is ony time 0.00 hours.
2 Leave the default settings and click OK to bring up the pump curve.
You should see the following:

3 Close the Plot Viewer dialog.

4 Right click on PMP-1 and select System Head Curve.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Run with One Pump

5 When the dialog opens, set the Maximum Flow to 63 L/s, check the box
for time 0.0, and click on the Compute button above the graph.

6 Close this dialog and click No to the question of whether to save the curve.
7 Fill out the table at the end of the workshop.

Gravity and Pressure (metric) 64 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Run with Two Pumps

Run with Two Pumps

Next you will check on how the system will operate with two pumps running. You
could simply turn on the second pump but we will want to do it with the scenario
manager so you can have two scenarios to compare. The only thing different in
this second scenario is initial conditions for PMP-2.

 Exercise: Creating a new scenario

1 Select Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Click on the New button and select Child Scenario.
3 Name the new scenario 2 Pumps.

4 Double click on 2 Pumps to open its Properties manager.

5 Click in Initial Settings and select <New…> from the drop-down menu.
6 Name the new alternative 2 Pumps On and click OK.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Run with Two Pumps

You scenario should look like this:

7 Close the Scenarios manager.

8 In the Alternatives manager (Analysis > Alternatives), expand Initial
Settings and Base-Initial Settings to get to the new alternative.

9 Open the 2PumpsOn alternative by double clicking on it.

10 Navigate to the Pump tab and set PMP-2 Status (Initial) to On.

Note: Note that the * column shows a check for PMP-2 indicating that this property
was changed from its parent.
11 Close this dialog and switch the active scenario to 2Pumps.
12 Run the model.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Run with Loads

The Pipe Report in the Detailed Calculation Summary should look like this:

13 Complete the next column in the results table.

Run with Loads

In the next run, you will pass the loads from upstream of the wet well on to the
downstream gravity system instead of the actual pump flow. To do this, you will
need to modify the calculation options.

 Exercise: Creating a new loads scenario

1 Select Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Create a new scenario that is a child of the Base scenario.
3 Name the new scenario Loads.

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Run with Loads

4 Make Loads the current scenario by clicking the Make Current button.

5 Open the Loads Properties manager by double clicking on Loads.

6 Click in the Solver Calculation Options field and select <New…> from the
drop-down menu.
7 Name the new calculation option PassLoads and click OK.

 Exercise: Changing the calculation options

1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options.

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Run with Loads

2 Double click on PassLoads.

3 Set Use Pumped Flows? to False.

4 Compute the Loads scenario.

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Run with Loads

5 Review the Detailed Calculation Summary.

6 Complete the tables by finding the appropriate vales in the Property

manager for the elements.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Results Table

Results Table

Property Base (1 pump) 2 Pumps Loads

Flow (L/s) to Wet well (P-18)

Flow (In net) (L/s) Wet Well

Pump flow (each) (L/s)

Pump head (m)

Flow (L/s) at outfall (OF-1)

Velocity (m/s) in FM-4

Head Loss Gradient (m/m) in FM-4

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 What is the Total Flow for the gravity portion of this system (flow to wet
well) and how does it compare with the pressure portion?

2 Review the results for PMP-1 and 2. How do the operating points of these
2 pumps relate to the design point?

3 Review the results for the force mains in the system. What is the headloss
gradient in mm/m for FM-4?
4 What is the velocity in FM-1? Is this appropriate?

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

5 Can you study pump cycling with this model?

6 If this is an existing pumping station, what recommendations might you



Property Base (1 pump) 2 Pumps Loads

Flow (L/s) to Wet well (P-18) 20.1 20.1 20.1

Flow (In net) (L/s) Wet Well -16.1 -21.6 -16.1

Pump flow (each) (L/s) 36.2 (PMP-1) 20.9 (PMP-1) 36.2 (PMP-1)
0 (PMP-2) 20.9 (PMP-2) 0 (PMP-2)

Pump head (m) 13.7 14.81 13.7

Flow (L/s) at outfall (OF-1) 36.2 41.7 20.1

Velocity (m/s) in FM-4 1.1 1.3 1.1

Head Loss Gradient (m/m) in FM-4 0.007 0.008 0.007

1 What is the Total Flow for the gravity portion of this system (flow to wet
well) and how does it compare with the pressure portion?
Pumped flow is greater than inflow to wet well. Wet well level will be

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

2 Review the results for PMP-1 and 2. How do the operating points of these
2 pumps relate to the design point?
Flow is less than design flow indicating that the head that the pump is
working against is greater than estimated during design. This could be
corrected by using a pump with higher head or increasing the size of the
pipe to reduce head loss. Remember also that this run was made with the
wet well nearly empty. As the wet well increases, head loss will decrease
and flow will increase.

3 Review the results for the force mains in the system. What is the headloss
gradient in mm/m for FM-4?
6.5 mm/m with one pump running, 8.5 mm/m with two running.

4 What is the velocity in FM-1? Is this appropriate?

1.1 m/s with one pump vs. 1.3 m/s with two pumps. The velocity is high
enough to get good scour but not excessively high.

5 Can you study pump cycling with this model?

No, you need an EPS model run to analyze those aspects. A steady model
is good for pump selection and pipe sizing.

6 If this is an existing pumping station, what recommendations might you

Investigate replacing the pump (or the impeller) with one better matched
to the system. Look at life cycle costs.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

Gravity and Pressure (metric) 74 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Extended Period Simulations
Module Overview
The purpose of this workshop is to help you learn the basics of extended period
simulations. In this workshop, a major interceptor along a river collects
wastewater from subdivisions. The lower residential area loads are collected in a
wet well and pumped to the major interceptor on the other side of a hill. To
determine the performance of the system, we will set up and run three scenarios:
a steady state analysis of the average (base) sanitary loading (dry weather); an
extended period analysis of the sanitary loading (dry weather); and an extended
period analysis including wet-weather loading.

The beginning of this workshop will use the GVF convex solver. The dynamic
routing section will use the Implicit solver. This course material has been
developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4) platform, at a minimum the
Version Modelers currently using versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i
(SELECTseries 4),, are strongly encouraged to consider upgrading
today to start taking advantage of the latest features and interoperability
advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics
• Gravity Collection Systems
• Using Pumps and Forcemains

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Enter pattern loading data and assign patterns to manholes

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

• Set up diversions in a sewer model

• Enter pump definitions and inflow hydrographs
• Understand how to set up and use controls in a model
• Use the Scenario Comparison tool to easily compare any two scenarios in
• Switch between SewerGEMS solvers and compare calculated results

Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

In this section you will run through setting up your model for the steady state and
EPS dry weather loading runs. You will set up a diversion as well as the controls for
your pumps.

Getting Started

 Exercise: Opening existing file

1 Start SewerGEMS V8i from the Start > All Programs > Bentley menu.
2 Select File > Open or click on Open Existing Project and then browse to the
project C:\Bentley Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter\EPSStartSI.swc.

76 Nov-14
Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: The system shown in the image has already been entered for you, including
data on pipe sizes, invert elevations, and lengths, as well as manhole ground
and sump elevations and dry weather sanitary average loads.

Entering Pump and Wet Well Data

 Exercise: Entering wet well data

1 To enter wet well properties, double click on WW-1 and fill in the values
from the table.

Wet Well Elevation Elevation Elevation Use High Elevation Diameter (m)
(Minimum) (Initial) (m) (Maximum) Alarm? (High Alarm)
(m) (m) (m)

WW-1 13.72 16.76 18.29 True 17.98 6.1

 Exercise: Entering pump definitions

Before you can run the model with pumps, you must first enter the pump
1 Select Components > Pump Definitions and click on the New button.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: The default name, Pump Definition – 1 is fine.

2 Enter the 3 point pump curve data in the order shown.

Note: Make sure your Flow units are in L/s before entering the data below.

Shutoff Flow (L/s) 0

Shutoff Head (m) 30.48

Design Flow (L/s) 63.09

Design Head (m) 24.38

Maximum Operating Flow (L/s) 126.18

Maximum Operating Head (m) 12.19

3 Select Pump Definition-1 to make sure the data entered is accepted and
the graph updates properly.
4 Close the Pump Definitions dialog.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: Remember to periodically save the file.

 Exercise: Entering pump data

1 Double click on PMP-1 and enter the following:
Status (Initial): On
Pump Definition: Pump Definition -1
Elevation (Invert) (m): 12.19
Elevation (Ground) (m): 18.29


You are now going to define the controls (a list follows) that will turn the pump on
and off.
• On if wet well elevation is above 17.37 m.
• Off if wet well elevation is below 14.63 m.

 Exercise: Setting pump controls

1 Select Components > Controls.
2 On the Controls tab, click the New button.
3 To set the condition for the first control, click the New Simple Condition
ellipsis button next to the IF: drop-down menu.

4 Select Element as the Condition Type.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

5 Click the ellipsis button next to the drop-down menu for Element and
select WW-1 from the drawing.

6 Select Hydraulic Grade as the Storage Attribute governing the condition.

7 Select < (less than) for the Operator.

8 Enter 14.63 m for the Hydraulic Grade.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

9 To specify the THEN Action to trigger the control, click the New Simple
Action ellipsis button for the THEN section.
10 Click the Select ellipsis button on the next line and pick PMP-1 from the

11 Make sure the Pump Attribute is set to Pump Status.

12 Select Off in the drop-down menu for the Pump Status.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

When done, the first control statement should look like this:

13 Repeat steps 2 through 12 except set the following for:

Step 7: Operator >
Step 8: Hydraulic Grade 17.37 m
Step 12: Pump Status On

82 Nov-14
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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: It is important to click the ellipsis button and create a new simple action/
condition and not to try modifying the current ones you will find in the drop-
down menu.

14 Close the Controls dialog.

Setting up Steady State (Dry) Scenario

In this section you will walk through the steps to create your dry weather steady
state scenario.

 Exercise: Creating the new dry weather scenario

1 Open the Scenarios manager by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Click on the Rename button to change the name of the base scenario to

3 Double click SteadyDry to open the Properties manager.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: It should only contain base alternatives.

4 Select Analysis > Calculation Options and double click Base-Scenario

Options to open the Properties manager.
5 Set Use Pumped Flows? to True.

6 Close out of the dialogs so that you are back at the drawing pane.

 Exercise: Computing and reviewing results

1 Run the scenario by clicking the Compute button or by selecting Analysis >

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

2 Close the User Notifications dialog and review the results in the Detailed
Calculation Summary dialog box that appears after calculation.

Note: A good way to observe the results is to view the profiles. Several have already
been created for you.
For example, select View > Profiles and open MH-1 to O-1.

3 Close the profile and fill in the results of in the table at the end of the

Note: You can find results in the properties manager, FlexTables, annotations etc.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Setting up Patterns

For an EPS run, you must indicate the time of day loading patterns. In this system
all the manhole nodes follow the same pattern as given.

Time (hr) Multiplier

3 1

6 1.4

9 1.2

12 1.4

15 0.9

18 1.1

21 0.6

24 0.4

 Exercise: Creating a pattern

1 Select Components > Patterns.
2 Right click on the Hydraulic folder, and select New.
3 Name the new pattern EPSPattern.
4 Leave the Start Time set to 12:00:00 AM, enter 0.4 for the Starting
Multiplier: and select Continuous as the Pattern Format.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

5 Fill out the remainder of the table using the information in the previous

6 Close the Patterns dialog.

 Exercise: Assigning patterns to manholes

1 To assign the pattern to the individual loading manholes, open the
Sanitary Load Control Center using Tools > Sanitary Load Control Center.
2 Right click on top of the column labeled Pattern and select Global Edit.
3 In the Global Edit dialog that opens, select EPSPatten as the Value and
click OK.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Your table should look like this:

4 Close the Sanitary Load Control Center.

Setting up Diversions

Manhole MH-5 can overflow when the flow into it exceeds 315.45 L/s. To model
this, you need to set up a diversion at that node in accordance with the table.

System Flow (L/s) Diverted Flow (L/s)

0 0

315.45 0

630.90 252.36

 Exercise: Creating a diversion link

1 To create a diversion link, click on the Layout tool and select Conduit.
2 Lay out a conduit from MH-5 to a second outfall (O-2); to do this left click
on MH-5, move the mouse in the southwest direction, right click, select
Outfall and place the outfall.
3 Right click, select Done and then click the Select icon from the tools
toolbar when you are done.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: The new conduit should be pipe P-13 and its exact location and properties do
not matter.

