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1. Communication involves three components which are

a) Long, short and medium
b) Basic, major and minor
c) Verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal
d) First, second and foreign
Ans C
2. Other ways for describing nonverbal messages are the following
a) Gestures
b) Body language
c) Facial expressions
d) Talking
Ans D
3. A characteristic of an effective communicator is that
a) He must take cognizance of his or her audience and
communicate according to the level of their understanding
b) He must use ambiguous expressions
c) He doesn’t need to have a clear mind to convey his thoughts
d) Barriers to effective communication are not to be prevented
when communicating with his audience
Ans A

4. ------------------is the stage when a listener focuses attention on
particular sounds or messages to receive the information therein.
a) Storing
b) Decoding
c) Concentration
d) Reception
Ans D
5. In -----------------------stage of a listening process, the listener
keeps information for future retrieval
a) Accepting
b) Decoding
c) Storing
d) Retrieval
Ans C
6. Another name that can be given to an encoder of a message is
a) Listener
b) Receiver
c) Hearer
d) Speaker
Ans D
7. At ---------------------- stage, a listener interprets the intended
message of the speaker and compares it with his own

a) Interpreting
b) Comparing
c) Accepting
d) Reception
Ans C
8. ------------------ helps a student to be actively involved and
concentrate better in a teaching learning situation
a) Note making
b) Notetaking
c) Note meditation
d) Note keeping
Ans B
9. Note taking does the following except
a) It makes vital information handy
b) It guides the student into individual research
c) It reduces concentration
d) It helps to record main points made by the lecturer
Ans C
10. One out of the following is important when taking note
a) Do not use abbreviations
b) Do not compare notes taken in class with that of your colleagues
c) Do not make an outline of information received from a lecture
d) Do not write verbatim lecturers’ explanation

Ans D
11. While listening the following should be done except
a) Listen for topics and themes
b) Listen for main ideas
c) Differentiate between facts and opinions
d) Listening with our eyes and ears is unimportant
Ans D
12. The strategy for study reading is
a) SR3Q
b) S3QR
c) SQ3R
d) SRQ3
Ans C
13. Bad reading habits will ----------------
a) Increase assimilation
b) Lead to slow reading
c) Facilitate comprehension
d) Develop ones reading speed
Ans B
14. The act of having a dialogue with a written text is -------------
a) speaking
b) telephoning
c) writing

d) reading
Ans D
15. The reading technique that helps to locate a specific
information is -----------------
a) Skipping
b) Surfing
c) Skimming
d) Scheming
Ans C
16. ------------------ communication cannot make use of any of the
non-verbal aspects of communication
a) Reading
b) Listening
c) Speaking
d) Written
Ans D
17. The first writing stage in a writing exercise is --------
a) Post writing
b) Writing
c) Prewriting
d) Media writing
Ans C

18. ------------- is the stage where there is logical arrangement of
information gathered
a) Flesh up stage
b) Writing stage
c) Prewriting stage
d) Post writing stage
Ans B
19. Corrections are made at --------------- stage of writing.
a) Correcting
b) Post writing
c) Writing
d) Prewriting
Ans B
20. -----------------is a detailed statement of the content and
structure of a piece of writing
a) Sketching
b) Paragraphing
c) Paralinguing
d) Outlining
Ans D
21. Some of the factors to avoid when studying as a student are
the following except
a) Physical noise

b) Psychological noise
c) Being able to differentiate between facts and opinions of the
d) Intelligent quotient
Ans D
22. Intensive reading is meant to be done on
a) Short text
b) Wide text
c) Large text
d) Big text
Ans A
23. Extensive reading helps to achieve the following except
a) Building language competence
b) Develop confidence
c) Improves ones reading skills
d) Makes a text under study well comprehended
Ans D
24. We read in order to ---------except
a) Investigate
b) Develop our vocabulary
c) Exercise the brain
d) Learn to politicize
Ans D

25. A rough sketch of what is to be written is done at -------------
stage of writing
a) Pre
b) Mid
c) Post
d) Writing
Ans A
26. A good writeup must have these qualities except
a) Simplicity
b) Adequate development
c) Clarity
d) Regressive eye movement
Ans D
27. In the formula SQR3, the first R stands for --------------
a) Rehabilitate
b) Reconstruct
c) Revise
d) Read
Ans D
28. S in study formula stands for -----------------
a) Study
b) Survey
c) Skimming

d) Sub vocalization
Ans B
29. The last R in the three Rs of study formula is-----------------
a) Read
b) Recall
c) Review
d) Rapt attention
Ans C
30. ---------------------is the vehicle that conveys communication
a) Conveyor
b) Community
c) Singing
d) Language
Ans D.


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