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Speak Your Mind 3

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1 Choose True or False.

1 A veterinarian usually looks after pets and farm animals. T rue / False

2 A zoologist studies animals that live in the sea. T rue / False

3 A dog handler breeds different types of dogs. T rue / False

4 A zookeeper looks after wild animals kept in zoos. T rue / False

5 A wildlife photographer takes pictures of animals in their natural habitat. T rue / False

Score: /5

2 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 I can’t solve/solution this problem on my own—I need your help.

2 Only a very power/powerful computer can run this graphics program.

3 Listening to music while I work improves my creative/creativity.

4 In my opinion, AI is a dangerous/danger development.

5 AI will cause unemployment/employee to rise as more and more people lose their jobs.

Score: /5


3 Choose the correct answers (a, b, or c) to complete the email.

Hi Cassie,
How are you?
You wanted some information about what it’s like to be 1 dog handler. As you know, I work for 2 police. My
job is to train dogs to help us catch 3 criminals. It’s hard work, but I love my job. At the moment, I’m working with
4 young Alsatian puppy named Rikki. He’s incredibly quick and smart.
When you work with animals, you learn a lot about 5 animal behavior and about yourself, too.
Hope this helps you with your choice of career.
1 aa b an c the
2 aa b– c the
3 a an b– ca
4 a the ba c–
5 a– b an c the

Score: /5

4 Check (✔) the correct sentences. Rewrite the sentences that have mistakes. T here is at least one correct

1 Your car isn’t parked outside, isn’t it?

2 He doesn’t like a cheese in his ham sandwich.

3 We can’t take the dog abroad, are we?

4 It takes at least a year to train a police dog, doesn’t it?

5 Vets are fantastic people who really love animals.

Score: /5

5 In each pair of sentences, there is one correct and one incorrect sentence. Check (✔) the correct sentences.

1 I will call you as soon as I get to the office.

I call you as soon as I will get to the office.

2 He leave before they will fire him.

He will leave before they fire him.

3 I will write the report after I have lunch.

I write the report after I will have lunch.

4 When we go on vacation, will we stay in a hotel?

When we will go on vacation, we stay in a hotel?

5 Don’t do anything until he will call.

Don’t do anything until he calls.

Score: /5
6 Complete the sentences with the correct present perf ect progressive f orms of the verb in parentheses.

1 We (work) on this project since the beginning of the year.

2 He (not come) to the sports center for very long.

3 I (think) of starting my own business for some time now.

4 T hey (not use) this program for more than a month.

5 I see that you (paint) today. I love the new color of the kitchen.

Score: /5

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