4 Double click on P-13 and in the Properties manager indicate it is a

diversion link by setting the field Is Diversion Link? to True.
5 Also set the following:
Length (User Defined) (m): 61.0
Conduit Shape: Catalog Conduit
Catalog Class: Circle-Concrete

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Size: 900 mm

Set Invert to Start? True

Set invert to Stop? True
6 Click in the Diversion Rating Curve field in the Properties manager and
click on the ellipsis button to open the Diversion Rating Curve dialog.
7 Enter the diversion values as shown in the image, or in the table at the
beginning of this section.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

Note: Make sure the units are set to L/s before entering data.

8 Click OK to save this data.

9 Double click on O-2 and assign the following:
Boundary Condition Type: Free Outfall
Elevation (Ground) (m): 35.97
Elevation (Invert) (m): 33.53

Setting up EPS (Dry) Scenario

All that you need to change for this scenario is the type of simulation you are
running and to create a scenario to apply those changes to.

 Exercise: Creating EPS Calculation Options

1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options.
2 Highlight Base-Scenario Options and click the Duplicate button.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

3 Rename the copy to EPS Run.

4 Double click on EPS Run to open the Properties manager.

5 Set the following:
Time Analysis Type: EPS
Duration (hours): 24.00
Hydraulic Time Step (hours): 0.2
Routing Time Step (hours): 0.1
6 Close the Calculation Options dialog so you are back at the drawing pane.

 Exercise: Creating the EPS scenario

1 Select Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Click the New button and select Child Scenario.
3 Name the new scenario EPS Dry.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

4 Double click on EPS Dry and select EPS Run as the GVF/Pressure Engine
Calculation option.

5 Close the Properties manager and on the Scenarios manager, click Make
Current to make the EPS Dry scenario the current scenario.

6 Close out of the dialogs and save your file.

 Exercise: Computing and reviewing the EPS Scenario

1 Click the Compute button or select Analysis > Compute.
2 Review the Detailed Calculation Summary and then close it out when you
are done.
3 Look at the hydrographs around MH-5 by selecting one of the 4 pipes
connected to it, then holding down the Ctrl key, pick the other three.
4 When all 4 pipes are selected; right click and select Hydrograph.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

You should see the following:

5 Right click on PMP-1 and select Pump Curve.

6 On the Pump Curve dialog, leave the defaults and click OK.
7 Click on the Play animation button.

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Steady/EPS Dry Weather Loading

8 Watch how when the pump is running and the wet well level drops, the
pump moves up its curve until it shuts off (operating point goes to 0,0).

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

9 Open one of the profiles (e.g. MH-1 to O-1), expand to full screen and
animate it by selecting the Play (Green) button. Observe the changes in
water level.

10 Fill in the table and answer the questions at the end of the workshop for
the steady state and EPS dry weather runs.

EPS Wet Weather Loading

For this run, you will set up an Infiltration and Inflow Alternative to use in your
wet weather scenario. In this system, there is significant wet weather infiltration
and inflow at the upstream end of each line.

You will add a hydrograph to MH-1, MH-6, MH-10 and MH-12. To reduce your
typing in this workshop, you will use the same hydrograph for each manhole,

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

except MH-12. Of course, in a real system each manhole will have its own
hydrograph based on flow measurement, which you will likely copy and paste
from some external source.

 Exercise: Creating an Infiltration and Inflow Loading Alternative

1 Select Analysis > Alternatives.
2 Expand Infiltration and Inflow so you see the base alternative.
3 Rename the base alternative to No Wet Weather by using the Rename

4 With No Wet Weather highlighted, click the New button to create a new
child alternative for the wet weather loading.
5 Name the alternative Wet Weather.

6 Double click on the Wet Weather alternative.

7 Select the Manhole tab.
8 In the Inflow (Wet) Collection column, click in the cell for MH-10, and then
click on the ellipsis button that appears.
This opens a dialog where you can enter the hydrograph.
9 Select New > Hydrograph Load and fill in the table in the bottom of the
manager with the data in the table.

Warning: Remember to check the Units before entering the data.

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

Time (hr) Flow (L/s) Flow MH-12 (L/s)

0 0 0

3.00 0 0

4.00 6.31 2.52

5.00 18.93 6.31

6.00 69.40 25.24

7.00 88.33 28.39

8.00 82.02 26.81

9.00 66.24 23.66

10.00 53.63 18.93

11.00 37.85 6.31

12.00 12.62 2.52

13.00 6.31 0.63

14.00 0 0

24.00 0 0

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

When you are done, it should look like this.

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

10 Select the Graph button and view the graph of the hydrograph.

11 Close the hydrograph.

12 Ordinarily you would click OK at this time, but because we want to reuse
this hydrograph, highlight the entire table and click Ctrl-C on your
13 Now click OK.

14 Next, highlight the Inflow (Wet) Collection field for manhole MH-6 and
click the ellipsis button to open the Inflow (Wet) Collection dialog.
15 Select New > Hydrograph Load.

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

16 Instead of typing in the values again, highlight the first cell in the
hydrograph table and click Ctrl-V.

Note: Make sure you do not have an extra row after pasting the data in and make
sure that you have an entry for 24.00 hours. You can check the graph if you
would like.
17 Click OK.
18 Repeat this process for MH-1.
19 For MH-12, enter the hydrograph from the column labeled MH-12 in the
table at the beginning of this exercise.
20 Click OK when you are done entering the data.
The hydrograph should look like this:

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

When you are done, the Infiltration and Inflow: WetWeather dialog
should look like this:

21 Close this dialog and save your file.

Setting up EPS (Wet) Scenario

 Exercise: Creating EPS Wet Scenario

1 Create a child scenario to EPS Dry by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Highlight EPS Dry, select New > Child Scenario.
3 Name the scenario EPS Wet.

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

4 Double click on EPS Wet and in the Properties manager change the
Infiltration and Inflow alternative to Wet Weather.

5 Close this dialog and make EPS Wet the current scenario.
6 Save the file.

 Exercise: Computing and reviewing results

1 Select the Compute button or select Analysis > Compute.
2 Review the Detailed Calculation Summary and close it.

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

3 Open the hydrograph of the 4 pipes connected to MH-5.

Note: In this case, there is an overflow in P-13 to O-2 between hour 5 and 9.
4 Examine the differences in pump operation between dry and wet weather
by right clicking on PMP-1, choose Graph and click OK.

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EPS Wet Weather Loading

Note: You will see how the pump cycles during wet weather.

5 Click the Graph Series Options button.

6 On the Graph Series Options dialog, in the Scenarios pane, check the box
next to EPS Dry and click OK.

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Overview of the Scenario Comparison Tool

Note: The graph shows how the pumps cycle differently during the wet weather

7 When you find time of max flow, set that as the time using the Time
Browser (Analysis > Time Browser).
8 If you have time, view some other profiles and graphs.
9 Save your file.
10 Complete the answers at the end of the workshop.

Overview of the Scenario Comparison Tool

The Scenario Comparison tool simplifies the process of understanding and
viewing the differences between any two scenarios in a model.

Since we have multiple scenarios in this model, let’s take a look to view the
differences between two of them.

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Overview of the Scenario Comparison Tool

 Exercise: Using the Scenario Comparison tool

1 Select Tools > Scenario Comparison.

2 Click the New button.

This will bring up the Create new scenario comparison dialog.

3 Using the drop-down menu, select EPS Dry for Scenario 1.

4 Select EPS Wet for Scenario 2.

5 Click OK.

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Overview of the Scenario Comparison Tool

The Scenario Comparison dialog will be updated to look like the image.

Note: As you can see, all the available alternatives are listed in the left pane of the
dialog, and on the right you will see those same alternatives, except that the
alternatives that are different between each scenario are highlighted. Also,
note that for the Infiltration and Inflow alternative in the left pane, the icon
contains a red mark depicting that the alternatives are different between the
two selected scenarios. The icon with the green check indicates that there are
no differences.
6 Click on the Infiltration and Inflow alternative in the left pane.

7 Click the Compare button.

Note: This will return a summary of the comparison which indicates the time when
the comparison was run, which scenarios were used, and the number of
elements and attributes for which there were differences.

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Overview of the Scenario Comparison Tool

8 Click on Differences below the Infiltration and Inflow alternative to view

these differences.

Note: As you can see, you are shown that Inflow (Wet) Collection is different for four
manholes in the model.
9 Click the Select in Drawing button and choose Select in Drawing from the

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

10 Move the Scenario Comparison dialog out of the way and see that the four
manholes are selected in the model.

11 Close the Scenario Comparison dialog and save your model.

Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

The major difference between the GVF - Convex and Implicit solvers in regards to
this model is the fact that the Implicit solver handles diversions differently. You
will need to remove the diversion rating curve that was previously added, and
place a side weir in P-13 to describe the diversion.

 Exercise: Creating a new Physical Alternative for the side Weir at P-13
1 Select Analysis > Alternatives.
2 Expand Physical so you see the base alternative.

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

3 Rename the base alternative to Rating Curve at P-13 by using the Rename

4 With Rating Curve at P-13 highlighted, click the New button to create a
new child alternative for the side weir.
5 Name the alternative Side Weir at P-13.

 Exercise: Creating the Dynamic Wave Scenario

1 Create a child scenario to EPS Wet by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Highlight EPS Wet, select New > Child Scenario.
3 Name the scenario Dynamic Wet.

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

4 Double click on Dynamic Wet and in the Properties manager choose Side
Weir at P-13 for Physical Alternative.

5 Close the Properties manager and on the Scenarios manager, click Make
Current to make Dynamic Wet scenario the current scenario.

 Exercise: Changing the diversion on P-13

1 Double click on pipe P-13 to open the Properties manager.
2 Scroll down to Is Diversion Link? and set to False.
3 Click in the Has Start Control Structure field and select True.

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

4 Click in the Start Control Structure field and select <Edit Conduit Control

5 In the Conduit Control Structures dialog that opens, select New > Weir and
enter the following information:
Crest Elevation (m): 34.93
Has Flap Gate? False
Structure Top Elevation (m): 35.97
Weir Type: Side weir
Side Weir Coefficient: 1.66
Weir Length (m): 1.2

6 Close this dialog and make sure Control Structure -1 is selected as the Start
Control Structure for P-13.

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

 Exercise: Switching from GVF-Convex to Implicit solver

1 Open the Calculation Options and select New.
We need to create a new Solver Calculation Options for the implicit solver.
2 Rename the New Calculation Options to Dynamic Run
3 Double click on Dynamic Run and set the following:
Active Numerical Solver: Implicit
4 Change the Calculation Time Step and Output Increment 0.05 hrs.

5 Go to Analysis > Scenarios.

6 Double click on Dynamic Wet.
7 Set Dynamic Run as the Solver Calculation Options.

 Exercise: Calculating with the dynamic wave solver and reviewing results
You are now ready to run the dynamic wave solver.
1 Make sure your current scenario is set to Dynamic Wet.

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

2 Select Analysis > Compute or click the Compute button.

You will see a slightly different Calculation Executive Summary dialog.


3 Close this dialog.

4 Create a graph of the 4 conduits connected to MH-5 by selecting one of
them, then while holding down the control key, select the other three.
5 Right click, select Graph > Flow and click OK.

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Dynamic Wave Routing using the Implicit Solver

You should see the following:

6 View the results and fill in the last column of the table.

Note: The differences between the diversions and the weir are due to those
two approaches not matching. You could adjust the weir or the
diversion to make them match fairly closely.

You may want to create a profile along some path and animate it as you did with a
previous run.

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Results Table

Results Table
Fill in the table and answer the questions on the next page.

SewerCAD/SewerGEMS Sanitary SewerGEMS

Variable SteadyDry EPS Dry EPS Wet Dynamic Wet

Maximum flow at outlet (L/s)

Time of max. flow at outlet (hr) N/A

Max. Diverted flow (O-2) (L/s) N/A

Number of pump starts N/A

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 Are there overflows in the system? When?

2 Does the pump have enough capacity for the flows? Why?

3 What is the ratio of maximum flow at the outfall between wet and dry
days? Is that high?

4 Do you think the wet weather inflows corresponded to infiltration or

inflow? Why?

Nov-14 117
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Workshop Review


SewerCAD/SewerGEMS Sanitary SewerGEMS

Variable SteadyDry EPS Dry EPS Wet Dynamic Wet

Maximum flow at outlet (L/s) 129.9 153.9 334.6 392.0

Time of max. flow at outlet (hr) N/A 6.6 7.0 7.15

Diverted flow (O-2) (L/s) N/A 0 77.0 14.4

Number of pump starts N/A 10 9 8

1 Are there overflows in the system? When?

There are overflows into P-13 only during the peak hours of wet weather

2 Does the pump have enough capacity for the flows? Why?
Yes, but during the wet weather peak flows it takes a long time to pump
down the wet well. It is pretty much on continuously.

3 What is the ratio of maximum flow at the outfall between wet and dry
days? Is that high?
About 2 to 1. It is fairly high for a sanitary sewer system which indicates I/I

4 Do you think the wet weather inflows corresponded to infiltration or

inflow? Why?
Inflow because it peaked quickly and dropped off. Infiltration usually has a
longer duration because it moves through the soil.

