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ANALYSIS (Based on SSR 2012)

Labour Charges for Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade M-25 of specified diameter and length
below the pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement, Cement, Coarse aggregate, sand, but
including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the
pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by percussion drilling using Direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel technique by tripod and mechanical
Winch Machine all complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of
pile cap).

SSR 2012 SSR 2020

Code Description Unit Quantity
Rate Rs. Amount Rs. Rate Rs. Amount Rs.
Details of cost for 20 m length of pile
Concrete 3.14/4x0.60²x20 = 5.65 cum Steel
for 20m = 571.52 Kg
Bentonite tonne 0.33 3500 1155 2960 976.8
Sundries L.S. 110.00 1.6 176 2.27 249.7
Production cost of concrete by batch mix plant / ready
Cum 5.65 350 1977.5 350 1977.5
mixed plant.
Pumping charges of concrete including hire charges of
pump, carriage charges for all leads,piping work & Cum 5.65 130 734.5 210 1186.5
accessories etc

Hire and running charges of Tripod and Mechanical Winch

machine complete with power unit and accessories day 1.50 1700 2550 1900 2850.00
Hire and running charges of light crane. day 0.06 2300 138 3000 180.00
Hire and running charges of bentonite pump day 0.38 4400 1672 3684 1399.92
Hire and running charges of loader day 0.30 5000 1500 5377 1613.10
Hire and running charges of tipper day 0.30 2200 660 2500 750.00
Mistry day 0.12 450 54 733 87.96
Beldar day 3.00 300 900 503 1509.00
Mason (Average) day 0.96 450 432.23 700 672.35
Beldar day 11.30 300 3390 503 5683.90 Bhisti day 5.09 300 1525.5 569 2893.37
Vibrator Needle day 0.40 400 158.2 1000 395.50
Sundries L.S. 73.45 1.6 117.52 2.27 166.73
Blacksmith 1st class day 5.71 450 2569.5 733 4185.43
5.22.6 Beldar day 5.71 300 1713 503 2872.13
Sundries and binding wire L.S. 153.66 1.6 245.85 2.27 348.80
TOTAL 21668.79 29998.69
Add 1 % Water charges on "W" 216.69 299.99
TOTAL 21885.48 30298.67
Add GST on "X" (multiplying factor 0.1405) 3074.91 4256.96
TOTAL 24960.39 34555.64
Add 15% CPOH on "(Y)" 3744.06 5183.35
TOTAL 28704.45 39738.98
Add Cess @ 1% on "(Z)" 287.04 397.39
Cost of 20 rm 28991.50 40136.37
Cost of 1 rm 1449.57 2006.82

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