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Would you like to save the world?

Not really, no

Charlotte Laskowski & Snow Battle

Special thanks to SNOW, BINARY STAR, JARED, JESS,
and everyone else who got a little hype for this

P.S. THIS IS A DEMO. The full game of HAPPY99

will be for co-op/campaign play against a GM (God
Machine). This demo, when finished, will be
released as a CD BOOKLET alongside the full game.
For any comments, reviews, concerns, balance
issues, etc please email!

Charlotte Laskowski


If you’ve
Mauris got
vitaea landline
mauris sit
a computer
est rhoncus
that isn’t
lao- On 7/27/1996 2:28 PM, Mouse M. wrote:
Curabiturwell, you > On 7/27/1996 2:27 PM, x_star_x wrote:
I mean,
vel egestas
come on >> Do you really think they’re just picking people
it’s nottellus purus >> off the street? You can’t be serious
that hard.
on it.
quisKick >>
kid sisterduioff
nislthea I’d tell you to read the rules but I assume you did
already and get because you managed to break all of them. First off,
online. Clock is ticking.
Nulla vestibulum elei-
I. SO_YOU_WANT_TO_BE_A_HACKER———————————-1
potenti. Aliquam turpis nisi, venenatis non, accumsan nec, imperdiet
A NewInComputer——————-—————2
purus est, mattis eget, imperdiet nec, fermentum
Using tortor.
Your NewAenean
ut nibh. Nullam hendrerit viverra dolor. Vesti-
a System
in HAPPY99———————7
id viverra malesuada, enim mi adipiscing ligu-
et bibendum lacus lectus id sem. Cras risus turpis, varius ac, feu-
giat id, faucibus vitae, massa. Nunc gravida nonummy felis. Etiam
suscipit, est sit amet suscipit sodales, est neque suscipit erat, nec
suscipit sem enim eget leo. In porttitor rutrum leo. Ut eget leo.
Nulla quis nibh. Proin ac pede vel ligula facilisis gravida. Phasellus
purus. Etiam sapien. Duis diam urna, iaculis ut, vehicula ac, varius
sit amet, mi. Donec id nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer fringilla.
Duis lobortis, quam non volutpat suscipit, magna sem consequat libero,
ac hendrerit urna ante id mi. Quisque commodo facilisis tellus. Integer
sodales lorem sed nisl. Morbi consectetuer mauris quis odio. Ut dolor
lorem, viverra vitae, viverra eu, euismod nec, enim. Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

A B C D E F To build a computer, buy

_ _ _ _ _ _ parts and snap them in on the
0 |_|_|_|_|_|_| motherboard in rows 6-9. Each
1 |_|_|_|_|_|_| part has a rank from I to IV
2 |_|_|_|_|_|_| <== Programs which determines how much
3 |_|_|_|_|_|_| space (denoted by consecutive
4 |_|_|_|_|_|_| grid squares) it takes up in
5 |_|_|_|_|_|_| your PC, and also how power-
_ _ _ _ _ _ ful it is.
6 |_|_|_|_|_|_|
7 |_|_|_|_|_|_| <== Computer
8 |_|_|_|_|_|_|
9 |_|_|_|_|_|_|
MOBO => The grid squares from A-F and 6-9, where you plug in your SIMMs,
CPU, and EXTRAZ. The brand of mobo you choose determines a little bit
about how your PC runs, on page XX.

SIMM => Small card plugged into your motherboard that contains random
access memory. Determines how many programs and scripts you can run at
the same time. Comes in a straight line, and each rank comes as one
square: the total number of SIMM ranks determines the total rank and
number of programs that can be operating at once.

CPU => The rating of your CPU is the number of actions you can take on
your turn, but their effectiveness is based on the SIMM rating. Form a
square shape. Each rank takes one square and grants an extra action.


EXTRAZ => A killer keyboard, the loudest speakers this side of Edge
City, or a floppy disk reader loaded up with an extra script – these are
just some the extras you can plug into your mobo to streamline your
hacking, explained on page XX.

OS => There are two types of OSes, one with a GUI (graphical user inter-
face) which makes it easier to do basic tasks, and one without, which
frees up resources. More on page XX.

NIC => Network interface controller, aka the thing that gets you on the
Net. This controls how fast you can upload your own scripts: when exe-
cuting scripts, you execute 2 actions per rank of your NIC.