118 Nov-14
Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Geospatial Data Tools (metric)

Module Overview
In this workshop you will be given data in the form of shapefiles to construct a
model. You will use ModelBuilder, TRex and LoadBuilder to create and run the
model for normal flow and peak flow conditions. You start with a blank model file
and end up with a complete workable model. You will use the GVF-Convex Solver
for this exercise although all model building tools apply to all solvers. This course
material has been developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4) platform, at
a minimum the Version Modelers currently using versions prior to
SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4),, are strongly encouraged to
consider upgrading today to start taking advantage of the latest features and
interoperability advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Build a sewer model from shapefiles using ModelBuilder
• Import node elevations using TRex
• Import loading data using LoadBuilder
• Import a shapefile as a background image

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Getting Started

Getting Started
Check to make sure that the files below are in the following location: C:\Bentley
• BillingMeter.shp
• Contours.shp
• GravityPipe.shp
• ManholeNodes.shp
• PictureOfNetwork.jpg

You may not have any software to view these files on your workshop computer. If
you do, open these files and view them. If you do not, open the
PictureOfNetwork.jpg to view the image.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

In this section you will use the ModelBuilder tool to build your network.
ModelBuilder lets you use your existing GIS data to construct a new model or
update an existing model. ModelBuilder supports a wide variety of data formats,
from simple databases (such as Access and DBase), spreadsheets (such as Excel or
Lotus), GIS data (such as shape files), to high end data stores (such as Oracle, and
SQL Server), and more. Using ModelBuilder, you map the tables and fields
contained within your data source to element types and attributes in your
SewerGEMS model. The result is that a SewerGEMS model is created.
ModelBuilder is the first tool you will use when constructing a model from GIS
data. The steps that you take at the outset will impact how the rest of the process

 Exercise: Importing Network with ModelBuilder

1 Start SewerGEMS and open a blank model using File > New or by clicking
on Create New Project on the Welcome screen.
2 Go to Analysis > Calculation Options
3 Double click on Base Calculation Options and Select GVF - Convex
(SewerCAD) as the Active Numerical Solver
4 Select Tools > Options and then select the Units tab.
5 Click Reset Defaults > System International and click OK.
6 Start ModelBuilder by selecting Tools > ModelBuilder or by selecting the
ModelBuilder button from the toolbar.
An empty ModelBuilder dialog will open.

7 Click the New button.

Note: You must now specify the data source you will be using for your network.
8 For Select a Data Source type, select ESRI Shapefiles from the drop-down
9 For Select your Data Source, click the Browse button and navigate to;
C:\Bentley Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter\GISData and while

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard click on ManholeNodes.shp

and GravityPipe.shp files to select both files at once.
10 Click Open and ManholeNodes and GravityPipe will appear in the
ModelBuilder Wiard.
11 If you check the box for Show Preview, the screen will look like this:

12 Scroll through the files to see what is in them.

Note: The manhole file contains invert elevations and labels, while the pipes file
contains pipe description, diameter and Manning’s n.
13 Click the Next button and you will be on the Specify Spatial Options step.
14 The Coordinate Unit should be set to m.
15 Check the box for Create nodes if none found at pipe endpoint, although
with this data set it will not matter.
16 Check the box for Establish connectivity using spatial data because the
pipes in the shapefile in this example do not contain information about
their end points.

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17 Set the Tolerance to 0.30 m.

18 Click Next 3 times until you get to the Specify Field Mappings for each
table step (the defaults on the 2 steps we skip are fine for this exercise).

Note: This field mapping step enables you to associate specific fields in the shapefile
with properties in the model.
19 Highlight the ManholeNodes table on the left side of the screen and set
the following:
Table Type: Manhole
Key Fields: LABEL (not <label>)
X and Y Field: Leave as is

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20 Under Field, select ELEV_INV as the shapefile field and in the Property
drop-down menu, select Elevation (Invert). Select meters (m) for the

Unit.On the left side of the ModelBuilder Wizard, highlight the GravityPipe
21 Set the Table Type to Conduit.
22 Select LABEL for Key Fields and leave Start and Stop as <none>.
23 Set the following:
D: Diameter (inches) or (millimeters)
N: Manning’s n,

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

MATERIAL: Material.

24 Click Next.
25 Select the Yes radio button for the question, Would you like to build a
model now? and then click Finish.

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Note: If you are prompted with the following screen, click Yes to accept.

Note: The ModelBuilder Wizard will create a model and display the ModelBuilder
Summary dialog, indicating that 155 conduits and manholes were created, plus
an additional node corresponding to the outfall.

26 Close this dialog to return to the main ModelBuilder dialog.

27 Close this dialog.

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28 Click Yes to the question on synchronizing the model and drawing.

29 If the model does not appear on the screen, select View > Zoom > Zoom
Extents to bring up the drawing.
The model should look like this:

30 Save this file as GeospatialProgress by selecting File > Save As.

31 To review the data, open the conduit flex table (View > FlexTables, and
double click on Conduit Table) and browse through it to see that values
are reasonable.

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32 Close the FlexTable so you are back at the drawing.

33 Zoom into the network and double click on any one of the manhole
elements to bring up its Properties manager.

Note: Notice that the Elevation (Ground) is 0. You will need to import ground
elevations from a contour shapefile.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Terrain Extractor (TRex)

Terrain Extractor (TRex)

In this section you will import the ground elevations for this file using the TRex
Wizard. The TRex Wizard steps you through the process of automatically assigning
elevations to specified nodes based on data from a Digital Elevation Model or a
Digital Terrain Model.

 Exercise: Importing Ground Elevation Data

1 Continue with the ModelBuilder file and, select Tools > TRex and the TRex
Wizard will open to the File Selection dialog.
2 Set the Data Source Type to ESRI Shapefile.
3 Click the ellipsis button for File and browse to C:\Bentley
Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter\GISData and open Contours.shp.
4 Select CONTOUR for Select Elevation Field.
5 Set the X-Y Units and Z Units to m.
6 It is advisable to check the box for Clip Dataset to Model which essentially
trims the shapefile to fit the model.

Note: This is more important when large files are used as a data source.
7 For this dataset it does not matter if you check the box for Also update
inactive elements.

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Terrain Extractor (TRex)

8 Check the radio button for All under Nodes to Update.

9 Click Next and TRex will run.

The dialog shown will appear when it is done:

Note: The message means that two nodes fell outside of the contour shapefile and
have no value for ground elevation.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Terrain Extractor (TRex)

10 Click OK and the Completing the TRex Wizard dialog appears.

11 Since you want to save the elevations to Base-Physical alternative, click

Finish to return to the drawing pane.

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Terrain Extractor (TRex)

12 Click on a manhole and check that Elevation (Ground) and Elevation

(Invert) now have values.

 Exercise: Morphing a manhole into the outfall node

1 Click on the manhole at the far northwest (top left) extreme of the
drawing. It should have a label of MH-1.

Note: This manhole is actually the outfall of the system and must be morphed into an
outfall element.
2 To morph the element, select the Outfall element type, from the layout
menu and drop it on top of the manhole.
You will be prompted with the following:

3 Click Yes and the element will become an outfall.

4 Click the Select tool and double click on the new outfall element to open
the Properties manager for that element.
5 Select Free Outfall for Boundary Condition Type.

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Terrain Extractor (TRex)

6 Notice that it does not have an invert elevation; enter 77.72 as the
Elevation (Invert) (m).

7 Be sure to save your file frequently.

 Exercise: Creating a profile to check elevations

As a check that the elevations are reasonable, draw a profile from one of
the farthest nodes to the outfall (try MH-41).
1 To create the profile, in the Properties manager type MH-41 in the search
field and click the Find button to zoom to that element.
2 Right click MH-41 and select Create Profile.

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Terrain Extractor (TRex)

3 Keep the default profile name and click OK.

The profile will automatically open up and looks like the one shown:

Note: You can see that the pipes slope downhill but you can also see areas where the
engineer could have selected better invert elevations to achieve a more
consistent slope.
4 Close the profile and save the file.

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Next you will use LoadBuilder to import individual water meter billing data to load
the model. LoadBuilder is a tool used to assign flows to elements. If you already
know what flows to assign to an element, then you should use the other methods
such as inflow, sanitary loads, or stormwater loading. The power of LoadBuilder is
that it can take loading information from a variety of sources such as customer
meter data, system flow meter or polygons with known population or land use
and assign those flows to elements. LoadBuilder is oriented to the types of data
available to describe dry weather flows.

 Exercise: Importing loading data

1 Start LoadBuilder by selecting Tools > LoadBuilder.
2 Click on the New button to open the LoadBuilder Wizard.
3 Select Point Load Data as the type of data source and click on Nearest
Node as the method.

4 Click Next.

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5 Select the ellipsis button next to Node Layer: and highlight Manhole\All
Elements as the nodes to be loaded.

6 Click Select.
7 For Billing Meter Layer, click the ellipsis button and browse to the starter
file folder to select the BillingMeter.shp file and click Open.
8 Click OK for this next message:

9 The Load Type Field should be set to TYPE, the Usage Field is USE and the
units are L/day.

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10 Uncheck the Use Previous Run box since we have not computed the

11 Click Next.
The Calculation Summary will appear.
12 This system has fairly low flows, so make sure the units of flow are L/s. If
they are not, right click on the Load column header and selecting Units
and Formatting.
13 Select L/s for the Unit so the raw data will be converted to L/s.

14 Click OK to get back to the Calculation Summary.

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15 Leave the multipliers as they are because you are interested in average
flow for now.

16 Click Next.
17 The Results Preview will appear. Browse through the values of manhole

18 Click Next to get to the Completing the LoadBuild Process dialog.

19 Enter Billing Data for the Label under which to save these settings.

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20 Select Override an Existing Alternative and choose Base Sanitary Loading

from the drop-down menu.

21 Click Finish and when compete, the following message should appear
indicating the number of records imported.

22 Close this message once you are done reviewing it.

23 Close out of LoadBuilder and save your file.

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Viewing Background Contours

Viewing Background Contours

Now you would like to see what your model looks like on top of the contour
background layer.

 Exercise: Adding the contour background layer

1 Select View > Background Layers.
2 Click the New button and select New File.
3 Browse to the starter files folder and select Contours.shp and click Open.
You will see this dialog:

4 Click OK.

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Run the Model

Note: Notice the two nodes at the far south that fall outside of the contour shape file.
Also notice where the streets (and pipes) are it is fairly flat.
5 You can turn off this background by un-selecting it in the Background
Layers manager.

Run the Model

You now have everything you need to make a model run. In this section you will
compute the new network and review the results.

 Exercise: Computing the model

1 Check for problems by selecting Analysis > Validate.

Note: You will see that there are issues caused by two manholes with a ground
elevation lower than the manhole invert.

2 Check your manhole elevations.

3 Open a manhole FlexTable, right click on the ground elevation column
header and select Sort > Sort Ascending.

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Run the Model

You will notice that two of the manholes did not have a ground elevation
because they were outside the bounds of the contour file.

4 Assign MH-142 a ground elevation of 96 m and MH-143 a ground

elevation of 99 m by typing those values into the FlexTable.
5 Close the table when you are done.
6 Click the Compute button or select Analysis > Compute.
7 Close the Detailed Calculation Summary and User Notification dialogs that
come up.
Now you will look for pipes with a high Depth/Rise value, by color coding.

 Exercise: Color coding for depth/rise

1 Select View > Element Symbology.
2 Right click on Conduit and select New > Color Coding.
3 In the Color Coding Properties dialog set the following:
Field Name: Depth (Average End)/Rise or Depth/Rise (for SewerGEMS)
Selection Set: <All Elements>
Maximum: 100.0 %
Options: Color and Size

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Run the Model

4 Click the Initialize button (third button in on the right window pane).

5 Click Apply and then OK.

A majority of the pipes should be color coded in green.

Note: This indicates that the flows are very low in this system, typical of upstream end
of collection systems.

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Run the Model

6 Find the flow at the outfall by double clicking the outfall node.

 Exercise: Reviewing the results in FlexTables

1 Find the minimum and maximum depth to rise by opening the Project
Conduit FlexTable, (View > Flex Tables, right click on Conduit and select
Duplicate as Project Flex Table).
2 Open the new Conduit Table under the Tables – Project section in the
FlexTables dialog.
3 Right click at the top of the Depth (Average End)/Rise column and select
4 Close the Statistics dialog when you are done reviewing the data.
5 Back on the FlexTable: Conduit Table, look at some of the pipes that have
zero Flow values and you will see that they correspond to pipes with no
flow at the upper end of the system.
6 Add a column for Tractive Stress by clicking the Edit button (fourth button
in from the left) at the top of the table.
7 Highlight Tractive Stress (Calculated) in the Available Columns pane and
click the Add button.
This will move that property to the right pane.

