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My heartfelt congratulations to the graduates

of _______________. T h e d i v i s i o n o f C e b u C i t y
has been fortunate in producing additional
functionally-literate, devoted and talented learners
this year. Our young pupils have given respect and
glory to our school and division by continuing to root
for their dreams and cultivating resiliency despite the
terribly high hurdles and challenging circumstances
that you have all conquered.

Graduates, it is with great honor and joy that you have once again harnessed
the power with one of your life's main chapters. With the challenges you have been
through in the pursuit of completing your education, we have witnessed how tough
and steadfast you are. In facing these hardships of life, you have overcome these
struggles and succeeded in many, if not all, of your chosen undertakings. Recalling
these encounters brings joy to me that you have times of crisis. Kudos to this
achievement of your life!

The befitting theme of this year’s graduation, K to 12 Graduates: Molded

through a Resilient Educational Foundation, truly describes you graduates. As you
have conquered this academic level prove to the world that you can achieve your
dreams and aspirations in the pinnacle of success of your life even if you face a far
more daunting prospect and formidable barriers that could loom your way. Pursue
every ambition, go as far as you can possibly dream of and be the first generation to
grab a new duty, an obligation to transform your community.

As you leave your Alma Mater, remember to thank your teachers for providing
you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to help you conquer all of life's
problems. Continue to pray for God's guidance as you work toward the attainment
of your goals.

I send my heartfelt gratitude to the parents, guardians, principals, teachers,

and all those who have been instrumental and supportive of these young learners for
their efforts and sacrifices in carrying out the noble work of preparing our children
for a much larger world. Everything you do for them is immeasurable since the love,
care, and guidance you provided them are all from the heart.

Graduates, the world is yours now and I can’t hardly wait to see what you make
of it.

Always remember to do your best and surely God will do the rest for you.
Good luck and God bless.


Schools Division Superintendent

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