PlatinumX => “We get the job done.” The most popular and basic mobo.
Moderate space. It uses a specialized overclocking system to boost its
own power.
**If equipped with 2 or more SIMMs of the same rank, the CPU runs as if
one rank higher, up to rank V.**

MiniMax => “Is that a rocket in your pocket?” Pocket-sized and power-
ful. Streamlined for specialized tasks (and hacking).
**If Program ranks meet SIMM rank exactly, the Program runs as if one
rank higher.**

Your motherboard also has slots for plugging in the extra partz you
need to crack the systems of your enemies, at the cost of using up more
space you could’ve plugged in an extra SIMM to.
FLOPPY DISK => A floppy disk reader plugged into your computer means
you can write two scripts at once, choosing which script to write to
when you take that action, and which script to use when you want to
unleash it. [2X3]
DVORAK KEYBOARD => You’re on that DVORAK keyboard game and you can type
faster than your peers on QWERTY boards. You can add an action to a
script at the end of the turn without using another action. [3X2]
LOUD SPEAKERS => You’ve got your hacking jams and your sunglasses on in
the dark room and now you hack just a little cooler. You choose the
music playing while you’re hacking each other, and you get +1 to your
MALWARE rolls. [2X4]

Open USING_YOUR_NEW_COMPUTER.txt to find out how to install the OS and

programs you’ll need to be an elite hacker.


The rest of the computer’s grid (squares 0-5, A-F) is made up of your
programs. These can fill up your grid, but the more running programs,
the easier it is for one to become a vulnerability.

OS => This decides how you interface with your PC, and has specialized
access to the programs you use or how you use them.

GUI are easy but require 1 rank of your total SIMMs to run. The benefits
of this are multi-tasking. **You can add an action to a script at the
end of the turn without using another action.**

Terminals (text interfaces) are more advanced and don't require extra
resources. **You can run one more Program (background_process, malware,
or protection) than the limit of your SIMMs.**

FILE_SYSTEM => The file system is a 2x2 section on your programs grid
that stores on of your confidential files that the opponent(s) are try-
ing to hack into and remove from your system. You need at least one
file_system on your computer, but the more that you have, the harder it
is to find the confidential files.

The HAPPY99 Demo is a two or more player PVP game that uses opposed 2d6
rolls modified by your parts or programs. Each player builds their com-
puter, loads it up with desired programs and firewall configuration,
and then selects three secret locations in their filesystem and parts
as "confidential files” or “confs” for short. After these initial
preparations, the hacking begins.

Players keep their grids hidden from each other and only reveal infor-
mation as needed. Commands (page xx) are used to explore and gather
information about opposing systems until a player is ready to strike.

All actions require choosing a target grid square - A0 or C3 for exam-

ple - then rolling to see if the action is successful. The player with
the least amount of turns available goes first, which can change as the
game goes on. The goal is to find and cp (copy) 2/3 of the opposing
confs, all while protecting your own.

Careful what you say - information revealed by accident is entirely

legal for use in play! Should you ever accidentally reveal a square you
possess has confidential information stored within, your opponent is
under no impetus to play nice and ignore it!

Good luck!


A command does not require system resources to use, and always takes
one action. They are used to learn about the opponent’s system, from
the configuration and ranking of parts, to the location of the fire-
wall. Important in making targeted strikes rather than wasting your
resources hacking haphazardly.

cp => Copy an unprotected square from their file-system to your system.

You must reveal if the selected square is one of the confs.

encrypt => Protect a filesystem, making it more difficult for opponents

to use their commands on that part. The rank of the encryption is equal
to the number of actions spent encrypting. For each action spent
encrypting, you lose that action later in the round.

decrypt => Used to crack the encryption on desired parts. The rank of
this command is equivalent to the number of actions spent to decrypt.
Roll 2d6+DECRYPT vs the opponent’s 2d6+ENCRYPT. For each action spent
decrypting, you lose that action later in the turn.

df => Reveals what programs are located directly next to and touching
the chosen square. This does not reveal what is on the chosen square.
If the program or square is covered by Firewall or another background_
process, it only reveals that it is covered by Firewall (even if cov-
ered by another background_process.)

fsck => Repair a damaged file-system, program, or firewall square.

stat => Reveals information about the chosen unencrypted square. 1st
use: What is on the square & if it’s covered by a firewall
2nd use, if program: Rank of program
2nd use, if filesystem: Confidental file or not on that square
2nd use, if background_process: Type of background_process/firewall

rm => Deletes the chosen square unless it is covered by a firewall,

tarpit, or trojan, in which case it will damage that firewall. This
lowers the rank of the program by the amount of squares damaged. You
must reveal if the selected square is one of the confs. You do not want
to `rm` a conf, and if two confs are deleted, you lose.

fw => If used as `fw allow`, it disables the firewall, tarpit, or tro-

jan on that square. Using `fw deny` re-enables a disabled firewall.


Programs are divided into three categories: MALWARE, BACKGROUND_PRO-
CESS, and PROTECTION. Malware is used offensively, and protection pro-
grams are used defensively. Each program takes up as many squares as
its rank in any configuration, and costs its rank in SIMM capacity to
run. Currently running programs are switched as an action.