8 Click OK.

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Run for Peak Flow Conditions

Note: Note which pipe has the maximum value for Depth/Rise (try using Sort >
9 Set the tractive stress units to Pascals by right clicking on that value in the
Property manager (or column header in FlexTable), select Units and
Formatting, and set Unit: to Pascals.
10 Find the velocity and tractive stress in that pipe.
11 Fill in the results at the end of the workshop.
12 Save your file.

Run for Peak Flow Conditions

Next, make a run with a peak load multiplier of 2.

 Exercise: Applying a peak load multiplier

1 Create a new scenario by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Right click Base and select New > Child Scenario and name the child
scenario Peak.

3 Double click on Peak to open the Properties manager.

4 Click in the Sanitary Loading field and open the drop-down menu.
5 Select <New…>.
6 Name the new alternative Peak Load.

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Run for Peak Flow Conditions

7 Click OK.

8 Make the Peak scenario the current scenario by selecting it from the
scenarios drop-down menu or by clicking the Make Current button in the
Scenarios manager.
9 Open the Sanitary Load Control Center (Tools > Sanitary Load Control

Note: Note the Base Flow values.

10 Right click at the top of the Base Flow column and select Global Edit.
11 Set the following:
Operation: Multiply
Value: 2

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Results Tables

12 Click OK.

Note: Notice that the values have increased by a factor of 2.

13 Close this dialog and save file.
14 Click the Compute button.
15 Review the Detailed Calculation Summary.
16 Open the Conduit FlexTable (View > Flex tables > Tables – Project >
Conduit Table) and complete the results at the end of this workshop.

Results Tables
SewerCAD/SewerGEMS Sanitary Results Table
Property Average Load Peak Load

Flow at Outfall (L/s)

Max Depth (Average)/Rise (%)

Pipe with Max Depth/Rise

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Workshop Review

SewerCAD/SewerGEMS Sanitary Results Table

Property Average Load Peak Load

Velocity in that pipe (m/s)

Tractive Stress in that pipe (Pa)

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 Were the velocities very high during average flow conditions?

2 Did velocity improve significantly during peak flow conditions?

3 If you could redesign the system, how would you have changed it?

4 What are some of the data formats that ModelBuilder supports?

5 LoadBuilder is oriented to the types of data available to describe


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Results Table
Property Average Load Peak Load

Flow at Outfall (L/s) 16.29 32.59

Max Depth (Average)/Rise (%) 51.7 100

Pipe(s) with Max Depth/Rise CO-65 CO-13 & CO-36

Velocity in that pipe (m/s) 0.43 CO-36 = 0.10

CO-13 = 0.26

Tractive Stress in that pipe (Pa) 0.83 CO-36 = 0.19

CO-13 = 0.79

1 Were the velocities very high during average flow conditions?

No. Generally less than 0.30 m/s.

2 Did velocity improve significantly during peak flow conditions?

Yes, but not as much as you would have liked.

3 If you could redesign the system, how would you have changed it?
Because I had limited ground slope to work with, I would try to go deeper
at the downstream end. If I ended up being too deep, I would have
reviewed a very flat section of the system and looked at the possibility of
installing a lift station.

4 What are some of the data formats that ModelBuilder supports?

ModelBuilder supports a wide variety of data formats, from simple
databases (such as Access and DBase), spreadsheets (such as Excel or
Lotus), GIS data (such as shape files), to high end data stores (such as
Oracle, and SQL Server), and more.

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Workshop Review

5 LoadBuilder is oriented to the types of data available to describe:

Dry Weather Flows.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Designing a New System
Module Overview
In this workshop, you will design a new system using SewerGEMS V8i's
Automated Design features starting from a .dxf background file. You will use the
GVF-Convex Solver. The new system will be designed using the design maximum
flow rate. The design maximum flow rate will consist of the dry weather loading
from a residential house count of the proposed full build-out of the area, and wet
weather loading from hypothetical infiltration and inflow design standards. The
flow rate will be peaked using the Ten States (GLUMB) peaking factor method to
generate the maximum flow event for pipe design.

This course material has been developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4)
platform, at a minimum the Version Modelers currently using
versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4),, are strongly
encouraged to consider upgrading today to start taking advantage of the latest
features and interoperability advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics
• Gravity Collection Systems
• Using Pumps & Forcemains
• Extended Period Simulations

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Use a Background file (dxf) to draw a network to scale

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Building the Network

• Set design constraints and apply SewerGEMS automated design to size pipes
• Create and view engineering profiles

Building the Network

In this section you will run through setting up a project, adding a background layer
and modifying your annotation multipliers.

 Exercise: Creating a new project

1 Open SewerGEMS.
2 Select File > New or click on Create New Project to begin a new project.
3 Select File > Save As….
4 Name the project AutomatedDesign and select Save.
5 Go to Analysis > Calculation Options.
6 Double click on Base Calculation Options and Select GVF - Convex
(SewerCAD) as the Active Numerical Solver.

 Exercise: Bringing in a background layer

1 Open the background .dxf file, by selecting View > Background Layers.
2 In the Background Layers manager, select New > New File.
3 Navigate to C:\Bentley Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter\
AutoDesignMetric.dxf and select Open.

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Building the Network

This will bring up the DXF Properties dialog.

4 Click OK to bring in the background file.

Note: If you do not see the background file, select View > Zoom > Zoom Extents.

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Building the Network

You should see the following:

Note: Notice that the elevations run from roughly 155 m to 150 m so you have very
little slope to work with. Also note that there are 4 lots, 17-20 that are on the
other side of a drainage divide. We will assume that these lots will have
individual grinder pumps to raise the wastewater to the first manhole.

 Exercise: Adjusting symbol size and text height

1 To globally adjust the symbol size and the text height, select Tools >
2 Click on the Drawing tab and set Symbol Size Multiplier to 5 and the Text
Height Multiplier to 10.

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Building the Network

3 Select the Units tab, click Reset Defaults > System International.
4 Click OK to go back to the drawing.

Network Layout
We are now ready to lay out the network.

 Exercise: Drawing the network

1 Select the pipe layout tool from the Layout toolbar and select Conduit.
2 Begin laying out the system from the cul-de-sac at the southwest end of
the road on the far left to the outfall at the far north as shown.

Note: The last node element in the line is the outfall. When you are about to lay out
that node, right click and change from Manhole to Outfall.

Note: If you should happen to mess up the labeling of the elements, do not worry.
You can either re-label the elements in the FlexTables after you lay them out or
simply understand that your labeling is different from that in the instructions
and keep track of that fact.
3 Lay out the pipes in Knob Hill Court and Vista Court as shown in the
drawing on the next page.
4 When you tie the Knob Hill Court line into MH-3, right click and select

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Building the Network

You can then move on the Vista Court.

5 When you tie the Vista Court line into MH-5, pick the Select tool from the
Layout toolbar since you have no more pipes to lay out.
When done, your model should look like this:

6 Save your file using File > Save.

7 You can turn off the background layer to better view the model by
selecting View > Background Layers.
8 Uncheck the box in front of AutoDesignMetric.

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Building the Network

The drawing should now look like this:

Entering System Data

You need to provide elevation data for the network.

 Exercise: Entering manhole data using FlexTables

1 Open the Manhole FlexTable by selecting View > FlexTables.
2 Double click on the Manhole Table under Tables – Predefined.

Note: Before you begin, you may want to right click at the top of the Label column
and select Sort > Sort Ascending to make sure the manholes are listed in the
correct order.
3 Enter the following ground elevations:

Structure Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m) Your Initial (m)

MH-1 153.92 152.40

MH-2 154.08 151.79

MH-3 154.23 151.18

MH-4 153.92 150.57

MH-5 153.77 149.96

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Structure Elevation (Ground) (m) Elevation (Invert) (m) Your Initial (m)

MH-6 156.67 154.84

MH-7 154.99 153.62

MH-8 154.53 153.01

MH-9 154.23 152.40

Note: The elevations in the column Elevation (Invert) are some quick and dirty initial
guesses as to what the invert elevation should be. However, as a design
engineer, you are not required to use them. Feel free to modify those values
and place them in the Your Initial column. Enter those values for Elevation
4 Make sure that Set Rim to Ground Elevation? is checked for all manholes.

5 Close the FlexTable: Manhole Table.

 Exercise: Entering outfall data

1 On the drawing, double click OF-1 to access the outfall Properties
2 Enter the following:
Boundary Condition Type: Free Outfall
Elevation (Ground) (m): 153.01

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Elevation (Invert) (m): 149.35

 Exercise: Entering conduit data

1 Select View > FlexTables.
2 Right click the Conduit Table under Tables - Predefined and select
Duplicate > as Project FlexTable.
3 Open the new conduit table and click the Edit button.
4 Select Length (Scaled) in the left pane and select the Add button to move
it to the right pane.
5 Use the Up arrow to move Length (Scaled) below Diameter and click OK.
6 Check that the pipe lengths are reasonable. They should all be less than or
close to 121 m.
7 The default Diameter of 300.0 mm and Manning’s n of 0.013 should be

Note: You will be adjusting inverts and diameters later.

8 Instead of using User Defined Conduits, you will want to use Catalog
Conduits for Automated Design.
9 To do this globally in one step, in the Conduit FlexTable, right click on the
column heading Conduit Type and select Global Edit.

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10 In the Global Edit dialog, select Catalog Conduit in the Value: drop-down
menu and click OK.

11 Click in one of the Catalog Class fields and then click on the ellipsis button
that comes up.
This will bring up the Conduit Catalog manager.
12 Click on the Synchronization Options button and select Import from
13 In the Engineering Libraries manager expand Conduit Catalogs Conduits
Library - Metric.xml and circle.
14 Scroll down to Circle, PVC and click in the check box.

15 Click Select and then close the Conduit Catalog window.

16 Back on the Conduit FlexTable, right click on the Catalog Class column
heading and choose Global Edit.

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Building the Network

17 In the Global Edit dialog, select Circle - PVC for the Value field and then
click OK.

18 Right click the Size column heading and select Global Edit.
19 Select 300 mm for Value and click OK.
20 Use the Global Edit function on the Material column and set it to PVC.
21 Make sure Section Type is set to Circle for all conduits. If necessary use the
global Edit function on the Section Type column and set it to Circle.
The Conduit FlexTable in part should look like this:

22 Close the FlexTable and save your file.

Loading the Model

You will load the model primarily with residential unit loads. You can import these
from a library but for now, you will create your own definition.

 Exercise: Creating Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads

1 Select Components > Unit Sanitary (Dry Weather) Loads….

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2 When the dialog opens, click on the New button and select Count Based.
3 Rename it to NewResidential (use the red T on top of the left pane to edit
the name).
4 Enter Residential in the Count Load Unit field.
5 Make sure the Unit Load units are in L/day.

Note: If it is in some other unit, right click on the units, select Units and Formatting,
and change the Unit to L/day with 0 as the Display Precision.

6 Enter 1,514 L/day for Unit Load and 3 for Population Equivalent (people
per residence).

7 Close this dialog.

 Exercise: Applying unit loads to manholes

1 Open the unit loading tool by selecting Tools > Sanitary Load Control
2 Click the New button and select Initialize Unit Loads for All Elements.
3 Right click the Unit Sanitary Load column heading and select Global Edit.

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4 In the Global Edit dialog, select NewResidential for the Value: and click

5 Use the table to fill in the Loading Unit Count.

Manhole Residence Count

MH-1 5

MH-2 4

MH-3 3

MH-4 3

MH-5 2

MH-6 2

MH-7 2

MH-8 4

MH-9 3

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6 Close the Sanitary Load Control Center.

 Exercise: Applying peaking factors

You must now indicate that the NewResidential unit load will use the Ten
State Standard type of peaking factor (Extreme Flow Factor).
First we need to import the Ten State standard formula from the
Engineering Library.
1 Select Components > Extreme Flows.
2 Click the Synchronization Options button and select Import from Library.
3 Expand Extreme Flow Factor Methods and Extreme Flow Factor Method

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4 Check the box for Ten State Equation and then click on Select.

5 Next change the Population Unit for this equation to Capita x 103.

6 Close the dialog and save the file.

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 Exercise: Assigning the extreme flow method to the unit load

We need to associate the Ten State Equation with the NewResidential unit
1 Open the extreme flow setup by selecting Components > Extreme Flow
2 Click on the New button.
The default name of Extreme Flow Setup – 1 is fine.
3 Check the check box in the Use column and select Ten State Equation as
the Extreme Flow Method for the NewResidential Unit Load.

