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WORKSHOP SESSION NUMBER 1: Telling the time, Prepositions of time, Linking words, ‘wh

questions’ review


• The following is a short explanation about the topics seen in class:

There are two common ways of telling the to and the forthcoming hour for
time: minutes 31 through 59.
Example: 7.15 - fifteen minutes past
- Formal but easier way:
Say the hours first and then the
Example: 7.45 - fifteen minutes to
Example: 7:45 - seven forty-five
Another possibility of saying '15
For minutes 01 through 09, you can
minutes' is: a quarter
pronounce the '0' as oh.
Another possibility of saying '30
Example: 11:06 - eleven (oh) six
minutes' is: half

- More popular way:

- Note
Say the minutes first and then the
Use o'clock only at the full hour.
hours. Use past and the preceding
Example: 7:00 - seven o'clock (but
hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use
7:10 - ten past seven)

Taking into account the use of wh

questions seen in here, Let’s
review the different uses of
prepositions used to answer
questions related to time

Taken from:

For example:

- What time is the concert?

- It’s at 5 o´clock
- When do you excercise?
- I excercise on Mondays and
- When’s your birthday?
- My birthday is in December

Note: You can’t contract a ‘WH

question’ with verb to-be ‘are’

- What time’s the concert? ☺

- What time´re the concert?

You can’t contract a ‘WH questions’

with verb to-be ‘is’ when it is followed
by ‘it’

- Where´s the play? ☺

- Where is it? ☺
- Where’s it?
Taken from:

• Taking into account the previous explanations solve the next excercises:

1. What time is it? Write in numbers.

1. It’s seven thirty - ………………….. 6. It’s ten past eleven-…………………….

2. It’s five to ten - …………………….. 7. It’s a quarter to three- ………………

3. It’s one to one - ……………………. 8. It’s four thirty-five - ………………….

4. It’s a quarter past three - ………. 9. It’s twelve o’clock - …………………….

5. It’s eight forty-five - ……………… 10. It’s two fifty-five. - …………………

2. Look at the clocks and write the time.

Taken from:

3. Complete the sentences. Use in, on or at.

1. My parents aren’t here …………the moment. 15. I usually have a party ………… my birthday.

2. I’m meeting my friend ………… Tuesday.

3. The train leaves ……….. half past seven ………..

the morning.

4. She was born ……….. 1995.

5. I usually phone my friends ………. the weekend.

6. We have a special meal ……….. Christmas.

7. I usually brush my teeth ………… the evening

before I go to bed.

8. Her birthday is ………… the fifth of June.

9. My brother likes to get up ………… Sunrise.

10. I started doing my homework ……… eight o’clock

and finished only ………… midnight.

11. In France it often snows …………. winter.

12. Kate got married ……….. the age of 19.

13. Policemen usually work ………… night.

14. Our parents will be back ………. an hour.

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