FIREWALL => Firewalls are placed on the grid in any number and any con-
figuration, and protect squares surrounding them on the top, bottom,
and sides. When a program is to be unleashed on the square protected by
the firewall, it is diverted to the firewall first.

TROJAN => Overlays a section of your grid. Once activated, instead of

protecting the square, it infects your opponent with a Malware or
script of your choice at the location of your choice without an oppos-
ing roll.
The opponent rolls 2d6+FIREWALL vs 2d6+MALWARE_USED to remove the mal-

TAR_PIT => A tar_pit is placed on the grid similarly to a Firewall.

Once activated It reduces the opponents actions by its rank (minimum
1). Roll 2d6+CPU vs 2d6+TAR_PIT each turn to remove it.

Malware (Malicious Software) is any program, software, or script used
offensively to damage a system.

KEYLOGGER => When a keylogger is placed in an opponent’s file-system,

all actions added to a script must be relayed back to the creator of the
keylogger. Roll 2d6+FIREWALL vs the creator’s 2d6+KEYLOGGER to remove.
MEMORY_LEAK => Inflict a memory leak on a program, overloading the SIMM
running that program. Each program or background_process run by that
SIMM is shut down until the memory leak is fixed with a 2d6+FIREWALL vs
the opponent’s 2d6+MEMORY_LEAK.
RANSOMWARE => You lock up a single file-system so that it is unable to
be accessed. Reveals if there is any confs in the system, but not which
squares they are in. Background_Processes cannot affect file-systems
infected with ransomware. Roll 2d6+RANSOMWARE vs the opponent’s 2d6+-
FIREWALL to place, and 2d6+DECRYPT vs the 2d6+RANSOMWARE to remove.
WORM => When a worm is placed on an infected square, it performs the
`stat` command. At the beginning of your next turn, it travels to a
random square directly orthogonal to it, and repeats this action. The
program must be running to maintain this effect. If a WORM runs into a
background_process, roll 2d6+WORM vs 2d6+BACKGROUND_PROCESS to deter-
mine if the background_process is activated. Roll 2d6+FIREWALL vs 2d6+-
WORM to remove.


Protection software, anti-malware, anti-virus – meant to protect your
system from malicious actors.

FIREWALL_REPAIR => This program automatically fixes 1 square of Fire-

wall damage for every rank of the program.

MALWARE_CHOMP => Add the rating of this program to any roll used to
remove malware from your system.

You don’t always have to use pre-made programs when you want to hack
someone, script kiddie. Instead of taking a regular action, you can
instead use your action to secretly record a command in a script. If
your opponent has a keylogger, you’ll have to tell them what steps you
record, but not before it is added or after it is removed. To enact a
script, you use your entire turn, and all of the recorded actions are
taken at once up to the limit of your NIC in the sequence they were
recorded. This can be more or less actions than you’d normally be able
to take in a turn. Any remaining actions on your script will be taken at
the beginning of your next turn, and you may take your action normally
after they have resolved. Each script can only be used once.



A B C D E F This is my personal build, as of writing

__ __ __ __ __ __ this guide. It can be a little confusing,
0 |FS|FS|FW|FW|vv|RW| but I’ll walk you through it!
1 |FS|CF|FS|FS|vv|RW| SOFTWARE - OS: Terminal
2 |RW|TJ|CF|FS|vv|ML|
3 |^^|CF|FS|FW|KL|FW| A0, A1, B0, B1 => The first file-server,
4 |^^|FS|FS|ML|<<|<<| with one conf on B1.
5 |^^|WM|MC|<<|<<|<<| C1, C2, D1, D2 => The second file-server,
__ __ __ __ __ __ with one conf on C2.
__ __ __ __ __ __ B3, B4, C3, C4 => The third file-server,
6 |S1|<<|<<|<<|SP|SP| with one conf on B3.
7 |S2|<<|<<|<<|^^|^^|
8 |CU|<<|NC|S3|^^|^^| A2 - A5 => Rank IV Ransomware
9 |^^|<<|^^|<<|^^|^^| B2 => Rank I Trojan
__ __ __ __ __ __
B5 => Rank I Worm
C0, D0 => Rank II Firewall HARDWARE - MOBO: MiniMax
C5, D5, E5, F5 => Rank IV Malware_Chomp A6, B6, C6, D6 => Rank IV SIMM
D3 => Rank I Firewall A7, B7, C7, D7 => Rank IV SIMM
D4, E4, F4 => Rank III Memory_Leak A8, B8, A9, B9 => Rank IV CPU
E0 - E3 => Rank IV Keylogger C8, C9, D9 => Rank III NIC
F0, F1 => Rank II Ransomware D8 => Rank I SIMM
F2 => Rank I Memory_Leak E6 - E9, F6 - F9 => Speakers
**Remember, not everything is activated at once, it depends on who,
what, and how you’re hacking your opponent!**


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