4 Close out of the Extreme Flow Setups dialog.

 Exercise: Setting the calculation options to use the new extreme flow
1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options.
2 Double click on Base Calculation Options to bring up the Properties
3 Select Extreme Flow Setup – 1 for the Extreme Flow Setup field.

4 Close out of the Calculation Options dialog.

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Building the Network

 Exercise: Adding an additional peak sanitary load

Remember that there are 4 houses at the other side of the divide from
manhole MH-6 that will discharge into that manhole. TThe worst case is
when all 4 grinder pumps are running simultaneously at 0.95 L/s each. This
corresponds to an additional peak sanitary load of 3.79 L/s. This load
should be placed on MH-6.
1 Double click MH-6 and click in the Sanitary Loads field.
2 You will see the ellipsis button appear; click on it.

This opens the Sanitary Loads dialog for an individual element.

Note: You could have also opened the Sanitary Load Control Center.
3 Click on the New button and select Pattern Load – Base Flow and Pattern.

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4 Enter 3.79 L/s for Base Flow and Fixed for Pattern.

Note: You may have to change the units to L/s before entering the values.
5 Click OK.

 Exercise: Adding conduit infiltration

Finally, you want to add a conduit infiltration value of 1,893 L/d/mm
diameter/kilometer length. This property is not on the Predefined
FlexTables so you will use the Conduit Table under the Tables-Project
1 Select View > Flex Tables.

2 Double click on the Copy of Conduit Table under Tables – Project.

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3 Click the Edit button.

This will open the table editor.
4 Select the following from the Available Columns list and Add them to the
Selected Columns list:
Infiltration Load Type
Infiltration Loading Unit
Infiltration Rate per Loading Unit

5 Click OK when done.

6 When the FlexTable opens, move all the way to the right of the columns
7 Globally edit them by right clicking the column header and setting the

Note: Make sure the units for Infiltration Rate per Loading Unit is in L/day before you
enter the value below.
Infiltration Load Type Pipe Rise-Length
Infiltration Loading Unit mm-km
Infiltration Rate per Loading Unit 1,893 L/day
8 After each edit, click OK.

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When you are done, the columns related to infiltration should look like

 Exercise: Validating your data

If you would like to check your data to make sure you have all the required
information, do the following:
1 Select Analysis > Validate.
When the validation is complete you will see this dialog:

If you had any validation errors the User Notifications dialog will list the
2 Click OK and save the file.

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Building the Network

Computing the Simulation Model

You are now ready to run the model.

 Exercise: Calculating the model

1 Select Analysis > Compute or simply select the Compute button from the
The Detailed Calculation Summary dialog will appear.

Note: You will see some messages that minimum velocity constraint was not met in
the User Notifications dialog. This is expected because of the flat slopes.
2 Browse through the different tabs to review the results.

Reviewing Results
There are many ways of viewing results, such as using the properties manager,
FlexTables, graphs, color coding etc. In this example, you will be using element

 Exercise: Adding slope annotation to conduits

1 Select View > Element Symbology.
2 Right click on Conduit and select New > Annotation.
3 Set the following:
Field Name: Slope
Suffix: delete the entry here

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Y Offset: -7.6

4 Click Apply and OK.

Note: You will now see the slope annotated on each pipe.
5 Double click on Label under Conduit in Element Symbology.
6 Change Y Offset to 7.6, click Apply and OK.

Note: Now the labels for the conduits will be above the pipes making them easier to

 Exercise: Turning off background layers

If you have not already done so and would like to turn off the background
layer to view the annotations more clearly, do the following:
1 Select View > Background Layers.
2 Uncheck the background file for this workshop.

 Exercise: Adding velocity annotation to conduits

We are now going to add the velocity annotation to the conduits.
1 Select View > Element Symbology.
2 Right click on Conduit and select New > Annotation.

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3 Set the following:

Field Name: Velocity (Average)
Suffix: delete the entry here
Y Offset: -20 (so that the velocity will not overlap the slope)

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4 Click Apply and OK.

Note: The manhole labels have been moved in the screen shot above so that the
annotation could be viewed more easily. You can move the labels on your end
as well if you would like.
5 Fill in the first column of the results table at the end of this workshop.

It is also helpful to view the profile.

 Exercise: Creating a profile

1 Right click on MH-1 and select Create Profile.
2 On the Create Profile dialog, keep the default name for the profile and
click OK.

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You will see the following:

3 Close the profile and then select View > Profiles.

You may also want to view the engineering profile.
4 To do so, click on the View Profile button and select Engineering Profile.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Building the Network

You should see this:

Note: Here is a screen shot that is zoomed in on the profile.

5 Close the Engineering Profile and Profiles manager to get back to the
drawing pane.

Designing a New System (metric) 176 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

Automated Design
In this section you will set the options to have SewerGEMS design pipes using the
extreme flows you set up.

 Exercise: Setting up automated design

1 Set up a new Calculation Option using Analysis > Calculation Options.
2 Click the New button and enter Auto Design for the name.

3 Double click on Auto Design.

4 Set the following:
Calculation Type: Design
Extreme Flow Setup: Extreme Flow Setup – 1

5 Close out of the Calculation Options.

You must now identify the catalog of pipes available for automated design.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

 Exercise: Identifying pipes for use in automated design

1 Select Components > Conduit Catalog.

Note: Since we already imported the conduits all we have to do is to select

which pipes we do not want to design for.
2 Uncheck the box for Available For Design? for the 100mm and 150mm

3 Click Close.

Design Constraints
You must now set constraints for the automated design. With this first design run,
we will be showing what happens when you do not have a velocity constraint. You
will get minimum slope for each pipe and all the rest of the elevation change
shows up in the last pipe. This is not very good, but it is what SewerGEMS does in
this situation.

 Exercise: Setting design constraints

1 Select Components > Default Design Constraints.

Designing a New System (metric) 178 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

2 The Velocity tab should show a Velocity (Minimum) of 0.00 m/s and a
Velocity (Maximum) of 4.57 m/s.

3 Click on the Slope tab and set the Slope (Minimum) to 0.003 m/m.

4 Close the Default Design Constraints manager.

 Exercise: Creating the design scenario

1 Open the Scenarios manager by selecting Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Click on the New button and select Base Scenario and name the new
scenario Design.

3 Double click on Design to open its properties.

Note: The automated design will change the physical properties, so we need to create
a new Physical Alternative.
4 Click in the field for Physical and select <New…> from the drop-down

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

5 Name the new alternative Auto Size and click OK to get back to the
Properties manager.

6 In the Properties manager scroll down to Calculation Options and select

Auto Design from the drop-down menu.

7 In the Scenarios manager, make the Design scenario the current scenario
by clicking on the Make Current button.
You will see a red check mark on the scenario icon after you click that

8 Close the Scenarios manager and save your file.

Designing a New System (metric) 180 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

 Exercise: Modifying the design constraint alternative

You want SewerGEMS to calculate all pipe diameters and invert elevations
in the model except for the outfall and the downstream end of CO-5.
1 Select Analysis > Alternatives to bring up the Alternatives manager.
2 Expand Design and double click on Base Design.
This will open the Design Constraints Alternative: Base Design dialog.
3 On the Gravity Pipe tab, uncheck the box in the Design Stop Invert?
column for CO-5.

Nov-14 181 Designing a New System (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

4 Click on the Node tab and for OF-1, uncheck Design Structure Elevation?.

5 Close out the Design Constraints Alternative: Base Design and Alternatives

You are now ready to compute the model and run the automated design.

 Exercise: Computing the model

1 Select Analysis > Compute.
2 Select No in the dialog because you have created an alternative to receive
the new design.

Designing a New System (metric) 182 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

The design run will go to completion and display the Detailed Calculation
3 Review the summary and then close it.

Note: You will notice that you failed to meet the velocity constraint even though you
may have done better with steeper pipe slopes. This is because pipe slope is
generally controlled to minimize burial depth and that takes precedence over
velocity constraints. Note the slopes in the pipe to minimize cover.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

4 Fill in the table at the end of this workshop.

Second Design
We are not satisfied with the design that we obtained and want to get higher
velocities and better slopes.

In this run we are going to constrain the minimum velocity to 0.3 m/s and the
minimum slope to 0.0075 m/m to get more reasonable slopes and velocities.

 Exercise: Creating a child design scenario

1 Select Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Click on Design and then click the New button to select Child Scenario.
3 Name this scenario Design2.

4 Open the Properties manager for this new scenario.

Note: The primary difference in this run is that you are going to force a minimum
slope in conduits CO-1 to CO-5 of 0.0075 with a maximum of 0.01.
5 Click in the Design field and select <New…> from the drop-down menu.
6 Name this alternative DesignWithSlope and click OK.

7 Similarly create a new Physical alternative called Auto Size - 2.

8 Close out of the Scenarios manager.

Designing a New System (metric) 184 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

 Exercise: Editing the new design alternative

1 Open the DesignWithSlope alternative by selecting Analysis >
2 Expand the Design and Base Design alternatives.
3 Double click on DesignWithSlope.
This will open the Design Constraints Alternative dialog.
4 On the Gravity Pipe tab click on the Velocity tab.
5 Set the Velocity (Minimum) constraint to 0.3 m/s.

6 Check the Specify Local Pipe Constraint? for pipes CO-1, CO-2, CO-3, CO-4,
and CO-5 and enter 0.0075 m/m for their Slope (Minimum) and 0.010 m/
m for Slope (Maximum).

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

Note: You may need to right click at the top of the Slope (Minimum) column and
change Display Precision to 4.

7 Close this dialog and switch the active scenario to Design2.

8 Click the Compute button.
9 Select No when you get the dialog asking you if you want to create a new
physical alternative.

Designing a New System (metric) 186 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

10 Close out of the Calculation Summary and the User Notifications dialog if
it comes up.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Automated Design

The profile also looks better although excavation costs will be greater.

11 Fill out the table at the end of the workshop and think about which
solution you would recommend.

Designing a New System (metric) 188 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Results Table

Results Table


Parameter Element Base Design Design2

Diameter (mm) CO-5

Slope (m/m) CO-1

Velocity (Average) (m/s) CO-1

Slope (m/m) CO-7

Velocity (Average) (m/s) CO-7

Note: Values may be slightly different because of the placement of the manholes can
differ from one individual to another.

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let us measure what you have

1 Did you have adequate velocities in this system in the initial design? Why?

2 What size pipe did you end up with? Why?

Nov-14 189 Designing a New System (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

3 What other way could you have served the 4 homes on the other side of
the drainage divide?
4 Would you prefer your original invert elevations or the values you got from
the first or second automated design? Why?

5 What else can you do about the low velocities in pipes CO-1 and CO-8?



Parameter Element Base Design Design2

Diameter (mm) CO-5 304.8 203.2 203.2

Slope (m/m) CO-1 0.006 0.003 0.0075

Velocity (Average) (m/s) CO-1 0.38 0.31 0.40

Slope (m/m) CO-7 0.034 0.023 0.0360

Velocity (Average) (m/s) CO-7 1.12 1.03 1.18

Note: Values may be slightly different because of the placement of the manholes can
differ from one individual to another.
1 Did you have adequate velocities in this system in the initial design? Why?
No. There was low flow with not much slope.

2 What size pipe did you end up with? Why?

200 mm minimum pipe size was adequate.

Designing a New System (metric) 190 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

3 What other way could you have served the 4 homes on the other side of
the drainage divide?
Had their wastewater flow by gravity to a single small lift station and pump
over the divide.

4 Would you prefer your original invert elevations or the values you got from
the first or second automated design? Why?
The best solution is really a judgment decision trading off the extra
excavation costs with the better velocities. This is a tough problem
because you are dealing with some negative ground slopes.

5 What else can you do about the low velocities in pipes CO-1 and CO-8?
There really is not much you can do because the flow is very close to zero
most of the time. This is unfortunately typical in the small sewers at the
upper end of collection systems. If you looked at the depth of flow in CO-1,
you would have seen that it was on the order of 0.02 m.

Nov-14 191 Designing a New System (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

Designing a New System (metric) 192 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Module Overview
In this workshop, you will use rainfall to drive the wet weather flow model.
Assume that you have flow monitoring data so that you know the coefficients for
unit hydrographs for each basin. You have collected flow data for four large
catchments and want to model the large storm sewers that receive this flow. You
will work with a schematic drawing in SewerGEMS that already has the sub-
watershed layout.

This course material has been developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4)
platform, at a minimum the Version Modelers currently using
versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4),, are strongly
encouraged to consider upgrading today to start taking advantage of the latest
features and interoperability advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics
• Gravity Collection Systems
• Using Pumps & Forcemains
• Extended Period Simulations
• Dynamic Flow Routing

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Assign outflow nodes for catchments as well as enter and assign unit
hydrographs for catchments

Nov-14 193 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Getting Started

• Create and assign storm events to scenarios and alternatives

• Review model results using graphs and profiles

Getting Started
This section walks you through opening an existing file and laying out a conduit
network. You will create and assign storm events for your model, assign
catchments to their associated manholes and convert rainfall runoff to system
flows using the Generic Unit Hydrograph Method.

