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Boy: See that boy, he is so rogue.

Girl: Misconducting oneself is not good. We should follow
some good steps to conduct ourselves in the class.
Boy: Yes, you are right. Being focused is the most
important thing.
Girl: Yes, it’s important to stay focused but along with this,
we should also,
1- Come Prepared
2- Talk less, Listen more
3- Switch off the phone
4- Respect our Mentors and
5- Follow Etiquettes
Boy: You are correct. We can be a good student by
following these perfect ways to behave in class. But can
you express more about conducting oneself in the class?
Girl: Yeah sure! Let’s see how these steps are to be
followed and what we should do to behave in the class.

(Stay Focused)
1. Keep your eyes on the teacher rather than wandering
here and there. This causes you to be distracted more and
eventually it becomes the main reason for missing out on
what is being taught and explained. Explanations are best
when the teacher herself or himself gives it and you then
counter question in case there is something you do not
understand or you have a doubt about it.

(Come Prepared)
2. Coming to class prepared in advance gives an edge over
the other students and even makes you more visible in the
eyes of the teacher. You are able to answer questions as
you have a little prior knowledge and you will even be able
to ask doubts. Being prepared with all the stationary will
help you be able to note down the important things your
teacher says and not only it gives you an edge over others
as you understand better but also you already have your
notes in action saving your time from writing and providing
you more time for self-study.

(Talk less, Listen more)

3. Talking while the teacher is teaching will lead you to miss
out on important things that the teacher is teaching and you
might find yourself lost later. Listening should be your
priority here and then asking doubts about what you heard
and could not understand. Teachers tend to like people who
ask doubts over those who do not.

(Shut off your phone)

4. This is a very kind gesture to keep your phone either
switched off or silent. This eliminates any kind of distraction.
You can fully concentrate on what you are being taught.

(Respect your Mentors)

5. Respect the person who has come to teach you. You
must understand that they have their life too and they have
their own battles. Sometimes you might find them a little
irritated or annoyed. In times like this, rather than judging
them, you must understand that they are behaving the way
they are because they have a lot of things in their mind.
Therefore, look at them with a feeling of empathy rather
than hatred or anger.

(Following Etiquettes)
5. Raising your hand when you have a doubt, asking for
permission if you wish to move from one seat to another,
and asking for permission if you wish to drink water or wish
to use the washroom are a few etiquettes that every student
is expected to know and follow. A few etiquettes you might
be unaware about are, asking the teacher or professor for
water, waiting for him or her to finish and asking doubts
only after that, waiting for your turn to speak rather than
interrupting anyone else and it is a very good gesture to
stand whenever you are being asked to answer.

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