 Exercise: Open existing project

1 Begin by starting SewerGEMS and opening the file
CatchmentHydrologySI.swg in C:\Bentley
The file should appear as shown:

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 194Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

 Exercise: Network layout

You will now lay out 5 conduit links and 5 manholes, followed by an outfall
link, as shown in the schematic here:

1 To begin laying out the network, click on the Layout tool and select
2 Simply left click on your drawing to place the manholes and conduits at
the appropriate locations.
3 After you lay out MH-5, right click and select Outfall.
4 Place the outfall, then right click and select Done.
If necessary, click the Select tool to deactivate the Layout tool.

Note: You may wish to move each manhole label to just below the manhole by
dragging the labels to the desired locations.

 Exercise: Entering pipe properties

1 Enter the conduit properties from the table:

Conduit Conduit Type Material Manning's n Diameter (mm) Length (m)

CO-1 User Defined Conduit Concrete 0.013 304.8 121.92
CO-2 User Defined Conduit Concrete 0.013 304.8 121.92
CO-3 User Defined Conduit Concrete 0.013 457.2 121.92
CO-4 User Defined Conduit Concrete 0.013 457.2 121.92
CO-5 User Defined Conduit Concrete 0.013 609.6 121.92

Note: The easiest way to enter this data is to use the FlexTables.
2 Click on the FlexTables button or go to View > FlexTables.

Nov-14 195 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

3 Open the Conduit Table under Tables-Predefined.

Because the drawing is a schematic, you will want to change all the
lengths from scaled to user defined.
4 Right click on the Conduit Type column, select Global Edit and set to User
Defined Conduit.
5 Right click on the Material column, select Global Edit and set to Concrete.
This should automatically set the Manning's n to 0.013.

Your table should look similar to the one here:

6 Close out of the Conduit FlexTable and save your file.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 196Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

 Exercise: Entering manhole properties

1 Enter the manhole ground and invert elevations given in the table here by
opening the Manhole Table under Tables - Predefined.

Note: Make sure the manholes are sorted in ascending order.

Manhole Ground Elevation (m) Invert Elevation (m)

MH-1 17.68 15.85

MH-2 16.76 14.33

MH-3 12.19 10.67

MH-4 10.97 9.75

MH-5 10.67 9.14

After you have entered in the manhole properties, your table should look
similar to the one here:

2 Close the Manhole FlexTable and save your file.

 Exercise: Entering outfall properties

The outfall represents a stream which is flowing at elevation 7.62 m.
1 Double click on OF-1 to open the Properties manager.
2 For Boundary Condition Type select User Defined Tailwater from the
drop-down menu.
3 Enter the Elevation (User Defined Tailwater) (m) as 7.62.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

4 Set the Elevation (Ground) (m) to 8.23, and the Elevation (Invert) (m) to

5 Close out of the Properties manager and save your work.

 Exercise: Defining storm events

You will now create a storm event to run through the model.
1 Start by selecting Components > Storm Data.
2 Click New and choose Time-Depth.

3 Rename Time-Depth - 1 to 50.8mmSCSIII by clicking the Rename button.

4 On the Storm Event Input tab on the right side of the screen, click New and
select Add Return Event from Dimensionless Curve.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 198Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

You are now in the Rainfall Engineering Libraries.

Note: The engineering library is a set of .xml files that you can share among the
people in your organization to standardize and to simplify entry of data you use
frequently, like design storms.
5 Expand Dimensionless Rainfall Curves and expand SCSTYPES.XML.
6 Click on TypeIII 24 hr and then click Select.

7 In the Generate Storm Event dialog that comes up, enter the following:
Curve Label: 2 Year
Return Event: 2
Depth Type: Cumulative

Nov-14 199 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

New Depth: 50.80 mm

8 Click OK.
Your Storm Data dialog should look as follows:

9 Click Close to exit the Storm Data dialog.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 200Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

 Exercise: Assigning storm events

Now that you have defined a Storm Event, you need to instruct the model
to use this storm event when performing the calculations. You could use
multiple storm events representing different return frequencies, but for
this workshop, you will just use a single global event.
1 Select Components > Global Storm Events.
2 Click in the Global Storm Event column and select 50.8mmSCSIII.

3 Click Close.

 Exercise: Assigning catchments to manholes

The runoff from each catchment must be assigned to a manhole so that it
can be loaded to the pipes.
1 Double click on catchment CM-1.
2 In the Properties manager next to the field Outflow Element, use the pull
down and pick <Select…>.

Nov-14 201 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

3 For this catchment, MH-1 is the outflow node so click on MH-1 in the
You will then see a dashed line from the catchment centroid to the
manhole and the Properties manager will be updated to reflect that MH-1
is the outflow node for CM-1.
4 Repeat these steps for the other 3 catchments.

Catchment CM-1 CM-2 CM-3 CM-4

Manhole MH-1 MH-4 MH-5 MH-3

5 Save your file.

 Exercise: Specifying a runoff method

In this workshop, you will convert rainfall to runoff to system flows using a
Generic Unit Hydrograph method. The coefficients that determine the shape of
the unit hydrograph for this approach are based on flow metering for a known
rainfall event. The unit hydrograph represents the response of each catchment to
a unit of (25.4 mm) rainfall. Each catchment, which represents a large number of
pipes and manholes that are not modeled here for simplicity’s sake, is
represented by its own unit hydrograph. The size and shape of the unit
hydrograph is determined by the size and slope of the catchment, its soil
properties and impervious cover, and the extent of depression storage.
1 For each catchment, verify that the following are set in their Properties
Runoff Method: Unit Hydrograph
Loss Method: Constant Loss Rate
Constant Loss Rate (mm/hr): 0

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 202Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

Unit Hydrograph Method: Generic Unit Hydrograph

Next you will enter in the hydrographs for each catchment given in the
2 In the Property manager for CM-1, click in the field Unit Hydrograph Data
and click the ellipsis.
This opens the Unit Hydrograph Data editor for CM-1.
3 Enter the Time vs. Flow values given in the table for CM-1.

Warning: Make sure the units are correct before entering any data.

Flow (L/s)

Time CM-1 CM-2 CM-3 CM-4

0 5.66 2.83 14.16 14.16

1 28.32 19.82 70.79 84.95

2 31.15 18.41 84.95 79.29

3 28.32 11.33 79.29 62.30

4 22.65 5.66 56.63 42.48

5 14.16 1.42 42.48 28.32

6 2.83 0.57 5.66 11.33

7 0.57 0.28 1.42 2.83

Nov-14 203 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

4 Click OK.
5 Repeat this process for each catchment.
6 Save your file.

Computing the Model

 Exercise: Setting calculation options and computing

Note: Since this is a 24 hour storm, we will need to run the model longer than the 24
hour default duration.
1 Select Analysis > Calculation Options or click the Calculation Options
button in the toolbar.
2 Double click on Base Calculation Options to bring up the Properties

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 204Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Reviewing Results

3 Set the Duration to 36.

You are now ready to run the model.

4 Select Analysis > Compute or click Compute.
5 Review the Calculation Summaries.
6 Save your file.

Reviewing Results
In this section you will compare your catchment flows using graphs and review
your water surface using profiles.

 Exercise: Viewing graphs

A good way to compare the flows from each catchment is to create a
1 Click on CM-1, hold down the CTRL key and then click on CM-2, CM-3, and
then CM-4 in that order.
2 Right click and select Graph.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Reviewing Results

3 Click OK on the Graph Series Options dialog to view the graph.

4 Find the peak flow and time to peak flow for each catchment and
complete the results table for Storm 1 found at the end of this workshop.

Note: Do not worry about precision, just get an approximate number.

5 You may prefer to view the tabular data instead of the graph; click on the
Data tab to do this.

 Exercise: Creating profiles

1 Right click MH-1 and select Create Profile.
2 On the Create Profile dialog just click OK to accept the default name.

You should now see the profile.

3 Move the animation player to approximately hour 13.
4 Expand the profile to full screen and view the water surface.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 206Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

5 Click the down arrow next to the Chart Settings button and select Display
Annotation Labels to see the labels in the profile.

6 Close out of the profile and save your model.

Historical Scenario
In this section you will create a new scenario based upon observed storm data
and calculate the scenario to review the results.

 Exercise: Creating additional storm events

In this part of the workshop, you will create a new storm based on an
observed actual 50.8 mm storm with the hyetograph shown below.

Nov-14 207 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

Time (hrs) Precipitation (mm)

0 0.00

1 5.08

2 20.32

3 7.62

4 15.24

5 2.54

6 0.00

1 To enter this new storm, select Components > Storm Data.

2 Click New and choose Time-Depth.
3 Rename Time-Depth - 1 to 50.8mmHistorical by clicking the Rename
4 On the Storm Event Input tab on the right side of the screen, click New and
select New Return Event.
5 In the New Storm Event Settings dialog that comes up, enter the following:
Curve Label: Historical
Return Event: 2
Depth Type: Incremental
Start Time: 0 hours
Increment: 1 hour

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

End Time: 6 hours

6 Click OK.
7 Enter the values given in the hyetograph table on the previous page.

8 Click Close.

Nov-14 209 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

 Exercise: Creating a new rainfall alternative

1 Click the Alternatives button or select Analysis > Alternatives.
2 Click Rainfall Runoff and click New.
3 Name the new alternative Historical.

4 Double click on Historical and on the Global Rainfall tab, select

50.8mmHistorical from the drop-down menu for Global Storm Event.

5 Close the Rainfall Runoff: Historical and Alternatives manager dialogs.

 Exercise: Creating a new scenario

1 Click the Scenarios button or select Analysis > Scenarios.
2 In the Scenarios manager, click New and choose Child Scenario.
3 Name the new scenario Historical Run.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 210Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

4 Double click on the new scenario to bring up the scenario properties.

5 Click in the Rainfall Runoff field and select Historical as the alternative.

6 Close out of the Scenarios manager.

 Exercise: Computing the historical run scenario

1 Select Historical Run as the current scenario on the main toolbar.

Nov-14 211 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

2 Click Compute and review the Calculation Executive Summary.

It is possible to obtain the information needed to complete the results

table by selecting Details from the Calculation Executive Summary.
3 Click Details and then select the Catchment Summary tab.

Note: Note that each of the catchment flows is higher for this scenario (representing
the historical storm, where the previous scenario represented an SCS
hypothetical storm with the same 50.8 mm depth).

Hint: If you accidentally closed the Summary screen, you can reopen it by selecting
Report > Calculation Executive Summary.
4 Fill in the Historical Storm Table in the Results section at the end of the

 Exercise: Assessing pipe capacity

A good indicator of pipe capacity is the Flow/Capacity (Design) which is
sometimes referred to as the Utilized Capacity. It can be expressed as a
fraction or percent.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 212Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

1 With the Historical Run scenario still active, select Edit > Select by
Element > Conduit to select all conduits in the model, then right click
them and select Graph.
2 Click OK on the Graph Series Options dialog to open the graph of flow vs.

Nov-14 213 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Historical Scenario

3 Select the Graph Series Options button, uncheck Flow and select Flow/
Capacity (Design) as the attribute to graph.

4 Click OK and view the graph.

5 Complete the table at the end of the workshop for Utilized Capacity.
6 Save your file.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 214Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Results Tables

Results Tables

Storm 1 (50.8mmSCS Type III)

Catchment Time to Peak (hrs) Peak Flow (L/s)





Historical Storm
Catchment Time to Peak (hrs) Peak Flow (L/s)





Historical Storm @ Hour 4

Conduit Utilized Capacity (%)






Nov-14 215 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 Why are the peak flows higher for the second storm even though the
cumulative precipitation is the same for both storms?

2 What characteristics of Catchment 2 made the flows from it lower than

from Catchment 3 for the same event?

3 Look at the profile. What would occur at the outfall to make the water
level behave like this?

4 The pipe sizes increased downstream but there was less excess capacity in
CO-4 than any other. What could explain that?

5 If the rainfall increased over these events, which manhole would overflow
first? Why?

6 Why would we set fLoss to zero in this runoff method?

7 What would be different if this were a combined or sanitary system

instead of a stormwater system?

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 216Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review


Storm 1 (50.8mmSCS Type III)

Catchment Time to Peak (hrs) Peak Flow (L/s)

CM-1 14.00 37.30

CM-2 13.00 21.06

CM-3 14.00 101.56

CM-4 13.00 95.40

Historical Storm
Catchment TIme to Peak (hrs) Peak Flow (L/s)

CM-1 4.0 53.4

CM-2 4.0 27.6

CM-3 4.0 142.4

CM-4 4.0 132.5

Historical Storm @ Hour 4

Conduit Utilized Capacity (%)

CO-1 47

CO-2 30

CO-3 72

CO-4 101

CO-5 39

1 Why are the peak flows higher for the second storm even though the
cumulative precipitation is the same for both storms?
Rain in the second storm occurred over a shorter period of time and thus
was more intense.

Nov-14 217 Catchment Hydrology (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

2 What characteristics of Catchment 2 made the flows from it lower than

from Catchment 3 for the same event?
Catchment 2 may have been smaller, with a smaller portion of its flow
going to the collection system, more permeable surface or more
depression storage, or milder slopes. All these are reflected in smaller
values for the unit hydrograph ordinates.

3 Look at the profile. What would occur at the outfall to make the water
level behave like this?
Conduit discharged to receiving water body at a depth below the water
surface (i.e. submerged outfall).

4 The pipe sizes increased downstream but there was less excess capacity in
CO-4 than any other. What could explain that?
In this case, CO-4 had the mildest slope.

5 If the rainfall increased over these events, which manhole would overflow
first? Why?
Most likely MH-4 because it is at the upstream end of the pipe with the
lowest slope. You would need to run the model to verify this because
system behavior is not always intuitive.

6 Why would we set fLoss to zero in this runoff method?

Depending on how you set up the unit hydrograph, the hydrograph
method accounts for losses to infiltration.

7 What would be different if this were a combined or sanitary system

instead of a stormwater system?
The sanitary loading would need to be added to each loading point.

Catchment Hydrology (metric) 218Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Water Quality Analysis (metric)

Module Overview
In this workshop, you will run SewerGEMS using the EPA SWMM (Storm Water
Management Model) explicit solver and analyze water quality impacts of a
chemical spill in the collection system.

This course material has been developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4)
platform, at a minimum the Version Modelers currently using
versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4),, are strongly
encouraged to consider upgrading today to start taking advantage of the latest
features and interoperability advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics
• Gravity Collection Systems
• Using Pumps & Forcemains
• Extended Period Simulations
• Dynamic Flow Routing
• Catchment Hydrology

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Calculate a model using the SWMM explicit solver
• Perform a SWMM water quality analysis in the SewerGEMS interface

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Getting Started

• Create a SWMM Pollutant and Pollutograph

Getting Started
This section runs you through opening an existing file, computing it and taking a
quick review of the results of the system using color coding.

 Exercise: Open existing file and compute

1 Start SewerGEMS and open the existing file WaterQualitySI.stsw from
C:\Bentley Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter.
Your file should look like the one here:

Note: All of the data has been entered in this model and it is ready to run.
2 Click the Compute button and review the results in the Calculation
3 When you are done reviewing the results, close out of the summary
You will notice that color coding of the conduits by Flow has already been
set up.

Water Quality Analysis (metric) 220 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
SWMM Scenario

4 Click on the Animation Control button or select Analysis > Time Browser
and animate the drawing through time.
5 Watch the flow move through the system to the outfall node at the
bottom of the system.

SWMM Scenario
This section will guide you through using the SWMM Engine Type.

To let the program know that you would like to compute the model using the
SWMM engine, you will need to change the calculation options.

 Exercise: Changing the calculation options and adding water quality

1 Click the Calculation Options button or select Analysis > Calculation
2 Click the New button and name the new calculation alternative SWMM
3 Double click on SWMM Solver to open its properties.
4 Change the Active Numerical Solver to Explicit (SWMM Solvers), set the
SWMM Output Increment (hours) to 0.050, the SWMM Hydrologic
Increment (hours) to 0.25, and the Dry Step (hours) to 0.25.
5 Close out of the Calculation Options manager to get back at the main
drawing dialog.
6 Select Analysis > Alternatives.
7 Expand Water Quality and select Base Water Quality.
8 Click the New button and rename the new alternative to SWMM Run.

9 Close out of the Alternatives manager.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
SWMM Scenario

 Exercise: Creating and computing the SWMM scenario

Next create a new scenario which will use the new calculation alternative,
SWMM Solver.
1 Click the Scenarios button or select Analysis > Scenarios.
2 Create a new Child Scenario and name it SWMM Run.

3 Double click on SWMM Run to open its properties.

4 Select SWMM Run for Water Quality and select SWMM Solver for the
Dynamic Solver Calculation Options.

5 Return to the Scenarios manager.

6 Make the SWMM Run scenario the current scenario by right clicking on
SWMM Run and choosing Make Current.

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SWMM Scenario

Note: You will notice a red check mark will appear next to the SWMM Run Scenario.

7 Click the Compute button.

You will see the SWMM Output Report here. This report is somewhat
similar to the output summary using the implicit engine. It will come up in
a new window which you may need to click on from the windows taskbar.

Note: Remember that SWMM uses an explicit solver while the default SewerGEMS
solver uses implicit methods.Also note that the SWMM output report is set up
to use imperial units not metric.
8 Close the SWMM Output Report.
9 Save your file.

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SWMM Scenario

 Exercise: Comparing Solvers and Reviewing Results

1 Complete Table 1 in the Results Table at the end of this workshop using
the next steps to compare the Explicit and Implicit solvers.
2 The easiest way to get the results is to highlight the element you are
interested in, right click and select Graph.

Hint: Remember to use the Edit > Find Element tool to help you quickly locate the
element you are interested in.
3 Select O-4 in the drawing pane, right click and select Graph.
After you select Graph, the Graph Series Options dialog comes up and
defaults to the current scenario as well as Hydraulic Grade.
4 Check both scenarios to be viewed on the same graph, uncheck Hydraulic
Grade, and check Flow (Total Out).

Water Quality Analysis (metric) 224 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
SWMM Scenario

5 Observe that both solvers provide essentially the same result.

6 To view the numerical results, select the Data tab and scroll through the

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Water Quality Scenario

Note: Note that the SWMM solver showed a different startup but both gave similar

Note: Change the units to L/s by right clicking the Flow column heading and selecting
Units and Formatting….
7 View the results for the other elements in the same way.
8 View the color coding animation with this solution.
9 Notice some odd color changes, but overall the patterns are the same.
10 Complete the first part of the Results Table.
11 Save your file.

Water Quality Scenario

In this section you will add a pollutant to the system and then view how it moves
through the system.

 Exercise: Creating a pollutant

You will now create a pollutant in which you will use Chromium to
simulate a short term spill.
1 Make sure the SWMM Run scenario is the current scenario.
2 Select Components > SWMM Extensions > Pollutants.

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Water Quality Scenario

3 Click the New button and name the pollutant Chromium.

4 Leave all the data as is and close the SWMM Pollutants dialog.

 Exercise: Creating a Pollutograph

Pollutographs describe how pollutant concentrations at the source change
with time. In the case of a spill, the source concentration did not change; it
was the flow that changed.
1 Select Components > SWMM Extensions > Pollutographs.
2 Click on the New button, choose Concentration and give it a name of
Chrome Spill.
3 From the pull down menu next to Pollutant, select Chromium.
4 Rick click on the Concentration column heading and select Units and
5 Set the Unit to mg/L and click OK.

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Water Quality Scenario

6 Set up two points corresponding to Time 0 and 24 hours and let the
Concentration be 1000 mg/L for both.

7 Close the Pollutographs dialog.

 Exercise: Creating Inflow

If the concentration did not change, how do we describe the loading? We
can use the inflow at the spill node.
1 The chromium spill into the collection system occurred at manhole B2-
2 Find this element using Edit > Find Element.
3 In the Properties manager for B2-242, click the ellipsis button next to
Inflow (Wet) Collection.
4 Click the New button and select Hydrograph Load.

Note: The spill occurred between 4 hrs and 4.2 hrs at a rate of 0.28 L/s.
5 Enter the table data to describe the spill.

Time (hrs) Inflow (L/s)

0 0

3.99 0

4.00 0.28

4.20 0.28

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Water Quality Scenario

Time (hrs) Inflow (L/s)

4.21 0

24 0

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Water Quality Scenario

6 View the graph of the inflow to ensure that it looks like the slug load here:

7 Close the graph and click OK to close the Inflow (Wet) Collection dialog.
Now you need to indicate which pollutograph the run should use.
8 In the manhole Properties manager for B2-242, click the ellipsis button
next to Pollutograph Collection.
9 In the Pollutograph Collection dialog, click the New button.
10 Use the drop down under Pollutograph to select Chrome Spill.

11 Click OK.

 Exercise: Computing and reviewing the Water Quality Run

1 Make sure SWMM Run is the still the active scenario and click Compute.

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Water Quality Scenario

2 From the SWMM Output Report, notice that 0.47 lbs of chromium entered
the system.

Note: Now we need to check how the chromium dispersed as it moved downstream
and became diluted by continuing with the rest of the steps in this exercise.
3 To fill in the Table 2 of the Results Tables at the end of this workshop and
to see the chromium calculations, click on the element you are interested
4 In the Properties manager for that element, click on the ellipsis button in
the Pollutants Collection field.

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Water Quality Scenario

This will create a graph of time vs. concentration.

5 Read off the time of arrival, time of peak, peak concentration and end
time of pollutant.
6 You can approximate the times from the graphs although you can also
view the exact numbers in the Data tab.

7 Complete Table 2 and answer all questions at the end of this workshop.

Water Quality Analysis (metric) 232 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Results Tables

Results Tables

Table 1 - Comparing Solvers

Parameter Implicit (Base) Explicit (SWMM Run)

Flow in O-4 @ time 0.30 hrs (L/s)

Flow in O-4 @ time 6.00 hrs (L/s)

Flow in PB2-420 @ time 0.05 hrs (L/s)

Flow in PB2-420 @ time 6.00 hrs (L/s)

Table 2 - Water Quality Run

Element Arrival time of Peak time of Peak Concentration End time of Pollutant
Pollutant (hrs) Pollutant (hrs) (mg/L) (hrs)




Hint: See exercise Computing and reviewing the Water Quality Run to fill in Table 2.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 Did you get essentially the same results from the Implicit and Explicit
solvers? Why?

2 Why did the concentration decrease as the slug moved downstream?

3 What could you do at the treatment plant if you received a call informing
you of this spill?

4 What if you had a sanitary loading at the manhole where you loaded the

Water Quality Analysis (metric) 234 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review


Table 1 - Comparing Solvers

Parameter Implicit (Base) Explicit (SWMM Run)

Flow in O-4 @ time 0.30 hrs (L/s) 5.38 2.90

Flow in O-4 @ time 6.00 hrs (L/s) 38.57 36.34

Flow in PB2-420 @ time 0.05 hrs (L/s) 2.84 2.42

Flow in PB2-420 @ time 6.00 hrs (L/s) 3.40 3.30

Table 2 - Water Quality Run

Element Arrival time of Peak time of Peak Concentration End time of Pollutant
Pollutant (hrs) Pollutant (hrs) (mg/L) (hrs)

B2-242 4.00 4.05 80.841 4.25

B2-281 4.10 4.40 33.008 5.15

O-4 4.40 4.85 4.144 5.75

1 Did you get essentially the same results from the Implicit and Explicit
solvers? Why?
Yes. Both solved the same St. Venant equations. They just used different
numerical methods.

2 Why did the concentration decrease as the slug moved downstream?

Primarily because of dilution, although there was some dispersion. The
dispersion showed up as the widening of the plume.

3 What could you do at the treatment plant if you received a call informing
you of this spill?
Use the model to determine when it would hit and take a train off line to
protect it from the spill. If you have equalization, place this volume in the
equalization tank and isolate it.

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Workshop Review

4 What if you had a sanitary loading at the manhole where you loaded the
You would need to adjust the concentration to account for dilution with
the sanitary flow.

Water Quality Analysis (metric) 236 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
CSO Analysis (metric)

Module Overview
In this workshop you will be analyzing a combined sewer system with a diversion
chamber to assess overflows during storms. The network model and pipe
properties have already been entered. You must enter a description of the storm
event and catchment properties and evaluate the performance during wet
weather events.

This course material has been developed for the SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4)
platform, at a minimum the Version Modelers currently using
versions prior to SewerGEMS V8i (SELECTseries 4),, are strongly
encouraged to consider upgrading today to start taking advantage of the latest
features and interoperability advantages of V8i.

Module Prerequisites
• Modeling Basics
• Gravity Collection Systems
• Using Pumps & Forcemains
• Extended Period Simulations
• Dynamic Flow Routing
• Catchment Hydrology
• Water Quality

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Module Objectives

Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Model and compute dry and wet weather scenarios
• Set up diversions in a sewer network
• Analyze a combined sewer system

CSO Analysis (metric) 238 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

Getting Started
 Exercise: Open and modify an existing model
1 Start SewerGEMS and open the existing SewerGEMS file
CSOAnalysisSI.stsw from C:\Bentley Workshop\SewerModelingSI\Starter.
Your file will look like the figure here.

Note: Note that the drawing is annotated with the pipe diameter and slope. Pipe
inverts and lengths have been assigned, as well as the physical properties for
each of the manholes.
You need to edit the outfall to the WWTP and the Overflow to represent a
free outfall boundary condition.
2 To do this for WWTP, simply double click on WWTP to open the Properties

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

3 Change the Boundary Condition Type to Free Outfall.

All the other information for WWTP has been entered for you.
4 Change the Boundary Condition Type for Overflow to Free Outfall as well.

Entering Dry Weather Flow Data

 Exercise: Creating a pattern for dry weather flow
We will be using a base flow with a time-varying multiplier pattern to
describe dry weather flow as it varies through the day.
1 To create the loading pattern, select Components > Patterns, which will
bring up the Patterns manager.
2 Click the New button and accept the default name of Hydraulic Pattern-1.
3 Leave the Start Time set to 12:00:00 AM and the Starting Multiplier to 0.5.
4 Set Continuous as the Pattern Type.
5 Enter the following pattern:

Time from Start (hours) Multiplier

3 0.8

6 1.1

9 1.5

12 1.2

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

Time from Start (hours) Multiplier

15 1.2

18 1.0

21 0.7

24 0.5

Note: This shape will be assigned to the manhole loads.

6 Click Close to exit out of the Patterns manager.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

 Exercise: Applying manhole loads

Now enter the base load for MH-1 and MH-5.
1 Double click on MH-5 to bring up the Properties manager.
2 Click in the cell next to Sanitary Loads and click on the ellipsis button that
appears to the right.
This will bring up the Sanitary Loads dialog.
3 Click New and select Pattern Load – Base Flow and Pattern.

4 We do not want to work with loading in L/day so right click on the units for
Base Flow, select Units and Formatting and set Unit to L/s.

5 Click OK.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

6 Select Hydraulic Pattern-1 from the dropdown menu for Pattern and
enter a Base Flow of 84.95 L/s.

7 Click OK to accept those changes for MH-5.

8 Repeat for MH-1 except that the Base Flow is 113.27 L/s.
9 Save your file.

 Exercise: Entering Catchment Properties

Now we will enter the properties for the catchments. Since all the surface
flow enters the collection system, we can use the SCS Method.
1 Enter the characteristics for each catchment given in the table on the
following page.

CM-1 CM-2

Outflow MH-1 MH-5


Area (ha) 24.281 20.234

Loss method SCS CN SCS CN

SCS CN 60 50

Tc, hrs 1.36 2

Note: CM-2 is less densely developed so it has a lower SCS Curve Number.
Instructions for assigning the Outflow Element follow the table.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

Hint: Most of the values from the table above can be entered directly into the
respective catchment Properties manager.
2 Double click on CM-1 to open its Properties manager.
3 To assign the outflow node, click in the cell next to Outflow Element, use
the drop-down menu and pick <Select…>.
4 Then click on the appropriate manhole node (MH-1) and a dashed line will
appear from the catchment label to the manhole.
5 Enter in the remaining data for CM-1 into the Properties manager.

6 Continue by entering in the data for CM-2 into its Properties manager.
7 Save your file.

 Exercise: Entering Diversion Structure

At the downstream end of pipe CO-2 (at MH-3), there is a diversion
chamber. The diversion chamber sends low flow on the dry days to the
wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) but on wet days allows water to
overflow the weir in the chamber to prevent overloading the plant. This
excess flow goes to the Overflow outfall node.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

We need to add a side weir at the upstream end (start end) of CO-6.
1 Double click on CO-6 to bring up the Properties manager.
2 Change the field Has Start Control Structure? to True.
This will add the field Start Control Structure to the Properties manager for
this conduit.
3 Click in the Start Control Structure field and select <Edit Control

This opens up the Conduit Control Structures dialog.

4 Click the New button and choose Weir.

5 Set the following:

Crest Elevation: 94.79 m
Structure Top Elevation: 95.71 m
Weir Type: Side Weir

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Getting Started

Weir Length: 0.91 m

6 Close the window to return to the Properties manager.

7 Select Control Structure - 1 for Start Control Structure, and rename MH-3
to Diversion.
8 Save the file.

 Exercise: Creating a new active topology alternative

The first run will be for a dry weather day. We need to make the
catchments inactive for this run.
1 Select Analysis > Alternatives to bring up the Alternatives manager.
2 Select Active Topology, and click the New button to create a new child
active topology alternative.
3 Rename this alternative to No Catchments.

4 Double click on No Catchments to bring up the alternative.

5 Scroll to the end of the tabs using the tab arrows and click on the
Catchment tab.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

6 Uncheck the Is Active? box for both catchments.

7 Close the dialog, and then close out of the Alternatives manager.

 Exercise: Creating the Dry Day Scenario

Before running the model we still have a few items to tend to. We want to
rename the Base scenario so it has a more descriptive name, as well as
assign the new active topology alternative to this scenario.
1 Select Analysis > Scenarios or the Scenarios button to bring up the
Scenarios manager.
2 In the Scenarios manager, click the Rename button and change the name
to Dry Day.

3 Double click the Dry Day scenario to bring up its properties.

4 Change the Active Topology alternative to No Catchments.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Getting Started

5 Close out of the Scenarios manager.

 Exercise: Running the Dry Weather Model

1 Click the Compute button to run the Dry Day scenario.
2 Click the Details button in the Calculation Executive Summary dialog and
go to the General Summary tab.

Note: Notice how the flow through CO-6 and CO-7 is zero. The weir directed all the
flow to the WWTP on a dry day as desired.

3 Close the Calculation Detailed Summary dialog and all other dialogs until
you are back in the drawing pane.

 Exercise: Graphing the diversion

1 Click on the manhole Diversion.
2 Right click and select Graph.
3 Click OK at the Graph Series Options screen to view the graph.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Wet Weather Event

Note: Notice how the water level almost reached 94.79 m at the peak hour, which
would have resulted in an overflow.

Warning: If your HGL is jagged or is not smooth, you are seeing a small instability in the
dynamic engine. This sometimes occurs when conditions change rapidly or when
the slope is near critical. Shorten the Calculation Time Step or the Y Iteration
Tolerance in your Calculation Options and run the simulation again to remove the

4 Several profiles have already been created. View each of them and think
about what they are showing.
5 Fill out the first column of the results table at the end of this workshop.

Wet Weather Event

That was fun but the real action starts during wet weather. We need to create a
storm event (remember the previous one had 0 mm rain depth) that will show us
the response of our system to some rainfall.

 Exercise: Creating a new storm event

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Wet Weather Event

1 Select Components > Storm Data to bring up the Storm Events manager.
2 Click on the New button and select Time-Depth.
3 Rename Time-Depth - 1 to Big Storm.
4 On the Storm Event Input tab, click the New button and select Add Return
Event from Dimensionless Curve.
This brings you to the Engineering Libraries.
5 Expand the Dimensionless Rainfall Curves and SCSTYPES.XML.
6 Highlight Type III (24 hour) and click the Select button.

7 In the Generate Storm Event dialog, set the following:

Curve Label: Big Storm
Return Event: 2 years
Depth Type: Incremental

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Wet Weather Event

New Depth: 152.40 mm

8 Click OK.
Your dialog should look as follows:

9 Click Close.

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Wet Weather Event

10 Save the file.

 Exercise: Creating the stormy day scenario

Now you will create a scenario corresponding to a wet day with the given
rainfall distribution.
1 Select Analysis > Scenarios to bring up the Scenarios manager.
2 Click the New button and then choose Child Scenario and name the child
Stormy Day.

3 Edit the properties of Stormy Day so that it uses the Base Active Topology

 Exercise: Creating a new rainfall alternative

1 To create the alternative that will use the storm we just created in the
Stormy Day scenario, open the alternative manager by selecting Analysis >
2 Highlight the Rainfall Runoff alternative, right click and choose New >
Base Alternative.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Wet Weather Event

3 Name the new alternative Stormy Day alternative.

4 Double click on Stormy Day to open the rainfall runoff dialog.

5 From the drop-down menu next to Global Storm Event, select the storm
event called Big Storm.

6 Close the dialog to return to the Alternatives manager.

7 Select Analysis > Scenarios to open up the Scenarios manager.
Now you must tell the scenario to use this new rainfall alternative.
8 Double click on the Stormy Day scenario to open the Properties manager.

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Wet Weather Event

9 From the Properties manager, choose Stormy Day alternative from the
pull down menu next to the Rainfall Runoff alternative.

10 Close out of the Scenarios manager and save your file.

Just to make sure all is clear:

• There is a rainfall event called Big Storm.
• The Big Storm rainfall event is used as the global storm event (meaning that
storm will be used on every catchment in the model) in the Stormy Day
Rainfall Runoff Alternative, which is in turn used by the scenario called Stormy
• What you will actually run is the scenario, which makes use of all the
aforementioned data.

 Exercise: Changing Calculation Options

With the weir in the system, it is sometimes necessary to take somewhat
smaller time steps to avoid instability in the equations caused by the
sudden change in downstream flow conditions when the flow finally
overtops the weir.
1 To change the length of the time step, click the Calculation Options button
or select Analysis > Calculation Options from the menu.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Wet Weather Event

2 Add a new set of calculation options by clicking the New button and
naming the new options Time Step 0.005.

3 Double click on Time Step 0.005 and in the Properties manager, change
the Calculation Time Step to 0.005 hours.

4 Return to the Scenarios manager.

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Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Wet Weather Event

5 Click on the scenario Stormy Day, and in the Properties manager, set the
Calculation Options to the newly created option, Time Step 0.005.

 Exercise: Computing the Wet Weather Scenario

1 Back in the Scenarios manager, highlight the Stormy Day scenario and
click on the Make Current button to make this the current or active
2 Click the Compute button to run the scenario.
3 View the output and complete the results.
4 Look at how the profiles from this scenario differ from the ones for Dry
5 If you have extra time, try running the Stormy Day scenario with a larger
time step and compare the results, or you can also try deleting the
overflow line and re-run the scenario to see the effects of the storm on
the system without a diversion.

CSO Analysis (metric) 256 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Results Table

Results Table

Parameter Dry Day Stormy Day

Peak flow to Diversion (m3/s)

Peak flow to WWTP (m3/s)

Peak flow to Overflow (m3/s)

Duration of Overflow (hrs)

Capacity (Flow/Flow Full) (%) at hour 13 in CO-3

Workshop Review
Now that you have completed this workshop, let’s measure what you have

1 Why is the SCS method appropriate for determining runoff in combined
sewers but not sanitary sewers?

2 Why did we need to reduce time step size in stormy day run?

3 Was the ratio of peak dry weather flow to peak wet weather typical of
combined systems?

Nov-14 257 CSO Analysis (metric)

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

4 What would happen at the WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) if wet

weather flows were not diverted to the overflow?

5 What caused the weir in the diversion chamber to overflow?


Parameter Dry Day Stormy Day

Peak flow to Diversion (m3/s) 0.30 1.68

Peak flow to WWTP (m3/s) 0.30 0.71

Peak flow to Overflow (m3/s) 0 0.97

Duration of Overflow (hrs) 0 13.1

Capacity (Flow/Flow Full) (%) at hour 13 in CO-3 37.1 110.3

1 Why is the SCS method appropriate for determining runoff in combined

sewers but not sanitary sewers?
The SCS method computes the total amount of runoff from a drainage
basin that can be expected based on the land use and soil type present
and is intended for determining flows into stream networks. Storm and
combined sewer networks can reasonably be loaded by this method
because they are designed to collect most of the runoff from an area.
Sanitary sewers are designed to exclude surface runoff and there is no
means for adapting SCS Hydrograph results to account for the reduction in
volume and delay of peak caused by their entry into sanitary sewers via

CSO Analysis (metric) 258 Nov-14

Copyright © 2014 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Workshop Review

2 Why did we need to reduce time step size in stormy day run?
Starting and stopping of flow over weirs can lead to instability in numerical
solution. This instability can be overcome by using smaller time steps.

3 Was the ratio of peak dry weather flow to peak wet weather typical of
combined systems?
Yes, the flow was about 6 times larger which is not uncommon.

4 What would happen at the WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant) if wet

weather flows were not diverted to the overflow?
Plant would become hydraulically overloaded which could result in
process failure.

5 What caused the weir in the diversion chamber to overflow?

Pipes to the WWTP reached their full capacity and caused flow to back up
into the diversion chamber.

Nov-14 259 CSO Analysis (metric)

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Workshop Review

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